Wolf Projector SDC-15 User Manual
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SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual 10 –Unpl ugthis product fromthe wall outle tand refer service toqualified servi ceper sonnel underthefollo wing conditio ns: a) When thepower supply cord or plug isda maged™f b) If liquid hasbeen spilled, or obje ctshavefalle n on the product™f c) Ifthe product hasbeen exposedto rain or water™f d) If the product does not oper atenormall yby follow ingthe operating instructions™fAdjust onlythose controls thatare covere d bythe Operation Manual,asan impr oper adjustm entofcontrols may res ult inda mage andwilloften requir eextensive wor kby aqualified technician tore store theproduc tto norm alopera tion™f e)Ifthe product hasbeen dropped or damaged in an yway™f f) When theproduct exhibits adis tinct change in perf ormance, thisindic ates aneed forservic e™f – When replacemen tpar tsare requir ed,besure theservi cetechnician hasused replac ement partsspec ified bythe manu facturer orwith same character istics as the origina lpa rt™f Unauthor izedsubst itutions may result infire, electricshoc k,or other hazards™f –Upon completion ofany service or re pair sto this product, askthe service technic iantoperf orm safety check sto dete rminethat the produc tis in proper opera tingconditio n™f –The product shouldbeplaced more than onefoot away fromheatsource ssuc has radia tors, heatregiste rs,stov es,and other produc ts(includin gamplifi ers ) that produc eheat™f – When connecting otherproductssuch as VCRÕ s, and DVD players,you should turnoff the powe rof this produc tfo rprotect ion aga inst electric shock™f –Do not place com bustible sbe hind thecooling fa n: for example, cloth,paper,m atc hes, aerosol cans orgas lighte rsthat present special hazar dswhen ove rhe ate d™f – Do not look into theprojection lens while theilluminatio nlamp isturne don™f Prolonged exposuretothe strong lightcanresu ltin impa ired eyesigh t™f –Do not look into theinside ofthis unit through vents (ventilat ionhole s),etc™f Do not look atthe illuminat ionlam pdirec tlyby ope ning the cabinet whiletheillumination lampisturned on™fThe illumination lampalso contains ultraviolet rays and th e light is sopower ful that your eyesight canbe impair ed™f –Do not drop, hit,ordamage thelights ourcelamp (lamp unit)inany way™f Itm ay cause thelampto break andlead to injuri es™f Donot use ada maged lightsource lamp™fIfthe lamp isbro ken, askyour dealer torepair it™fFragme ntsfrom abroke n lamp may cause injuries™f –Do not ceiling mount theproje ctor toaplace which tends tovibrate ;other wise, theprojector and/ormounting assembly could bebroken bythe vibration, possibl ycaus ingitto fall orovertur n,which couldlea dto persona linjury™f – For heal th reason s,ple asetake abr ea kof about 515minutes afterevery 3060minutes and letyour eyes rest™f Please refrain fromwat chi ng any 3D images whenyoufeel tired, unw ellorifyou feel anyothe rdis comf ort ™fMoreover, in case yousee adou ble image, please adjust theequi pment andsoftw areforproper display™f Pleas estop using the unit ifthe double imageisstill visible afteradj ust ment™f –Onc eevery three yea rs,plea se per form an inte rnal test™f This unitisprov idedwith replacem entparts needed tomaint ainits func tion (such ascooling fans )™fEstimate drepla cement timeofpar tscan vary great lydepending onfrequenc yof useand the respect iv e env iron ment ™fFo rre place ment, please consult your dealer,orthe neares tauthorized WolfCine ma servic ecenter ™f

11 SDC1\b –When affixingthe unit tothe ceiling, pleasenote that wedonot take anyres ponsibi lity,even during the warranty period,if the pr oduc tis damaged duetouseof ce iling mounts otherthanour ow nor ifthe ins talla tion environm entofsaid ceil ing fixtures is no tapp ropr iate™f Ifthe unit issuspe nded fromthe ceiling duringuse, pleas ebe careful wit h regard tothe ambient temperatu re of the unit™f If you use centra lheating, thetemper ature closeto the ceiling will be higher thannorm allyexpec ted™f –Video images canburninto theelectro niccomponent parts™fP lea se do not dis pla ysc reens withstillim ages ofhigh brightness orhigh co nt rast ,suc has found in video games andcomputer programs ™fOver alon gpe rio d of time itmight burnintothepicture element (s)™fTher eis no pro blem with the playback ofmoving images,e™fg™f normal video footage™f – Ma lfunc tions canalso occur whe nnot using the proje ct or for longer periods oftime™f Plea se power iton and let it run occasi onally™f Pl ea se avoi dusing theunit inaro om with heavy cigaret tesmo ke™fIt is impossible toclean optical component partsifthey are conta minat edbynicotine ortar and will lead to perfor mance degradation™f –Please wat ch from adist ance from betweentwo tothree times the height ofthe pro jected image size™fPer sons withphoto sensitivity, anykind ofhear tdisea se , or we ak hea lthsho uld not use 3D glas ses™f –Watc hing 3Dimages maycause naus eaorillness™f Ifyou feel anychange inyour physical condit ion,plea se stop watching imme diat ely and consult aphys ician™f –When watching 3Dimages ,it is re com mende dthat you take regular breaks™f Asthe length andfreque ncy ofthe required break svary forevery person, please judge according toyour owncondit ion™f –If your child watches while wearing 3Dglasses, heorshe should beaccompanied bythe childÕs parents oran adult guardian™f The parent oradult guardian should becare fultoavoid situat ionswherethe childÕ seyes might become tired, anditis possible forthe chi ldÕs physical condition todeter iorate quickly ™fAs apers onÕs visual sense isnot yetfully developedin children under the age of 6,pl ease consult aphy sicia nin rega rdtoany proble mconcerning 3Dviewing, asneces sary™f –Not etha twh en usin g the 3D feat ure, the video output may appear different fromtheoriginal video im age due toima ge conversion on the device™f Not e:DO NOT allow any unqua lified perso nto inst allthe uni t.Be sure toask your dealer toinstall theunit (i\be\b, attaching it totheceiling )sin ce special tech nical knowledge and skills are require dfo rinst alla tion\b Ifinst allation isperformed byan unqua lified perso n,itmay causeperson alinjury orele ctrica lsho ck\b

SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual 12 POWER CONNECTI ON For US Aand Canad aonly Useonlythe follo wing powercord™f The power supply voltage ratingof this product isAC11 0V–AC2 40V™fUs eon lythe pow ercord designa tedbyour dealer toens ure Sa fety an dEM C™fEns ure that thepow ercable usedforthe projector isthe correct type for the AC outlet inyour country™f Cons ult your product dealer™f ForUnited Kingdom ForEuropean continentcountries WARNING! Donot cutoffthe main plugfrom thisequipment. Ifthe plug asfitted isnot suita bleforthe ACoutlets inyou r hom eor the cable istooshort toreach anout let, then obtainan appr opriate safetyapprove dextension cord orada pter, orconsult with your dealer ™fIf the mainplug iscut offor damaged, disposeofthe entir eco rd immedia tely™f Ifa new cordor plug isto be used, then follow theinstructio ngiv en her ein orconsult yourdealer™f WARNING! THISAPPARATUS MUST BEGROUN DED™f IMPORT ANT (Europe only): Thewirein the cordon this product arecolored inacc ordance withthefollowing pattern: Green and yellow –Eart h,Blue –Neut ral,Br ow n– Live As th ese colors maynotcorrespond with the colored terminals in your plug, proceed asfollows: Thewirewhic his co lor ed green andy ellow mustbe conne cted tothe terminal which isma rked Mwith the letter Eor the safety earth or colore dgreen or green andy ellow™fThe wire which isco lo re d blue must beconnecte dto the terminal which ismarked withtheletterNor blac k color ed™f The wirewhich iscolor edbrow nm ust beco nnected to the terminal whi ch is marked withtheletter Lor redcolored™f POWER CONNECTI ON(United Kingdom only)HOWTOREPLACE THE FUSE: Whe nrepl acing thefuse, besure touse onlya co rre ctly rated approve dtype, refit thefuse cover™f IFIN DOUBT —CONSU LTACOMPE TENTELEC TRICIAN ™f Open the fuse compart mentwith the blade screwdriver, andreplace thefuse™f (™bAn example isshown inthe illustr ation atright™f) Info rmation for Disposal ofOld Equipment andBatteries (European Uniononly) These symbols indicate thatequipme ntwith the sesymbols should notbedispose dof as gener alhousehold waste™fIfyou want to dispo seof the prod uctor batter ies,plea se consider the coll ection syst ems orfac ilitie sfor appropria terecy cling™f Note:The sign Pbbelow thesymb olforbatte ries indica testhat this batter yco nta ins lead\b Products Battery Fuse

13 SDC1\b ISF Certi fication \fAUTI ON Inorder foryou toenjoy 3D mo vies,you will ne ed: •Acti ve 3D sour ces an d content, suchas displayed fromproper lyen abled Blura y play ers ,cabl eor satell ite broadcast equipment™f •Wo lfCinema “3Dglasses” and a“3D Sync Emitter” (bothsold separ ately)™f Ple ase re ad through “Safety Precau tions”(Reference page:8), an dth epr eca utio nsin“Expla natoryNot eson 3D Syst em s”inthis man ual\b ISFCe rtifi cation Thi s pro jector also meets the high standar dsasestablished bytheImagin gSc ience Fou ndati on(ISF)™f Fo rde tailinfor mation abo ut ISF ,pl eas ere fer tothe irweb site athttp://w ww™fimagi ngscie nce ™fcom/

SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual 14 Acc esso ries/ Option alAcc essorie s Check your Accessor ies Remote Contr ol 1piece AAA sizeBatter ies 2pieces Po we rCo rd For theUSmar ket(2m) 1piece Po we rCo rd For theEUmarke t(2 m) 1piece Po we rCo rd For theUKmar ket(2m) 1piece • Inst ruct ion manual, warranty cardand othe rprinte dmaterial arealso included™f Opti onal Accesso ries Ple as eche ck with yo ur author izedWo lfCi nema deale rfor details onallaccess ori es ,in cl udi ng th e op tion al3D glasses andemitte r™f •Repl acement Lamp:WCLPU220 220WUHPLamp Assembly •Repl acement Filter:WC F PSD C01 •3D Gl asses: WCSD3 PK013D starter pack: includes IRemitter and2(two) pairofAc tive3D Shutter Glasses, Adult WCSD3 DA01Activ e3D Shutt er G lasse s,Adult WC SD3 DC01Activ e3D Shut terG la sse s,Chil d •Pr ojec tor Ceiling MountKit:WC PMM

Main Body Fr on t Len sThi sis aprojection lens™f Plea se do not look inside during projection™f Remo teReceiver (fron t)Ple ase aim theremo tecontr olat this area when using it™f •Ther eis also arem ote receiv eratthe rea r™f Indicat orPlease see“Status indicator lightsdisplay” fordeta ils™f(Reference page:17) E xh aust Vent Warm air flow sout in orde rto coo lth eint erior of the projector™f Pleasedo not bloc kthe vent s™f Bezeland Front LogoOrienta tionThefront Wolf Cinema logoand le ns bezel can berem oved andreoriented tobest suit your inst allation™f Usea2™f5mm hexor Alle nkey [not include d]toremove thefront lensbezel; use a1/16 ”key [not included ]to rem oveand rever sethe WolfCin ema badge ™f Main Body Bo tto m Inlets (at3 points onthe rear/b ottom) Inorder tocool the inside ofthe unit, airflow sfrom thechassis rearand base plate tow ard the front vents™f Donotblock orprev entair flow intoorout from theprojec tor ,as doing socould leadtofailure ofthe unit™f • Ther eis one airintake vent on the projector baseplate,and two air int akes along theright rearsides™f Fee tThe height (0to5mm) canbe adjus tedbyturning thefoot™f 15 SDC1\b Exhaust Vent LensExhaustVent Controls& Fe atures Feet Inlets

16 SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual Main Body Rear In put Terminal Theseare the main sys tem interconnect terminals –2HDMI inputs, 1DB1 5term inalforPC connec tion, 1Com ponent Videoinput, and so fo rth, plus ports to connect theoptional 3D signal emitter™f Lamp Cover Remo vethis coverto replace theprojector lamp™f(Reference page:62) O pe ratio n Panel Seethefollow ingillus tration “Control panel” formore details™f Remo tecont rolIRwindo w(re ar )Aim your remo tecontr olat this section when using theIRremote™f A C Te rminal Thisis the ACinput terminal™f Itis connecte dvia the supplied powercord™f (Referenc epage: 33) STAN DBY/ON MENUB A CK INPUT OK Oper atio n Panel Lef tB utt on Do wn Butt on To Acces sthe MenuTotu rn on/of fpower To Sw it ch Inp uts To Sel ect orCon fir m Up Button Ri gh tBut ton To Ret urn to th e Previ ousM enu Air Intake Vent InputTerminal Power InputTerminalLamp Cover AirIntake Vent Operation Panel RemoteControlIRWindow (rear\b Remove therear perforated door panelbyturning thethumb screws inacounterclockwise direction\f

1\b SDC1\b Stat us Indicator Lights LED indi catorsar epr ese ntdur ing normal operation mode ofthis unit, andare displa yed with the indicat orsfor[STAND BY/O N], [LA MP] ,and [WARNING]™f Me aning ofthe indica tors: The indicat or light inaste ady state™f The indicat or light is“flas hing” toaler tthe user to asta techange™f Ope ratio n Mode Displays the color and lighting/f lashing of the [STAND BY/ON] indicator™f STAND BY Light on(Red\b STANDBYLight on (Green\b STANDBY Blin kin g(R ed\b Du ring stand by Whileactivating thelamp Duringcool dow n (about 1m inute) STAND BY/ON LAMP WARNING STANDBY/ON LAMP WARNING STANDBY/ON LAMP WARNING STAND BY Blinking (Green \b AllOff Whe n“H ide” isset toON During image proje ctio n STAND BY/ON LAMP WARNING STANDBY/ON LAMP WARNING Lamp Replacement Indicator Di splays lighting/fla shingofthe [LAMP] indicato r™f LAM PLig ht On (Orang e\b Lamp replacement timeis ne ar (acc umul ated lamp timeexcee ds2900 hour s) STAND BY/ON LAMP WARNING

18 SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual Lig htin g/Flash ingLights Stat us Diagra mBlinking Freq uencyCo nte ntCon firmatio n andCou nte rmea sures 1time 2 times 3 times 4 times 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times 1 time 2 times 3 timesPower su ppl yproblem s Coolin gfan stops run ning Inter nal temper ature istoo hig h Ext ern altem perat ureistoo high Fau lty electr ical circu it Somet hin g is wrong with th e au tom atic lens cover Lam pdoes notlight upanddoes not proj ect animage Lamp is tu rned offduri ng project ionperiod Lam pcov eris rem oved•Check tha tnot hin g is bl ock ing the airin let s\f • Ins ure tha tthe exter nal temp erature isnor mal \f Actio n Leavetheun itunt il it cool sdow n\f Af ter th at, tu rn on the pow er aga in\f • Chec ktha tan imp act shockhas not occ urred during op era tio n\f • Chec ktha tthe lamp unitand lamp door coverare both correct ly in st alled \f • Chec ktha tnot hing is blocki ng the auto len scov er\f Actio n Turnon th e po wer agai n\fSTAND BY/ON LAMP WARNING STANDBY/ON LAMP WARNING STANDBY/ON LAMP WARNING (red\b Mode Display (*\b (orange\b (red\b M od e Simu ltan eous Disp lay Flashing (orange\b (red\b Mod eDisp lay Fro nt pan elindicator lightsinform youof va rious operating conditio nswith the projector ™fCertain warning noticesareprov ided by therepeated flashingof the [WARN ING] and [LAMP] indicators™f Moreover,the[S TAN DBY /ON] indicator, which shows theoperating mode ofthe unit, mayalsobe dis playe dsimulta neously with either indicator lights™f During any[W ARNING] modeindicatio n,the light output is interr upted forabo ut60 seconds andthecooling fanisturned on™f Ple ase disc onnect thepow er plug from theelectr icsocket ONLYafterthecooling fanhas stopped running™f Additional indicators a nd act ions arenoted below: If any warning indicators aredisplay edmultiple times[after powercycling], pleasewait for the cooling fan tostop, thencarefully rem ovethe power plug from theACpow eroutlet™f Contact yourauthorized dealerforrepair™f (™b) When the scheduled timefo r the lamp repla ceme ntisexcee ded,thisindicator mightalsoilluminate ™f

Main Input Terminal HDMI 1Te rminal Yo ucan connec tany source compo nentequippe dwith anHDMI output™f Thereisalso aM3 lock inghole (hole depth 3mm)™f HDMI \fTe rminal Yo ucan connec tany source compo nentequippe dwith anHDMI output™f Thereisalso aM3 lock inghole (hole depth 3mm)™f LA N Ter minal (RJ45) This isaLAN terminal™f The proje cto rmay beope rate dvia netw orked PC or system controller commands ™f RS\f3\fC Terminal (male DSub 9pin ) This isastandard RS23 2Cinte rface terminal for exte rnal system contr ollerconnec tivity ™f COMPONENT Terminals (RCA x3) St andard input terminals forana logRGB(Synch onG), component (Y,Cb, Cr), DTV forma t(Y ,Pb, Pr) video signals™f 3DSYNCHRO Terminal 3Dsync hroemitter connector:conne ctthe exte rnal3 D emit ter(sold separ ately) to enjoy 3D content™f PC Ter minal (DSub 15pin) In put termi nalused toconnect any Per sonal Comput er(RGB video andsync signals )™f Trigger ( ) 12VDCpower supply output termina l(100mA)™f Thisistypica llyused to control motorized ormask ingscre ens; contact your Wo lfCinema installer forfurther details™f IRREMOT Eter minal (Ster eomin ijack) This term inal ma ybe used with comp atible third party IRsensors, in the event themain chassis IRsensor(s) arehidden orotherwise inaccessibl e™fConsult with your autho rizedWolfCine madealer orinst aller forfurther detailsand technica lsupport™f 19 SDC1\b 1 HDMI2 RS23 2C C R/PRCB/PBY 3 D SY NCHROPC TRIGGER REMOTE CONTROL L AN HDM I1 3D Synch ro PC IR Trig ger RS 232 CCompon ent Remote HDMI 2 LAN Note:Damage canbecause dto thir dpa rty equipment if th eco nne ctionis per form ed incor rectly\b (Tip =DC +1\f V,Sleeve =GND)