Toshiba Strata Xii, Strata Xx General Description Manual
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craH- 1u4 IlKa IALLAI IUN SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 Strata XII&xx POWER SUPPLY (EPSA-104) INSTALLATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PARAGRAPH SUBJECT PAGE 01 01.10 01.20 01.30 02 02.10 02.20 02.30 02.40 02.50 FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1 EPSA-104 .................................................... 1 2 TOGGLER ................................................... 1 3 INSTALLING TOGGLER ........................................ 1 4 TOGGLERPIN ................................................ 2 5 TOGGLER SCREW. ............................................ 2 6 WALL MOUNTED EPSA ........................................ 2 7 PBBUPCB .................................................... 3 8 EPSA ........................................................ 3 9 EPSATERMINALS.. .......................................... 4 10 OPEN EPSA .................................................. 5 11 PBBUINPLACE ............................................... 5 12 BATTERY WIRING DIAGRAM ................................... 6 13 BATTERY TERMINAL CONNECTION ............................. 6 TABLE of CONTENTS. ............................................ i ILLUSTRATION LIST ............................................. i GENERAL ...................................................... 1 ENCLOSED HARDWARE LIST ................................... 1 SURFACE PREPARATION ...................................... 1 MOUNTING THE EPSA ......................................... 1 FUSES.. .................................................... 2 BATTERY BACK-UP INSTALLATION ................................ 2 TABLE A-MINIMUM WIRE GAUGE .............................. 4 EPSAPREPARATION .......................................... 4 INSTALLING THE PBBU .................................... :. ... -5 REQUIRED DECALS&TAGS .................................... 5 BATTERY CONNECTION ....................................... 5 INSTALLATION FINALIZATION ................................. 6 ILLUSTRATION LIST _j_

SECTION 100-020-250 ‘. JUNE 1983 01 GENERAL 01.01 The EPSA-104 is equipped with a built- in wall mounting bracket, as shown in Figure 1, to allow it to be mounted on a wall or other flat, vertical surface. , Spare Fuses FIGURE 1 -EPSA-104 01.02 Unpack and inspect the EPSA-104 and the enclosed hardware. Examine the package and make careful note of any visible damage. If any damage is found, bring it to the attention of the delivery carrier and make the proper claims. 01.03 Check the hardware list; if it is deter- mined that any equipment within the carton is missing, contact your Toshiba supplier immediately. 01.04 The following hardware, which is re quired to mount and connect the EPSA to the system, is supplied with each unit. ENCLOSED HARDWARE Quantity Item 2 T.C Toggler Wall Fasteners (Figure 2) 2 #14 Hex Head Sheet Metal Screws 1 Toggler Key 1 Template P/N 117260-001 (to space the wall fasteners properly). 1 AC Fuse (spare) P/N 116438-088 (Fl, 5 amp, SLO- BLO 125 VAC) DC Fuse (spare) P/N 116438-030 (F2, IO amp, B LO, 32 VDC) 16 AWG, ‘3-wire Jacketed (54 inches) Fast- Cable Legs FIGURE 2-TOGGLER 01.10 Surface Preparation 01.11 Choose a suitable location on a vertical surface for the EPSA, and attach the template to that location temporarily. Use _a spirit level to verify that the drilling points are level. - 01.12 Place punch marks on the mounting surface through the two ‘Y” marks on the template. 01.13 Enlarge the two punch marks with an l/8-inch drill bit. 01.14 Drill through the mounting surface with a 5/16-inch bit to prepare the anchoring holes. 01.20 Mounting the EPSA 01.21 Press the anchor legs of the togglers together, and insert them into the anchoring holes (Figure 3) until their neck flanges are flush -face FIGURE S-INSTALLING TOGGLER -l- . . :

ti%A-104 INS I ALLA I IUIY SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 with the mounting surface. If insertion is difficult, tap them lightly with a hammer. 01.22 Insert a toggler key into the small hole in the neck of each fastener, as shown in Figure 4. This should cause the anchor legs to “pop” open. Remove the toggler key. Spread Anchor Legs FIGURE 4-TOGGLER PIN 01.23 Thread the screws into the small holes in the center of the togglers. Leave approximately 3/1&inch clearance between the bottom of each screw head and the mounting surface (Figure 5). FIGURE 5-TOGGLER & SCREW 01.24 Place the EPSA against the mounting surface with the screws protruding through the holes (Figure 6). 01.25 Lower the power supply so that the narrower portions of the holes slip over the screws and the weight of the power suppiy is supported. Tighten the screws. 01.30 Fuses 01.31 Remove the spare fuses from the hard- ware carton, and place them in their individually marked holders (see Figure 6). _ Sheet Metal i Terminal Strip Spare Battery . . Fuse I Spare , DC Fuse Je AC Fuse FIGURE 6-WALL MOUNTED EPSA 01.32 Remove and inspect the fuses that were shipped inside the EPSA. If either $se is defective, replace it and order another spare fuse from your Toshiba supplier. 01.33 Prior to installing the PBBU, connect the EPSA to the MKSU per Paragraph 06.10, Section 100-020-200, installation. 02 BATTERY BACK-UP INSTALLATION 02.01 The power battery back-up unit (PBBU) in Figure 7 is‘ an optional PCB which may be installed in the EPSA-104 to interface with two auxiliary 12 VDC batteries. In the event of an electrical power failure, the PBBU provides an automatic battery power source, permitting a typical STRATA system to continue normal operations for some time (in direct ratio with the type and size of the batteries chosen). 02.02 The PBBU contains a voltage sensing circuit which causes an electro-mechanical relay to connect the back-up battery power to the system before the EPSA output voltage drops below 21 VDC (at which point system functions would be disrupted and existing calls would be disconnected). f 02.03 When the normal source of electrical ‘. . . -2- :

-. _*. ._. .-.- .n .__#., ,“,. SECTION 106-020-250 JUNE 1983 02.05 The standby batteriez will not be re- connected unless: l The “Battery Override” switch (Figures 7 and 8) is placed in the ON position, or. . . . l The depleted batteries are replaced by a freshly charged pair and the “Battery Override” switch is turned on and then released. ’ 02.06 The PBBU also contains circuitry to provide the charge current neces%ary to maintain the batteries at a satisfactory level of charge while the STRATA system is in normal operation. An external fast charger may also be connected across the battery output terminal connections. FIGURE 7-PBBU PCB power is restored, the voltage sensing circuit relay will disconnect the standby battery power source. 02.04 If the standby battery power source output falls below 21 VDC while it is connected to the system, the voltage sensing circuit will cause the relay to disconnect the standby batteries from the system. 02.07 The PBBU kit contains the following items: l PBBU-power battery backup PCB. l Fuse-spare battery protection fuse. l Cable Clamp-7/16-inch cable clamp. which, may be needed to secure the wiring harness inside the EPSA. FIGURE 8-EPSA-104 _- -3-

EPSA-104 INS IALLATIUN SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 l “PBBU-3 REV A”-decal to be placed on the front of the EPSA. l ‘WARNING”-warning tag for attachment to the 115 VAC power cord. 02.08 In addition to the PBBU kit, these items are needed to install a PBBU. l Two Batteries-lead-acid, maintenance-free au- tomobile batteries (80 amp/hr maximum) are recommended. The procedures in Paragraph 02.40 assume batteries with side-mounted terminals are used. l Battery Rack & Separator-a battery rack and separator should be used to assure the batteries will not tip and spill battery acid or accidentally short the battery terminals. l Two-Wire Connecting Cable-a 2-wire connect- ing cable, terminating at one end with 3/8-inch ring terminals and at the other end with l/8-inch spade terminals, is required to connect the batteries and the EPSA. The minimum wire gauge must be determined length of the connecting cable in Table A). by the loop (as indicated TABLE A- MINIMUM WIRE GAUGE l Washers-eight 3/8-inch flat washers and four 3/8-inch internal-tooth lock washers are re- quired for the abovecable terminal connections. $ l Battery Cabinet-if the batteries are not located in a well-ventilated closed or other secure area, protected from fire or sparks, a properly ventilated protective cabinet is required to safeguard them. CA U TIOl$ The EPSA, battery, battery -rack, and the interconnecting wiring shall be ins talled only by qualified ins tatters, in accordance with all applicable electrical codes and Article 480 of the National Electrical Code. Before installing see the “Ins talla tion Ins true tions ‘t enclosed with each item. IMPORTANT: Only trained personnel may service or install the PBBU and EPSA- 104. 02.10 EPSA Preparation 02.11 Verify that the power switch on the MPRU is in the OFF position, and then disconnect the 115 VAC power cord. i 02.12 Remove the terminal strip cover from the OUTPUT/24V, 8A-24V/BATTERY terminals (Figure 9). l Single-Wire Cable-a 16 AWG single-wire cable, approximately 18 inches in length and equipped with ring terminals, is required to connect the two batteries in series. l Cable Clamp-a cable clamp should be used to prevent cable movement from affecting the batteries. l Battery Protection-a lo-amp, 32V fuse, or a lo-amp DC instantaneous-tripping circuit breaker, is required to protect the batteries from power surge or short circuit damage. a Bolts-four 3/8 x l/2-inch hex head bolts are required to connect the cable terminals to the batteries. FIGURE 9 - EPSA TERMINALS 02.13 The EPSA cover is secured by seven screws. Viewing the EPSA as if it is wall-mounted, two screws will be located at the rear edge of the top, three on the side facing outward and two on the rear edge of the bottom. 02.14 Remove all seven screws. 02.15 Remove and set cover aside. f . . -4-

02.16 Locate and trace the multi-wire harness 02.23 Slip the PBBU fuse holder and battery in the lower portion of the EPSA (the area away override button through their respective ports from the built-in mounting bracket). The harness in the control panel (Figure 11). The PBBU mount- originates from the transformer and the terminals ing bracket should be flush against the rear of the mounted in the control panel. This harness ter- control panel. The harness should flow around minates in a rust-colored square connector. the PBBU PCB, with no wires beneath it. 02.17 The harness is secured to the chassis _ with a cable clamp (Figure 10). Loosen the screw and nut slightly to allow movement of the harness. 02.24 Align the two tan-colored PBBU pins with the two holes in the heat sink (Figure 10). Press the pins into the holes until they catch. .- 02.25 Use the previously removed screw and secure the mounting bracket to the control panel (Figure 11). FIGURE 10 -OPEN EPSA 02.20 Installing the PBBU 02.21 Two plugs are mounted in the EPSA control panel; pop them out and discard. 02.22 Unwrap the PBBU. Remove and save the screw located in the mounting bracket (Figure 11). FIGURE 11 -PBBU IN PLACE tt’SA-104 INS IALLAI ION SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 02.26 Plug the rust-colored connector into the nine-hole jack in the center of the PBBU. Do not force the prongs into the jack, they are keyed so that they can be mated in only one position. 02.27 Replace the EPSA cover and secure it with the seven screws originally removed. 02.28 Depress the battery override button (Figure 11). If it catches and stays in, press it again to cause it to release and protrude- out of the control panel. The button must be out for the EPSA to operate normally. 02.29 Remove the spare fuse from the PBBU kit, and put it in the holder located on the side of the EPSA. 02.30 Required Labels and Warning Tags 02.31 Remove the warning tag from the kit and tie it to the power cord where it emerges from the EPSA. 02.32 A “PBBU-3 REV A” decal must be placed on the control panel of the EPSA. Remove the decal from the kit, peel the backing off, and place it on the control panel. 02.40 Battery Connection DANGER!: Do not attempt to connect the batteries to the EPSA while the AC power cord is plugged in, or without the EPSA being connected to the MKSU. Do not connect the two- wire cable to the batteries before connecting it to the EPSA. Once the batteries are con- nected to the EPSA the 24V output terminals are five. -5-

EPSA-104 INSTALLATION SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 1 02.41 Select a location for the batteries near the power supply. The loop length of the cable connecting them to the power supply will de- termine the minimum gauge wire which can be used in the cable. See Table A. DANGER!: itive terminal of battery #2 (see Figure 13). 02.49 Connect the two batteries with the single-wire cable-one end to the positive terminal on battery if1 and the other end to the negative terminal on battery #2 (Figure 12). The area in which the batteries are to be located must be well ventilated to prevent a dangerous accumulation of battery gases. The batteries must also be protected from moisture and extreme temperatures. NOTE: Place the cable clamp over the two-wire cable and secure it to either the battery rack or the protective cabinet. Adjust the clamp to relieve strain on the cable. _ Battery #2 i /- Clamp Single-Wire Cable Battery Rack and Separator / I 1 / I EPSA-104 rzl I FIGURE 12-BATTERY WIRING DIAGRAM To ~‘JIKSU 02.42 Secure the batteries in the battery rack and separator, which should be located in a mini- mum access area, such as a closet or a well venti- lated cabinet. 02.43 Verify that the battery override button is in the OFF position (out). 02.44 Loosen the two screws on the terminal strip identified as 24V/BATTERY. 02.45 See Figure 12; match positive to positive and negative to negative. 02.46 -Connect the battery fuse (or circuit breaker) lead to the negative terminal on battery #l (Figure 13). 02.47 Attach the negative wire of the 2-wire cable to the battery fuse (or circuit breaker). 02.48 Connect the positive wire to the pos- Battery ~ Terminal Cable Marker Bolt / FIGURE 13 BATTERY TERMINAL CONNECTOR 02.50 Installation Finalization 02.51 Plug the AC power cord in, and verify that the AC ON indicator is lit. 02.52 Unplug the AC power cord, and verify that the DC ON indicator is lit to indicate the i batteries are supplying electrical power. -6-

tr3H- 1~4 11x3 IHLCH~ IUIY SECTION 100-020-250 JUNE 1983 02.53 Replace the terminal strip cover and test the STRATA system functions under both AC and battery back-up power. IMPORTANT: When testing is complete, make certain that the battery override button is in the OFF position and that the AC ON indicator i? lit. . . -7-


PARAGRAPH SUBJECT _ PAGE 01 02 02.00 02.10 02.20 02.30 02.40 * 02.50 02.60 02.70 02.80 03 03.00 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING SECTION 100-020-300 JUNE 1983 - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE of CONTENTS. ........................................... i ILLUSTRATION LIST. ........................................... ii INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES ................................... 1 General ..................................................... 1 Programming CO 18~21 ....................................... 2 Multiple Station Programming. ................................... 2 Preparation .................................................. 2 System Options. .............................................. 3 CO Line Options. ............................................. 4 Station Options. .............................................. 5 TABLE l-SYSTEM RECORD SHEET ................................. 11 Initialization. ................................................ 22 __._._ .._ TABLE 2-CRDU POSITIONS ...................................... 22 System Data Entry ............................................ 23 TABLE 3-INITIALIZED DATA .................................... 23 TABLE LIST. ................................................... 25 SYSTEM DATA PRINTOUT ....................................... 25 System Data Printout Via SMDR ................................. 25 TABLE 4-SYSTEM DATA PRINTOUTSELECTION CODES .............. 26 TABLE 5-SPEED DIAL MEMORY PRINTOUT SELECTION CODES ....... 27 TABLE 6-PROGRAM Ol-SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (BASIC) ............. 32 TABLE 7-PROGRAM 02-SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (OPTIONS). .......... 33 TABLE 8-PROGRAM 03-SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (OPTIONS). .......... 34 TABLE g-PROGRAM 04-MCOU OUTPULSING SELECTION ............. 35 TABLE lo-PROGRAM 05-AUTOMATIC RECALL FROM HOLD TIMING . . 36 TABLE ll-PROGRAM 06-AUTOMATIC RELEASE ON HOLD ENABLE ... 37 TABLE 12-PROGRAM 07-AUTOMATIC RELEASE ON HOLD TIMING .... 38 TABLE 13-PROGRAM 08-TENANT SERVICE SELECTION ............. 39 TABLE 14-PROGRAM 09-CO LINE “DIAL 9” GROUP SELECTION ...... 40 TABLE 15-PROGRAM lo-PBX BACK-UP ............................ 41 TABLE 16-PROGRAM 1X-PBX ACCESS CODES ...................... 42 TABLE 17-PROGRAM 20-TOLL RESTRICTION DISABLE .............. 43 TABLE 18-PROGRAM 2X-TOLL RESTRICTION EXCEPTION CODES ..... 44 TABLE 19-PROGRAM 3XX-STATION CO LINE ACCESS ................ 45 TABLE 20-PROGRAM 4XX-STATION TYPE & KEY ASSIGNMENT ...... 46 TABLE 21-PROGRAM 5XX-STATION CLASS OF SERVICE ............. 47 TABLE 22-PROGRAM GXX-TOLL RESTRICTION CLASSIFICATION ..... 48 TABLE 23-PROGRAM 7XX-STATION OUTGOING RESTRICTION ....... 49 TABLE 24-PROGRAM 8Xx-CO RINGING ASSIGNMENTS-DAY ......... 50 TABLE 25-PROGRAM 8#XX-CO RINGING ASSIGNMENTS-DAY 2 ...... 51 TABLE 26-PROGRAM 9Xx-CO RINGING ASSIGNMENTS-NITE ......... 52 _i_ .