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Yamaha Tyros 2 Manual

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    							Basic Operations—Organizing Your Data
    81Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    Function Tree
    ● Button/Controller............Indicates the Button/Controller that you should use at first for entering the corresponding function. Num-
    bers at the left end correspond to the ones in “Top panel & connections” on page 14.
    ● LCD title...........................This appears at the top of the LCD display called up by operating the Button/Controller. “---” indicates 
    that no LCD display is called up by operating the Button/Controller.
    ● Function............................Describes the function that can be executed on the LCD display called up by operating the Button/Con-
    troller. Describes the function of the Button/Controller itself if the LCD title is “---.”
    The numbers to the left of the chart correspond to the those in the “Panel Controls and Terminals” section on page 14.
    Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage
    qPOWER ON/OFF switch--- Turning the POWER on or off 20, 22
    wMASTER VOLUME  control--- Adjusting the overall volume 20
    eINPUT VOLUME  control--- Adjusting the microphone sound volume 47, 175
    rDEMO button DEMODemo song selection/playback 24
    tMIC/LINE IN buttons
    [VOCAL HARMONY] button --- Turning Vocal Harmony on or off 48, 175
    [TALK] button --- Calling up the Talk Settings related to the microphone sound 177
    [EFFECT] button --- Turning the effect for the microphone sound on or off 175
    [VH TYPE SELECT] buttonVOCAL HARMONY TYPESelecting/producing the Vocal Harmony effect 48, 175
    OVERALL SETTINGSetting microphone relataed parameters such as EQ, Noise Gate, and 
    TALK SETTING Setting the Talk Setting related parameters 177
    ySONG CONTROL buttons
    [LYRICS/TEXT] buttonLYRICS/TEXTShowing the lyrics of a song or text 114–115
    [SCORE] buttonSCOREShowing the score of a song 112
    [GUIDE] button --- Turning the Guide function on or off 50
    [P.A.T.] button --- Turning the Performance Assistant Technology on or off 120
    [SP1]–[SP4] buttons ---Entering Song Position Markers to the selected song and executing jumps 
    among the Markers.44, 117
    [LOOP] button --- Turning looped playback (between Markers) on or off 45, 117
    [REC] button (Pop-up window) Recording a song 55
    [STOP] button --- Stopping playback or recording of the selected song 43
    [PLAY/PAUSE] button --- Playing/pausing playback or recording of the selected song 43
    [REW] button (Pop-up window) Fast reverse of the song playback position 43, 117
    [FF] button (Pop-up window) Fast forward of the song playback position 43, 117
    uFADE IN/OUT button---Producing smooth fade-ins and fade-outs when star ting and stopping the 
    iSONG buttons SONGThe Open/Save display for songs 43, 72
    oSTYLE buttonsThe Open/Save display for styles 31, 72
    [POP & ROCK]–[WORLD] buttonSTYLEThe Open/Save display of the category (path) that corresponds to the 
    selected button156
    [FILE ACCESS] buttonSTYLETurning the File Access function on or off 156
    !0STYLE CONTROL buttons
    [ACMP] button --- Turning ACMP (Auto Accompaniment ) on or off 31
    [OTS LINK] button --- Turning the OTS Link function on or off 155
    [AUTO FILL IN] button --- Turning the Auto Fill in on or off 35
    [INTRO] buttons --- Playing the Intro sections of the selected style 34
    [MAIN VARIATION] buttons --- Playing the Main sections of the selected style 34
    [BREAK] button --- Playing the Break sections of the selected style 34
    [ENDING/rit.] button --- Playing the Ending sections of the selected style 34
    [SYNC STOP] button --- Turning Sync Stop on or off 155
    [SYNC START] button --- Turning Sync Star t on or off 31, 155
    [START/STOP] button --- Starting/stopping style playback 32
    !1METRONOME button--- Starting/stopping the Metronome 193
    !2TAP TEMPO  button--- Tapping out the tempo of the style playback 154
    !3TEMPO buttons(Pop-up window) Changing the tempo of the Style/Multi Pad/Song playback 154
    !4TRANSPOSE buttons(Pop-up window) Transposing the pitch up or down 88 
    							Function Tree
    Basic Operations—Organizing Your Data
    82Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    !5MULTI PAD CONTROL buttons
    [SELECT] buttonMULTI PADOpen/Save display for Multi Pads 38, 169
    [1]–[4] buttons --- Playing the Multi Pads 38, 169
    [STOP] button --- Stopping the Multi Pad playback 38, 169
    !6BALANCE button(Pop-up window) Adjusting the volume balance among par ts 36, 46
    VOL/VOICEAdjusting the volume and pan for each part and setting the Song Auto 
    FILTER Adjusting the Harmonic content and Brightness for each part 180
    TUNEAdjusting the pitch related parameters for each part including the trans-
    pose setting180
    EFFECTAdjusting the effect depth for each part and setting the Effect type/param-
    eter for each block181
    EQSelecting/producing a Master EQ type and adjusting the EQ gain for each 
    CMP Selecting/producing a Master compressor type 185
    LINE OUTLine out settings for each part and for each instrument (key) of the drum 
    !8CHANNEL ON/OFF button(Pop-up window) Turning each channel (par t) of the selected song/style playback on or off 37, 46
    REGIST BANK [-] [+] buttonsREGISTRATION BANKPressing both [-] [+] buttons simultaneously: Open/save display for Regis-
    tration Memory Banks 
    Pressing a [-]/[+] button: Pop-up window for selecting previous/subsequent 
    Registration Memory Bank53
    [FREEZE] button --- Turning the Freeze function on or off 173
    [1]–[8] buttons --- Recalling various panel settings 52
    CONTENTSMemorizing various panel settings to Registration Memory/One Touch 
    @0PROGRAMMABLE MUSIC FINDER button MUSIC FINDERSelecting/Editing /Searching a Record of the Music Finder 40, 171
    MASTER TUNE Setting the overall pitch of the Tyros2 187SCALE TUNE Tuning each individual note of the octave 187
    SONG SETTINGSetting the song playback related parameters, such as Guide function set-
    STYLE SETTING Setting the style playback related parameters. 157SPLIT POINT Setting the split points. 158CHORD FINGERING Selecting the way in which chords are played with your left hand 152CONTROLLERFOOT PEDAL Assigning the foot pedal function 189
    KEYBOARD/PANELSetting the keyboard related parameters, such as Initial Touch and After-
    SEQUENCESetting the Registration Memory Sequence 173
    FREEZE Specifying which settings are affected by the Freeze function 173
    VOICE SETDetermining whether the preset settings are recalled or not when a new 
    voice is selected188
    HARMONY/ECHOSelecting a Harmony/Echo type and setting related parameters 39, 191
    SCREEN OUTSetting the display characteristics that are output to a monitor connected 
    to the [RGB OUT] or [VIDEO OUT] jack.188
    MIDISelecting a MIDI template 213SYSTEM MIDI system-related parameter settings 215TRANSMIT MIDI transmit channel settings 215RECEIVE MIDI receive channel settings 216
    BASSMIDI chord root settings that determines whether or not the Tyros2 recog-
    nizes the received note event as the chord root for the style playback217
    CHORD DETECTMIDI chord root settings that determines whether or not the Tyros2 recog-
    nizes the received note event as the chord type for the style playback217
    MFC10 Setting the parameters related to a connected optional MFC10 217UTILITYCONFIG 1 Setting various parameters such as the Fade In/Out and the metronome 193
    CONFIG 2Setting the parameter that determines whether the voice program change 
    number will be indicated on the Open/Save display for voices and the 
    parameter that determines whether the optionally installed speaker will 
    sound or not. 193
    MEDIA Executing the media related operations such as format 194OWNER Executing operations such as registering your name to the Tyros2 195SYSTEM RESET Resetting the internal Flash ROM to the Factory Set 195
    Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage 
    							Function Tree
    Basic Operations—Organizing Your Data
    83Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    @2VOICE CREATOR button WAVE IMPORTImporting WAVE audio files 94
    CUSTOM VOICE BANK EDITOrganizing Custom Voice Banks 102INDIVIDUAL LOADLoading (selecting and assigning) Custom Voices 104LIBRARY LOADLoading Library files 106LIBRARY SAVESaving Custom Voice Banks as Library files 108CUSTOM VOICE EDIT via PCEditing Custom Voices on PC using included Voice Editor software 111
    @3DIGITAL RECORDING button SONG CREATORCreating a User Song 121
    REC MODESetting parameters that determine how recording star ts and stops, such 
    as Punch In/Out settings122
    CHANNEL Editing recorded song data for each part (channel) 123CHORD Recording Chord data for the style playback using the Event List 1251-16 Recording MIDI events for each channel using the Event List 127SYS/EX. Recording System Exclusive Messages using the Event List 133LYRICS Recording Lyrics data using the Event List 133
    STYLE CREATORCreating a User Style 159
    BASICSetting basic parameters such as beat, pattern length, section/par t (chan-
    nel) to be recorded161
    ASSEMBLYAssembling an orignal style by combining existing rhythm patters from 
    other styles163
    GROOVE Altering the timing for each section, velocity of notes for each channel 163CHANNEL Editing recorded style data for each part (channel) 165PARAMETER Editing various parameters related to the Style File Format 165EDIT Recording MIDI events for each channel using the Event List 162
    MULTI PAD CREATORCreating a User Multi Pad 169RECORD Turning Repeat and Chord Match on or off, and recording a Multi Pad 169EDIT Recording MIDI events for each pad using the Event List 170
    @4HARD DISK RECORDER buttons
    [SELECT] buttonAUDIOOpen/Save display for audio songs 59, 135
    VOLUME Adjusting the volume of the audio song 142
    REC MODESetting the audio song recording related parameters, such as punch in/out 
    recording141, 143
    [REC] button --- Recording an audio song 59, 135
    [STOP] button --- Stopping playback or recording of the selected song 59, 135
    [PLAY/PAUSE] button --- Playing/pausing playback or recording of the selected song 59, 135
    [PREV] button --- Selecting audio songs or fast reverse of the song playback position 61, 149
    [NEXT] button --- Selecting audio songs or fast forward of the song playback position 61, 149
    @5VOICE buttons VOICEOpen/Save display for voices 25, 72
    @6PART SELECT buttons--- Selecting a keyboard part from among four parts (RIGHT 1, 2, 3, LEFT) 84
    @7PART ON/OFF buttons--- Turning each keyboard part (RIGHT 1, 2, 3, LEFT) on or off 80, 84
    @8VOICE EFFECT buttons
    [HARMONY/ECHO] button --- Turning Harmony/Echo on or off 39, 191
    [INITIAL TOUCH] button --- Turning Initial Touch on or off 39, 87
    [SUSTAIN] button --- Turning Sustain on or off 39, 87
    [MONO] button --- Setting the selected keyboard part to Poly or Mono 39, 87
    [DSP] button --- Setting the DSP effect of the selected keyboard part to on or off 39, 87
    [DSP VARIATION] button --- Setting the DSP effect variations of the selected keyboard part to on or off 39, 87
    [1]–[4] --- Calling up various panel settings that match the selected style 36, 155
    #0UPPER OCTAVE buttons--- Transposing Upper par ts (RIGHT 1–3) up or down by one octave 27
    #1PITCH BEND wheel--- Bending notes played on the keyboard up or down 88
    #2MODULATION wheel--- Applying a vibrato effect to notes played on the keyboard 88
    Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage 
    							84Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    Voices and Keyboard Parts
    As you know by now, the Tyros2 has a wide variety of musical instrument sounds, referred to as “voices.” And, as shown on page 
    80, the Tyros2 allows you to independently select and play up to four voice parts at the same time in a number of ways. Any voice 
    can be assigned to any part. Since there are four different parts, be careful to confirm which parts are selected, and make sure not 
    to confuse one part for another as you select voices for them.
    See below for details on confirming the currently selected part, and instructions on selecting parts.
    ■ Note names of the keyboard...............................................................................................
    Each key has a note name; for example, the lowest (farthest left) key on the keyboard corresponds to C1 
    and the highest (farthest right) key to C6.
    ■ Left Hold......................................................................................................................................
    This function causes the LEFT part voice to be held even when the keys are released. Non-decaying 
    voices such as strings are held continuously, while decay-type voices such as piano decay more slowly 
    (as if the sustain pedal has been pressed). This function is especially effective when used with style 
    playback. For example, if you play and release a chord in the Chord section of the keyboard (with the 
    Left part on and the Left voice set to Strings), the strings part sustains, adding a natural richness to the 
    overall accompaniment sound.
    Upper section of 
    the keyboard Lower section of
    the keyboardYou can confirm the currently selected part by checking which 
    lamp of the [PART SELECT] buttons lights. To select the 
    desired keyboard part, press the corresponding part button.If you want to turn only a specified part on, 
    press one of the [PART ON/OFF] buttons.
    Split Point
    C1 - B1
    D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C#1D#1F#1G#1A#1
    C2 - B2C3 - B3C4 - B4C5 - B5 C6 
    85Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    Voice Types
    The buttons of the VOICE section (excepting USER DRIVE) are used to call up the relevant voice selection (Open/Save) display 
    for the Preset drive. Pressing one of the buttons calls up the voice selection display corresponding to the selected category, and 
    the last selected voice in the category is automatically called up. Five of these voice categories (below) are slightly different from 
    the others and deserve special explanation.
    ■ Organ Flutes Voices............................................................................................
    Press the [ORGAN FLUTES] button to call up the Open/Save display for selecting among 
    the special organ voices. You can also use the Voice Set features (displayed as FOOTAGE) 
    to create your own original organ sounds.
    Just as on a traditional organ, you can create your own sounds by adjusting the levels of 
    the flute footages.
    ■ Percussion/Drum Kit Voices............................................................................
    When one of the Drum Kit or SFX Kit voices in the [PERC./DRUM KIT] group is 
    selected, you can play various drums and percussion instruments or SFX (sound effects) 
    sounds on the keyboard. The drum and percussion instruments played by the various keys 
    are marked by symbols below the keys. Some of the instruments in the different drum kit 
    voices sound different even though they have the same name, while others are essentially 
    the same.
    See the separate Data List for a complete listing of the Drum Kit and SFX Kit assign-
    ■ GM&XG Voices and GM2 Voices....................................................................
    You can select the GM/XG/GM2 voices (page 212) directly via panel operations. Press 
    one of the VOICE buttons to call up the Open/Save display for voices, then press the [UP] 
    LCD button (upper [8] button) and call up the P2 page containing the “GM&XG” folder 
    and the “GM2” folder. 
    ■ Custom Voices......................................................................................................
    Your original voices created by using the Voice Creator function (page 94) or with the 
    Voice Editor software (pages 66, 111) can be saved to the Preset drive as Custom voice 
    data. Custom Voices saved to the Preset drive can be called up via the [CUSTOM VOICE] 
    The [USER DRIVE] button lets you directly 
    access those voices saved to drives other 
    than the Preset drive. Press this button and 
    the voice last selected from the User drive or 
    disk drive will be called up, along with the 
    appropriate Open/Save display.
    Custom Voices
    Organ Flutes 
    Percussion/Drum Voices
    Preset Voices
    •The Transpose functions (page 
    88) do not affect the Drum Kit or 
    SFX Kit voices.
    Seq Click H
    Bell Tree Jingle Bell Triangle Open Cuica Open Wood Block L Wood Block H Guiro Long Samba Whistle L Samba Whistle HCabasa Agogo H Timbale H Conga L Conga H MuteBongo H Ride Cymbal 2 Crash Cymbal 2 Splash Cymbal Ride Cymbal Cup Chinese CymbalHigh Tom Mid Tom H Mid Tom L Low Tom Floor Tom H Floor Tom L Snare TightSnare Kick Kick Tight Kick Soft Snare Soft Snare Roll Brush Tap SwirlBrush SwirlBrush Tap
    Shaker Triangle Mute Cuica Mute Claves Guiro Short Maracas Agogo L Timbale L Conga H Open Bongo L Vibraslap Cowbell Tambourine Ride Cymbal 1 Crash Cymbal 1 Hi-Hat Open  Hi-Hat Pedal Hi-Hat Closed Hand Clap Side Stick Open Rim Shot Sticks Castanet Brush Slap
    C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
    When “Standard Kit 1” is selected: 
    86Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    ■ Voice Characteristics.......................................................................................................................................
    The Voice type and its defining characteristics are indicated above the Preset voice or 
    Custom voice name.
    Live!These acoustic instrument sounds were sampled in stereo, to produce a truly authentic, rich 
    sound—full of atmosphere and ambience.
    Cool!These Voices capture the dynamic textures and subtle nuances of electric instruments—thanks 
    to a huge amount of memory and some very sophisticated programming.
    Sweet!These acoustic instrument sounds also benefit from Yamaha’s sophisticated technology—and 
    feature a sound so finely detailed and natural, you’ll swear you’re playing the real thing!
    DrumsVarious drum and percussion sounds are assigned to individual keys, letting you play the 
    sounds from the keyboard.
    SFXVarious special effect sounds are assigned to individual keys, letting you play the sounds from 
    the keyboard.
    Organ Flutes!This authentic organ Voice lets you use the Voice Set to adjust the various footages and craft 
    your own original organ sounds. See page 97 for details.
    MegaVoiceThe MegaVoices are not intended to be played from the keyboard but are designed to be used 
    with recorded MIDI data (including songs and styles). MegaVoices make special use of velocity 
    switching, with completely different sounds in the various velocity ranges. For example, a guitar 
    MegaVoice has a huge variety of specific performance techniques assigned to different velocity 
    ranges—making the voice difficult to “play” in real time (because of the precise velocities need-
    ed), but very useful when creating realistic tracks with MIDI data, especially when you want to 
    avoid using several different voices just to make a single instrumental part. Sound maps for the 
    Tyros2’s Megavoices are given in the separate Data List booklet.
    S. Articulation!The Super Articulation voices sound remarkably authentic and natural, featuring the unique 
    performance characteristics of each instrument—for example, guitar scratching sounds or the 
    legato phrasing of wind instruments. They provide many of the same benefits as the MegaVoic-
    es, but with greater playability and expressive control in real time. To effectively play these 
    natural sounds in performance of certain voices, you may need to use the pitch bend wheel or 
    footswitch. For details on how to best play each voice, call up the Information window (pressing 
    the upper [6] button in the voice’s Open/Save display).
    Live!DrumsThese are high-quality drum sounds taking full advantage of Stereo Sampling and Dynamic 
    Live!SFXThese are high-quality Latin percussion sounds taking full advantage of Stereo Sampling and 
    Dynamic sampling. They give you a broader and more versatile range of Latin percussion than 
    the normal drum Voices.
    Custom!Custom voices which you have created by using the Custom voice function.
    CustomWA!Custom voices which contain Wave data.
    Notes for MegaVoices:
    Unexpected or undesired sounds may result depending on the settings or 
    conditions below:
    • Initial Touch setting in the [FUNCTION] 
    BOARD/PANEL display (page 191) 
    • Harmony/Echo settings in the [FUNCTION] 
    → HARMONY/ECHO dis-
    play (page 191) 
    • Touch sensitivity-related settings in the Voice Set (page 91)
    • Playing keys in the left-hand Chord sections when Stop Accompani-
    ment (page 157) is set to “STYLE.”
    Unexpected or undesired sounds may result depending on the settings 
    below, when editing or creating data for songs, styles, and Multi Pads:
    • When selecting a MegaVoice from the Revoice display of a style (page 
    • When changing the velocity values of several notes at once in the 
    Event List displays of song, style, or Multi Pad (page 127).
    • When changing the velocity values of several notes at once with the 
    Velocity Change function (page 165) and the Dynamics function (page 
    163) in the Style Creator function. 
    • When changing the note numbers of several specified channels at 
    once with the Channel Transpose function (page 124) in the Song Cre-
    ator function. Notes for Super Articulation voices:
    Unexpected or undesired sounds may 
    result depending on the setting or con-
    ditions below:
    • Using Performance Assistant Tech-
    nology (page 120)
    • Mono (page 87)
    • Harmony/Echo settings in the 
    display (page 191)
    • Sostenuto setting in the [FUNC-
    PEDAL → Sostenuto (page 190)
    • Pitch to Note parameter in the [VH 
    → Parameter in the 
    Edit display (page 48)
    • Re-recorded or edited songs
    When changing the note numbers of 
    several specified channels at once with 
    the Channel Transpose function 
    (page 124) in the Song Creator func-
    tion, unexpected or undesired sounds 
    may result.
    On some voices, the playing of trills 
    causes the voice to automatically 
    sound monophonically, even when the 
    voice is normally polyphonic.MegaVoices and Super Articula-
    tion voices are only compatible 
    with other models which have 
    those two types of voices installed. 
    Any song, style or Multi Pads data 
    you’ve created on the Tyros2 using 
    the MegaVoices or Super Articula-
    tion voices will not sound properly 
    when played back on instruments 
    that do not have these types of 
    Maximum Polyphony
    The Tyros2 features a maximum polyphony of 128 notes. Since style playback uses a number of the 
    available notes, the full 128 notes will not be available on the keyboard when a style is played back. 
    The same applies to the Voice RIGHT 1, RIGHT 2, RIGHT 3, LEFT, Multi Pad, and Song functions. 
    When the maximum polyphony is exceeded, notes are played using last-note priority.  
    87Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    Voice EffectsQuick Guide on page 39
    ■ Harmony/Echo...............................................................................................................................
    See page 39 in “Quick Guide” and page 191 in “Reference.”
    ■ Initial Touch.....................................................................................................................................
    The keyboard of the Tyros2 is equipped with a touch response feature that lets you dynamically and expres-
    sively control the level of the voices with your playing strength—just as on an acoustic instrument. There 
    are two types of touch response on the Tyros2 keyboard (described below): Initial Touch and Aftertouch. 
    Initial Touch can be turned on or off from the panel.
    Two types of touch response equipped with the keyboard of the Tyros2
    ● Initial Touch
    With this function, the Tyros2 senses how strongly or softly you play the keys, and uses that playing 
    strength to affect the sound in various ways, depending on the selected voice. This allows you to play 
    with greater expressiveness and add effects with your playing technique. 
    You can set the keyboard parts to which Initial Touch is applied from the [FUNCTION] → CON-
    TROLLER → PANEL CONTROLLER display (page 191).
    ● Aftertouch
    With this function, the Tyros2 senses how much pressure you apply to the keys while playing, and 
    uses that pressure to affect the sound in various ways, depending on the selected voice. This also 
    gives you more expressive control over the sound and effects.
    You can set the keyboard parts to which Aftertouch is applied from the [FUNCTION] → CON-
    TROLLER → KEYBOARD/PANEL display (page 191).
    The default settings for Aftertouch and how it affects a voice can be changed from the Voice Set 
    function (page 91) and saved along with a User voice.
    ■ Sustain..............................................................................................................................................
    When this feature is ON, all notes played on the upper section of the keyboard (RIGHT 1–3 parts) have a 
    longer sustain. The Sustain level for each voice can be adjusted via the Voice Set function (page 91) and can 
    be saved as a User voice.
    ■ Poly/Mono........................................................................................................................................
    This determines whether the part’s voice is played monophonically (only one note at a time) or polyphoni-
    cally. When the lamp of the [MONO] button is on, the Portamento effect can be controlled (depending on 
    the selected voice) by playing legato. 
    The Poly/Mono setting and the degree of the Portamento effect (Portamento Time) are pre-programed for 
    each voice. These can be changed via the Voice Set function (page 91) and saved as a User voice. 
    Portamento Time can also be adjusted from the Mixing Console (page 179). 
    ■ DSP and DSP Variation...............................................................................................................
    With the digital effects built into the Tyros2 you can add ambience and depth to your music in a variety of 
    ways—such as adding reverb that makes you sound like you are playing in a concert hall.
    •The [DSP] button turns the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) effect on or off for the currently selected 
    keyboard part. 
    •The [DSP VARIATION] button lets you switch between two variations of the DSP effect. You could 
    use this while you play, for example, to change the rotating speed (slow/fast) of the rotary speaker 
    These buttons turn the corresponding effects on or 
    off for the currently selected part (page 84). 
    This button turns the Sustain effect on or off for the RIGHT 1–3 parts.
    This button turns the Initial Touch on or off for the keyboard parts 
    specified from the [FUNCTION] → CONTROLLER → PANEL 
    CONTROLLER display (page 191). 
    This button turns the Harmony/Echo effect on or off for any of the RIGHT 1–
    3 parts. You can specify the keyboard parts to which this effect is applied 
    from the [FUNCTION] → HARMONY/ECHO display (page 191).  
    88Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    Changing Pitch on the Tyros2
    The Tyros2 has a variety of pitch-related controls and functions, as described below.
    ■ PITCH BEND Wheel............................................................................................................
    Use the Tyros2 PITCH BEND wheel to bend notes up (roll the wheel away from you) or down (roll 
    the wheel toward you) while playing the keyboard. The Pitch Bend is applied to all the keyboard 
    parts (RIGHT 1–3 and LEFT). The PITCH BEND wheel is self-centering and will automatically 
    return to normal pitch when released. 
    ■ MODULATION Wheel.........................................................................................................
    The Modulation function applies a vibrato effect to notes played on the keyboard. This is applied to 
    all the keyboard parts (RIGHT 1–3 and LEFT). 
    Moving the MODULATION wheel down (towards MIN) decreases the depth of the effect, while 
    moving it up (towards MAX) increases it. 
    ■ Transpose..............................................................................................................................
    With this function, you can transpose the pitch of the Tyros2 up or down over a range of ±2 octaves 
    in semitone steps. Three transposing methods (Keyboard, Song, and Master) are available; select the 
    desired method in the [FUNCTION] → CONTROLLER → KEYBOARD/PANEL display (page 
    191), then use the [TRANSPOSE] buttons to change the value.
    ● Keyboard Transpose
    The [TRANSPOSE] buttons affect the pitch of the keyboard sound, the style playback pitch, and 
    the pitch of the Multi Pads for which Chord Match has been set to on. Note that the transposition 
    is applied from the next note (or style chord) played, after one of the [TRANSPOSE] buttons has 
    been pressed. 
    ● Song Transpose
    The [TRANSPOSE] buttons affect only song playback.
    Note that the transposition is applied from the next note of song playback after one of the 
    [TRANSPOSE] buttons has been pressed.
    ● Master Transpose
    The [TRANSPOSE] buttons affect the overall pitch of the Tyros2. 
    Normal pitch (transpose value of “0”) can be recalled at any time by pressing both the [+] and [–] 
    buttons simultaneously.
    The transposition can be adjusted from the Mixing Console display (page 180).
    ■ Upper Octave....................................................................................................
    See page 27 in “Quick Guide.”
    •The maximum pitch bend range 
    can be changed on the MIXING 
    CONSOLE display (page 180).
    •If the Pitch Bend range is set to 
    more than 1200 cents (1 octave) 
    via MIDI, the pitch of some voices 
    may not be raised or lowered com-
    •To avoid accidently applying mod-
    ulation, make sure the MODULA-
    TION Wheel is set at MIN before 
    you start playing.
    •The MODULATION Wheel can be 
    set to control a different parameter 
    other than vibrato (page 92).
    89Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    The Tyros2 features a variety of lush, dynamic organ voices that you can call up with the [ORGAN FLUTES] button. 
    It also gives you the tools to create your own original organ sounds by changing the footage settings. Just as on a 
    traditional organ, you can create your own sounds by adjusting the levels of the flute footages. From these display you 
    can also change the volume and effect settings.
    The Organ Flutes parameters are organized into three different pages, and can be set as described in step #3 of 
    the “Basic Procedure” above. These can also be programmed as part of the Voice Set parameters (page 188), to 
    be automatically called up when the voice is selected.
    ORGAN TYPEThis LCD button specifies the type of organ tone generation to be simulated: Sine or Vin-
    ROTARY SP SPEEDThis LCD button alternately switches between the slow and fast rotary speaker speeds 
    when a rotary speaker effect is selected for the Organ Flutes (see “DSP Type” below), and 
    the VOICE EFFECT [DSP] button is turned on (this LCD button has the same effect as the 
    VIBRATO ON/OFFThis LCD button alternately turns the vibrato effect for the Organ Flutes voice ON or OFF.
    VIBRATO DEPTHThis LCD button sets the Vibrato depth to one of three levels: 1 (low), 2 (mid), or 3 (high).
    16–1 (Footage)These LCD buttons determine the basic sound of the organ flutes. The term “footage” is a 
    reference to the sound generation of traditional pipe organs, in which the sound is produced 
    by pipes of different lengths (in feet). The longer the pipe, the lower the pitch of the sound. 
    Hence, the 16 setting determines the lowest pitched component of the voice, while the 1 
    setting determines the highest pitched component. The higher the value of the setting, the 
    greater the volume of the corresponding footage. Mixing various volumes of the footages 
    lets you create your own distinctive organ sounds.
    Basic Procedure
    If you select another voice without saving the set-
    tings, the settings will be lost. If you wish to store 
    the settings here, make sure to save the settings 
    as a User Voice before selecting another voice or 
    turning the power off. 
    Press the [ORGAN FLUTES] but-
    ton to call up the Open/Save dis-
    play for organ voices. 
    Press the [FOOTAGE] 
    LCD button (upper [5] 
    button) to call up the 
    Footage display.Select the desired menu 
    with the [TAB] buttons 
    and set the appropriate 
    Press the [SAVE] LCD 
    button to call up the 
    Open/Save display of 
    the User drive and save 
    the settings here as a 
    User voice to the drive. 
    For details, see page 75.
    The [1] buttons are used to 
    adjust either the 16’ or 5-1/3’ 
    footages. Select the desired 
    footage here, then adjust it with 
    the [1] buttons.Adjust the footage.
    Organ Flutes (Footage Settings)Quick Guide on page 28 
    							Organ Flutes (Footage Settings)
    90Tyros2 Owner’s Manual
    VOL (Volume)Adjusts the overall volume of the Organ Flutes. The longer the graphic bar, the greater the 
    RESP (Response)Affects both the attack and release (page 93) portion of the sound, increasing or decreasing 
    the response time of the initial swell and release, based on the FOOTAGE controls. The 
    higher the value, the slower the swell and release. 
    VIBRATO SPEEDDetermines the speed of the vibrato effect controlled by the Vibrato On/Off and Vibrato 
    Depth above.
    MODEThe MODE control selects between two modes: FIRST and EACH. In the FIRST mode, 
    attack is applied only to the first notes played and held simultaneously; while the first notes 
    are held, any subsequently played notes have no attack applied. In the EACH mode, attack 
    is applied equally to all notes.
    4, 2 2/3, 2These determine the attack sound volume of the ORGAN FLUTE voice. The 4, 2 2/3 and 
    2 controls increase or reduce the volume of attack sound at the corresponding footages. 
    The longer the graphic bar, the greater the attack sound volume.
    LENG (Length) Affects the attack portion of the sound producing a longer or shorter decay immediately 
    after the initial attack. The longer the graphic bar, the longer the decay.
    REVERB DEPTHSee “Effect” on page 181.
    CHORUS DEPTHSee “Effect” on page 181.
    DSP DEPTHSee “Effect” on page 181.
    DSP ON/OFFSee “Effect” on page 181.
    DSP TYPEDetermines the DSP effect type to be applied to the Organ Flutes voice by selecting a 
    Category and a type. If any other effect type than “Rotary Speaker” is selected, the [ROTA-
    RY SP SPEED] LCD button in the FOOTAGE page will not control rotary speaker speed. 
    Instead, it will have the same effect as the VOICE EFFECT [DSP VARIATION] button.
    Turns the DSP Variation on or off for the selected organ voice.
    Indicates the parameter to which the variation is applied depending on the selected 
    DSP type.
    Adjusts the degree of the DSP variation parameter.
    EQ LOW/HIGHThese determine the Frequency and Gain of the Low and High EQ bands. 
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