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Zanussi Zrg 314 Sw User Manual

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    							ProblemaPossibile causaSoluzione
     Lapparecchiatura non riceve corrente.
    Non arriva tensione alla presa elettri-
    ca.Collegare alla presa unaltra apparec-
    chiatura elettrica.
    Rivolgersi a un elettricista qualificato.
    La lampadina non si accende.La lampadina è in stand-by.Aprire e chiudere la porta.
     La lampadina è difettosa.Vedere Sostituzione della lampadina.
    Il compressore rimane sempre in
    funzione.La temperatura non è regolata corret-
    tamente.Impostare una temperatura superiore.
     La porta non è chiusa correttamente.Vedere Chiusura della porta.
     La porta viene aperta troppo frequen-
    temente.Limitare il più possibile il tempo di
    apertura della porta.
     La temperatura degli alimenti è troppo
    alta.Prima di introdurre gli alimenti, lasciarli
    raffreddare a temperatura ambiente.
     La temperatura ambiente è troppo alta.Abbassare la temperatura ambiente.
    Scorre acqua sul pannello po-
    steriore del frigorifero.Durante lo sbrinamento automatico, la
    brina che si forma sul pannello poste-
    riore si scioglie.Non si tratta di unanomalia.
    Scorre acqua allinterno del fri-
    gorifero.Lo scarico dellacqua è ostruito.Pulire lo scarico dellacqua.
     Gli alimenti impediscono allacqua di
    scorrere nellapposito collettore.Evitare di disporre gli alimenti diretta-
    mente contro la parete posteriore.
    Scorre acqua sul pavimento.Lacqua di sbrinamento non viene sca-
    ricata nella bacinella di evaporazione
    posta sopra il compressore.Collegare lo scarico dellacqua di sbri-
    namento alla bacinella di evaporazione.
    La temperatura allinterno del-
    lapparecchiatura è troppo bassa.La temperatura non è regolata corret-
    tamente.Impostare una temperatura superiore.
    La temperatura allinterno del-
    lapparecchiatura è troppo alta.La temperatura non è regolata corret-
    tamente.Impostare una temperatura inferiore.
     La porta non è chiusa correttamente.Vedere Chiusura della porta.
     La temperatura degli alimenti è troppo
    alta.Prima di introdurre gli alimenti, lasciarli
    raffreddare a temperatura ambiente.
     Sono stati introdotti molti alimenti in-
    sieme.Introdurre gli alimenti poco alla volta.
    La temperatura nel vano frigori-
    fero è troppo alta.Laria fredda non circola correttamente
    allinterno dellapparecchiatura.Adottare le misure necessarie per ga-
    rantire una corretta circolazione dellaria
    La temperatura nel vano conge-
    latore è troppo alta.I surgelati sono troppo vicini tra loro.Disporre i surgelati in modo da con-
    sentire una corretta circolazione della-
    ria fredda.
    							ProblemaPossibile causaSoluzione
    Si forma troppa brina.Gli alimenti non sono avvolti corretta-
    mente.Avvolgere correttamente gli alimenti.
     La porta non è chiusa correttamente.Vedere Chiusura della porta.
     La temperatura non è regolata corret-
    tamente.Impostare una temperatura superiore.
    Sostituzione della lampadina
    Per sostituire la lampadina, procedere come segue:
    1. Spegnere lapparecchiatura e staccare la spina dalla
    2. Rimuovere la vite che fissa il coprilampada.
    3. Sganciare la parte mobile premendola come indicato
    nella figura.
    4. Sostituire la lampadina con una di uguale potenza (la
    potenza massima è indicata sul coprilampada)
    5. Riapplicare il coprilampada.
    6. Inserire la vite di fissaggio del coprilampada.
    7. Reinserire la spina nella presa e accendere lappa-
    8. Aprire la porta e verificare che la luce si accenda.
    Chiusura della porta
    1. Pulire le guarnizioni della porta.
    2. Se necessario, regolare la porta. Vedere Installazio-
    3. Se necessario, sostituire le guarnizioni della porta
    difettose. Contattare il Centro di assistenza locale.
    Dati tecnici
     Altezza850 mm850 mm
     Larghezza550 mm550 mm
     Profondità612 mm612 mm
    Tempo di salita 11 h11 h
    I dati tecnici sono riportati sulla targhetta del modello
    applicata sul lato sinistro interno dellapparecchiatura e
    sulletichetta dei valori energetici.
    Attenzione  Leggere con attenzione le Informazioni
    di sicurezza per la vostra sicurezza e per il corretto
    funzionamento dellapparecchio prima di procedere
    Installare questo apparecchio in un punto in cui la tem-
    peratura ambiente corrisponda alla classe climatica indi-
    cata sulla sua targhetta:
    							Classe cli-
    maticaTemperatura ambiente
    SNda + 10°C a + 32°C
    Nda + 16°C a + 32°C
    STda + 16°C a + 38°C
    Tda + 16°C a + 43°C
    Lapparecchiatura deve
    trovarsi perfettamente in
    piano. Per correggere gli
    eventuali dislivelli è pos-
    sibile regolare in altezza i
    due piedini anteriori (2).
    Qualora ciò fosse neces-
    sario, regolare i piedini ri-
    muovendo il distanziatore
    Lapparecchiatura deve essere installata lontano da fonti
    di calore (termosifoni, boiler, luce solare diretta, ecc.).
    Verificare che sul lato posteriore sia garantita unadeguata
    circolazione dellaria. Per ottenere prestazioni ottimali, se
    lapparecchiatura è installata sotto un pensile, si racco-
    manda di mantenere una distanza minima di 100 mm tra
    il suddetto e lo spigolo superiore dellapparecchiatura.
    Se possibile, tuttavia, evitare di installare lapparecchia-
    tura sotto un pensile. Per consentire un perfetto livella-
    mento dellapparecchiatura sono disponibili uno o più
    piedini regolabili.
    Se lapparecchiatura è installata in un angolo con il lato
    incernierato verso la parete, la distanza rispetto a que-
    stultima deve essere di almeno 10 mm, in modo che lo
    sportello possa aprirsi in misura sufficiente per consen-
    tire la rimozione dei ripiani.Avvertenza
    Lapparecchiatura deve po-
    ter essere scollegabile dalla
    presa di corrente; pertanto,
    al termine dellinstallazione,
    la spina deve essere facil-
    mente accessibile.
    min.100 mm
    15 mm
    15 mm
    Reversibilità della porta
    Importante  Per eseguire le seguenti operazioni, si
    raccomanda di farsi aiutare da unaltra persona che tenga
    ben ferme le porte dellapparecchiatura.
    Per cambiare la direzione di apertura della porta, proce-
    dere come segue:
    							1. Estrarre la spina dalla
    presa di alimentazione.
    2. Inclinare lapparecchia-
    tura verso la parte poste-
    riore facendo attenzione, in
    modo che il compressore
    non tocchi il pavimento.
    3. Svitare i due piedini re-
    4. Rimuovere le viti dalla
    cerniera inferiore della por-
    ta. Rimuovere la cerniera.
    Inserire il perno nella dire-
    zione della freccia.
    5. Rimuovere la vite e in-
    stallarla sul lato opposto.
    6. Installare la cerniera sul
    lato opposto.
    7. Avvitare i due piedini re-
    golabili.8. Estrarre le due viti situate
    sul lato posteriore.
    9. Spingere indietro la co-
    pertura superiore e solle-
    varla dagli elementi di fis-
    saggio.10. Rimuovere le viti dalla
    cerniera superiore dello
    11. Rimuovere la cerniera.
    Inserire il perno nella dire-
    zione della freccia. Instal-
    lare la cerniera sul lato op-
    12. Fissare la cerniera.
    13. Riapplicare la copertura
    14. Tirarla in avanti.
    15. Stringere le due viti sul
    lato posteriore.16. Rimuovere e installare
    la maniglia 1) sul lato op-
    17. Riposizionare lelettro-
    domestico, metterlo a livel-
    lo, attendere almeno quat-
    tro ore e inserire la spina
    nella presa di corrente.
    1) Nelle apparecchiature in cui è presente
    Effettuare un controllo finale per verificare che:
    • Tutte le viti siano serrate.
    • La porta si apra e si chiuda correttamente.
    Se la temperatura ambiente è bassa (ad esempio in in-
    verno), è possibile che la guarnizione non aderisca per-
    fettamente. In tal caso, attendere che aderisca natural-
    mente.Per chi preferisca non eseguire direttamente le operazioni
    sopra descritte, rivolgersi al servizio post-vendita più vi-
    cino. Lintervento di inversione delle porte eseguito dai
    tecnici del servizio post-vendita sarà a carico dellutente.
    							Reversibilità della porta del congelatore
    Collegamento elettrico
    Prima di inserire la spina, verificare che la tensione e la
    frequenza riportate sulla targhetta corrispondano ai valori
    della rete elettrica domestica.
    Lapparecchio deve essere collegato a massa. La spina
    del cavo di alimentazione è dotata di un contatto a tale
    scopo. Se la presa della rete elettrica domestica non è
    collegata a massa, collegare lapparecchio ad una massa
    separata in conformità alle norme relative alla corrente,
    consultando un elettricista qualificato.
    Il fabbricante declina qualsiasi responsabilità se le pre-
    cauzioni suddette non sono rispettate.
    Il presente apparecchio è conforme alle direttive CEE.
    Considerazioni ambientali
    Il simbolo    sul prodotto o sulla confezione indica che
    il prodotto non deve essere considerato come un normale
    rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere portato nel punto di
    raccolta appropriato per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature
    elettriche ed elettroniche. Provvedendo a smaltire questo
    prodotto in modo appropriato, si contribuisce a evitare
    potenziali conseguenze negative, che potrebbero derivare
    da uno smaltimento inadeguato del prodotto. Per
    informazioni più dettagliate sul riciclaggio di questoprodotto, contattare l’ufficio comunale, il servizio locale
    di smaltimento rifiuti o il negozio in cui è stato acquistato
    il prodotto.
    Dove portare gli apparecchi fuori uso?
    In qualsiasi negozio che vende apparecchi nuovi oppure
    si restituiscono ai centri di raccolta ufficiali della SENS
    oppure ai riciclatori ufficiali della SENS.
    La lista dei centri di raccolta ufficiali della SENS è visibile
    nel sito www.sens.ch.
    Safety information _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  36
    Operation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  38
    First use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   38
    Daily use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  38
    Helpful hints and tips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  39Care and cleaning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  40
    What to do if… _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  41
    Technical data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  43
    Installation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  43
    Environmental concerns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  46
    Subject to change without notice
     Safety information
    In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use,
    before installing and first using the appliance, read this
    user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings.
    To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is im-
    portant to ensure that all people using the appliance are
    thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features.
    Save these instructions and make sure that they remain
    with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone
    using it through its life will be properly informed on ap-
    pliance use and safety.
    For the safety of life and property keep the precautions of
    these users instructions as the manufacturer is not re-
    sponsible for damages caused by omission.
    Children and vulnerable people safety
    • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (in-
    cluding children) with reduced physical, sensory or
    mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowl-
    edge, unless they have been given supervision or in-
    struction concerning use of the appliance by a person
    responsible for their safety.
    Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
    not play with the appliance.
    • Keep all packaging well away from children. There is
    risk of suffocation.
    • If you are discarding the appliance pull the plug out of
    the socket, cut the connection cable (as close to the
    appliance as you can) and remove the door to prevent
    playing children to suffer electric shock or to close
    themselves into it.
    • If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to
    replace an older appliance having a spring lock (latch)
    on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock
    unusable before you discard the old appliance. This
    will prevent it from becoming a death trap for a child.
    General safety
    Caution!  Keep ventilation openings clear of
    • The appliance is intended for keeping foodstuff and/or
    beverages in a normal household as explained in this
    instruction booklet.
    • Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means
    to speed up the thawing process.
    • Do not use other electrical appliances (such as ice
    cream makers) inside of refrigerating appliances, un-
    less they are approved for this purpose by the manu-
    • Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
    • The refrigerant isobutane (R600a) is contained within
    the refrigerant circuit of the appliance, a natural gas
    with a high level of environmental compatibility, which
    is nevertheless flammable.
    During transportation and installation of the appliance,
    be certain that none of the components of the refrig-
    erant circuit become damaged.
    If the refrigerant circuit should become damaged:
    – avoid open flames and sources of ignition
    – thoroughly ventilate the room in which the appli-
    ance is situated
    • It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modify this
    product in any way. Any damage to the cord may cause
    a short-circuit, fire and/or electric shock.
    Warning!  Any electrical component (power cord,
    plug, compressor) must be replaced by a certified
    service agent or qualified service personnel.
    1. Power cord must not be lengthened.
    2. Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or
    damaged by the back of the appliance. A squashed
    							or damaged power plug may overheat and cause
    a fire.
    3. Make sure that you can come to the mains plug of
    the appliance.
    4. Do not pull the mains cable.
    5. If the power plug socket is loose, do not insert the
    power plug. There is a risk of electric shock or fire.
    6. You must not operate the appliance without the
    lamp cover
    10) of interior lighting.
    • This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when
    moving it.
    • Do not remove nor touch items from the freezer com-
    partment if your hands are damp/wet, as this could
    cause skin abrasions or frost/freezer burns.
    • Avoid prolonged exposure of the appliance to direct
    Daily Use
    • Do not put hot pot on the plastic parts in the appliance.
    • Do not store flammable gas and liquid in the appliance,
    because they may explode.
    • Do not place food products directly against the air
    outlet on the rear wall.
    • Frozen food must not be re-frozen once it has been
    thawed out.
    • Store pre-packed frozen food in accordance with the
    frozen food manufacturers instructions.
    • Appliances manufacturers storage recommendations
    should be strictly adhered to. Refer to relevant instruc-
    • Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer
    compartment as it creates pressure on the container,
    which may cause it to explode, resulting in damage to
    the appliance.
    • Ice lollies can cause frost burns if consumed straight
    from the appliance.
    Care and cleaning
    • Before maintenance, switch off the appliance and dis-
    connect the mains plug from the mains socket.
    • Do not clean the appliance with metal objects.
    • Do not use sharp objects to remove frost from the ap-
    pliance. Use a plastic scraper.
    • Regularly examine the drain in the refrigerator for de-
    frosted water. If necessary, clean the drain. If the drain
    is blocked, water will collect in the bottom of the ap-
    Important!  For electrical connection carefully follow the
    instructions given in specific paragraphs.
    • Unpack the appliance and check if there are damages
    on it. Do not connect the appliance if it is damaged.
    Report possible damages immediately to the place you
    bought it. In that case retain packing.
    • It is advisable to wait at least four hours before con-
    necting the appliance to allow the oil to flow back in
    the compressor.
    • Adequate air circulation should be around the appli-
    ance, lacking this leads to overheating. To achieve
    sufficient ventilation follow the instructions relevant to
    • Wherever possible the back of the product should be
    against a wall to avoid touching or catching warm parts
    (compressor, condenser) to prevent possible burn.
    • The appliance must not be located close to radiators
    or cookers.
    • Make sure that the mains plug is accessible after the
    installation of the appliance.
    Connect to potable water supply only.
    • Any electrical work required to do the servicing of the
    appliance should be carried out by a qualified electri-
    cian or competent person.
    • This product must be serviced by an authorized Service
    Centre, and only genuine spare parts must be used.
    10) If the lamp cover is foreseen
    11) If the appliance is Frost Free
    12) If a water connection is foreseen
    							Environment Protection
    This appliance does not contain gasses which could
    damage the ozone layer, in either its refrigerant cir-
    cuit or insulation materials. The appliance shall not be
    discarded together with the urban refuse and rubbish. The
    insulation foam contains flammable gases: the appliance
    shall be disposed according to the applicable regulations
    to obtain from your local authorities. Avoid damaging the
    cooling unit, especially at the rear near the heat exchang-
    er. The materials used on this appliance marked by the
     are recyclable.
    Switching on
    Insert the plug into the wall socket.
    Turn the Temperature regulator clockwise to a medium
    Switching off
    To turn off the appliance, turn the Temperature regulator
    to the O position.
    Temperature regulation
    The temperature is automatically regulated.
    To operate the appliance, proceed as follows:
    • turn the Temperature regulator toward lower settings
    to obtain the minimum coldness.
    • turn the Temperature regulator toward higher settings
    to obtain the maximum coldness.
    A medium setting is generally the most suitable.
    However, the exact setting should be chosen keeping in
    mind that the temperature inside the appliance depends
    • room temperature
    • how often the door is opened
    • the quantity of food stored
    • the location of the appliance.
    Important!  If the ambient temperature is high or the
    appliance is fully loaded, and the appliance is set to the
    lowest temperatures, it may run continuously causing
    frost to form on the rear wall. In this case the dial must be
    set to a higher temperature to allow automatic defrosting
    and therefore reduced energy consumption.
    First use
    Cleaning the interior
    Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the
    interior and all internal accessories with lukewarm water
    and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell
    of a brand-new product, then dry thoroughly.
    Important!  Do not use detergents or abrasive powders,
    as these will damage the finish.
    Daily use
    Freezing fresh food
    The freezer compartment is suitable for freezing fresh food
    and storing frozen and deep-frozen food for a long time.
    To freeze fresh foods it is not necessary to change the
    medium setting.
    However, for a faster freezing operation, turn the temper-
    ature regulator toward higher settings to obtain the max-
    imum coldness.
    Important!  In this condition, the refrigerator compartment
    temperature might drop below 0°C. If this occurs reset
    the temperature regulator to a warmer setting.
    Storage of frozen food
    When first starting-up or after a period out of use, before
    putting the products in the compartment let the appliance
    run at least 2 hours on the higher settings.
    Important!  In the event of accidental defrosting, for
    example due to a power failure, if the power has been off
    for longer than the value shown in the technical
    characteristics chart under rising time, the defrosted
    food must be consumed quickly or cooked immediately
    and then re-frozen (after cooling).
    Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to being used, can be
    thawed in the refrigerator compartment or at room tem-
    perature, depending on the time available for this opera-
    Small pieces may even be cooked still frozen, directly
    from the freezer: in this case, cooking will take longer.
    Movable shelves
    The walls of the refrigerator are equipped with a series of
    runners so that the shelves can be positioned as desired.
    Positioning the door shelves
    To permit storage of food
    packages of various sizes,
    the door shelves can be
    placed at different heights.
    Gradually pull the shelf in
    the direction of the arrows
    until it comes free, then
    reposition as required.
    Helpful hints and tips
    Normal Operating Sounds
    • You may hear a faint gurgling and a bubbling sound
    when the refrigerant is pumped through the coils or
    tubing. This is correct.
    • When the compressor is on, the refrigerant is being
    pumped around and you will hear a whirring sound
    and a pulsating noise from the compressor. This is
    • The thermic dilatation might cause a sudden cracking
    noise. It is natural, not dangerous physical phenom-
    enon. This is correct.
    • When the compressor switches on or switches off, you
    will hear a faint click of the temperature regulator.
    This is correct.
    Hints for energy saving
    • Do not open the door frequently or leave it open longer
    than absolutely necessary.
    • If the ambient temperature is high and the Temperature
    Regulator is set to low temperature and the appliance
    is fully loaded, the compressor may run continuously,
    causing frost or ice on the evaporator. If this happens,
    set the Temperature Regulator toward warmer settings
    to allow automatic defrosting and so a saving in elec-
    tricity consumption.
    Hints for fresh food refrigeration
    To obtain the best performance:
    • do not store warm food or evaporating liquids in the
    • do cover or wrap the food, particularly if it has a strong
    • position food so that air can circulate freely around it
    Hints for refrigeration
    Useful hints:
    Meat (all types) : wrap in polythene bags and place on the
    glass shelf above the vegetable drawer.
    For safety, store in this way only one or two days at the
    Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc..: these should be covered
    and may be placed on any shelf.
    Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned
    and placed in the special drawer(s) provided.
    Butter and cheese: these should be placed in special air-
    tight containers or wrapped in aluminium foil or polythene
    bags to exclude as much air as possible.
    Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be stored
    in the bottle rack on the door.
    Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not packed, must
    not be kept in the refrigerator.
    Hints for freezing
    To help you make the most of the freezing process, here
    are some important hints:
    • the maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in
    24 hrs. is shown on the rating plate;
    • the freezing process takes 24 hours. No further food to
    be frozen should be added during this period;
    • only freeze top quality, fresh and thoroughly cleaned,
    							• prepare food in small portions to enable it to be rapidly
    and completely frozen and to make it possible subse-
    quently to thaw only the quantity required;
    • wrap up the food in aluminium foil or polythene and
    make sure that the packages are airtight;
    • do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food which
    is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in temperature
    of the latter;
    • lean foods store better and longer than fatty ones; salt
    reduces the storage life of food;
    • water ices, if consumed immediately after removal from
    the freezer compartment, can possibly cause the skin
    to be freeze burnt;
    • it is advisable to show the freezing in date on each
    individual pack to enable you to keep tab of the storage
    time.Hints for storage of frozen food
    To obtain the best performance from this appliance, you
    • make sure that the commercially frozen foodstuffs were
    adequately stored by the retailer;
    • be sure that frozen foodstuffs are transferred from the
    foodstore to the freezer in the shortest possible time;
    • not open the door frequently or leave it open longer
    than absolutely necessary.
    • Once defrosted, food deteriorates rapidly and cannot
    be refrozen.
    • Do not exceed the storage period indicated by the food
    Care and cleaning
    Caution!  Unplug the appliance before carrying out
    any maintenance operation.
    This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling
    unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore
    only be carried out by authorized technicians.
    Periodic cleaning
    The equipment has to be cleaned regularly:
    • clean the inside and accessories with lukewarm water
    and some neutral soap.
    • regularly check the door seals and wipe clean to ensure
    they are clean and free from debris.
    • rinse and dry thoroughly.
    Important!  Do not pull, move or damage any pipes and/
    or cables inside the cabinet.
    Never use detergents, abrasive powders, highly perfumed
    cleaning products or wax polishes to clean the interior as
    this will damage the surface and leave a strong odour.
    Clean the condenser (black grill) and the compressor at
    the back of the appliance with a brush or a vacuum cleaner.
    This operation will improve the performance of the ap-
    pliance and save electricity consumption.
    Important!  Take care of not to damage the cooling system.
    Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners contain chem-
    icals that can attack/damage the plastics used in this ap-
    pliance. For this reason it is recommended that the outer
    casing of this appliance is only cleaned with warm water
    with a little washing-up liquid added.
    After cleaning, reconnect the equipment to the mains
    Defrosting of the refrigerator
    Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of
    the refrigerator compartment every time the motor com-
    pressor stops, during normal use. The defrost water
    drains out through a trough into a special container at the
    back of the appliance, over the motor compressor, where
    it evaporates.
    It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain
    hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel
    to prevent the water overflowing and dripping onto the
    food inside. Use the special cleaner provided, which you
    will find already inserted into the drain hole.
    Defrosting the freezer
    A certain amount of frost will always form on the
    freezer shelves and around the top compartment.
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