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Toshiba Strata Dk Dkquote User Guide

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    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Pricing Menu
    Customizing DKQuote59
    Hiding Obsolete Parts
    An obsolete part is an older part that has been replaced by other parts and is no longer 
    available from Toshiba. Obsolete Parts Setup enables you to include or hide listings for these 
    parts. If the item is not hidden, it can be selected for use in a configuration from the Existing 
    Parts screen.
    Changing National Accounts Description and Price
    National Accounts Installation Setup enables you to change the National Account Installation 
    item description and/or price. You can also hide the item from view during the quote process. 
    If the item is not hidden, it appears on the quote Installation Charges screen when a National 
    Accounts or GSA price schedule is selected for use with the quote.1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Obsolete Parts 
    Setup from the drop-down 
    2. Click in the Hide column, 
    opposite any obsolete part.Item is not displayed on the Existing Parts screen in 
    the quote.
    3. Click Save. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and National Accounts 
    Installation Setup from the 
    drop-down menu.
    2. Click in the Hide column, 
    opposite any part.The item is not displayed on the Installation Charges 
    screen when generating a quote.
    3. Change any prices you want.
    4. Click Save all Changes. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    							Pricing Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    60Strata DKQuote 5/99
    Dealer Installation Setup
    The Dealer Installation Setup screen enables you to add, modify, or delete Dealer Installation 
    items. You can also hide an item from view during the quote process. If no installation items 
    are added to this screen, the Installation Selection screen does not display during the quote 
    When the Regular Account, Dealer Column account category or one of the Dealer special 
    price schedules (Cat07~Cat10) are selected for use with the quote, added items are displayed 
    on the quote Installation Charges screen.
    To change the dealer installation setup
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Dealer Installation 
    Setup from the drop-down 
    2. Click Add.
    3. Enter the part description and 
    Dealer Cat07~Cat10 price in 
    the pop-up dialog box.
    4. Click OK. The information displays on the Dealer Installation 
    Setup screen.
    ...or highlight the item and 
    click DeleteYou are asked to confirm the deletion, and the item is 
    deleted from the list.
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Update Menu
    Customizing DKQuote61
    Question File Setup
    The Question File Setup option enables you to hide any questions from view. If you hide a 
    question, it does not display at any time during the quote process.
    Where questions are a part of a group of questions (for example, AA01, AA01a, AA01b), only 
    the main question, which is “AA01” in our example, is displayed on this screen. If you hide 
    the main question, all other questions in the group are also hidden during the quote process.
    To change the question file setup
    Update Menu
    The Update Menu enables the 
    backup of a customized dealer 
    database, price categories, and 
    company general information to 
    DKQuote Installation Disk #5.
    Your dealers and sales staff can use 
    the customized disk to generate 
    parts and prices (less hidden parts 
    and questions) after DKQuote is installed.
    You can also use this option to copy updated information to a blank floppy disk. The updated 
    floppy disk can be used to install up-to-date pricing and parts information on the dealer and 
    sales staff PCs....or click in the Hide column, 
    opposite any item.Item is not displayed on the Installation Charges 
    screen during the quote process.
    5. Click Save all Changes. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Question File 
    Setup from the drop-down 
    2. Click in the Hide column, 
    opposite any question that 
    you want hidden.The question does not appear in the quote process.
    3. Click Save. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    							User Password Level––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    62Strata DKQuote 5/99
    To backup to the installation disk
    User Password Level
    The Setup Menu (shown at right) 
    enables you to setup the user 
    password levels. There are three 
    default levels:
    ©Level 1 – Master 
    ©Level 2 – Sales
    ©Level 3 – Technical
    You can also add, delete, or modify user IDs, names, and passwords.
    NoteIn DKQuote, only the Level 1 user ID can execute all functions and access all screens.
    To add a user1. Click Update from the Main 
    Menu and Backup to 
    Installation Disk from the 
    drop-down menu.
    2. Insert Installation Disk #5 
    into the floppy-disk drive.
    3. Select the drive (A: or B:) that 
    contains Installation Disk #5.
    4. Click Start. The files are backed up to Installation Disk #5.
    1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and User Password 
    Level from the drop-down 
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––User Password Level
    Customizing DKQuote63
    To change user ID, password, or level2. Click Add.
    3. Enter the User ID. Alphanumeric characters (up to eight maximum).
    4. Enter the User Name.Also appears on “Prepared by” line for the Final 
    Quote Sheet printout.
    5. Enter the Password. Alphanumeric characters (up to eight maximum).
    6. Enter the Level. A pull-down menu enables you to choose 1~3.
    7. Click Close The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and User Password 
    Level from the drop-down 
    2. Click Modify. A pop-up dialog box displays.
    3. Change the User ID. Alphanumeric characters (up to eight maximum).
    4. Change the User Name. Also appears on “Prepared by” line for the Final Quote 
    Sheet printout.
    5. Change the Password. Alphanumeric characters (up to eight maximum).
    6. Change the Level. A pull-down menu enables you to choose 1~3.
    7. Click Close. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    							Customized Splash Screen–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    64Strata DKQuote 5/99
    To delete a user
    Customized Splash Screen
    You can specify your company 
    logo as the log ON screen instead 
    of the Toshiba logo.
    The logo can be any MS Paint® 
    picture file (.bmp) at a 
    recommended size of 640 x 480 
    To change the company/system logo1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and User Password 
    Level from the drop-down 
    2. Highlight the user ID and 
    click Delete.A pop-up dialog box displays asking you to confirm 
    the deletion.
    3. Click Close. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
    1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and Select Customized 
    Splash Screen from the drop-
    down menu.
    2. Highlight one of the available 
    logos.The file name in the File Name box.
    3. Click Select. The change is saved, the screen closes, and the logo 
    appears on the screen at the next log ON.
    Appendix – Final Quote Printout
    If you selected All on the Print Quote screen, a quote cover sheet, Selection List, Parts List, 
    Installation Charges List (if applicable), and two pages of PCB Placement Guides are printed. 
    Examples are shown below and in the following pages.
    Cover Sheet
    Dealer’s Name
    8090 Anywhere Street
    Anywhere, CA 92714
    (714) 832-3434
    Prepared By : Mary Smith
    ËDate : 05/13/97
    Sys. Name : DK424
    Prepared For : XYZ Company, Inc.ÌQuote No : ExampleÌ
    Contact : Frank HugoÌQuote Date : 05/06/97
    Total Price of Configurated Parts $63,428.00
    Total Price of Spare Parts $730.00
    Total Price of Add On Parts $0.00
    Parts Subtotal (Taxable) $64,158.00
    Installation (Refer to next page) $8,300.00
    Other Installation Charges $450.00
    Database Preparation $200.00
    First Year Warranty $0.00
    Maintenance Agreement $0.00
    Other Hardware (Taxable) $0.00
    Other Software (Taxable) $0.00
    Parts Tax at Percentage Rate (8.00) $5,132.64
    Labor Tax at Percentage Rate (0.00) $0.00
    Total Price of This Quote $78,240.64
    ÊEntered in the Company General Information screen.
    ËEntered in the User Password Record screen.
    ÌEntered in the Customer Record screen when creating a quote. 
    							Parts List (Quote Number: Example)––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    66Strata DKQuote    5/99
    Parts List (Quote Number: Example)
    *Part Number Qty Chg Price Extension
    E 10KEY-H DKT 2 $0.00 $0.00
    E 10KEY-S DKT 2 $0.00 $0.00
    R ACD ANNOUNCER 3 $0.00 $0.00
    A BATTERY 2 $0.00 $0.00
    DDCB 1 $115.00 $115.00
    DK-PCATT 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00
    DKSUB424 1 $555.00 $555.00
    E DKSUE280 1 $0.00 $0.00
    DKSUE424 4 $545.00 $2,180.00
    DKT2004CT 2 $700.00 $1,400.00
    DKT2010-H 40 $135.00 $5,400.00
    DKT2010-H(W) 40 $135.00 $5,400.00
    DKT2010-SD 40 $185.00 $7,400.00
    DKT2020-SD 20 $225.00 $4,500.00
    I12527 82 $100.00 $8,200.00
    I29911 1 $100.00 $100.00
    MDFB 2 $40.00 $80.00
    NDTU CABLE 3 $75.00 $225.00
    PDKU2 19 $365.00 $6,935.00
    S PDKU2 2 $365.00 $730.00
    PIOU 1 $570.00 $570.00
    RATU 1 $585.00 $585.00
    RCIS 2 $200.00 $400.00
    RCIU2 3 $290.00 $870.00
    RCOS 6 $228.00 $1,368.00
    RCOU 7 $265.00 $1,855.00
    RCTUE3 1 $2,800.00 $2,800.00
    RCTUF3 1 $4,900.00 $4,900.00
    RDTU 3 $2,875.00 $8,625.00
    RKYS4 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
    RMDS 1 $150.00 $150.00
    RPSB1 2 $60.00 $120.00
    RRCS-12 1 $630.00 $630.00
    RSIS 1 $100.00 $100.00
    RSIU 1 $280.00 $280.00
    RSTU2 3 $595.00 $1,785.00
    R STANDARD TELSET 20 $0.00 $0.00
    R X-PROTECTOR LO 4 $0.00 $0.00
    Total Parts:$64,158.00
    S = Spare or Additional Parts
    A = Optional Add-on Parts, not supplied by Toshiba
    E = Existing and.or Special Priced Parts
    R = Required Add-on Parts, not supplied by Toshiba 
    							–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Installation Charges
    Installation Charges
    PCB Placement Guide
    Installation Description Qty Price Extension
    Cable Runs 82 $100.00 $8,200.00
    External Paging System 1 $100.00 $100.00
    Installation Charges:$8,300.00
    Cabinet 1 (Type: DK424*) R11 RCTU S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16
    Port Nos.000 - 007 008 - 015 016 - 023
    Line Nos.001 - 008 009 - 016
    Option/NoteRRCS-12 Table 3 DDCB RCOS RCOS
    Cabinet 2 (Type: DK280*)S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27
    Port Nos.024 - 031 032 - 039 040 - 047
    Line Nos.017 - 024 025 - 032 033 - 040
    Option/NoteRCOS RCOS RCOS
    Cabinet 3 (Type: DK424*)S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37
    Port Nos.048 - 055 056 - 063 064 - 071 072 - 079 080 - 087 088 - 095
    Line Nos.041 - 048 049 - 052
    Cabinet 4 (Type: DK424*)S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47
    Port Nos.096 - 103 104 - 111 112 - 119 120 - 127 128 - 135 136 - 143  144 - 167
    Line Nos.053 - 076
    Cabinet 5 (Type: DK424*)S51 S52 S53 S54 S55 S56 S57
    Port Nos.168 - 175 176 - 183 184 - 191 192 - 199 200 - 203 204 - 227
    Line Nos.077 - 100
    Cabinet 6 (Type: DK424*)S61 S62 S63 S64 S65 S66 S67
    PCB TypeSpare Spare RCIU2 RCIU2 RCIU2 PIOU RDTU Vacant
    Port Nos.228 - 299
    Line Nos.001 * 008 009 * 016 017 * 020 021- 044
    Option/NoteRCIS RCIS Table 3 24-D
    Cabinet 7 (Type: NR*)S71 S72 S73 S74 S75 S76 S77
    PCB Type
    Port Nos.
    Line Nos.
    *  Type = DK280, DK424, or NR (not required)
    ** Cabinets 2-7: Last two slots are available on the DK424 using RCTUE/F processor with MBJU removed.
    lCheck Worksheet 5 - System Power Factor Check in the DK424 Configuration section of the Strata DK I/M Manual.
    lMaximum Digital Telephone per Cabinet = 62.
    lMaximum Digital Telephone with RPCI per Cabinet = 40. 
    							PCB Placement Guide–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    68Strata DKQuote    5/99
    lRefer to Ta b l e  1 and 2 on the following page for Designated Speaker OCA, DIU, RPCI and T1 slots.
    lDK424 requires PDKU2 PCBs that support Speaker Off-Hook-Call-Announce (OCA) and PDIU-DS/RPCI-DI data 
    applications be placed in the designated slots shown in Ta b l e  1 and 2 on the following page. Handset OCA and RPCI-
    DI TAPI applications can operate in any slot.
    lRDTU PCBs must be placed in designated slots per Ta b l e  1 and 2 on the following page, the next higher slot adjacent 
    to the RDTU must be vacant to enable channels 17~24 to operate.
    lAlways calculate the system power factor using the DK424 configuration worksheets when installing older electronic 
    telephones or RPCI-DI interface units. See the Strata DK I/M Manual, DK424 Configuration section for Power Factor 
    Worksheets. Worksheets.
    Table 2 Interface Port Assignments
    SMISS11 S11
    DKADMINS11 S11
    Table 1 DK424 Base with RCTUE/F with 
    MBJU Removed
    CabinetPDKU2 Data & 
    Speaker OCA 
    SlotsRPTU or 
    RDTU Vacant  
    = XX/YY*
    Cab1 = DK424 11, 12, 13, 14, 
    15, 1613*/14**   15*/
    Cab2 = DK280 21, 22, 23, 24, 
    25, 2621*/22**   23*/
    24**   25*/26**
    Cab2 = DK424 21, 22, 23, 24 21*/22**   23*/
    Cab3 = DK280 31, 32 31*/32**
    Cab3 = DK424 31, 32, 37, 38 31*/32**   37*/
    Cab4 = DK280 41, 42 41*/42**
    Cab4 = DK424 41, 42, 47, 48 41*/42**   47*/
    Cab5 = DK280 61, 62 51*/52**
    Cab5 = DK424 51, 52, 57 58 51*/52**   57*/
    Cab6 = DK280 61, 62 61*/62**
    Cab6 = DK424 61, 62, 67, 68 61*/62**   67*/
    Cab7 = DK280 Cannot be 7th Cabinet
    Cab7 = DK424 no Data & 
    Speaker OCAnone
     * RDTU or RPTU can only be installed in XX; Slot YY 
    must be vacant if RPTU or RDTU is installed and if 
    channels 17-24 are operational.
    ** Vacant Slot
    Table 2 DK424 Base Cabinet with RCTUA, 
    BA/BB, C/D with MBJU or DK280 
    Base with RCTUA, BA/BB, C/D, or 
    CabinetPDKU2 Data & 
    Speaker OCA 
    SlotsRPTU or 
    RDTU Slots
    Cab1 = DK280 
    or DK42411, 12, 13, 14, 
    15, 1613*/14** 15*/
    Cab2 = DK280 
    or DK42421, 22, 23, 24, 
    25, 2621*/22** 23*/
    24** 25*/26**
    Cab3 = DK280 
    or DK42431, 32 31*/32**
    Cab4 = DK280 
    or DK42441, 42 41*/42**
    Cab5 = DK280 
    or DK42451, 52 51*/52**
    Cab6 = DK280 
    or DK42461, 62 61*/62** 
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