Anaheim Stepper DPD60401 Users Guide
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SECTION 2QUICK START11 STEP 8 - Download the Program ( the Envelope Icon Button ) STEP 9 - Run the Program To run the program just sent, select the Start Button (Traffic Signal Icon Button) which signals Green for GO. STEP 10 - Switch Closure After the sample program is written, you will need to close the switch on Input 1 to view the programmed motion. The current to the step motor will be turned off whenever it is motionless. Once the switch has been closed, the motor will move 400 steps, then an...
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SECTION 3STEP MOTOR DRIVER12 SECTION 3 - STEP MOTOR DRIVER MODEL – DPD72401, DPK72402, & DPK72403 (BLD72 Driver) BILEVEL DRIVE The basic function of a step motor driver is to provide the rated motor phase current to the motor windings in the shortest possible time. The bilevel driver uses a high voltage to get a rapid rate of current rise in the motor windings in the least amount of time. When reaching the preset trip current, the driver turns off the high voltage and sustains the current from the low...
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SECTION 3STEP MOTOR DRIVER13 Contact factory for grounding recommendations. MOTOR HOOKUP The DPD72401 Series Driver Packs can drive 6-lead and 8-lead step motors rated from 1 to 7 amps/phase (unipolar rating). It features a unipolar bilevel (dual voltage) drive technique with short/open circuit protection (with a Fault LED). This Driver Pack contains a 300 Watt fan cooled power supply. MOTOR CONNECTIONS Refer to Section 4 on Motor Connectors for a hookup diagram for Driver Pack applications. All...
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SECTION 3STEP MOTOR DRIVER14 MODEL – DPD60401 The DPD60401 will deliver a peak current of 5.5 Amperes per phase at 65 Volts, providing outstanding motor performance. This advanced technology reduces ripple current while maintaining the 20kHz chopping frequency in the motor, causing less heat in both the motor and drive. MODE SELECT SWITCHES The MODE SELECT SWITCHES are used to select the divisor of operation from divide by 2 up to divide by 256. Microstep operations are recommended for those...
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SECTION 3STEP MOTOR DRIVER15 ADJUSTING THE RUNNING CURRENT The output current on the Microstep Driver Pack (DPD60401) is set by the Running Current Potentiometer. This resistance determines the per Phase RMS output current of the driver. Refer to table on Running Current Settings. REDUCING OUTPUT CURRENT The amount of current per Phase in the reduction mode is related to the value of the current adjustment potentiometer (Running Current) and the current reduction potentiometer (Reduced Current)....
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SECTION 3STEP MOTOR DRIVER16 When configuring the motor in a series configuration (connected from end to end with the center tap floating) multiply the per Phase (or unipolar) current rating by 0.7. Use this result to determine the current adjustment pot setting. 4 Lead Motors Use the specified series motor current to determine the current adjustment resistor value. Four-lead motors are usually rated with their appropriate series current, as opposed to the Phase Current which is the rating for 6 and 8...
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SECTION 4FEATURES17 SECTION 4- FEATURES PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS · Speeds from 0.1 Hz to 2,500,000 Hz · 24 Inputs Expandable to 96 Inputs · 24 Outputs · 16,000 Bytes of Stored Program Memory · Up to 4 Programs can run Simultaneously (Multitasking) · Math Functions · Expandable Modules including Inputs and Thumbwheel Switches · Encoder Feedback Capabilities · Free Windows Based Software Included · Limit Switches · Addressable for up to 30 Axes · Baud Rates up to 38,400 ENCODER FEEDBACK Enhanced encoder feedback...
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SECTION 4FEATURES18 MOTOR INPUT BITS HOME TYPE BIT This BIT sets the type of homing to execute when the HOME(+) command is issued.HARD LIMIT INPUT BIT This BIT indicates whether the HARD LIMIT input is on or off. HOME LIMIT INPUT BIT This BIT indicates whether the HOME LIMIT input is on or off. SOFT LIMIT INPUT BIT This BIT indicates whether the SOFT LIMIT input is on or off. MOTION STATUS BITS MOVING BIT This BIT indicates whether the motor is moving or stopped, thus it is an output and cannot be...
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SECTION 4FEATURES19 EXTERNAL MODULES External Modules offer expansion capabilities for items that are not available in the Driver Pack and are for additional items such as additional Inputs, Thumbwheel Switch Modules and Remote Panel Mount Terminal. ( Purchased Separately ) The SMC40M-24I is an expansion module for the SMC40 Programmable Indexer series. Each SMC40M- 24I module adds 24 more inputs to the SMC40 - up to three SMC40M-24I modules can be daisy chained for a total of 96 inputs. The expansion...