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58 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 5859 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Resize Ths settng allows you to resze a pcture to a specfied resoluton, and saves t as a new pcture. 1. Select the Resize sett ng from the Playback menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Use the Left/Right nav gaton buttons to select a pcture to resze. 3. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to select a resoluton ( 1024X768 or 640X480 ) to res ze the mage or Back to cancel and return to the Playback menu. 4. Press the button to confirm the settng. Reszng an mage creates a new file that contans the mage n the sze you select. The file wth the orgnal mage also remans n the memory. Rotate You can use ths settng to change the orentaton of the pcture. 1. Select the Rotate sett ng from the Playback menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Use the Left/Right nav gaton buttons to select a pcture to rotate. 3. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to select the drecton of rotaton or Back to cancel and return to the Playback menu. 4. Press the button to confirm the settng. The panorama pcture and vdeo cannot be rotated. Revolved file wll replace the orgnal one.

AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 5859 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Red-eye Reduction Use ths settng to remove red-eye effect n your photos. 1. Select the Red-eye Reduction n the Playback menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Use the Left/Right button to select the p cture that requres red eye removal. 3. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons and select Yes to fix the selected mage or Back to cancel and return to the Playback menu. 4. Press the button to confirm the settng. For best results, the face of the subject should be relat vely large n the LCD screen, the subject should be facng the camera and the red-eye effect should be clearly vsble. Dsplay Setup Mode : Press the button n Playback mode to enter the Dsplay Setup menu. Refer to the followng sectons for detals of every settng.

60 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Slideshow Ths settng allows you to vew all the stored pctures as a sldeshow. 1. Select Sldeshow and press the Rght button to enter the Sldeshow optons menu. 2. Press Up/Down button to select effect, nterva or repeat, and press or Rght button to enter and adjust settngs. Press button to confirm settngs. 3. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to select Start to run the sl deshow or Cancel to return to the Playback menu. 4. Press the button to confirm the settng. Wallpaper Settings Use ths settng to select your favorte pcture to use as a background on the LCD screen. 1. Press the Down button to select the Wallpaper Settng menu. 2. Press Rght, and the camera wll enter the Wallpaper Settng nterface.

AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 61 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Menu Wallpaper: From the Dsplay Setup tab use the Up/Down button to select the Wallpaper Settngs opton, press the button then press Rght to enter the wallpaper sub-menu. Press Rght and select ether User, Nature, or Sparklng. Press functon to confirm the settng. • User • AgfaPhoto • Sparklng Startup Screen: Use UP/Down button to select the Welcome Wallpaper opton, press or Rght button to select the welcome wallpaper, press Left button to return to last page, and press to ext the menu. • User • AgfaPhoto

62 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 6263 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Back To Default: Use Up/Down button to select the Back to Default opton, press the or Rght button to select whether to take the default settngs, press Left Button to return to last page, and press to ext the menu. • Yes • No

AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 6263 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Setup Menu Mode : P S A The Setup menu for the camera s avalable n all modes. Each menu page can be selected by pressng the button and swtchng between tabs wth the Left/Rght button. To adjust the settngs: 1. Select the menu tab that corresponds wth the functon you want to adjust and press the Down button. 2. Swtch between dfferent functons wth the Up/Down button. 3. Press the Right button to enter the sub-menu. After select ng a functon opton, you can press the Up button to return to the menu for other Camera Setup pages. Or you can press the Down button to sw tch to the next menu page. Refer to the followng pages for more detals about each settng.

64 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Beep Use ths settng to adjust the volume of the beep emtted when buttons are pressed and change the tones for the Shutter button, self-t mer, and power-on/power-off. To change ths settng: 1. Select the Beep sett ng from the Setup menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to swtch between volume, shutter, key, self-tmer, and power tone fields. 3. Press the Rght button, then press the Up/Down button to adjust the volume or change the tone, and press the button to confirm the settng. LCD Brightness Use ths settng to adjust the brghtness of your LCD screen. 1. Select the LCD Brightness sett ng from the Setup menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Select auto or adjust the brghtness level usng the Left/Rght button, and press the button to confirm the settng.

AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 65 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Power Saver Ths settng allows you to save power and get the maxmum possble runnng tme for your batteres. Follow the steps below to turn off the LCD screen and camera automat cally after a perod of nactvty. 1. Select the Power Save sett ng from the Setup menu as descr bed prevously. 2. Press the Up/Down button to select the power tems for the screen and camera and press the Rght button. 3. Press the Up/Down button to adjust the selected tem. Both tems have the followng optons: • LCD off: On, 30 sec, 1 M n, 2 Mn. • Camera off: On, 3 M n, 5 Mn, 10 Mn. 4. Press the button to confirm. Zone The Zone settng s a useful functon on your overseas trps. Ths feature enables you to dsplay the local tme on the LCD screen whle you are overseas. 1. Select the Zone sett ng from the Setup menu as descr bed prevously. The world tme screen wll appear. 2. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to swtch between the hometown ( ) and travel destnaton ( ) fields. 3. Use the Left/Right nav gaton buttons to select a cty close to the desred tme zone. Then press the button to confirm.

6667 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 Date/Time See “Setting the Date and Time “ sect on on page 15. Language See “Setting the Language “ sect on on page 14. Format Memory Please note: formattng enables you to delete all contents n the memory card and bu lt- n memory, nclud ng protected photo and move files. To use ths settng: 1. Select Format Memory n the Fle and Software menu. 2. Use the Up/Down nav gaton button to select Yes or No . Then press the button to confirm the settng. 3. Select Yes, the camera wll format the selected meda. 4. Please note that when you perform the Format Memory funct on, t only formats the actve memory. If a memory card s nserted, the memory card s actve and wll be formatted. If there s no memory card, the nternal memory s actve and the nternal memory wll be formatted. Formattng the memory card wll not automatcally format the nternal memory. Fle / Software

6667 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 67 AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16AgfaPhoto SELECTA 16 File Numbering After you take a pcture or vdeo clp,the camera wll save t n a sequental number. You can use ths to reset the file numberng to 1. (When more than 999 mages are on the memory card, the use of ths features wll have no effect). 1. Select Fle Numberng n the Fle/Software menu, then press Rght. 2. Select the opton wth the Up/Down button and press the button for confirmaton. Copy to Card (Copy internal memory to memory card) Use ths settng to copy the files stored n the nternal memory to the memory card. 1. Select Copy to Card n the Fle/Software menu, then press Rght. 2. Use the Up/Down nav gaton buttons to select Yes or No. Then press the button to confirm the settng.