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Toshiba Strata Dk Dkquote User Guide

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    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Pricing Menu
    Customizing DKQuote49
    The buttons at the bottom of the Setup screen perform the following:
    Column Sorting
    You can sort a column in an ascending or descending order depending upon the type of column 
    it is. If it is a price column, the prices are sorted in ascending order. If it is a alphanumeric 
    column (for example, Part Number or Description), it is sorted in numeric/alphabetic order.
    Save all changes.
    Apply all changes and make calculations in the Special Pricing 
    Section of the screen. All of the modifications remain in memory.
    Reset all current changes in the Special Pricing Section of the 
    Display Cat07~Cat10 profit margins.
    Cancel any changes and close.
    Discard all changes.
    Edit all data fields in a pop-up dialog box (shown below).
    1. Click at the top of the 
    column that you want to sort 
    (shown below)A “>” symbol or “
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    Special Pricing Section
    Special Pricing customizes the price lists (Cat07~Cat10) for your Dealership.2. Click Sort Ascending
    ...or Sort Descending.The column sorts.
    3. Click again on the same 
    column.The column sorts in the opposite direction 
    4. Click Discard All Changes 
    to return the column to its 
    Important!Do not Click Discard All Changes if you 
    have made other changes to the screen 
    and have not saved them. The changes are 
    1. Click the category field 
    (Cat07~Cat10) to be 
    NoteThe default calculation base is the Dealer cost.
    2. Click a calculation base 
    (other than Dealer) from the 
    drop-down menu.
    3. Click Leave existing 
    markupsThe word Existing is placed in the Markup column.
    ...or Compute markups 
    using existing pricesThe word Compute is placed in the Markup column.
    ...or Set a new markup and 
    enter a markup price.The price is placed in the Markup column.
    4. Click OK. You are returned to the prior screen.
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Pricing Menu
    Customizing DKQuote51
    Hiding Price Categories
    A check mark (3
    ) in the Hide column indicates that the price categories are not available to 
    users when preparing quotes. They can be selected as required for custom pricing purposes.
    Creating/Changing Names and Descriptions
    The Price Category Setup screen enables you to create names and descriptions for up to 10 
    price schedules. The 10 price categories display by default.  5. Click Reset  All of your markups are erased.
    ...or Apply.  All of your markups are included in the appropriate 
    screen columns (Cat07~10 Markup).
    6. Click Show Profit Column. Additional columns labeled Cat07 Profit, etc., appear 
    next to each of the four columns (Cat07~Cat10).
    7. Click Save
    ...or Discard All Changes.The changes are saved and screen closes.
    The changes are discarded and the price screen is still 
    displayed. To close the screen, select Cancel.
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Price Category 
    Setup from the drop-down 
    2. Click in the Hide column next 
    to the names that you want 
    hidden.A check mark (3
    ) displays next to the name in the 
    Hide column.
    3. Click Save The changes are saved and the names are hidden from 
    the price lists.
    ...or Cancel. All changes are canceled, and you are returned to the 
    prior screen.
    1. Highlight the name or 
    ...or enter a new name or 
    description.The name can have up to 9 alphanumeric characters 
    and the Category Description can have up to 34 
    alphanumeric characters.
    2. Click Save The entries are saved and the screen closes.
    ...or Cancel. All changes are canceled, and you are returned to the 
    prior screen.
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    Parts/Price Setup
    In Parts/Price Setup, you can change a part number, description, and the associated prices. The 
    parts include all parts on the current published Authorized Toshiba Dealer Price List.
    The prices which can be changed are: Dealer List price, Dealer Discount rate, Dealer Cost, 
    Dealer Markup, Dealer price, National Accounts MFG and Schedule A-C, GSA and four 
    Dealer custom category markups, prices and Dealer profits.
    A check mark (3
    ) in the Hide column indicates that the part is not available to users when 
    preparing quotes. Items can be hidden when customizing prices.
    To change the parts/price setup
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Parts/Price Setup 
    from the drop-down menu.
    2. Change the Part Number, if 
    needed.Since each part is identified by a marker in the Quote 
    software, a changed part number is still configured 
    like the original part.
    For example, if you change Part Number PDKU2 to 
    Digital PCB, DKQuote lists Digital PCB instead of 
    PDKU2 on the final Quote sheet, but configures 
    PDKU2 PCBs in the DK424 cabinets.
    NoteThe part number is not normally changed. 
    However, when it is changed, it is changed in 
    all related areas of DKQuote, including all price 
    3. Change the Description, if 
    needed.Valid entries: up to 22 alphanumeric characters.
    NoteWhen a part description is changed, it is 
    changed in all related areas of the program, 
    including the price schedules.
    4. Hide an item, if desired. The hidden item is not displayed in the General Price 
    List, Price List, Parts List, or Existing Parts. They are 
    shown in cabinet drawings and configured parts lists, 
    if they are needed for a particular configuration.
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    Customizing DKQuote53
    5. Change the List Price ($), if 
    needed.The list price is not normally changed. If it is, the 
    change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer Price 
    The price is taken from the Authorized Toshiba Dealer 
    Price List.
    6. Change the Dealer Discount 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer 
    Price columns.
    7. Change the Dealer Cost ($), if 
    needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Discount and 
    Dealer Price columns.
    8. Change the Dealer Markup 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Price column.
    9. Change the Dealer Price ($), 
    if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Markup column.
    10. Change Cat07~Cat10 Markup 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Profit columns.
    11. Change Cat07~Cat10 Price 
    ($), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Markup and Profit columns.
    12. Change Cat07~Cat10 Profit 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Markup columns.
    13. Change MFG, if needed. These prices are not normally changed. Any changes 
    are reflected on the Parts and Price Lists.
    14. Change National Account, 
    Sch.A~C, if needed.These prices are not normally changed. Any changes 
    are reflected on the Parts and Price Lists.
    15. Change GSA, if needed. These prices are not normally changed. Any changes 
    are reflected on the Parts and Price Lists.
    16. Click Save all Changes. The changes are saved and the screen closes. 
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    To edit an individual item
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Parts/Price Setup 
    from the drop-down menu.
    2. Highlight a part that you want 
    to change and click Edit Item.
    Since each part is identified by a marker in the Quote 
    software, a changed part number is still configured 
    like the original part.
    For example, if you change Part Number PDKU2 to 
    Digital PCB, DKQuote lists Digital PCB instead of 
    PDKU2 on the final Quote sheet, but configures 
    PDKU2 PCBs in the DK424 cabinets.
    NoteThe part number is not normally changed. 
    However, when it is changed, it is changed in 
    all related areas of DKQuote, including all price 
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Pricing Menu
    Customizing DKQuote55
    Required Add-on Parts Setup
    The Required Add-on Parts Setup option enables you to change a part number, description, 
    and the associated prices. When they are required, the add-on parts are configured 
    automatically by DKQuote during the quote generation.
    Required add-on parts include items, such as secondary protectors for DID lines or 
    off-premise extensions which are easy to forget when doing a quote manually. These parts are 
    not supplied by Toshiba, but are supplied by individual Dealer vendors.
    The prices that can be changed are Dealer List Price, Dealer Discount, Dealer Cost, Dealer 
    Markup, Dealer Price, National Accounts MFG and Schedule A-C, GSA and four Dealer 
    custom category markups, prices, and Dealer profits.
    NoteUnlike other pricing screens, the items on the Required Add-on Parts screen cannot be 
    To change the required add-on parts setup3. Change the Description, if 
    needed.Valid entries: up to 22 alphanumeric characters.
    NoteWhen a part description is changed, it is 
    changed in all related areas of the program, 
    including the price schedules.
    4. Click OK. You are returned to the previous screen.
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Required Add on 
    Parts Setup from the 
    drop-down menu.
    2. Change the Part Number, if 
    NoteThe part number is not normally changed. 
    However, when it is changed, it is changed in 
    all related areas of DKQuote, including all price 
    3. Change the Description, if 
    needed.Valid entries are up to 22 alphanumeric characters.
    NoteWhen a part description is changed, it is 
    changed in all related areas of the program, 
    including the price schedules.
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    Optional Add-on Parts Setup
    The Optional Add-on Parts Setup enables you to add, delete, or change a part number, 
    description, and the associated prices for optional add on parts. A check mark (3) in the Hide 
    column indicates that the part is not available to users when preparing quotes. 
    The parts, such as batteries and page amplifiers, not supplied by Toshiba and are not 
    automatically configured. They can be added to the quote by selecting the Additional Parts 
    option in the Quote Setup screen.
    You can change Dealer List Price, Dealer Discount, Dealer Cost, Dealer Markup, Dealer Price, 
    National Accounts MFG and Schedule A-C, GSA and four Dealer custom category markups, 
    prices and Dealer profits.4. Change the List Price ($), if 
    needed.The list price can be set to any amount. If it is, the 
    change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer Price 
    5. Change the Dealer Discount 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer 
    Price columns.
    6. Change the Dealer Cost ($, if 
    needed.)The change is reflected in the Dealer Discount and 
    Dealer Price columns.
    7. Change the Dealer Markup 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Price column.
    8. Change the Dealer Price ($), 
    if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Markup column.
    9. Change Cat07~Cat10 Markup 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Profit columns.
    10. Change Cat07~Cat10 Price 
    ($), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Markup and Profit columns.
    11. Change Cat07~Cat10 Profit 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Markup columns.
    12. Change MFG, if needed. Default prices are 0.00. Prices should be entered for 
    any part not hidden. Changes are reflected on the Parts 
    and Price Lists.
    13. Change National Account, 
    Sch.A~C, if needed.Default prices are 0.00. Prices should be entered for 
    any part not hidden. Changes are reflected on the Parts 
    and Price Lists.
    14. Change GSA, if needed. Default prices are 0.00. Prices should be entered for 
    any part not hidden. Changes are reflected on the Parts 
    and Price Lists.
    15. Click Save all Changes. The changes are saved and the screen closes. 
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Pricing Menu
    Customizing DKQuote57
    To change the optional add-on parts setup
    1. Click Pricing from the Main 
    Menu and Optional Add-on 
    Parts Setup from the drop-
    down menu.
    NoteAll prices in this screen are initially set to 0.00.
    2. Change the Part Number. When a part number is changed, it is changed in all 
    related areas of DKQuote, including all price 
    3. Change the Description. Valid entries: up to 22 alphanumeric characters.
    When a part description is changed, it is changed in all 
    related areas of the program, including the price 
    4. Change the Hide Item, if 
    desired.Item is not displayed on the Price List, Spare Parts List 
    and Existing Parts screen in the quote.
    5. Change the List Price ($), if 
    needed.The list price can be set to any amount. If it is, the 
    change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer Price 
    6. Change the Dealer Discount 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Cost and Dealer 
    Price columns.
    7. Change the Dealer Cost ($), if 
    needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Discount and 
    Dealer Price columns.
    8. Change the Dealer Markup 
    (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Price column.
    9. Change the Dealer Price ($), 
    if needed.The change is reflected in the Dealer Markup column.
    10. Change the Cat07~Cat10 
    Markup (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Profit columns.
    11. Change the Cat07~Cat10 
    Price ($), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Markup and Profit columns.
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    To add an optional add-on part
    To delete an optional add-on part12. Change the Cat07~Cat10 
    Profit (%), if needed.The change is reflected in the corresponding 
    Cat07~Cat10 Price and Markup columns.
    13. Change MFG, if needed. Default prices are 0.00. Any changes are reflected on 
    the Parts and Price Lists.
    14. Change National Account, 
    Sch.A~C, if needed.Default prices are 0.00. Any changes are reflected on 
    the Parts and Price Lists.
    15. Change GSA, if needed. Default prices are 0.00. Any changes are reflected on 
    the Parts and Price Lists.
    1. Click Add from the Optional 
    Add-on Parts screen.
    2. Enter the applicable 
    NoteThe required fields are Part No., Description, 
    List Price, MFG price, and Sch A~C prices.
    3. Click OK.
    1. Highlight the part and click 
    Delete.A pop-up dialog box displays asking you to confirm 
    the deletion.
    2. Click Save all Changes. The changes are saved and the screen closes.
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