Wolf Projector SDC-15 User Manual
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SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual 20 Ins erting Batter iesinto theRemote Control •Slid eop en the rea rcover ,then inser tthe batteries according tothe posi tive (+) and negat ive ()indicator marks™fInsert the ()end first ™f • Ifan erroroc cu rs when using the rem otecontrol, remove thebatt eries and wait for5mi nutes™f Loadthebatteries againand continu eop er atin g theremot econ trol™f B AC K HID E LIGH T LEN SAP.C. M. D PC H DMI 1 STAND BY ASPEC T HDM I2 AN AM O COMP. LENS .CONTRO L MENU GAM MAP.F IL E C OLO RADJ. PIC. O N FIL M NAT URA LSTAGE 3D USE R1 USE R2 T HX A N IME C IN EMA P IC TUR EMO DE INP UT TE MP COLO R Project orPow erOff Aspect Ratio Selection Control Anamor phic Lens Zoom andFocus Len sSh utt er M en uAcc ess ToAdjus tColor Temperat ure ToSet GammaProj ectorPow er On Inp ut Sel ecti on Lens Apert ure Clear Motion Drive To Illum inateRe mote Buttons for7 se con ds To Selec tor Con fir m T o Ret urn to the Prev iousM en u Picture Modes To Set ColorProf ile Col orSpace Button Rem oteControl Rem ote Contr olFe atur es
21 SDC1\b Important Points Concerning Insta llation Please read thefollowing carefully beforeinstallatio nof this projector About Installa tio n Installa tio nEnvironment CAU TION This unitis a pr ecision device™fThe refore, please refrain frominstalla tionorusage inthe foll owing locations, otherwise , fire or se rious malfunction mayoccur : •Dust ,w et and humid locations ™f •Soot yor cigar ettesmokefille dlocations ™f •On top ofacar pet or bedding, or othe rsoft surfac es •Locat ions with veryhigh ambie nttemper atures as located indirect sunlight™f •Locat ions with high or lo w tempe ratures™f Permi ssi ble extr eme highor lo w oper ating temperatur era nge: +5ºto +35 º™f Relati ve humidity range permis sible foroper ating: 20% ~80% (noncondensing) ™f Storage temper aturetole rance: 10º to+6 0º™f •If the instal lation ofthe unit isdo ne inaroom with soot and/or smoke overa longer period, even smallam oun ts of the se su bsta nces ma yaf fec tthe devi ce™f Thi sunit coolsits optica lco mp onents(which prod uce agr ea t deal ofheat) vi a airflo wthrou gh the projector ™fIf the opt ica lcircuit sget dirty, this might leadto malfunc tions,suchas the vid eo imag es bec omi ngdark eroradeter iorat io n of color fidelity™f Dirtstickin gto theop tica lco mp onen tscann ot be rem oved™f Plea sePerform the Installat ionataSet Dista nce from Wa lls an d Other Devices CAUTION For opt im um heat dissipatio n,pleas eke ep aminimum distance betweenthisunitand itssurroundings asshown inthe fol lo w ing illus tration™f Mo reov er, please keep thefront ofthe unit clear fromall obstruc tions™fIfthere areanyobje ctsinfro ntofthe exha ust po rts, ho tair may flowback intotothe unitand cause overhea ting™f Note thathot airexhaust flowingout ofthe unit might ca use shadows on the scre en (heat hazephenomenon) ™f Ifthe proj ector isenclos ed in aspace asshow nin the follow ingillustra tio n, please insuretha tthe enclosed interior has thesame temperatur eas the outs ide™f High tem perature scan lead tofailur eof the unit™f
22 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Plea seBe Caref ulDur ing Use CAU TION This unituses apr oje ctio nlamp, whic hwill ge thot when inuse™f Plea se refra infrom proje cting inthe following circum stances, other wise, fireor serio us ma lfunc tions may occur: • Project ion while lyingonitsside™f A vo id pr ojection ifthe insta llationof the unitis do ne atan exces sive angle ofmore than ±30 °™fThis may redu ce life of the lamp andcaus eunwante dcol orshading™f • Avoid pr ojection atanylocatio nwhe rethe airvents orexhaust portsmight getbloc ked™f Co nsul twi th your WolfCine mainstalle ras to the optim umscreen surfac eto usewith this projector ™fNot ethat certa in perforat ed orwoven “acous tictrans pare nt”screens mayresult invisual interferenc epat terns withthepixel arra yof the DILA ligh tengine components™fOne way toreduc eany unwante dinter ferenc epattern is to change thesize ofthe scr een, or type ofscre ensurfa ce,so that anyinterfer encepa tterns will be le ss notice able™f Inclina tio n Adjust mentfor this Projector How toAd just theVerti cal Angle Height and inclination of the unit (0~5mm) can beadjusted by rotating itsfeet™f Liftthe unit and adjus tthe four feet™f Stand Extend Contract
Insta lling the Project orandScr een While instal ling ,ple ase place thi s un itand th e screen perpendicular toeach other™f Failing to do soma yincrease trapezoidal distortion™f Set Angle The angle range which canbese t fo rthis projecto ris ±3 0°™f •Mal func tions mayoccur ifthe angle isno tset within theabove range™f Shift Left /Rig htPosition ™b0% up/dow nposi tion (center) Approximately 34%(maximum) ofthe projected image Approximately 34%(maximum) ofthe projected image Up/ Down Position ™b 0% lef t/ ri ght position (center) Approximately 80%(maximum\b ofthe projected image Approximately 80%(maximum) ofthe projected image Lens sh ift correlation chart: •Maximum UpDown shift varies with theamount of Lef tRight shift™f Likew ise, maximum LeftRightshift varie swith the amount ofUp Dow nsh ift ™f • The values onthe char tare intende dto act asaguide™f Use them forreference duringins tallatio n™f 23 SDC1\b Lef tRight Shift(%) 0%10% \f0% 30% 34% UpDow nShif t(%) 80% 66% 47% 18% 0% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 2030 40 Horizontal lensshift¢Ë£ Verticallensshift ¢Ë£ Lens Shift Mov emen tR ang e Lens m\fva b\bl\bt y ra ng e
24 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Pro jec torMo unting Mea sures to pr ev ent theunit from toppling or dro pping should beused forsafety reasons and acc ide nt prevention™f Whe nm ounting thisunit on ape destal or ceiling, useallthe 4scr ew holes provided (M5 screws) tomount™f M ount ing Precautions • Spec ialex pertise andtechnique sare require dwhen mounting thisunit™f Besure toask your Wolf Cinem adealer toperfo rm allde sired mounting™f •Depthof the screw holes (scr ewlength) is23 mm™f Use screwsshort erthan 23 mm but lo nger than13mm ™fUsing non compl iant screws may res ult inma lfunctio nsorcause theunit todrop ™f •When mounting toapede stal,ens ure sufficie ntspace (footheight of10 mm or higher )around theunit sotha tthe airinlets arenot blocked™f •Do not tilt this unit moretha n±5 degrees from sidetoside whenusing™f • Regar dless whether theunit isstill unde rw arr anty, WolfCinema isnot liablefor anyproduc tdama gecaus edbyimproper mo unt ing, ormounting theunit with nonco mpliant WolfCinema ceilingmounting hardware,or when theenvironm entisnot suit ablefor ceilin gmounting™f • When hanging from aceiling, payattention tothe surr ounding temperatur e™fNote thatduring colder seasons andwhenever aro om heater isin use, temperature around theceiling will be higher than expected and may damage theprojec tor™f CeilingBottom Surfac e AirInlets 4xM5 Screws
30° 3 0° 2 0° 20° A B 3 0° 30° 2 0° 20° 25 SDC1\b Scr ee nSi ze and Projection Distance Determin ethe distance fromthe lens tothe screento achieve your des ired screen size™fThisprojec torfeatures a2™f0x power zoom lens™f Re lationship Between ProjectionScreen Size andProjection Distance Effec tive Range ofIR Remo teContr ol Aim the IRremote control towar dthe unit\b • When aiming therem ote con trol tow ards the IRsenso ron thi suni t, maintain adistance tothe senso r(in front orat the rear ofthis projector) within7m or appx™f 23feet™f •Ifthe remote controlfails towork proper ly,mov ecloser to thisuni t™f “ Bou nce”the IRSignal offaW all orScr een •Insur ethat thetotal of dis tance Abetw eenthis unit and screenand distance Bbetween re mo tecontr oland scr een is within 7m™for appx™f 23 feet™f • As the efficiency ofsigna lsrefle cted fromthe remote co ntrol unit will vary with thetype of scre en used, operable distanc emay decrease™f Pro ject ionScree nSize (Heig ht,W idth) Aspe ctRatio 16:9 60”(App rox\f 0\f7, 1\f3m\b 70” (Approx\f 0\f9, 1\f5m\b 80” (Approx\f 1\f0, 1\f8m\b 90” (Approx\f 1\f1, 2\f0m\b 100” (App rox\f 1\f2, 2\f2m\b 110” (App rox\f 1\f4, 2\f4m\b 120” (App rox\f 1\f5, 2\f7m\b 130” (App rox\f 1\f6, 2\f9m\bApproxim ateProjection Dista nce W(W ide) to T(T ele) Appr ox\f1\f78mtoApprox \f3\f66m Appr ox\f2\f09mtoApprox \f4\f28m Appr ox\f2\f40mtoApprox \f4\f89m Appr ox\f2\f70mtoApprox \f5\f51m Appr ox\f3\f01mtoApprox \f6\f13m Appr ox\f3\f31mtoApprox \f6\f75m Appr ox\f3\f62mtoApprox \f7\f36m Appr ox\f3\f92mtoApprox \f7\f98mProje ctio nScr een Siz e (H eig ht, W idt h) As pect Ra tio 16:9 14 0” (App rox\f 1\f7 ,3 \f1 m\b 15 0” (App rox\f 1\f9 ,3 \f3 m\b 16 0” (App rox\f 2\f0 ,3 \f5 m\b 17 0” (App rox\f 2\f1 ,3 \f8 m\b 18 0” (App rox\f 2\f2 ,4 \f0 m\b 19 0” (App rox\f 2\f4 ,4 \f2 m\b 20 0” (App rox\f 2\f5 ,4 \f4 m\bAppr oxim ate Pr ojec tion Dis tance W (W ide) toT(Te le) Ap prox\f 4\f2 3m to App rox\f8\f 60m App rox\f 4\f5 3m to App rox\f 9\f2 2m App rox\f 4\f8 4m to App rox\f 9\f8 4m App rox\f 5\f1 4m to App rox\f 10\f4 5m App rox\f 5\f4 5m to App rox\f 11\f0 7m App rox\f 5\f7 5m to App rox\f 11\f6 8m App rox\f 6\f0 6m to App rox\f 12\f3 0m This Unit Screen Remote ControlRemoteControl ThisUnit
26 SDC 1\b108 0p DI LA 3D FrontProject or UserÕ sManual Ty pe sof Possible InputSignals(PC Compa tible) HDMI PC (Dsub 3lines 15pins ) No\b 1 \f3 No\b 1 \f3 Ma king the Connect ion
1HDMI 2 RS2 32C 3 DC R/PRCB/PBY SYN CHROPCTR IG GE RREM OTE C O NTR O L ST AN DBY /ON MENUB A CK INPUTOK 2\b SDC1\b Conne cting Video Sourcestothe Projector • Do not tur non the ACpowe runtil allconne ctions are complete d™f •The connection proc edure svar yaccording tothe device(s) used™fForspecific details,refertothe instruc tionmanual ofthe dev ice(s) tobe connected™f •This unitis used forimage proje ction onl y™f Conne ctvideo source gear to audio processing devices(suc has AV receivers, used withspeaker s)for proper sound output™f •Theprojector requires appro priatecabli ngfrom thevideo source componen ts\f Hig hqualit ycables make forimproved video imagi ng™fFor HDMI cables(sold separa tely) ,only usethose thatare HDMI app roved™f BD/DVD Recorder HDMIConnectors (x2\b RS232ControlPort 3DSYNCHRO EmitterPort DB15PCConnectorLAN Control Port ComponentVideo(RGB\b REMOTE IRSensor DC TriggerBD/DVD Player VCRandCamcorder PC
1HDMI 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OTE CO NTRO L LAN 1 HDM I 2 RS23 2C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D SY NC HROPC TRIGGER REMO TE CON TRO L LAN 28 SDC 1\b108 0p DILA 3D FrontProjecto rUserÕ sManual Conne cting via HDMI Cable •Fora video signal incomplian cewith theHDMI standard, a34 0MHz cableisrecom mended™f Incase acable isus ed with a reduced bandwid thof75 MHz, itis recomm ended toreduce output to108 0ior less from thevideo source™f • Ifthe video isnot displaye dprope rly, try an alte rnate cable, reduce the length ofthe HDM Ica ble, or lower theoutput resolution ofthe video source™f Conne cting via HDMI Cable •Ifthe video isnot displaye dprope rly, try an alte rnate cable, reduce the length ofthe HDM Ica ble, or lower theoutput resolution ofthe video source™f Notebook PC PCHDMIOutput Terminal DVIOutput Terminal HDMIDVI Conversion Cable(soldseparately\b HDMI Cable (soldseparately\b HDMI 1Input Terminal HDMI 2Input Terminal HDMI 1Input Terminal HDMI 2Input TerminalBD/DVD Recorder
1HDM I 2 RS232C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D S YN CH ROPC TRIGGER REM OT E CONTRO L LAN 1HDM I 2 RS23 2C C R/PRCB/PBY 3D SY NC HROPC TRIGGER REMO TE CON TRO L LAN 29 SDC1\b Conne cting via Compo nent Video Cable • Set “COM P™f”inthe se tting menu to“Y Pb/Cb Pr/Cr” ™f(Refere ncepage: 54) BD/DVD Player Component VideoOutput Terminals CR/PR(red\b CB/PB(blue\b Y(green\b Component VideoCable (soldseparately\b ToComponent VideoInputTerminals Conne cting via RGB Video Cable • Set “COM P™f”inthe se tting menu to“RGB”™f (Reference page:54 ) • For infor mation on co mpatible inputsignals, see“S pecif ications” inthis Manual™f Device Equipped withRGB Output RGBVideo Output Terminals R(red\b B(blue\b G(Green\b (Includes SyncSignals\b RGBVideo Cable (soldseparately\b ToRGB Video InputTerminals