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Toshiba Strata Dk Dkquote User Guide

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    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Basic Operation
    The Grand Tour9
    Basic Operation
    DKQuote configures customized quotes by using the information supplied by you in the setup 
    process. The quotes can be viewed, printed, and saved.
    The process of configuration and generation of a quote starts by reviewing the following basic 
    questions, even if existing parts are used.
    ©How many digital telephones and CO lines do you require?
    ©Are there any customer-owned parts (existing parts) that you want to use on a no-charge 
    ©What account category do you want to use for pricing?
    ©Are there any used parts (in your stock) that you want to use for a specified price?
    ©Who will supply the cable—the customer or dealer?
    Once you have reviewed these questions, you are ready to begin the configuration of the 
    required cabinets and PCBs.
    Task Messages and Online Help
    DKQuote displays task and help messages during the quote process. It prepares your quote by 
    presenting a series of screens. Each screen must have a specific number of selections even 
    when existing parts are used. When you are finished, DKQuote automatically configures the 
    cabinet and PCBs that are required based on your selections. Some fields required a numeric 
    value input, while others require a “yes” or “no” answer (toggled by using the space bar).
    Online Help is available in each screen by either clicking the Help button or pressing F1. The 
    appropriate topic displays giving you information about the screen. There is also Help 
    available from the Main Menu. When selected, all of the Help topics all displayed in a list that 
    you can easily access by clicking on the topic you want to view. You can search the list by 
    using the Find feature or the Index.
    View Menu
    Status Bar333
    Help Menu
    Help Topics
    About DKQuote333
    Table 1 Levels and Main Menu Options (continued)
    Main Menu BarMaster
    (Level 1)Sales
    (Level 2)Te c h
    (Level 3) 
    							Basic Operation––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    Existing Parts
    If you are going to use existing parts (used parts in stock), they are selected from the Existing 
    Parts list. Existing telephones and consoles are always included in the configuration. Existing 
    PCBs are only configured if they support the telephone and CO line requirements of the 
    Release 2.0 and 3.0 RCTU processors are used in place of equivalent size Release 4.0 
    processors if the appropriate RCTU PCBs are selected in Existing Parts.
    NoteToshiba published list prices can be updated while maintaining current Dealer 
    Discounts and Markups.
    Future Parts
    Future parts (added for future growth) should be considered and added as existing parts. 
    Telephones, PCBs, and cabinets, selected from the Existing Parts list, are added at no charge 
    because the selected price for each item is set to $0.00. They are also configured into the Strata 
    DK system cabinets.
    Additional Parts
    Once the configuration is complete, you can enter additional parts that are not included in the 
    basic configuration (spare parts, voice mail equipment, and documentation). These parts are 
    not configured in the cabinets, but are added to the final quote parts lists.
    Installation Charges
    You can also enter itemized installation charges, including taxes and appropriate quantities 
    that are applied to the across-the-board cost of all parts (see Page 33). If National or GSA 
    Accounts is selected in the Quote Setup screen, you must indicate who supplies the cable— 
    the dealer or the customer. If the cable is customer supplied (see levels below), the installation 
    price is reduced by $25.00 per cable run.
    Levels of cable for Voice/data, shielded, and Plenum are:
    ©Level III - duplex jacks (4 pair)
    ©Level IV - quad jacks (4 or 6 pair)
    ©Level V - quad jacks (4 or 6 pair)
    Final Quotation
    Once your system configuration is complete, you can view, save, and/or print the:
    ©Summary sheet
    ©Itemized installation and parts prices
    ©Diagram of the configured cabinets
    ©PCB placement guide
    Individual or group quotes are transferred from one PC to another by storing and retrieving the 
    quotes from a floppy disk, hard-disk or network drive. The final quote parts lists and a cover 
    sheet can be saved to a file and re-opened in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft 
    Excel® for editing and formatting of the data. 
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Main Menu
    The Grand Tour11
    Main Menu
    DKQuote is “menu driven” and very 
    easy to use. All basic operations are 
    executed from the Main Menu bar 
    (shown at right) that displays across the 
    top of your screen. 
    When you select one of the Main Menu 
    submenus, a drop-down menu displays 
    all of the available options (shown at 
    The figure below lists all of the drop-down menus that are accessed from the Main Menu bar.
    New Quote
    Existing Quote
    Transfer In
    Transfer Out
    Price List
    Price Category Setup
    Parts/Price Setup
    Required Add on Parts Setup
    Optional Add on Parts Setup
    Obsolete Parts Setup
    Natl Accounts Installation Setup
    Dealer Installation Setup
    Question File Setup
    Status Bar
    Parts List
    Question File
    Customer List
    Print/Save Quote
    Backup Dealer Price/Parts
    Restore Dealer Price/Parts
    Restore Toshiba List Prices
    Backup to Installation Disk
    Company General Information
    User Password Level
    Select Customized Splash Screen
    Printer Setup
    Help Topics
    About DKQuote
    							To o l b a r–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    Screen Variations
    DKQuote screens may vary from those shown in this document because changes are made 
    The DKQuote Toolbar™ (shown at right) 
    displays just below the Main Menu bar. It 
    provides shortcuts to the most frequently used 
    You can click and drag the Toolbar to any 
    position in your window. When you exit DKQuote, the Toolbar returns to its original position.
    To display or hide the Toolbar
    Click Toolbar (toggles) from the View menu.
    Each Toolbar icon is explained below.
    Status Bar
    The Status Bar displays at the bottom of the DKQuote window (shown below). The left area of 
    the Status Bar shows the menu items that you point to using your mouse. The right side of the 
    Status Bar shows the date and time.
    äTo display or hide the Status Bar
    äClick Status Bar from the View drop-down menu.
    Open a new quote.
    Open an existing quote. An Open dialog box displays, in which you can locate and open 
    the desired quote.
    Open the Price List screen that lists all parts and prices.
    Display the print/save dialog box. You can select Save to File to save existing quotes to a 
    file (i.e., Final Quotes Parts List and quote cover sheet) or Print to printer.
    Display program information on DKQuote (e.g., version number).
    Display pop-up Help topics – often called “What’s This?”.
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Keyboard Navigation
    The Grand Tour13
    Keyboard Navigation
    The following describes how to navigate within the DKQuote program using your keyboard.
    Mouse Navigation
    When you use the mouse, an on-screen arrow or cursor moves as you move the mouse. The 
    resulting actions are described below.
    Alt + [Letter]Selects Main Menu items. Moves directly to the item with the underscore 
    mark. For example, pressing 
    Alt + r in the Main Screen displays Report 
    [Letter]Selects pull-down menu items. Pressing the underscored letter of an item on 
    your keyboard, opens that item.
    TabMoves forward from section to section, or button to button in screens and 
    dialog boxes.
    Shift + Tab Moves backwards from section to section or button to button in the screens 
    and dialog boxes.
    Alt + TabMoves between open application windows (Windows feature).
    ¨Moves the highlight left/right.
    ­¯Moves the highlight up/down in most instances. In some screens, these keys 
    are not functional. The 
    Tab and Shift + Tab keys are also used to 
    move the highlight up/down.
    EnterMoves the highlight to the next field in most instances. In some screens, it 
    closes the screen.
    Page Up/Page 
    DownScrolls up/down through a list.
    EscReturns to the previous dialog box.
    SpacebarToggles between Yes/No in the parts configuration dialog box. Toggles check 
    mark ON/OFF in the Hide column of specific screens.
    Move the cursor to an item in the Main 
    Menu, then click the mouse button. If 
    there is more than one button, click the 
    left button.Highlights Main Menu item before you click. When you 
    click the mouse button, the selection opens. When you 
    select on-screen buttons, you do not have to press the 
    Enter key, just double-click the mouse button.
    Double-click the mouse button. If there is 
    more than one button, double-check the 
    left button.Highlights and opens the item. 
    							Online Help––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    NoteFor more information on adjusting Windows controls for the DKQuote program, such 
    as keyboard and mouse speed and colors, see your Windows 98, 95 User Guide or 
    Help in the Windows 98, 95 Start button.
    Online Help
    DKQuote Online Help is built into the software and provides help from both the Main Menu 
    and individual screens. The functions are described below.
    Quote Screen
    The following buttons display at the bottom of the quote screens during the quote process.
    Scrolls up or down.
    Resizes the column width. Place the double-headed 
    cursor on the line between two columns. Click and hold 
    the left mouse button. Drag the line left or right to change 
    the column width.
    Accesses What’s This? Help. When the cursor changes to a question 
    mark, click the topic, a menu option or any other area, that you want help 
    on. The topic displays.
    F1Opens the specific topic you have highlighted by pressing F1.
    Accesses Online Help from the Main Menu that contains:
    lContents – lists main topics (e.g., Quote Menu, Update Menu, etc.).
    lIndex – lists all topics in alphabetically order.
    lFind – searches for available topic.
    Displays specific information about the dialog box currently open.
    Process all data and saves to memory. The next screen in the 
    quote generation process displays.
    Return to the previous screen. Current selections are saved in 
    memory before the screen returns to the previous one.
    Scroll arrow
    Scroll bar
    Scroll arrow 
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Screen Messages
    The Grand Tour15
    Screen Messages
    There are two displayed messages that can occur when you  adding or modifying a quote – 
    configuration conflict and warning. Both appear after you click Process.
    Configuration Conflict Message
    If you have entered an item that 
    creates a conflict, you are 
    prompted with a configuration 
    conflict message (shown at right).
    Click OK to return to the screen 
    where you must correct the 
    conflict. Once the correction is 
    made, click Process to proceed 
    with the quote.
    Important!Since the information is critical to the completion of the quote, you cannot 
    continue until the conflict is resolved.
    Discard the changes in the current screen.
    Discard all of the selection changes in all the pages for the 
    Display configured cabinet drawings.
    Display the Parts Selection screen at the end of the 
    configuration process for ordering additional parts that were 
    not configured.
    Search for a part number by entering all or part of the number.
    Save and add the current quote to the Existing Quote list.
    Print or save a quote to a file. Save to File creates a file 
    containing the Configured Parts List and Final Quote cover 
    sheet. This file can be modified in MS Excel.
    Close current quote session.
    Start the saving or transferring of files.
    Cancel an operation or any changes made and closes the 
    							Screen Messages–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    Warning Message
    A warning message (shown at 
    right) occurs when you have not 
    completed all the requirements in 
    the previous screen.
    The messages display when the 
    information is needed, but not 
    critical to the completion of the 
    If you click Yes in this screen, DKQuote returns to the screen where you can correct the 
    problem. If you click No, DKQuote continues to process the quote without the information.
    This chapter provides installation steps for DKQuote, Release 4.x. DKQuote has one 
    installation CD-ROM.
    Step 1: Before You Begin
    The following minimum specifications are required for optimum performance of DKQuote:
    ©Pentium® PC
    ©110MB hard disk space (100MB free disk space for DKQuote operation and 10MB for 
    DKQuote files)
    ©16MB RAM
    ©CD-ROM drive (4x speed or better)
    ©640 x 480 resolution, 256 colors, VGA monitor (1024 x 768, 65K + colors recommended)
    ©Microsoft Windows 98, 95, or Windows NT 4.0
    ©Adobe™ PostScript® or PCL printer (for printing documents)
    ©Adobe Acrobat® Reader program (included for viewing documents)
    Step 2: Getting Started
    Important!Exit all Windows programs before inserting the CD-ROM for installation.
    1. Insert this CD-ROM into your 
    CD-ROM drive.Acrobat Reader automatically runs and loads the 
    Home Page. This may take awhile on some systems. 
    You can perform all the functions on this CD-ROM 
    from the Home Page.
    lFor security purposes, Acrobat Reader may 
    confirm certain selections after you make them. 
    When prompted, click Yes, or, if you do not want 
    to be prompted again. click All.
    lAutorun may not be enabled on your PC and may 
    not load the Home Page after you insert the CD-
    ROM. If this happens, see “Non-Autorun 
    Operation” on Page 18. 
    							Screen Messages–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    Non-Autorun Operation
    If the Home Page did not load after you inserted the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive, 
    follow these steps:2. From the Home Page, make a 
    Click “Install DKQuote” to 
    install the program from the 
    CD-ROM to your hard drive.
    Click “Make Floppy Disks” 
    to copy DKQuote to floppies.
    Click “View DKQuote User 
    Guide” to view the user 
    Click “Install Acrobat 
    Reader” to install Acrobat 
    Reader on your hard drive.
    Click “Quit to Desktop” to 
    leave the Home Page and exit 
    the Acrobat Reader program.
    1. Click Start, Run, then 
    2. Select your CD-ROM drive 
    from the Look in: pull-down 
    3. Locate and double-click the 
    AcroRd32 folder.
    4. Double-click the 
    AcroRd32.exe file.Acrobat Reader opens.
    5. From Acrobat Reader, click 
    File, then Open.
    6. Click the Up One Level 
    folder (just to the right of the 
    Look in: pull-down list).
    7. Locate and double-click 
    homepage.pdf.The Home Page loads. See “Getting Started” on Page 
    17 and make a selection. 
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