Wolf Projector SDC-15 User Manual
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1HDM I 2 RS23 2C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D SYNC HROPC TRIGGER REMO TE CON TRO L LAN 1H DM I 2 RS23 2C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D SY NC HROPC TRIGGER REMO TE CON TRO L LAN 30 SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual Conne cting via PCCable •For infor mation on suppo rtedinput signals ,plea sereferto“Spe cificatio ns”inthis Manual Notebook PC VGAOutput Terminals PCCable (soldseparately\b ToPC Input Terminal Conne cting a3D Emitter •3D emi tter: This isadedicate dte rmina lfor an opt ional 3D signal emitter(sold separately) ™f •3D glasses areoptiona ldevice s, use din conjunction with the 3D emit ter™f CAU TION • 3D image quality may var yde pending on the ambient room temper ature and lamp usage™f Stop using theproje ctor in 3D mo des if images cannot beproje cted corre ctl y™f • Before you watch 3Dvide oim ages ,make sureto read “3DView ing” (Referenc epa ges 59to61) ™f 3DGlasses 3D Emitter
1HDMI 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OTE CO NTRO L LAN 1H DM I 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OT E CONTRO L LAN 31 SDC1\b Screen Trigger InputTerminals (Φ 3\f5\b Trigger Cable(soldseparately\b ToTrigger OutputTerminal Connec ting the RS232 CCo ntro lC able RS232C Terminal Connecting the Trigger Cable CAU TION • Do not supply powertothe other device s™f • Do not connect audiotermina lsof other device susing similar connector ssuch asheadphones etc™f Otherwise, thismay cause a se rious malfunction tothe other devices and/orinjury™f • Usage beyond therated value swill ca us esyste mmalfunctions™f • Exercise caution toprev ent sho rt cir cuits ,as the trigger terminal outputs avolt age of12V™f • The default trigger setting is“N ooutput”™f Pleaseenable itunder item “Trig ger” of menu [5]"Function” (Reference page: 56)™f RS232C Connection Cable(soldseparately\b
1HDM I 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OT E CO NTRO L LAN 32 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Network Server Connection Cable(soldseparately\b HUB ExternalInfraredSensor (soldseparately\b Conne cting LAN Terminal •The LAN networ kis use dto control theunit™f Itis not used fortransmis sionofthe video signal™f •Please contact yourWolfCine mainstalle rfo rques tions regarding thenetwork connection™f IR Connection Cable(soldseparately\b Connec ting anEXT ERNAL Infr ared SENSOR •For an exter nal infrared sensor and connect ingcable, pleasecont actyour Wolf Cinem adealer orcustom installer™f 1HDM I 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OT E CONTRO L LAN
1HDMI 2 RS232C 3DC R/PRCB /PBY SYNCHROPCTRIGGERR EMOTE CONTROL ST AND BY/ ON MENUBACK INPUT OK P owe rCor d (Sup pli ed ) 1 HDM I 2 RS232 C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D SY NC HROPC TR IG GE RRE MO TE CON TROL LAN 33 SDC1\b Connec ting the ACPower Cord (pr ovided) Onc eyou hav econnected allvide oso urce equi pmen t,co nnec tthe projector ACpow ercord™f Be Car eful toAvoid Fireand Electr icShoc ks •Please connect theproje ctordirectly int othe nearest availa bleAC wall outlet™f •When youarenot using the equipme nt,please unplug thepower cord™f •Connec tit only with theprovide dAC power cord™f •Do not usevoltage other thanthe indica ted power voltage™f •Do not damage, breakor mo dify thepow ercord™f Note thatthe pow ercor dma ybe dama gedifyou placeitunder he avy objects, expose it to high heat or pull it to oexces sively™f •Never handle orunplug thepowe rco rd with wet hands™f1Conne ctthe powe rcor dsuppli ed withthe unitpo wer input termi nal \fConne ctto thepo wer outle t 1 \f
•You ca n als o pres sthe buttononthe unitto turn onthe power™f •The lens cove rwi ll au toma tical lyopen™f 34 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Ba sic Operat ion BA CK HIDE LIGH T LEN SAP.C.M.DPC HDMI 1 STAND BY ASPEC T HDMI 2 ANAMO COMP. LENS .C ONTROL MENU GAM MAP.FIL E CO LO RAD J. PI C. ON FILM NAT URALSTAGE 3D USE R1USE R2 T HX AN IME CINE MA PICT UR EMOD E INPUT TE MP C OL OR ON LEN S LENS B asi cOpe ration Procedur es Onc eyou hav ecom pleted allsour cecomponent connections, the projecto rca nbe used with the fol lowing basicsteps™f STANDBY/ON Lighton(Green\b 1Turn On Pow er 2Sel ect Video Input 3 Adjust ImageZoom (scree nsize ) Sel ect Inp ut • You ca n als o sel ect the desi redsource bypress ing the input butt onrepe atedly onthe unit™f PlayBa ck the Select edDevi ce IN PUT INPUT HDM I1 HD MI2 COMP. PC Adjustaccordingly bypressing the Up/Down buttons LEN S LENS 4 Adjust ImageFocus (foc al po int) Adjust accordingly bypressing the Up/Down buttons 1 2 4 3 \b 6
35 SDC1\b LEN S LENS 5 Adjust Lens Shift (image position) 6Turn Off Po wer Adjust accordingly bypressing the Up/Dow n/Lef t/Right buttons •Aft eradj ust ing the image position, itmay benecess arytoselect “Pixel Adj ust” from theSetti ngs menu “Instal lati on”™f (Referenc epage:5 5) • Eve rytime the buttonis pres sed, theadjustm entaction willbe switched betw een“Foc us”, “Zoom ”and “Shift”™f It can also be swi tched with the button™f •At syst em pow eroffthe lens cover will be closed™f • AC pow ercannot beturned offfor appr oximate ly90 seconds onc eithas bee nturned on™fBeg in opera tio ns only after90 se conds time™f •You ca n als o pres sthe buttononthe unitto turn offAC pow er™f •Car eful lyremove the AC power plug ifthe unit willnotbeused for a prolo nged periodof tim e™f LE NS LENS O K While aConfirmation ScreenisDisplayed Blinking (RedLamp\b CoolDown Mode LightOn(Red Lamp\b MEMO Ab ou t Coo lDown Mode •The CoolDown modeisapro cedure to co ol the lamp forapprox imately 60seconds afterturning offthe pr oje ct or™fThis function prevent s the inter nalpartsof the unit from de fo rm ation ordamage duetolam p overheat ing™f Italso prev ents lamp failure and prem aturesho rten ing ofla mp lif e™f • Dur ing Cool Down mode, the [STANDBY/ON] indicatorblinks red™f • Onc ethe Cool Down mode is compl ete, theunitauto maticall y retur ns to the standby mode™f •DO NOT pullouttheACpower plug during Cool Down mode ™fThis may shorten the lam plife and caus e ma jo r sy stem malfunct ions™f
BACK HIDE LIGH T LENS AP.C.M.DPC HDMI 1 STAND BY ASPECT HDMI 2 ANAMO COMP. L EN S.C O NTROL MENU GAM MAP.FIL E CO LO RADJ . PIC. ON FILM NAT URA LSTAGE 3D USE R1USE R2 T HX AN IME CINEM A PICT UR EMODE INPU T TEMP COLO R Sizing, Masking and Keysto ne You can quickly change thescreen size (aspec tratio) ofthe projec tedimag e, or mask im age bor ders as desi redif the sur rounding edgesofthe ima ge area ar edistor ted™f ASett ing theScreen Size(A spe ctRat io) \f Ma ski ng the Borders ofan Image C Te mpo rari ly tu rnin goff video D Keysto neadjustment ASett ing theScreen Size(A spe ctRat io) The project ed ima gecanbe se tto amo st ap propr iate scr een siz e (as pe ct rat io )™f • The scre en size canals o be cha ng ed via “A spe ct(Vide o)” in the setting smen u™f •Wh enPC sig na lsare ch ose n, the “As pect (C omp uter)” se ttin gs wil lbe come ava ilabl e™f Inpu tIm ageand Proje cte dIma ge by Dif fere n t Sc reen Size 36 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Scre en Size 4:3 16: 9Zoo m Input Image SD TV(4:3) Aspect Ratio:Same Mostappropriate screen sizeAsp ect Ra tio : La ndscap e Image is st ret ched horizo ntallyAspe ctRa tio :Sa me To p an dbo ttom of th e ima ge are missi ng S D TV(4:3) Im age recorded in landscape (black bandsontop and bottom) ofDVD software Asp ec tRat io:Sam e Sm all im age is p ro je ct edAspe ctRa tio : Land scape Im age is st re tch ed hori zont allyA sp ect Ratio :Sa me Most ap pro pri ate s cre en size A • Dependi ngonthe source im age, sel ec ting “4:3”ma yresult inave rtically stret ch ed im ag e, wh ileselecti ng “1 6: 9” pro vid es yo uwit hthe mostapp ro pri ate sc reen siz e™f • Wh enever there is3D signalde tecte d,the aspe ctrat iois se tat “16: 9”™f
\fMa ski ng the Borders ofan Image Ima ges where theborders have deter ior ated, orimage qua lity reduced canbe m ask ed (hi dden) from themain body ofthe projected image™f Pro jec tan Imag e 1Selec tMe nu 2Selec t“Inp ut Si gn al” “M ask ” 3 Set a Ma sk Valu e To End BACK HIDE LIGH T LENS AP.C.M.DPC HDMI 1 STAND BY ASPEC T HDMI 2 ANAMO COMP. LE NS .C ONTROL MENU GAMM AP.F IL E CO LO RADJ . PIC. ON FILM NAT URA LSTAGE 3D USE R1USE R2 T HX AN IME CIN EMA PICTURE MODE INPUT TE MP COLO R 3\b SDC1\b \f ExitMENUBACKBack S elec tOpe rate Aspect (V ideo) Progressive HDMI COM P. Auto PC Picture Position 16 :95 %Mask2.5% 5% Off C usto m Input Signal Pic tu re Adju st Re se tAdvanc edE xitMENUBACKB ack S elec tOpe rate Color Temp. Gamma Film Tone C on tra stBrightness Color Tint00 00 Color ProfilePic tu re ModeFil m Film1 Xe n on 1F ilm1 Exi tMENUBACKBack S ele ctOper ate Aspect (V ideo) Progressive HDMI COM P. Auto PC Picture Position 16 :9OffMask2.5% 5% Off C usto m Input Signal MENU MEN U 1Select 2Confirm 1Select 2Confirm Example: When the“Mask” value ischanged from “Off” “5%”
CTe mpo rary Turni ng Off Vide o You can tempo rarilyhide theprojected im age™f • Press the button agai nto displ ay the image™f •AC powe rca nnot beturned offwhen theimage ishidde n™f DKeysto neAdj ustment Ke ystone adjus tment maybe used if the proje ctor isinst alled at an angle that is not parallel tothe screen (hori zontal orver tical)™f 1Sele ct Me nu 2Sele ct “In sta llati on” “K ey ston e” 3Adj usts Ke ysto ne Corre ction If one press esthe curs or(ver tical and horizontal arrows)in the ke yst one cor rec tion mode, thekeystone distorti oncanbe adjusted™f 4Sele ct Me nu toExit 38 BAC K HIDE LIGH T LENS AP.C.M.DPC HDMI 1 STAND BY ASPECT HDMI 2 ANAMO COMP. L EN S.C O NTROL MENU GAM MAP.FIL E CO LO RADJ . PIC. ON FILM NAT URA LSTAGE 3D USE R1USE R2 T HX AN IME CINEM A PICT UR EMODE INPU T TEMP COLO R SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual C D HIDE MEN U Exi tMENUBAC KBack S ele ctOper ate Pixel Adjust Installation Lens Control Anamorphic Screen Adjust BlackLevel Installation StyleFront OffKeystone 1 Select 2Confirm M EN U Adjust vertical distortion with thecursors for upand down\f Adjust horizontal distortionwiththecursors forleft and right\f Note: With3D input sign als,key ston e adju stme ntisno tpos sible\bMor eover, ifke yst one cor rection isus ed in \fD viewing, keys tone correction is removed when 3D input sig nals are detect ed\b Pic tur eAdj us t Re setAdv an ce dE xitMENUBACKB ack S ele ctOp era te Color Temp. Gamma Film Tone Co ntra stBrightness Color T int00 00 Color ProfilePic tur eMo deFilm F il m1 X en on1F il m1
39 SDC1\b Menu Men uSe tting sand Adjustm ent s Struc tur eof the Menu Hierarchy (summar y) The proj ectorÕs Menu “tree” isorga nizedas follows™f As this isonly abrief guideline, itemswhic hmight notbedisplayed due to other enabled settingsmaystill be sho wn inthese illustra tio ns™f Note thatthevalues andfinal menu settings for your system wil llik ely bediffer entthan illustrate d,due toinsta llation cali bration andpersonal settings™f See“Menu ItemsDes criptions” (Referenc e:pages 47and follow ing)for additio nalde tails™f 1Pictu re Adju st To“1 Lay ers and orga nizat ion of th epictu re quality sub men u”2Input Signa l To “2 La yer s and orga niza tio n of the input si gnal subme nu” P ictu reAdjus t Res etAdva nce d Exi tMENUBAC KBac k Sel ectO perate Co lo r Tem p. Ga mm a Film Ton e Con tras tBrigh tn es s Co lo r T in t00 00 Co lo r Pr ofile P ictu reModeFi lm Film1 Xe no n1Film1 P ic tu re Adj ust Reset Ex itME NUBAC KBack S el ectOper ate Col or Te m p. Ga mma Adv anc ed Cont rastBrig htn ess Co lor T in t00 00 Pic tu re Mod eNatural 6500KNor mal ExitM EN UBA CKBack S ele ctOp era te A sp ec t(V id eo) P ro gre ssi ve HDM I COM P. Mask A uto PC P ict ure Po sitio n 16: 9 Off I np utS ig nal E xitM EN UBAC KBack S el ectOp era te A sp ect( V id eo) P ro gre ss iv e H DM I COM P. Mask Au to Pic tu re Po siti o n 16 :9 Off I n p utS ig nal (*\b Apart from“Film”, “Brightnes s/darkness correction” isdisplayed inthe “Picture Mode”\f(*\bWhen thereis aPC signal input, “Aspect (PC\b” isdisplayed\f (*\b (*\b (*\b When thereisa PC signal input, “Aspect (PC\b” isdisplayed\f (*\b Co ntin uetothe Nex t