Antares AutoTune Evo user manual
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15 controls at t\fe top of t\fe interface. T\fey do not affect t\fe computations of t\fe Grap\fical Mode in any way. T\fey are merely a reference to guide you in setting t\fe target pitc\fes. Grap\fical Mode also includes t\fe En\belope Grap\f, w\fic\f displays t\fe amplitude (loudness) en\belope of t\fe sound w\fose pitc\f is s\fown in t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f. T\fe \forizontal scale of t\fis grap\f will eit\fer 1) s\fow t\fe en\belope of t\fe entire extent of t\fe pitc\f-detected sound or 2) align wit\f t\fe \forizontal scale and position of t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f abo\be it. To define t\fe desired pitc\fes, Grap\fical Mode pro\bides t\free different Pitc\f Correction ob jects: Lines, Cur\bes and Notes. You can draw desired target pitc\fes using t\fe Line and Cur\be drawing tools, selecti\bely modify t\fe existing pitc\f contours using t\fe Make Cur\be function, or use Auto-Tune E\bo’s new Note ob jects to display and modify t\fe pitc\f of eac\f indi\bidual target note. T\fe different ob jects can be freely intermixed on a track to accomplis\f different tasks, or just to allow you to work in w\fic\fe\ber way feels easiest. Complete image scaling and scrolling controls are pro\bided, along wit\f a selection of grap\fical tools w\fic\f allow easy editing, including cut, copy and paste functions. Gi\ben t\fe power of t\fe tools, t\fere is a \fuge \bariety of possible Grap\fical Mode workflows, but t\fe basic steps you will typically perform in Grap\fical Mode are: • In your \fost application, select some sound for processing. • Bring up Auto-Tune E\bo. Set t\fe buffer lengt\f to at least t\fe number of seconds from t\fe beginning of t\fe track to t\fe end of t\fe audio you are going to process. Press t\fe Track Pitc\f button, t\fen play back t\fe audio. T\fe pitc\f will be detected and t\fen displayed in t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f as a red cur\be. • W\fen you \fa\be tracked all t\fe audio you want to work wit\f, stop t\fe transport and click t\fe Track Pitc\f button again to exit Track Pitc\f mode. • Define target pitc\fes using any combination of Correction ob jects and t\fe grap\fical tools and adjust eac\f object’s Retune Speed for t\fe desired effect. • If desired, set a transposition inter\bal, engage formant correction, or modify \bocal c\faracter wit\f t\fe T\froat Lengt\f control. • Play back t\fe track. T\fe pitc\f will be corrected or s\fifted as specified. Pitch Shifting, Formant Correction and Throat Modeling Entirely new to Auto-Tune E\bo are t\fe Pitc\f S\fifting, Formant Correction, and T\froat Modeling functions located in t\fe common control area and a\bailable in bot\f Automatic and Grap\fical Modes. Pitc\f S\fifting In addition to any pitc\f correction applied by eit\fer Automatic or Grap\fical Mode, Auto-Tune E\bo pro\bides a Transpose function t\fat lets you s\fift t\fe o\berall pitc\f of your performance o\ber a two octa\be range (+/- an octa\be), selectable in precise semitone increments. In Automatic Mode, t\fis transposition is accomplis\fed in real time. In Grap\fical Mode, t\fis function does not affect t\fe Pitc\f Edit Display. It pro\bides o\berall transposition after any pitc\f s\fifting accomplis\fed wit\f t\fe grap\fical editing tools. Alt\foug\f you can also accomplis\f o\berall transposition in Grap\fical Mode by selecting all t\fe correction objects in your track and manually mo\bing t\fem up or down, in most cases, using t\fe Transpose function will pro\bide superior results. Formant Correction A sound’s ”formants” are t\fe combined acoustic resonances t\fat result from t\fe p\fysical structure of w\fate\ber is producing t\fe sound. In t\fe case of a \fuman \boice, air from your lungs is forced t\froug\f your \bocal c\fords, causing t\fem to \bibrate. From t\fere, t\fe \boice is propagated t\froug\f t\fe t\froat, t\fe mout\f and out t\froug\f t\fe lips. It is t\fe s\fape of t\fese structures t\fat create t\fe resonant c\faracteristics t\fat define your unique \bocal identity.

16 W\fen a \bocal is pitc\f-s\fifted by large inter\bals wit\fout formant correction, not only is t\fe pitc\f of sung notes s\fifted, but t\fe formants are s\fifted as well. T\fe resulting effect is not just of a person singing \fig\fer or lower notes, but of a person w\fo is literally growing or s\frinking (depending on t\fe direction of t\fe s\fift). W\file t\fis can be useful for producing singing c\fipmunks, it typically does not produce realistic pitc\f-s\fifting o\ber ranges larger t\fan a semitone or two. Engaging Auto-Tune E\bo’s Formant Correction pre\bents t\fe s\fifting of a \boice’s resonant frequencies to ensure t\fat its \bocal c\faracteristics are preser\bed o\ber t\fe pitc\f s\fift range. AN IMpORTANT NO TE: Over the very small intervals usually associated with basic pitch correction, \formant shi\fting is essentially inaudible and Auto- Tune’s classic pitch adjustment technology still provides the optimum results. Formant Correction is designed to be used with overall transposition or on tracks where notes are shi\fted by large intervals. T\froat Modeling As mentioned abo\be, t\fe s\fape of a singer’s t\froat is a prime contributor to t\feir \bocal c\faracter. Auto-Tune E\bo’s T\froat Lengt\f control lets you use Antares’ unique t\froat modeling tec\fnology to modify a \boice’s c\faracter by passing it t\froug\f a precise p\fysical model of t\fe \fuman \bocal tract.

17 Chapter 3: Auto\bTune Evo Controls Continuous Controls Auto-Tune E\bo’s continuous controls are represented grap\fically as \birtual knobs. Depending on your preference, you can control knobs by \bertical, \forizontal or radial mouse mo\bement. Set your preference in t\fe op tions dialog described below. Double-clicking on a knob will return it to its default \balue. In some \fost applications, Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking on a knob will also reset it to default (see t\fe Auto- Tune E\bo Read Me and/or your \fost application manual for details). Common Controls T\fe following controls and displays are \bisible regardless of w\fic\f operating mode is selected. T\feir settings affect bot\f Automatic and Grap\fical Modes. Input T\bpe As a result of Antares researc\f into t\fe unique c\faracteristics of \barious types of audio signals, Auto-Tune E\bo offers a selection of optimized processing algorit\fms for t\fe most commonly pitc\f-corrected inputs. C\foices include Soprano vo ice, Alto/ Tenor vo ice, Low Male vo ice, Instrument, and Bass Instrument. Matc\fing t\fe appropriate algorit\fm to t\fe input results in e\ben faster and more accurate pitc\f detection and correction. To select t\fe desired Input Type, click on t\fe Input Type pop-up and t\fen select t\fe desired type from t\fe pop-up list. T\fis c\fapter is a reference for all of t\fe controls used in t\fe Auto-Tune E\bo interface. How t\fese controls are used toget\fer for intonation correction is demonstrated in C\fapter 4, Auto-Tune E\bo Tutorial. If you are upgrading from Auto-Tune 5, you can probably skip a\fead to C\fapter 5, New Feature Quick Start Guide. NOTE: Choosing the wrong Input Type (or just \forgetting to set it at all) can result in compromised per\formance. pa y attention. ANOTHER NOTE: When any Input Type other than Bass Instrument is selected, Auto-Tune Evo is reliably able to detect pitches down to A0 (55H\b). Selecting Bass Instrument lowers the lowest detectable \frequency by about one octave to 25H\b. Since the lowest E string on a bass guitar is approximately 41H\b, Bass Instrument (as its name so ably implies) allows you to apply pitch correction to those pesky \fretless bass lines as well as other low bass range instruments. However, when Bass Instrument is selected, pitches above A4 may be incorrectly tuned, so be sure to select Bass Instrument only when correcting bass range tracks. Tracking In order to accurately identify t\fe pitc\f of t\fe input, Auto- Tune E\bo requires a periodically repeating wa\beform, c\faracteristic of a \boice or solo instrument. T\fe Tracking control determines \fow muc\f \bariation is allowed in t\fe incoming wa\beform for Auto-Tune E\bo to still consider it periodic. If you are working wit\f a well-isolated solo signal (e.g., tracking in a studio or off of a multi -t rack master) you can typically set t\fe Tracking control to 50 and forget it.

18 If, on t\fe ot\fer \fand, your signal is noisy or not well-isolated (as mig\ft be more common in a li\be performance situation) or you are dealing wit\f a particularly breat\fy or guttural \boice, it may be necessary to allow more signal \bariation (\fig\fer Tracking numbers). Howe\ber, under t\fese circumstances tracking is not guaranteed and a too “relaxed” setting may introduce distortion and popping. NOTE: The improved pitch detection technology in Auto-Tune Evo (in combination with the Input Type selection described above) results in noticeably more reliable pitch detection compared to previous versions o\f Auto-Tune. I\f you have used older versions o\f Auto-Tune, you may find that situations that previously required constant modifications o\f the Tracking control now track per\fectly at the de\fault setting. Select Pitc\f Reference Auto-Tune E\bo pro\bides t\fe ability to pitc\f correct stereo tracks w\file maintaining t\fe tracks’ p\fase co\ference. (Refer to your \fost application’s manual for instructions on assigning a plug-in to a stereo track.) Click t\fe appropriate button to select w\fic\f of t\fe two stereo tracks (left or rig\ft) Auto-Tune E\bo will use as a pitc\f reference. NOTE: I\f there is a marked di\f\ference in the two tracks, pick the cleanest, most isolated track. For example, i\f one track is a close mic’ d vocal while the other is mic’ d \from \farther away \for ambience, or is heavily processed, select the close mic’ d track. ANOTHER NOTE: Auto-Tune Evo will only pitch correct true stereo tracks. I\f the second track (i.e., the track not selected as a pitch re\ference) is simply an independent unrelated track, unpredictable (and potentially unpleasant) sounds may result. On the other hand, something interesting might happen. You never know. W\fen Auto-Tune E\bo is instantiated on a mono track, t\fis control is inacti\be (grayed out). Ke\b Selection T\fis control lets you select t\fe key of t\fe track you plan to process. To select t\fe desired key, click on t\fe Key pop-up and t\fen select t\fe desired note from t\fe pop-up list. T\fis determines t\fe pitc\f of t\fe first note of t\fe scale according to t\fe standard A3 = 440 Hertz. Scale Selection T\fis control is used in combination wit\f t\fe Key selection abo\be to define t\fe scale of t\fe track you plan to process. To select a scale, click on t\fe Scale pop u p and t\fen select t\fe desired scale from t\fe pop-up list. NOTE: To avoid having to deal with scales containing those annoying double flats, double sharps and notes like Cb, E#, Fb and B#, Auto-Tune Evo will automatically choose the simpler o\f two enharmonically equivalent scales. For example, i\f you select Db Major, the Edit Scale Display will duly display the Db Major scale. However, i\f you then go to the Scale selection pop-up and select Minor, the Key will automatically be changed to C# and the Edit Scale Display will, in \fact, display the much \friendlier C# Minor scale. This will be reflected on both the Auto Mode Scale Edit display and the pi tch Graph Display in the Graphical Mode. Auto-Tune E\bo comes wit\f 29 preprogrammed scales. T\fe first t\free equal-tempered scales, c\fromatic, major, and minor, are t\fe ubiquitous scales typically found in Western tonal music. T\fe ot\fer scales are \fistorical, et\fnic, and micro-tonal scales. An in-dept\f discussion of t\fese scales and t\feir \fistory is beyond t\fe scope of t\fis manual. T\fe interested reader will find more information in Tuning In — Micro-tonality In Electronic Music by Scott R. Wilkinson, publis\fed by Hal Leonard Books. A brief description of eac\f scale can be found in C\fapter 8, T\fe Auto-Tune E\bo Scales.

19 Scale Detune T\fe Detune parameter allows you to c\fange t\fe pitc\f standard of Auto-Tune E\bo from t\fe default A = 440Hz. T\fe \balue is set in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone). T\fe range of adjustment is from -100 to +100 cents. For con\benience, t\fe detune amount is also displayed in Hertz relati\be to A440. T\fe Detune function can be used to tune a \bocal performance to some irreparably out-of-tune instrument (a piano or organ, for example), or to allow correction to ot\fer t\fan t\fe con\bentional 440Hz standard. A TIp: I\f you have a tone that you want to use as the pitch standard, select that tone and play it in a loop. Adjust Scale Detune until the Change meter reads \bero. (You may be required to use the Edit Scale Display to remove adjacent notes so that Auto-Tune Evo doesn’t tune to the wrong note.) T\fe default Scale Detune setting is 0 cents. Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Scale Detune knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Transpose In addition to any pitc\f correction applied by eit\fer Automatic or Grap\fical Mode, t\fe Transpose control lets you s\fift t\fe o\berall pitc\f of your performance o\ber a two octa\be range (+/- one octa\be), selectable in precise semitone increments. In Automatic Mode, t\fis transposition is accomplis\fed in real time. In Grap\fical Mode, t\fis function does not affect t\fe Pitc\f Edit Display. It pro\bides o\berall transposition on top of any pitc\f s\fifting accomplis\fed wit\f t\fe grap\fical editing tools. As noted abo\be, alt\foug\f you can also accomplis\f o\berall transposition in Grap\fical Mode by selecting all t\fe correction objects in your track and manually mo\bing t\fem up or down, in most cases, using t\fe Transpose function will pro\bide superior results. NOTE: I\f you are transposing more than a semitone or two and your intent is to preserve the per\former’s vocal character, be sure to engage the Formant Correction \function described below. Transposing large intervals (especially transposing higher) without \formant correction will result in the “munchkini\bation” e\f\fect \familiar \from tape speed changing and early digital sampling. (O\f course, i\f singing chipmunks are what you’re going \for, leave Formant Correction o\f\f.) T\fe default Transpose setting is 0 semitones (i.e., no transposition). Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Transpose knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. T\froat Lengt\f As mentioned abo\be, t\fe s\fape of a singer’s t\froat is a prime contributor to t\feir \bocal c\faracter. Auto- Tune E\bo lets you modify t\fe \bocal quality of a performance by actually \barying t\fe geometry of a p\fysical model of t\fe \fuman \bocal tract and processing t\fe original performance t\froug\f t\fat model. T\fe T\froat Lengt\f control lets you modify t\fe lengt\f of t\fe modeled t\froat. T\fe range of t\fe control is .50 to 1.80. va lues abo\be 1.00 represent a lengt\fening of t\fe t\froat w\file \balues below 1.00 represent a s\fortening of t\fe t\froat. T\fe actual \balues represent t\fe percentage c\fange in t\fe t\froat lengt\f. For example, a \balue of 1.20 represents a 20% increase in t\froat lengt\f, w\file a \balue of 0.70 represents a 30% decrease in t\froat lengt\f. NOTE: This control is only active when Formant Correction is engaged. When Formant Correction is not engaged, this control is disabled (grayed out). Since Formant Correction is not available in the TDM versions o\f Auto-Tune Evo, Throat Length is also not available in the TDM versions. I\f

20 you wish to use the Throat Length \function on a TDM system, be sure to select the RTAS version o\f Auto-Tune Evo. In addition to simply c\fanging \bocal timbre, increasing t\froat lengt\f is useful w\fen t\fe original performance is female and you want to transpose it down and \fa\be it sound more male. Con\bersely, decreasing t\froat lengt\f is useful w\fen t\fe original input is male and you want to transpose it up and \fa\be it sound female or c\fildlike. NOTE: While this control gives you the ability to radically change the throat length, keep in mind that the variation in the length o\f human vocal tracts is rarely more than about 20% in either direction. I\f you are looking \for a “realistic” vocal characteristic, start with modest settings o\f this control. More extreme settings can produce dramatic results, but probably not what anyone would call “realistic.” Command (Mac)/Control (PC) click t\fe control to reset it to its default \balue of 1.00. IMpORTANT NO TE: This \function is specifically \for changing the existing quality o\f a voice, not \for manual \formant compensation \for pitch shi\fting. Auto- Tune Evo automatically applies appropriate \formant correction when it shi\fts pitch with Formant Correction Enabled. Formant Correction Click t\fe Formant button to toggle Auto-Tune E\bo’s formant correction function on and off. T\fe button will turn blue w\fen formant correction is acti\be and will be pale gray w\fen it is inacti\be. Engaging Auto-Tune E\bo’s Formant Correction pre\bents t\fe s\fifting of a \boice’s resonant frequencies to ensure t\fat its \bocal c\faracteristics are preser\bed o\ber t\fe pitc\f s\fift range. (For a more complete explanation of formant correction, refer to t\fe Pitc\f S\fifting and Formant Correction section in C\fapter 2.) AN IMpORTANT NO TE: Over the very small intervals usually associated with basic pitch correction, \formant shi\fting is essentially inaudible and Auto- Tune’s classic pitch adjustment technology still provides the optimum results. Formant Correction is designed to be used with overall transposition or on tracks where notes are shi\fted by large intervals. ANOTHER NO TE: Formant Correction is not available in the TDM versions o\f Auto-Tune Evo. I\f you wish to use the Formant Correction \function on a TDM system, be sure to select the RTAS version o\f Auto-Tune Evo. Correction Mode Click t\fe appropriate button to select eit\fer Automatic or Grap\fical Mode.

21 Options Clicking t\fe options button will bring up a window containing a number of settings t\fat fall into t\fe “set and forget” category. BUFFER SIZE T\fis controls t\fe number of seconds of memory buffer space t\fat are permanently reser\bed for pitc\f tracking and pitc\f correction data in Grap\fical Mode. (T\fere is a separate buffer for eac\f plug-in occurrence.) To c\fange t\fe buffer allocation, click in t\fe data field and enter t\fe required number of seconds. T\fe maximum buffer lengt\f is 14,400 seconds (i.e., 4 \fours). NOTE: For hosts that provide valid time in\formation, Auto-Tune Evo will display all tracked pitch in\formation at its correct time within the track. I\f your host supports this capability, setting the bu\f\fer to the length o\f the entire song and tracking the pitch in one pass will allow you to quickly and easily move to each section o\f audio to be corrected as necessary. NUMBER oF UNDoS Auto-Tune E\bo pro\bides multiple Undo/Redo capability in Grap\fical Mode. Select t\fe maximum allowable number \fere (up to 20). C\foosing a \fig\fer number allocates more memory for sa\bing intermediate states. KNoB CoN TRoL Lets you select \fow you want to control t\fe “knobs” in t\fe Auto-Tune E\bo interface. vERTICAL: Position t\fe cursor o\ber a knob, press and \fold t\fe left mouse button (or t\fe only mouse button, if you’re using a one-button mouse) and mo\be t\fe cursor up to turn t\fe knob clockwise or down to turn t\fe knob counterclockwise. T\fe current \balue of t\fe knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. HoRIZoNTAL: Position t\fe cursor o\ber a knob, press and \fold t\fe left mouse button and mo\be t\fe cursor to t\fe rig\ft to turn t\fe knob clockwise or to t\fe left to turn t\fe knob counterclockwise. T\fe current \balue of t\fe knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. RADIAL: Click anyw\fere around t\fe circumference of t\fe knob, press and \fold t\fe left mouse button and “rotate” t\fe knob in t\fe desired direction. T\fe current \balue of t\fe knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. USE CUSToM CURSoR S Click t\fe c\feck box to use Custom Cursors in Grap\fical Mode. Normally, Auto-Tune E\bo displays different cursor s\fapes in t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f Display to \felp you grab and drag objects (e.g., t\fe object cursor, t\fe anc\for point cursor, etc.). Howe\ber, some \fost applications mistakenly t\fink t\fat t\fey own t\fe cursor w\fen it is in a plug-in window. T\fis may cause t\fe cursor to flas\f as t\fe \fost and Auto-Tune E\bo alternately try to set t\fe cursor s\fape. If t\fis annoys you, unclick t\fis c\feck box. It will stop t\fe flas\fing, but you will no longer see Auto-Tune E\bo’s custom cursors. DISPLAY v ERTICAL LINE AT CURSoR TIME PoS ITIoN Click t\fe c\feck box to cause a \bertical line to be displayed at t\fe cursor

22 position in Grap\fical Mode. T\fis is most useful w\fen you are comparing t\fe \barious pitc\f \balues (tracked pitc\f, correction object pitc\f, and output pitc\f) at one or more time locations in your track. A TIp: Since the line indicator can be somewhat annoying during normal editing tasks, you can, i\f you pre\fer, uncheck this box in the Options dialog and then assign Toggle Time Indicator to one o\f the number keys as described below. That way, you can turn it on only when you need it, without having to call up the Options dialog every time. DEFAULT RETUNE SPEEDS Wit\f Auto-Tune E\bo’s introduction of independent Retune Speeds for eac\f correction object, we’\be added t\fe ability to set custom default Retune Speeds for eac\f of t\fe t\free object types: Lines, Cur\bes and Notes. T\fese are t\fe initial Retune Speed \balues t\fat are assigned to eac\f newly created object. (You may, of course, modify eac\f indi\bidual object’s setting as needed.) To c\foose your own \balues, just pay attention to w\fat \balues you most commonly use for t\fe \barious objects and set t\fose as defaults. Update as necessary. A TIp: Your choice o\f de\fault values will depend greatly on your particular workflow and your typical use o\f the various correction objects. I\f, \for example, you usually use Make Curve or Import Auto to tweak pitch while preserving all pitch gestures, usually use Lines \for quick correction o\f individual out-o\f-tune notes, and usually use Note Objects \for precise programming o\f Auto- Tune Vocal e\f\fects, you might set the Curves de\fault to 0, the Lines de\fault to 20 and the Notes de\fault to 0. KEY BINDINGS T \fe Key Bindings section allows you to assign your most commonly used Grap\fical Mode tools and controls to t\fe 10 number keys t\fat appear abo\be t\fe letter keys on t\fe QWERTY portion of your keyboard. Grap\fic Tools Line Cur\be Note Arrow Scissors Zoom I-Beam Hand Scroll Edit Functions Clear All Undo Redo Select All Cut Copy Paste Control Toggles Snap To Note Auto-Scroll S\fow Lanes Track Pitc\f Display Time Indicator Correction Objects Make Cur\bes Import Auto Make Notes Ot\fer Controls Nudge Up Nudge Down Zoom In Horizontal Zoom ou t Horizontal Zoom In ve rtical Zoom ou t ve rtical Retune Speed Faster Retune Speed Slower NOTE: Since some hosts reserve the numeric keypad \for host keyboard shortcuts even when a plug-in window is active. The Key Bindings apply only to the number keys on the QWERTY portion o\f your keyboard. T\fe following functions are a\bailable for assignment: WINDoW SIZE (vST and Audio Units \bersions only): Since some \fosts and/or plug-in formats do not support real-time plug-in window resizing (i.e., dragging on t\fe corner of t\fe window), t\fe Window Size controls allow you to select among t\free preset sizes or specify a custom size of your c\foice. T\fe preset sizes (measured in pixels) are: N ormal: 850 wide by 600 \fig\f W ide: 1600 wide by 600 \fig\f L arge: 1600 wide by 1100 \fig\f Clicking any of t\fe Preset buttons will enter t\fose dimensions in t\fe Widt\f and Heig\ft data entry fields. To enter a custom size, simply click in t\fe desired field and enter t\fe \balue of your c\foice. T\fe new size will take affect w\fen you click t\fe Sa\be button.

23 N O TE : Some hosts do not support immediate resi\bing o\f an open plug- in window. I\f yours in one o\f those, a\fter clicking Save, you will have to close the Auto-Tune Evo window and reopen it to have the si\be change take a\f\fect. ANOTHER NO TE: Since real-time resi\bing is supported in all current versions o\f pr o Tools LE and HD, neither the RTAS nor TDM versions o\f Auto- Tune Evo include (or need) the Window Si\be controls. SAv E AS DEFAULT: W\fen t\fe “Sa\be as default” box is c\fecked, any c\fanges you make to t\fe \barious op tions settings are sa\bed as defaults for all future instances of Auto-Tune E\bo. If you want to make a temporary c\fange to an op tion setting for a particular track, but want to retain t\fe pre\bious default for future instances, unc\feck t\fe “Sa\be as default” box before clicking t\fe Sa\be button. Your modified \balue will take effect in t\fe current instance of Auto- Tune E\bo, but future instances will re\bert to t\fe pre\biously sa\bed \balue. B\bpass Auto-Tune E\bo does not include a dedicated Bypass control as t\fat function is typically pro\bided by t\fe \fost applicationʼs plug-in interface. Automatic Mode Controls Pitch Correction Functions Retune Speed Retune Speed controls \fow rapidly t\fe pitc\f correction is applied to t\fe incoming sound. T\fe units are milliseconds. A \balue of zero will cause instantaneous c\fanges from one tone to anot\fer and will completely suppress a \bibrato (note t\fat any related \bolume c\fanges will remain). va lues from 10 to 50 are typical for \bocals (unless you’re going for t\fe now-infamous Auto-Tune vo cal Effect, in w\fic\f case use 0). Larger \balues let t\froug\f more \bibrato and ot\fer interpretati\be pitc\f gestures but also slow down \fow rapidly pitc\f corrections are made. Alt\foug\f t\fe abo\be suggestions can be used as starting points, finding t\fe correct Retune Speed setting for a particular performance is largely a matter of trial-and-error and depends on suc\f attributes as song tempo, note duration and \bocal style, among ot\fers. As always, let your ears be your guide. T\fe default Retune Speed \balue is 20. Double- clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Retune Speed knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Humanize on e tuning situation t\fat can be problematic is a performance t\fat includes bot\f \bery s\fort notes and longer sustained notes. T\fe problem is t\fat in order to get t\fe s\fort notes in tune, you’d \fa\be to set a fast Retune Speed, w\fic\f would t\fen make any sustained notes sound unnaturally static. Luckily, t\fe Humanize easily sol\bes t\fis problem. T\fe Humanize function differentiates between s\fort and sustained notes and lets you apply

24 a slower Retune Speed just to t\fe sustained notes. T\fus, t\fe s\fort notes are in tune and t\fe sustained notes still allow t\fe natural \bariations of t\fe original performance. Here’s \fow it works: Start by setting Humanize to 0 and adjusting t\fe Retune Speed until t\fe s\fortest problem notes in t\fe performance are in tune. At t\fis point, any sustained notes may sound unnaturally static. If so, start ad\bancing t\fe Humanize control. T\fe \fig\fer t\fe Humanize setting, t\fe more t\fe Retune Speed is slowed for sustained notes. T\fe goal is to find t\fe point w\fere t\fe sustained notes are also in tune and just enoug\f of t\fe natural \bariation in t\fe performance is present in t\fe sustained notes to sound natural and realistic. (If you set Humanize too \fig\f, any problem sustained notes may not be fully corrected.) T\fis is one of t\fose settings w\fere you \fa\be to let your ears be your guide. T\fe optimum Humanize setting for any particular performance will depend on t\fe performance style, t\fe ot\fer Automatic Mode settings and t\fe specific effect you desire. T\fe default Humanize setting is 0. Double- clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Humanize knob will reset it to t\fat \balue.Natural Vibrato T\fe Natural vi brato function allows real-time modification (eit\fer increase or decrease) of t\fe dept\f of any \bibrato present in t\fe input audio w\file preser\bing t\fe original s\fape and c\faracter of t\fe \bibrato. T\fis function uses t\fe same Stoc\fastic op timal Linear Estimation T\feory as t\fe Targeting Ignores vi brato function (described below) to differentiate between \bibrato and intended pitc\f c\fanges, adjusting t\fe \bibrato dept\f w\file lea\bing intended pitc\f c\fanges intact. T\fe Natural vi brato function acts independently of t\fe pitc\f correction functions. of particular note is t\fe fact t\fat setting a scale note or notes to Bypass still allows \bibrato adjustment for t\fose notes. So, if you want to adjust a performance’s \bibrato w\file making no ot\fer pitc\f c\fanges, you can simply set all scale notes to Bypass and still use t\fe Natural vi brato function to adjust \bibrato dept\f. NOTE: This \function acts only on vibrato present in the original per\formance. I\f the original per\formance does not contain vibrato, this control will have no audible e\f\fect. ANOTHER NOTE: Natural Vibrato adjustments \function independently o\f the Create Vibrato \functions described below. However, since both \functions can operate simultaneously, they can interact in ways that may or may not be use\ful, depending on your intent. In most cases, you should probably use one or the other. T\fe default Natural vi brato setting is 0. Double- clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Natural vi brato knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Targeting Ignores Vibrato Target note identification is t\fe process by w\fic\f Auto-Tune decides w\fic\f note is t\fe note t\fe performer intended to sing or play, so t\fat it may re-tune any pitc\f errors closer to t\fat note. Normally, t\fe target note is t\fe nearest acti\be scale note to t\fe current input pitc\f. T\fe Targeting Ignores vi brato feature is designed to \felp wit\f target note identification w\fen t\fe performance includes \bibrato so wide t\fat it approac\fes adjacent scale notes. T\fe most common symptom of t\fis problem is a pronounced “warbling” as t\fe input is alternately tuned to eac\f of t\fe upper and lower adjacent notes. W\fen t\fis function is ” on ,“ Auto-Tune E\bo uses t\fe impressi\bely named Stoc\fastic op timal Linear Estimation T\feory to attempt