Toshiba Strata Se, Strata Vie General Description Manual
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2) To cancel the MW/FL LED, the voice mail de- vice must: 0 Go off-hook (receive dial tone from HIOB). l Send digits 8 7 X X (XX = EKT station number). 0 Go on-hook. 09.30 HOXB 09.31 General: Serves as an interface be- tween the key service unit and conventional, standard telephones or off-premises extension (OPX) lines. Each HOXB serves two extensions, replacing two station assignments, and will op- erate with either DTMF or rotary-dial tele- phones. An MRGU (a ring generator and -48 VDC...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 1988 types of wiring arrangements are necessary for off-premises extension/conventional, standard ’ telephone (OPX) connections: HOXB-to-HKSU, HOXB-to-MRGU and HOXB-to-conventional, standard telephcnes. NOTE. OPXs are paired even/odd to the HOXB (Se = 74/15 & 16/17; Vie = 18/79, 20/21, 22/23 & 24/25). 1) HOXB-to-HKSU connections are made via sin- gle wires from the MDF station block to the HOXB terminal strip (TB3) voice and control...
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r Monitor Stations and/or the Door Lock and Alarm features, install one or two HDCB ex- ternal modules. The A, B and C modular connec- tions provide the following functions: l 11/13A & 12/14A: Door phones l 11/13B & 12/14B: Door phones or door lock contacts. l 1 l/l 3C & 12/14C: Door phones or alarm* detect. “Alarm detect is available on door phone I I/ 13C only, and the alarm reset key may be assigned only to station 10. 09.42 Wall Mount: An HDCB may be mounted on a wall only. Perform the...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 1938 l Station 10 alarm reset (m) key: Program 4#XX (code “*“- lowest m key) and Program 03 (LED 10 on) l Door phone/EKT ringing assignment: Pro- gram 9#XX - 0 First digit in station number may be changed via Program *X# (Flexible Numbering). NOTE. The door phone station numbers (used to call the door phones via the intercom) are as folio ws: l HDCB on station 11 /I 3 only: Door Phone Station No. LCD Display 11/13A 66 1A 11/13B 67...
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FIGURE 34-HOLB WIRING , b) Verify that the corresponding CO line LED lights on the system EKTs. c) Dial a test call from the OPL telephone. 0 Verify that a 2-way voice connection is es- tablished. d) Depress the corresponding line key on an EKT. 0 Verify that privacy feature prevents ac- cess. e) Go on-hook at OPL telephone. f) Depress the OPL CO line key on an EKT and _ listen for CO dial tone. g) Dial a test call from the EKT. l Verify that a 2-way voice connection is es- tablished. h)...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 19% 3) Properly position the module adjacent to the HKSU with regards to wiring needs. 4) Secure the module to the mounting surface with the provided screws. 09.63 Cabling: The HSMB must be installed within 17’ of the HKSU (a 7’ cord is provided with the module), and connected by an 8-wire modular cable. Connect the modular cable from Jl (CONT) on the HSMB to the CONT connec- tor on the HKSU. The RS-232C printer con- nector is installed...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 1988 going calls to be recorded. Bridging the cen- ter pin with the terminal labeled ON causes only outgoing calls to be recorded. 5) Data output is in 7-bit ASCII code with one start bit, one parity bit (even parity) and one stop bit. 09.65 Clock/Calendar Information: One of the functions of the HSMB is to provide a cal- endar and clock for showing time, date and du- ration of recorded calls. This clock and calendar must be set when the...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARV 1 fgs I “e” NO TE. If LED 1 is changed to OFF before STR is operated, existing data will nor be changed, regardless of adjustments made in previous steps. 09.67 To Test: Verify the proper functioning of the SMDR feature: a) Connect the printer to the HSMB. b) Set data speed and select type of calls to be recorded per Paragraph 09.64. c) Make an outgoing call from any EKT. d) Enter an account code as follows: 0 Dial ti:e access code...
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NOTE: 3 & 4 are not used and should be In “OFF” posrtlon. 1200/300 l.mrl CCITT/BELL lairr! m !aEcl FIGURE 40-HMDB EXTERNAL SWITCHES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 1988 NOTE. There are no internal connections between the modem and the associated EKT. 09.74 Installation: To install the HMO6 on the bottom of an EKT, refer to Figure 42, and perform the following: 1) Remove the standard EKT base. 2) Insert the HMDB’s front tabs into the match- ing holes in the bottom...
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 500-036-200 JANUARY 1988 2) Connect the other end to a serial communi- cations port on the PC (or the EIA RS-232C connector on the terminal). 3) A communica>on software package (such as Crosstalk, etc.) should be installed in the PC. 4) If necessary, set the following parameters on the PC/terminal to match the device with which the PC/terminal will be communicat- ing. 0 Parity l Word length l Stop bits l Baud rate 0 Full/half duplex 09.77 Modem Phone...