Communications System
Toshiba Strata Xiie, Strata Xxe Electronic Key Telephone Systems Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Strata Xiie, Strata Xxe Electronic Key Telephone Systems Installation And Maintenance Manual
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CHART NO. 1 FAULT CLASSIFICATION From FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 (cont.) t NO MOH. BGM, Page or Relay Servvx t NO
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 2 POWER FAULTS here from the NO 4 Go to Page 4 to classify fault. YES YES NOTES: 1. Check HPSU voltages per Figure 2. 2. If HPSlJ voltages are not correct, reset with circuit breakers per Fiaure 2. 3. Vkfy that power is present in at least one EKT connected to each HSTlJ. Call the Service > Center for assistance. -6-
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CHART NO. 3 STATION FAULTS FAULT FINDING SECTION 3QO-020~500 DECEMBER 1986 / -1 line cord. I NO YES END YES stations cn the To -7-
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 3 STATION FAULTS (cont.1 Replace the appropriate HSTU. From statIons served NO Replace the appropriate i-----J HCBU. YES YES I I NO Tag the defective unit(s) and return for repalr. L1 END Replace the HCAU (refer to Paragraph 05.01) NOTE: STRATA XX, only. (STRATA XII, uses only one HCBU.) HCBlJ #I supports stations 10~42, HCBU #2 supports stations 43&65. 1. Perform the initialization SequenCe before proceeding. 2....
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 4 HKSU FAULTS From KSU 0 Page 4 From Kl This Page P here from the NO 5 Go to Page 7 to classify fault. From Replace all PCBs in above list with a known good set (refer to Paragraph 05.011. t NOTES: 1. Perform the initializa bon 1 YES Call the Serwce NO Center for r assistance. Remove all PC& from the HKSU except: HCAUICAAU HCBU #l HINU HSTU #l l--r---- time. -If trouble occurs, reolace suspected I.22 one...
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 here from the CHART NO. 5 CO LINE FAULTS Go to Page 4 to classify fault. as required. END t NO t NO t Replace STAU associated with affected / Is .-- I Tao the I defective unit(s) and return for repatr. Verify continuity of wiring between that HCOU and the connecting -1 o-
Page 167
FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 5 CO LINE FAULTS (cont.) Replace the YES Replace the HCAUICAAU (refer to Paragraph 05.01 I.’ NOTES: 1. Perform the initialization 1 YES sequence before proceeding. 2. Reprogram as required. Remove all PCBs from the HKSU except: l HCAU/CAAU l HINU - HCBU #l . HSTU #1 l HCOU NO l Reinstall PCBs, one at a time. l If troubles occurs. replace suspected PCB. Tag the defective unit(s) v and return for repair. t EN0 -ll-
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 5 CO LINE FAULTS (cont.) 1 Page 11 Y Replace all PCBs. one at a time in the order listed above, until the fault is cleared (refer to Paragraph 05.01). 1 --- NOTES: 1. Perform initialization l Reinstall remaining PCBs, one at a Tag the YES ~ time. defective unit(s) l If trouble occurs. and return replace suspected for repair. PCB. Call the Servlce assistance. -12-
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 6 INTERCOM FAULTS From INT Page 5 c ziizicL}-------- NO fransmlss8on HSTU and STAU s. Replace the HINU. Y NO ICl u Page 14 t t Tag the defective unit(s) and return for repair. END
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FAULT FINDING SECTION 300-020-500 DECEMBER 1986 CHART NO. 6 INTERCOM FAULTS (cont.) Replace the HCAUICAAU (refer to Paragraph 05.01). 1. Perform the initialization 2. Reprogram YES NO Replace the. HCBU #l. Replace the HCBU #2, if equipped (STRATA xx, only). e3 EN0 -14-