Wolf Projector SDC-15 User Manual
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40 3Installat ion To“3 La yer san d org aniz ation ofthe insta llatio n su bmenu ”4Displ aySet up ExitM EN UBAC KBack S el ectOper ate Pix el Adj ust In sta lla tion L ens Co ntro l Keyst on eA nam orph ic S c re en Adju st B la ck Lev el I nsta llat io n St yleFro nt Off E xitM EN UBAC KB ack S ele ctO pe rate Di sp lay Setu p Back Col or M enu Disp la y M enu Positi o n On Lin e Di sp la y5 se cS ource Disp la yOn LogoOn LanguageEn glish Bl ack Co ntin uetothe Nex t Co ntinue dfrom the Pre vio us Page SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual

41 SDC1\b \bFun ctio n To“\b Lay ers and orga nizat ion ofthe funct ion submenu ”6Info rma tion Ex itMENUBAC KB ack S el ectOper ate Trig ger Off T imer Co mm unica tion Ter min al N etwo rk L am pRes et H ig h Al tit u de Mode LA N Off Off Off Funct io n Ex itMENUBACKB ac k Sele ctOper ate Trig ger Off T im er Lam p Reset H ig h Alt itu de ModeOff Off Off F unctio n E xitM EN UBA CKBack S ele ctO pera te 160H H DMI 2 10 80p6 0 10b itI n put S ourc e D e ep Co lo r L amp Time I nf orma tio n : : : : ExitM EN UBA CKBack S el ectOp era te L am pTime De ep Colo r16 0H PC 192 0X1080 In fo rm atio n Reso lu tion 67 .50 kH zHFre quency60. 0H zV Frequency In put8b it : : : : : : For PCsignal input Continue dfrom the Pre vio us Page

42 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual 1Laye rs and Organization ofthe Pictur eAdj ustSubmenus 1 Pict ure Adjust 11 Color Temperature 121 Sharpness 12Advanced 123 ColorManagement 122 Custom Gamma Picture Adj us t Rese tAdv an ced ExitME N UBAC KBack Se lectOperat e ColorTemp. Gamma Film Tone Con tr as tBrightness Color Tint00 00 Color Profile Pictur eModeFilm Film 1 Xeno n1Film1 Pic ture Adj us t Rese t Ex itME NUBACKB ac k SelectOper ate Color Temp. Gamma Advanced C on tr as tBrightness Color Tint00 00 Pic tu re ModeNat ural 6500KN orm al >Color Tem p. Gai n Red G ai n Gr een Gai n Bl ue Off set Red Of fset Green Offset Blue P rese t Cust om 1 Cust om 2 Cust om 3 Pic tu re Ad jus t Xen on1 E xi tME NUBACKBac kSel ectOper ate Rese t 000000 550 0K 600 0K 650 0K 700 0K 750 0K 800 0K 8500 K 9000 K 9500 K Xenon 1 Xen on2 Xen on3 >Col orTemp. Gai n Red G ai n Gr een Gai n Bl ue Off se tR ed Of fset Green Offset Blue P reset C ust om 1 Cust om 2 Custom 3 Pictur eAd jus t 650 0K Exi tME NUBACKBac kSel ectOper ate Rese t 000000 650 0K5 50 0 K 600 0 K 700 0 K 750 0 K 800 0 K 850 0K 900 0K 950 0K Hig hBrig htn es s 650 0K Cus tom Gamm aCorr ection Val ue W hite Red Gr een Blue R es et10 23 512 50 100( %)Cus tom 1 Cus tom 2 Cus tom 3 0 Pictu re Adj ust ExitM ENUB ACKBackS el ec tOperat e Norma l>> Col orManagement Colo rSe lectio nAxis Posi tion Hue S at ur ation B righ tnes s Off C us tom 1 Cus tom 2 Cus tom 3 Pictu re Adj ust ExitMENUBA CKBac kSel ec tOperat e 0000 Pau seOff R ese tR ed >> P ic ture Adjus t ExitME NUBACKBac k Sel ec tOper ate >Adva nced 0Lens Apert ureCMDDe moClear MotionDrive Cus tom Gam ma ColorSpac e NR Lamp Power Sharpnes s Off Stan dar d Nor ma l Picture Adjus t ExitME NUBACKBac k Sel ec tOper ate >Advanced 0Lens ApertureCMD DemoClear MotionDrive C ol or Managem ent Cus tom Gamm a NR Lam pPower Sharpnes s OffOff Nor mal E xitM EN UBAC KB ack Selec tO perat e 0 >>2 5Deta ilEnha nc eS ha rpnes s Pictu re Ad jus tSha rpne ss 11 12 11 12 121 122 123 121 122

43 SDC1\b 2Laye rs and Organization ofthe Input Signa lSubmenu 2 Input S ignal E xi tMENUBAC KBac k Sel ectOper ate Aspect( Video) Pr ogressive HDMI COM P. Mask Aut o PC Picture Position 16:9 Off Input Signal ExitMENUBAC KBac k Sel ectOper ate Aspect( Video) Progressive HDMI COM P. Mask Aut o Picture Position16:9 Off Input Signal 21 22 23 21 2221HDMI 22COMP\f 23PC ExitME NUB ACKBack S el ec tOper ate Input Signal COMP.YPb/Cb Pr/CrColor Space ExitMENUB AC KBack S el ec tOper ate Input Signal PC 16Phase220 0T racking Picture Position AutoAl ig nme nt ExitME NUB AC KBack S elec tOper ate Level Check Input Signal HDMI OffControl withHDMIAut oColor Space Auto3D Format Enha ncedInput

44 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual La yers and organization ofthe submenus 3ins tallatio nand 5func tion 3Insta lla tion \b Fu nctio n ExitME NUB AC KBac k Selec tOper ate Pixel Adjust Installation Lens Control KeystoneAnamorphic Screen Adjust BlackLevel Installation StyleFron t Off ExitME NUBAC KBac k Sel ectOper ate Trigger Off T imer Commun ication Termi nalNetwork Lamp Reset High Altitude ModeLAN Off Off Off Function Exi tM ENUB ACKB ack S el ec tOper ate IPAddress Subnet Mask DefaultGateway NetworkDHCPClientOff Function SetMAC Address :AABBCCDDEEFF 192. 168. 0.254 25 5. 255. 255. 0 192. 168. 0. 2 31 32 5131 Lens Control 32Pixel Adjust 51Network ExitME NUB ACKB ack Sel ec tOper ate Horiz. Green Horiz. Blue InstallationPixelAdjust Vert.Red Vert. Green Vert.Blue 3333 3Horiz. Red3 ExitME NUB AC KBack S elec tOper ate LockOff Zoom Shift OnImage PatternAutoLens Cover Installation Lens ControlFocus (*\bMAC address is different depending onthe respective equipment\f (*\b

45 SDC1\b Menu But ton Ope rat ethe menu byuse ofthe buttons onthe projector bodyoron the r emo te control™f B AC K HIDE LIG HT LEN S AP.C.M.DP C H DMI 1 STAND BY A SPEC T H DMI 2 ANAM O C OMP. LENS.C O NTRO L MENU GAM MAP.F IL E COL ORADJ . PIC. O N F ILM NAT URA LSTAGE 3D USE R1USE R2 T HX A N IME C INE MAPICTU RE MODE IN PUT TE MP C O LO R ST AN DBY /ON MENUB A CK INPUT OK But to n Fu nctio n Projector IRRemote Me nu isDisplay ed While th emenu isdispl ayed ,the menu sc reen is turned off\f Wh ile sh ow ing “Mai nmenu” (Layer 1\b selected items areconfi rmed, and “Su bmen us” (Layer 2\bwillbe displ ayed\f Whenasu bmenu is di splayed, pressOK, an dth edispl ayed items in the selecti on aremov edtothe “Set tings screen” (Lay er3\b\f Re turn tothePrev iousM enu Screen Themen usc reen isturned offw hen the mainmen uscreen is sho wn\f Displaying the Main Menu andth eSubmenu / : Selec tan adjustment item inthe men u\fSet thesettingvalue ofthe s elect edadjustm entitem \fThe ad justed se tt ing val ue is immed iately \f /: Selec tionofadisplayed submenu ite m\f Sel ectio nof an item inthemen u\f Menu Operation Button Menu Operation Button

Menu Ope ration Procedures 1Pr ess ME NU The main menu is dis pla yed onthe screen™f 2 Pr ess Cursor (/ )to Sel ect aSubmen u •Asubm enu(pi cture adjust,input signal ,installation, displaysetup, function, infor mation) maybe sel ected: • If one sele cts“Inf orma tion”, inform ation about thecurr ently selectedvideo inpu t and PCinput aredispla yed at the bottom ofthe menu™f 3 Pr ess OK orcurs or ( /) •Sub me nuitem isdispl ayed™f • Sub me nuitems vary dependi ngonthe input signal andthe picture mod e™f See “Content menu” onthe next page for more details™f 4Pre ssthe Cursor (/)to Se lect theItem sto Adjust If the nam eof a submenu item is dim med, itcannot beselected™f \b Pre ssCursor (/ )to Cha nge Setti ngs 6Aft er Adj ust ing,Press BACK Eve rytim eit is pr ess ed, you will return tothe previous menu screen™f 7Re peat Steps 6\ftoAdj ustO the rItems Afte rall adj us tm ents are done, press MENU ,and the menu disap pears from thescreen™f 46 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual BACK H IDE LIGH T LEN S AP.C.M .D PC H DMI 1 S TAND BY ASPECT HDMI 2 A NAM O COMP. LE NS.C ON TRO L MENU GAM MAP.F IL E CO LO RAD J. PI C. O N F ILM NAT UR ALSTAGE 3D U SE R1USE R2 T HX A N IME C INEM APICTU REMOD E INPU T TE MP C O LO R STAN D BY /O N MENUBA CK INPUT OK Ex itME NUB ACKB ack S ele ctOp era te 160 H H D MI 2 1 080 p60 10bi tInpu t Sou rce Dee pColor La mp Tim e Info rma tio n : : : : Pict ure Ad ju st R esetAdv anc edExitMEN UBAC KB ack S ele ctO pe rat e Col or Temp . Gamm a Film Tone C o ntra stB righ tne ss C ol or T int00 00 C ol or Prof ilePict ure Mo deFilm Film 1 Xenon1Film 1 Exi tM ENUB AC KBack S elec tOpe rate Lam pTim e Dee p Colo r16 0H P C 1920 X1080In fo rma tio n R eso lu tio n 67. 50kH zH Freque ncy6 0.0H zVFreq ue ncy Inp ut8 b it : : : : : : The subme nuitems, whi ch are currently selected,are shown ™fCurr ently selected men u ite ms arehighlig hted and the icon is col ored in ora nge™f The subme nuitems, whi ch are currently selected, are displ aye d™f Example: PictureAdjust Example: Inputsignals other thanPCsignalsExample: When inputting PCsignals 1 1 6 6 2 3 \b 2\b 3 3 4 34

Ple as eref ertothe des cription ofeach mode, andthe nus eth emo debest suit ed foryou \fMoreover, itis poss ible to adj ust th e imag e quality by selectin gUser 1,2,and 3\fSettin gs:Film, Cine ma, Anima tion ,N atu ral ,S tag e,3D, THX, User 1,Us er 2,User 3\f [Natural] Thisimag esettin gis calibrated tobest suitfilm, an d ma ybe thus used forw at chi ng mo viesin genera l\f Th isimag esettin gis based onthe DCI sta nd ard and bri ngs to life brightly co lo re dpict ures\fSuit ablefor viewi ngacti on movi esand brigh tlyc olor ed imag es\f[DCI: Shorthand forDigit alC ine ma Init iative ]\f An imagesettin gcalib rated foranimation films\f Animagesettin gfea turing natural colors/tonality \fSu itab lefor vie win gawid e va ri ety of vid eo mat erial [ex :TV dramas/ serials]\f Th isimag esettin gis best forwatching liveevents ,con cert san dth ea terpres entations \f Thisis th e imag esetting forwatching 3Dmov ies\f User sett in gs 1,2,an d3 are available fo r in dividua lcal ibrat ion, as de sire d\fLas tadju stmen tsmade aresaved intomemory\f Us er 1 is han dcalib rated byWolf factory technici ans and may be adj ust ed to co mpe nsateto your specif icscreen screen type\f Imag eset tin gs cer tified byTHX\f These aread justab lecolor profiles tobes tsu itthe source materia l\fDe pendi ng on the se tti ngs ,the items thatcanbecha nged in th e “P ictu re M od e” will vary\f (See Table 1\b Thecol or pro file istyp ically selected based onpre feren ces and video con tent\f (*\b If you select “Off”, it is impossible toperf orm any pictu readj us tfo r ot he rco lorte mp \fo th er than “Lamp Power”and“Le nsApe rture” under “Advan ced ”,an dalso “Gamm a”or“Sh arpne ss\f” Set tin gs :Fi lm 1,Film 2,Cinema 1,Cinem a2, Standa rd,Anime 1,A ni me 2,V ide o,Viv id,A dob e,Stage, 3D,Off\f Depen din g on thepicture mod e,the defau ltvalues will ch an ge\f [Se etab le 1] Th isis a prof ile th at comes clos estto the color spaceof aXenon lamp, withfilms made under theEastm anKodak Company film proc ess\f Th isis a profile that comes closest tothecolor spaceof a Xe non lam p,with films madeund er th eFUJIFILM Corporat ionproces s\f Thisis a profile that resembles thecolor sp ace ofthe DCIfilm sta nda rds\f Thisis a profile that resembles thecolor sp ace ofHDTV \f Thispro file clo sely rep resents thefilms pecific colorspa ceof HDTV content\f [HDTV: Sho rth and forHigh Defi nition Televis ion]\f Thisis a profile suitab lefor CG animation, whichcanbe oftenfo un din Hol lyw ood pro duce dani mat edTV orfilm series\f [Thi sprof ile is inten ded for content withbrigh tcolo rs]\f Thisis a profile suitab lefor animation celstyleani mat ion se rie s,wh ich are mo recommo nin Japan\f [Thi sprof ile is inten ded for animation withmore dim col ors] \f Thispro file is su itab lefor general TV/drama /spo rtsvie wi ng\f Th isis a profile with richer sense ofcolor, oftensuitable for vide oga me s\f Thisis th e color profile best suitedfor Adob e*RGB\f (*\bAdob e,an d the Ado be logoare registere dtra dema rksortra demark sof A do be Systems ,as Inco rpo rat ed inthe UnitedState san d/or othe rcou ntries\f Th ispro file is su itab lefor live music, orch estral and ope ra con cert s,thea ter,etc\f Th isis th e mos tsu itab leprofile whenusin g 3Dgla sses\f Thismod edoes not enable colormanag ement adjus tme nt\f 4\b SDC1\b Menu Item Descriptions All number sfor the items within[]are defa ult set tings ™f •It is poss ibletoope rate all items display edinthe menu disp layby pre ssi ng OK/BA CKorthe curso r(up ,down ,left, rig ht arrows)™f • Displayed itemsvar yde pen ding on these lected item in themen uand ty p e of inp ut si gn al(orab sen ceofany signal)™f 1Pic ture Adjust Film C in em a Anima tion Natu ral S tag e 3D U ser 1 User \f User 3 THX Film 1 Film \f Cin em a1 Cin em a\f Stan dard Anime 1 Anime \f Vid eo V iv id Adob e Stag e 3D Of f Pictu reMode Colo rPro file

48 SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual Nor mal A(3 D) B (3 D) Fi lm 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 4 A B Pictu reMo de Colo rProf ile Film Film 1 Film 2Cin ema Cinema 1 Cinema 2 Standar dAnime Anime 1 Anime 2 StandardNatu ral Vi deo Vivid Adob e Stand ardSta ge Sta ge Stan dar d3D 3D Stan dar d VividTH X THXUser 1,\f E ver yth ing is dis pla ye d ex ce p t fo r Film 1 andFilm2 \f C olor Temp. Gamm a Film Ton e Da rk\fBri ght Level

49 SDC1\b (Pres et value \b Xen on1 Xen on2 Xen on3 Offse t Red G reen B lue H igh Brig ht Cu stom 1 Cu stom 2 Cu stom 3 Gai n Red G reen B lue Of fse t Red G reen B lueAdj usts thecon tras t(white level\bofthe image\f Set ting s: (d ar ker \b50 to50 (whiter\b Adjusts thebrig htn es s(black level\boftheima ge\f Setting s: (d ar k\b 50 to50 (bright\b Adjusts thecolor inten sity ofthe image\f Setting s: (les ssa tu rated\b, 50to50 (satu rated\b Adjusts theima getint(hue\b ofthe image\f Setting s: (r ed dis h\b 50 to50 (greenish\b Func tion ssu ch ascon tour correction, custom gamma andcol orma nagemen tcan beset to su bm en u“[1 2]Ad van ced ”\f Rese tsallse ttin gs to the factory defaultsettings\f Adj usts thecolor temp\fof the video images\fAdjus tto your pre fere n ce \f (*\bFor this settin g,th esetting choices canvary inacco rdance with th e“Pi cture Mod e”\f Adj ustmen tis not possible whensetto“THX” \f Setting s: (P res et valu e\b, Xenon1, Xenon2,Xenon3,High Bright, Cu sto m 1,Custo m 2,Cu sto m3 [Prese t valu e] Th ecol or temp \fcan beadjuste dwithin therange of55 00K to95 00Kin ste ps of 500K \f A va lue of 6500K prod uce sthe most balancedvide oimag e\f Setting s: B etween (r ed dish\b 55009500 (bluis h\binste ps of 50 0K [6500] Thiscon trol rep rodu ces thecolor temperature charact eristics of a xen on la m pas use din cinemas \f Alig ht so urce color that isemplo yed by film projecto rs\f Alig ht so urce color emplo yedbyadigital cinema projecto r\f Alig ht so urce color that looks “cooler” than the Xenon 2 se ttin g\f Xe non 1,X en on 2,Xen on3can each beadjusted basedon th e“col or” inbla ck of the vide oimag es\f Set ting s: (Weak red \b50 to50 (strong red\b [0] Setting :(Wea kgreen \b, 50 to50 (stron ggreen\b [0] Setting :(Wea kblu e\b 50 to50 (strong blue\b [0] Selectthi sto get thebrightest imagepos sible\f You can adjust th ecolor temp\fan drecall eachinCust om 1,2, and 3\f Pl eas esav eyou rpreferred adjustm entvalue shere \f Adjustmen tsto thebrighter areas(ie white\b ofthe vide oimage ,for optimum color\f Set ting s: (Weak red \b255 to0(strong red\b [0] Setting :(Wea kgreen \b255 to0(strong green\b [0] Setting :(Wea kblu e\b 255 to0(strong blue\b [0] Adjustmen tsto thedar ker area s(ie black \bof the vide oimag e,for opti mum color\f Set ting s: (Weak red \b50 to50 (strong red\b [0] Setting :(Wea kgreen \b50 to50 (strong green\b [0] Setting :(Wea kblu e\b 50 to50 (strong blue\b [0] Con tras t Bright ness Colo r Tin t Advanc ed Res et Tem p. 11 Col or