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Amanda Work Group Norstar Work Place Instructions Manual

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    							Appendix B:
    Telephony terms, such as station side, CO, single-line, hunt group, pilot number, pickup group, 
    coverage path, hookflash, call forward ring-no-answer, call forward busy, DTMF, and tone patterns.
    RJ-XXRegistered Jacks. Telephone and data plugs that are registered with the 
    Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
    RJ-11Telephone jack (or plug) commonly used to connect telephones, mo-
    dems, and fax machines. The red and green pair carry the conversation 
    for one line. The black and white pair might light buttons, send sig-
    nals, or go unused.
    RJ-14Telephone jack (or plug) commonly used to connect telephones, mo-
    dems, and fax machines. The red and green pair carry the conversation 
    for one line. The black and yellow pair carry the conversation for the 
    second line.
    class of serviceA grouping of privileges and features assigned to a telephone in a sys-
    tem. Each mailbox in an Amanda system can be given all or any subset 
    of the available privileges and features. There are no classes of ser-
    alphanumeric characterA letter from the alphabet (A–Z, a–z), a space, or a digit (0–9).
    analog telephoneSingle line telephone or 2500 set (as opposed to digital), the type of 
    telephone most often seen in residential units. In a commercial setting, 
    analog phones must be connected to analog (single line) ports (jacks) 
    which can be limited or unavailable. All telephone ports must be con-
    nected to analog (single line) ports off the telephone switching system.
    ANIAutomatic Number Identification T1 line
    ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange—a standard 
    used by the computer industry to encode all characters (alphabetic, nu-
    meric, etc.) as integers. This code represents 256 characters as integers 
    0 through 255. For example, A is encoded as 65 and a is encoded as 97.
    audiotextThe ability to play information (instructions) to the caller such as di-
    rections to the office or the instructions recorded in mailbox 991. In 
    Amanda, this is done by having the Do Not Disturb field set to ON.
    automated attendantA computer loaded with software (such as Amanda) capable of an-
    swering incoming lines and transferring calls to extensions based on 
    DTMF entered by the caller.
    back-door attendantAn automated attendant answering specific incoming CO lines dedi-
    cated to calls from those callers who do not wish to go through the live 
    attendant (receptionist or operator). 
    							104 Administering [email protected]
    blind transfer (unsupervised 
    transfer)The execution of an H token (to accomplish a hangup) after dialing an 
    extension. This, in effect, releases the call to the extension and is usu-
    ally done to make the telephone port available for the next call more 
    quickly. (Also, see supervised call transfer.)
    Do not use Call Screening with an unsupervised transfer. If you do, the 
    caller is screened, but the user never hears that recording.
    cadenceA repeating cycle of ON and OFF tones such as ring, busy, fast busy.
    call accountingAlso called SMDR. A system used to record information about tele-
    phone calls, organize that information, and create reports. The infor-
    mation gathered usually includes what extension the call is coming 
    from, what circuit is used for the call, when the call started, how long 
    it lasted, and the purpose of the call (usually what client or project 
    should be billed). Requires a computer, a disk for storing data, and 
    some software set up to monitor the telephone calls made. A serial port 
    must be dedicated to it.
    Caller IDAutomatically identifies the caller Trunk line.
    case-sensitiveThe act of differentiating between lowercase (a–z) and uppercase (A–
    Z) characters. Amanda uses case-sensitive passwords. AMANDA, 
    Amanda, AMandA, or amanda are all different passwords. On the oth-
    er hand, if you type these words at the DOS prompt, DOS treats them 
    as the same command. 
    Channel (port)Amanda software supports systems as small as 2 channels and as large 
    as 24 channels.
    characterA single symbol including letters from the alphabet, digits 0–9, or spe-
    cial ones. For example:  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + < > [ ] { } \ / ? :  | ~ ` _ ,
    c-like escape sequenceAny sequence of characters within a string which starts with a \. This 
    refers to the C programming language developed at Bell Labs.
    CO Telephone Company Central Office
    componentEvery message contains one or more components. Components “de-
    fine” a message. For example, if a message is forwarded from another 
    mailbox with a Message Prefix attached, that message contains two 
    components. Similarly, if that message is then forwarded to another 
    mailbox with another Message Prefix attached, that message contains 
    three components.
    composeTo build a message that consists of components.
    data corruptionWhen the contents of some memory location or portions of a file re-
    siding on a disk or diskette is damaged and lost. This can occur due to 
    power fluctuations, faulty hardware such as motherboard or memory 
    chips, or software bugs.
    dB levelDecibel level. Used to measure the volume of sound or noise.
    DBF fileA file which is in dBase format. Amanda tokens can work with dBase 
    format as well as ASCII files. A dBase format file must have a DBF 
    extension if used with Amanda tokens.
    dead/phantom callThe situation where the outside caller hangs up before the extension is 
    answered by the user. This might result in the user hearing a fast busy 
    (reorder tone) or just silence, depending on the telephone switching 
    system and the CO. 
    							Appendix B: Glossary105
    dedicated notificationWhen the first port of Amanda is set aside for notification only. It is 
    displayed as 1/N (as opposed to 1/A) on the Main Screen.
    The extension connected to port 1 of Amanda must have outside ac-
    cess so that pager notification can be successful. You must make sure 
    that no incoming calls are routed to port 1 and instead port 2 is desig-
    nated as the first answer port. This is useful in eliminating notify col-
    lisions (glare condition). To achieve a dedicated notify, set the 
    n_ochan parameter in the System Configuration Options file to 1 in-
    stead of 0.
    default valuesThe values of parameters, variables, and user settings in Amanda 
    when the system is first installed. The installer, the system administra-
    tor, or the user can change the default values using the keyboard (or 
    DTMF from the telephone).
    defaults boxMailbox 997 is set up with reasonable default values for each Mailbox 
    field. When creating a new mailbox, Amanda accesses the defaults 
    box for basic mailbox settings. If you want to change the defaults, 
    modify mailbox 997 and Save.
    dial codesA set of codes that enable Amanda and the telephone switching system 
    to communicate. These are set using Setup option 1 or by editing the 
    ASCII file C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB\1001.PBX.
    direct callDialing Amanda internally by calling one of her ports from an exten-
    sion within the telephone switching system.
    direct message codeA mailbox (usually mailbox 998) which functions as a code to skip the 
    transfer to a user extension and go directly to the current greeting for 
    that user. For example, entering 998#185# causes the caller to hear the 
    current greeting for mailbox 185. The caller can then press # twice to 
    skip the greeting and go directly to the recording mode. Additionally, 
    if you set the short_direct_send parameter in the System Configura-
    tion Options to true (its default is false) then using the direct message 
    code mailbox causes the caller to hear the Name/Extension recording 
    instead of the current greeting.
    direct message mailboxA mailbox that allows you to record a message for another mailbox 
    without having to execute the Extension field and/or hear the mail-
    box’s greeting. This is particularly useful for an operator transferring 
    callers directly to a user’s voice mail.
    disconnect (hangup) super-
    visionThe ability of the telephone switching system to inform Amanda that 
    a hangup has occurred on the line. This is normally accomplished by 
    the voice board driver monitoring the loop current and informing 
    Amanda of loop current OFF or loop current DROP events. This is be-
    cause the default value for the hangup_supervision parameter in the 
    System Configuration Options is true. If this parameter is set to false, 
    Amanda ignores these events.
    disk notificationA type of notification used to warn the system administrator (mailbox 
    999) that the hard disk space has fallen below a predefined threshold. 
    This is set in Setup, Option 4, set diskwarn xx. The default is 20, mean-
    ing the Disk notify activates when free disk space is less than 20 per-
    cent of total disk space. 
    							106 Administering [email protected]
    Done ChainAfter Amanda is finished processing a mailbox, she continues pro-
    cessing the call by going to the mailbox specified in the Done Chain. 
    If this field is blank, Amanda uses the Done Chain of the Company 
    Greeting, or starting greeting mailbox (generally 990). Usually, the 
    Done Chain of 990 is set to 991. Therefore, the default Done Chain is 
    usually mailbox 991 (The Caller Instructions).
    DTMFDual Tone Multi Frequency (Touch Tone) tones generated by most 
    phones when you dial a telephone number. However, the fact that a 
    telephone has a dial pad with 12 keys (0–9,*,#), does not guarantee 
    that it can generate DTMF.
    edit blockA solid colored, or reversed video block seen on the screen (selecting 
    the field or the line you are editing) within Amanda or the Setup util-
    employee directory mailboxIf you designate a mailbox using the box_idx configuration option, 
    Amanda builds an employee directory which lists all the users based 
    on the contents of the Directory Name 1 and Directory Name 2 fields. 
    This allows callers to use their telephones to spell the names of the us-
    ers they want to reach. Digits 7 and 9 should be used for letters Q and 
    Z respectively.
    empty stringA string containing no characters at all. To represent an empty string 
    you can use  when using tokens.
    execution errorA fault which can cause a program to crash and shutdown or produce 
    an incorrect result. The error might be due to a logical error in the soft-
    ware, faulty hardware, or corruption of memory location caused by 
    other programs.
    exit code or errorlevelBefore the completion of a program (e.g., RAMANDA.EXE), an in-
    teger code can be generated (default is 0) by that program. This code 
    can be used by another program or the batch file (e.g., AMAN-
    DA.BAT) which started that program in order to determine what to do 
    next. This is used by the Auto Shutdown mechanism of Amanda. 
    When an Auto Shutdown occurs (by default every Tuesday at 1:30 
    AM), RAMANDA.EXE exits (completes execution) with errorlevel 3 
    which when passed on to AMANDA.BAT, causes control to be trans-
    ferred to the section labeled:  AUTO
    flash timeThe amount of time Amanda must remain on-hook while performing 
    a hookflash usually set to 55 (0.55 seconds).
    flash-hookSee hookflash.
    floppy disk driveA storage device, typically referred to as the A or B drive, capable of 
    reading and writing information to diskettes (3.5-inch or 5.25-inch). 
    Amanda and its associated utilities are distributed on 3.5-inch 1.44 
    MB diskettes only. Therefore, the PC designated for Amanda must 
    have at least one 3.5-inch 1.44 MB floppy disk drive (A or B).
    general protection faultA fault that can cause a program to crash or produce an incorrect re-
    sult. The error might be due to a logical error in the software, faulty 
    hardware, or corruption of memory location caused by other pro-
    glareThe collisions between incoming calls and notifications. For example, 
    a port might try to execute a notification record and accept an incom-
    ing call simultaneously. 
    							Appendix B: Glossary107
    hard drive/hard diskA long-term storage device, typically referred to as the C drive, on 
    which Amanda is installed. The Amanda Company recommends us-
    ing IDE hard drives with a 12ms access time or faster to insure optimal 
    processing of calls. Consider large capacity hard disks if a high vol-
    ume of outgoing and incoming messages is expected. A 540 MB hard 
    disk is estimated to provide 33 hours of messages.
    hookflashA momentary on-hook condition which lasts anywhere from 0.25 sec-
    onds to 0.85 seconds (usually set to 0.55 seconds.) which is normally 
    required to put a caller on hold before Amanda can transfer to an ex-
    tension. This is also used when Amanda determines a Ring No An-
    swer or Busy extension. A second hookflash (or hook-flash) makes 
    Amanda able to get the caller back and play the current greeting or 
    Busy message for that user.
    inband signalingThe telephone switching system’s ability to send DTMF tones to a 
    telephone port as soon as it answers (goes off-hook), informing Aman-
    da of the nature of the call as well as the extension or CO line which 
    is calling. This helps Amanda make the correct decision in processing 
    the call (i.e., play a Busy message, play the current greeting, enter the 
    log on mode, or play the company greeting by processing mailbox 
    990). This is useful in conjunction with a blind transfer when the call 
    volume is very heavy and you wish to make telephone ports available 
    for handling the next call as quickly as possible.
    informational mailboxA mailbox which usually does not accept messages from callers; in-
    stead, its greeting is played to callers to provide them with various 
    pieces of information. To accomplish this in Amanda, the Do Not Dis-
    turb field must be ON.
    integerA whole number with no decimal point or fractions. For example, 24,-
    32768,1,8,-30,32767,-1 are integers.
    Integration HelperA program accessed by selecting option 3 within the Setup utility and 
    pressing the F1 key. This program can assist an installer in determin-
    ing the DTMF coming from a telephone switching system using in-
    band signaling. An alternative is using an Amanda trace file (either 
    integration timeoutThe pause after Amanda goes off-hook to allow for the arrival of 
    DTMF sent by the telephone switching system using inband signaling. 
    It also serves as an inter-digit timer after the arrival of the first digit. 
    You can set this timer by modifying the first line of the screen access-
    ed by selecting option 3 of Setup. The default is 0 which means inband 
    signaling is disabled. Use 10 to specify 1.0 second, 15 for 1.5 seconds 
    and so on.
    Interactive Voice Response 
    (IVR)A way in which callers can obtain information from a computer data-
    base through the use of DTMF. This is common in the banking indus-
    try. For example, if you want to know your account balance, you enter 
    your account number and your personal identification number when 
    prompted. The system you are communicating with confirms your ac-
    count number and security code and accesses a database to retrieve 
    your account balance.
    jumper pinsPins found on a voice board and used to set the correct address for the 
    List CommentA comment describing a mailing list that is recorded by the user who 
    creates the list. The comment should help you distinguish one list from 
    another and remember whose extensions are on the list. 
    							108 Administering [email protected]
    LoginsThe total number of times the mailbox was accessed by a user by 
    pressing the * key.
    long pauseUsing , within a token string causes Amanda to pause for 2 seconds.
    mailboxThe user options, messages, mailing lists, and other data identified by 
    a mailbox.
    menu barLists a program’s choices. It is found at the top of the screen of any 
    Amanda screen or Windows application.
    MFMulti-frequency. An inband address signaling method which uses ten 
    decimal digits and five auxiliary signals are each represented by se-
    lecting two frequencies and combining them into one sound.
    monitored transferSame as supervised transfer.
    non-empty stringA string containing 1 or more characters.
    notification templateA general notification action which can be used for any number of no-
    tification records belonging to any number of mailboxes. For exam-
    ple, message waiting light ON and message waiting light OFF 
    notification actions should be saved as templates.
    nullEmpty string or empty value.
    on-hookWhen a port or extension is ready to take a call. When off-hook, a port 
    or extension is not available to accept calls.
    PCPMProgrammed Call Progress Monitoring. See supervised call transfer.
    port (channel)A hardware device in the computer or telephone switching system 
    where data can be accessed. When not prefaced by COM, serial, or 
    parallel, this guide refers to a port created by connecting a telephone 
    port to a voice board. Amanda supports from 2 to 24 ports. See also 
    COM port, RS-232 port, serial port, and parallel port.
    prompt fileThe Amanda file containing all system prompts (prerecorded words, 
    sentences, or questions) that are included within the Amanda soft-
    ware. The default prompt file is C:\AMANDA\ENGLISH.IDX or EN-
    GLISH.BDX (depending on whether your computer is a Rhetorex 
    voice board or an Amanda Company voice board for Norstar KSUs). 
    The Spanish and French versions of the system prompts are also avail-
    able from The Amanda Company.
    reorder toneA fast busy or busy tone heard when you dial an invalid extension or 
    when no intercom path is available.
    ring voltageA ring signal provided by the Central Office. It is generally 70 to 90 
    volts at 17 Hz to 20 Hz.
    sampling rateAn indication of the method used for digitizing sound which is re-
    quired before you can save prompts, greetings, and messages onto the 
    hard disk.
    SMDISimplified Message Desk Interface, a Bellcore standard, is a data line 
    from the central office that sends information and instructions (about 
    the caller and called party) to your on-site voice mail box. For exam-
    ple, if you call yourself, Amanda assumes you want to listen to your 
    							Appendix B: Glossary109
    SMDRStation Message Desk Reporting. See call accounting.
    status barArea at the bottom of the screen or window that describes actions cur-
    rently being performed within the program.
    stringA sequence of 0 or more characters. The length of a string is the num-
    ber of characters in the sequence. A space counts as one character 
    when it appears anywhere within the sequence. A string of length 0 is 
    null or empty.
    substringA portion of a string. For example, “EN” is a substring of “MEN” as 
    well as “WOMEN”, or “TENTH”.
    supervised transferA type of call transfer in which Amanda stays on the line and listens 
    to telephone switching system tone patterns after putting the caller on 
    transfer hold. If what is heard does not match a Ring, Busy, or Reorder 
    tone, the voice board driver reports an answer to Amanda. To com-
    plete the transfer, Amanda hangs up. (See also blind transfer.)
    system integration patternsThe patterns expected from the telephone switching system when 
    Amanda is integrated with the telephone switching system. These pat-
    terns can be defined using Setup option 3 or editing the same ASCII 
    file that 
    contains the dial codes (C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB 1001.PBX). The In-
    tegration Helper can assist in defining the correct patterns, or you can 
    use the trace facility within Amanda.
    taskbarA tool used in Windows 95 that helps you track the programs you are 
    currently running and gives you easy access to those you are not. This 
    is typically located at the bottom of the screen and includes the Start 
    timed break recallUsing ~ token to make Amanda pulse dial the digit 1 to effect a timed 
    break recall.
    tokenA command in the Token Programming Language that cause Amanda 
    to perform some action. For example, the P() token causes Amanda to 
    play messages and so forth. Tokens usually appear in the Extension 
    fields of mailboxes and in the Method fields of notification records.
    tone patternsThe Ring, Busy, Reorder, and Hangup tones that Amanda uses to su-
    pervise transferred calls.
    toolbarA bar of buttons which represent common tasks of the program you 
    are using.
    traceA facility within the Amanda software which logs all activity on tele-
    phone ports into a file named 
    C:\AMANDA\TRACE.OUT. This file can be viewed using any 
    ASCII editor such as MS-DOS EDIT or JOVE (supplied by The 
    Amanda Company).
    The TRACE.EXE utility allows you to review Amanda’s activities. 
    When testing token programming, use the following command to start 
    Amanda with trace turned on:
    C:\AMANDA /t /s 1300
    This command also limits the size of the trace file to 1.3 MB so it can 
    fit on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. The trace can be left on indefinitely and 
    will retain only the last 1.3 MB of data. The /t turns on trace mode and 
    the /s limits the size to the specified number of bytes. 
    							110 Administering [email protected]
    transfer dial toneThe solid (continuous) tone which must be heard by Amanda after a 
    hookflash is performed and before DTMF digits representing the ex-
    tension to connect to are dialed. If one second of continuous dial tone 
    is not detected by Amanda, a second hookflash is performed in order 
    to get back to the caller. The absence of transfer dial tone is usually 
    due to the fact that the telephone switching system does not have an 
    available intercom path or DTMF receiver at the time. A non blocking 
    telephone switching system is one that can guarantee transfer dial tone 
    for all telephone ports by allocating one DTMF receiver per port.
    turnkey systemA system that comes ready to use.
    mailboxA unique number chosen to identify an Amanda voice mailbox. Any 
    number from 0 to 99,999,999 is acceptable as a mailbox.
    unsupervised transferSame as blind transfer.
    voice boardThe audioboard which communicates with Amanda software and en-
    ables it to process incoming calls and/or make outbound calls.
    voice formVoice response to a series of questions that constitute a form. For ex-
    ample, Amanda might ask a caller for his name, address, and other 
    pertinent information for a mailing label. Using the Q() command in 
    the Token Programming Language, all the caller’s answers can be 
    stored as a message.
    voice notificationDialing an extension or an outside number and playing the mailbox’s 
    Name and Extension recording and saying the total number of mes-
    sages and how many of them are unheard. This is useful when mes-
    sage waiting lights cannot be lit by a single line port or when users 
    wish to be notified at home after hours. 
    %V 57
    command-line options
    command-line options
    command-line options
    command-line options
     31, 39, 44
    990 2, 22, 93
    sample greetings 23
    991 3, 28, 94
    sample greetings 29
    997 36
    Norstar 36
    computer use of
    recording system announce-
    telephone use of 79
    Main screen 11
    Users screen 33
    notification records
    scheduling records 70
    Main screen 15
    password 13, 33
    shutting down 12, 81
    starting 11
    version 16
    analog telephone
    called party
    ANSWER 16
    scheduling fields
    off-duty 1
    primary 1
    secondary 1
    Auto screen
    And Every
    At 70
    Auto-scheduling Records List 
    Call Screening 70
    Change On 70
    displaying 67
    Do Not Disturb 70
    Enabled 70
    Extension 70
    Greeting 70
    menu bar 67
    MTWTFSS 70
    Next Change 70
    Restrict To 70
    Rings 70
    scheduling record fields 70
    Selected Record’s Fields 67
    User Information 67
    automated attendant 1
    defined 103
    Auto-scheduling Records List
    Auto screen
    back-door attendant
    backing up
    Amanda files
    BackRest utility 85
    Basic Options
    Users screen
    see pagers
    blind transfer
    BUSY 16
    Busy Chain 47
    busy hold music
    busy message
    locking 46
    maximum length 46
    system 46
    Busy Message? 46
    call accounting
    Call Processing diagram 5
    Call Screening
    scheduling field
    called party
    Caller ID
    Caller Instructions 28
    caller instructions
    setup sheets
    Caller Instructions mailbox 94
    home 62
    pager 60, 61
    Calls 16, 17, 48
    voice messaging
    CHAIN 16
    							112 Administering [email protected]
    Users screen
    Change On
    scheduling field
    busy hold music
    dates 18
    field settings 35
    mailboxes 42, 47
    notification record templates 
    notification records 55
    pager telephone number for no-
    report column order 75
    report column widths 75
    scheduling records 69
    system date 83
    system time 83
    times 18
    Variable field for notification 
     104, 108
    class of service
    c-like escape sequence
    changing widths in reports
    order in reports 75
    command-line options 11
    Comment 44
    notification records
    Company Greeting 22
    Company Greeting mailbox 93
    company greetings 93
    Conn Secs 48
    connection time
    Continue Every
    notification record field
    conventions iii
    Copy Messages To 45
    mailboxes 42
    copyright ii
    Created 47
    informational mailboxes
    mailboxes 47
    mailboxes automatically 40
    mailboxes based on another 
    mailboxes from template 38
    menu options 47
    notification record templates 
    51, 52
    notification records 51, 52, 
    report templates 74
    reports 74
    scheduling records 68
    system announcements 79
    system-wide mailing lists 82
    Current Greeting 46
    locking 46
    busy message
    customer support 9
    data corruption
    resetting 18
    resetting system 83
    scheduling 70
    days of week
    scheduling 70
    dB level
    DBF file
    notification records
    scheduling records 70
    dead call
    dealer sales 9
    dedicated notification 49
    defined 105
    default box
    default values
    Delay 47
    between greeting and next ac-
     43, 85
    mailing lists 86
    personal mailing lists 86
    system announcements 80
    DelUsers utility 85
    Call Processing
    Mailbox Processing 7
    mailbox processing 6
    DIAL 16
    dial codes
    Dir Name 1 44
    Dir Name 2 44
    direct call
    direct message
    direct message mailbox
     31, 44
    notification records
     57, 58
    scheduling records 70
    disconnect supervision
    disk notification
    disk space
     54, 83
    Auto screen
    files 90, 91
    mailboxes 43
    message statistics 86
    Notify screen 51
    Users screen 34
    distribution sales 9
    Do Not Disturb 45
    locking 45
    scheduling field 70
    Done Chain 29, 47
    defined 106
    DTMF 3
    defined 106
    edit block
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