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Toshiba Strata Dk Dkquote User Guide

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    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Report Menu
    Using DKQuote39
    To view the price list
    Report Menu
    The Report drop-down menu (shown 
    at right) enables you to print and 
    ©Customized quotes
    ©Parts list
    ©Question file
    ©Customer list
    If you select Save to File from the Print/Save Quote option, a pop-up dialog box displays. You 
    can save the file to a floppy-disk drive, hard disk drive, or network drive.1. Click Price List from 
    the Toolbar
    ...or click Pricing 
    from the Main Menu 
    and Price List.
    2. Click the Category 
    that you want to 
    view.The available parts display for that category.
    3. Click the Part 
    Number.The price for the highlighted part appears at the 
    bottom of the screen in the pre-programmed price 
    schedule. For more information, see the 
    4. Click Close.
    							Report Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    40Strata DKQuote 5/99
    To print the parts list or save to file
    To print the question file or save to file1. Click Report from the Main 
    Menu and Parts List.
    2. Click Print Your file is sent to the printer.
    ...or Save to File.
    Enter the file destination. The default file extension 
    3. Click Close. You are returned to the DKQuote opening window.
    1. Click Report from the Main 
    Menu and Question File.
    2. Click Print Your file is printed. 
    ...or Save to File.
    3. Enter the file destination.  The default file extension is .qqt.
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Report Menu
    Using DKQuote41
    lThe Question File input fields display in the Equipment Selection screens. Because 
    DKQuote continually provides you with the most current system components available, 
    the input fields and selection choices change with different versions of the software.
    lIt is recommended that you make a printout of the Question file for review and to become 
    familiar with the inputs and selection choices that you will be asked when you are 
    configuring a system and generating a quote.
    To print/save to file a customer list
    äTo print/save to file/delete a quote4. Click Start
    ...or Cancel.Your file is saved.
    The save process is canceled.
    1. Click Report from the Main 
    Menu and Customer List.
    2. Click Print Your file is printed.
    ...or Save to File.
    Enter the file destination. The default file extension is 
    1. Click Print/Save 
    Quote from the 
    							Report Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    42Strata DKQuote 5/99
    ...or Report from the 
    Main Menu and 
    Print/Save Quote.
    2. Highlight an existing 
    3. Click Delete A pop-up box asks you to confirm the deletion. If you 
    click Yes, the quote is deleted.
    ...or print/save.
    4. Click All These items are printed:
    ©Final Quote Worksheet
    ©Quote Total Parts List
    ©Installation Items
    ©PCB Placement Guide
    ...or Parts/Installation All selected parts and installation charges print.
    ...or Cabinets 
    DiagramThe system capacity screen prints.
    ...or Questions List
    							––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Update Menu
    Using DKQuote43
    Update Menu
    The Update Menu (shown at right) 
    enables you to backup and restore 
    Dealer Price/Parts and Toshiba List 
    NoteBackup to Installation Disk is only available to Level 1 (Administrator) and is 
    described in “Customizing DKQuote” on Page 47.
    Backup Dealer Price/Parts saves the current Dealer Price setup to a floppy disk, hard disk 
    drive, or network drive. All custom parts, prices, markups, discounts and company general 
    information is saved.
    Restore Dealer Price/Parts enables you to obtain the dealer prices and parts that were saved on 
    a floppy diskette or another directory on the hard drive/network. If the restored file is not 
    compatible with the current DKQuote database, an error message displays and the file is not 
    The Restore Toshiba List Prices menu option restores the current or a new Toshiba price from 
    a file on a floppy disk, or directory on the hard disk drive, or network drive. It does not affect 
    Dealer Discounts or Markup. You can update all Toshiba list prices, Authorized Dealer prices, 
    National Accounts and GSA. 
    äTo back up dealer price/parts...or Save to File. 
    5. Enter a file/path 
    name.The program defaults to dkquote.fqt and saves to the 
    DKQuote directory unless you change the name and 
    path. The file can be modified in Excel.
    1. Click Update from the Main 
    Menu and Backup Dealer 
    2. Enter the drive, directory and 
    file name.The suggested backup file extension is .qdb.
    3. Click Start. The file is saved and the screen closes.
    							Setup Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    44Strata DKQuote 5/99
    To restore dealer price/parts
    To restore Toshiba list prices
    Setup Menu
    The Setup menu (shown at right) 
    enables you to setup:
    ©Company general information
    ©User password levels
    ©Customized splash screen
    The Customer record includes the customer name, address, phone number, contact name, and 
    shipping name/address. The Company General Information screen includes the company 
    name, phone and fax number, and system name. This information is used in the quote cover 
    sheet.1. Click Update from the Main 
    Menu and Restore Dealer 
    Price/Parts from the 
    drop-down menu.
    2. Enter the drive, directory and 
    file name.
    3. Click Start. The file is restored and the screen closes.
    1. Click Update from the Main 
    Menu and Restore Toshiba 
    List Prices from the drop-
    down menu.
    2. Enter the drive, directory and 
    file name.The suggested list price database file extension is 
    3. Click Start. The file is restored and the screen closes.
    							Using DKQuote45
    To add, modify or delete a customer record
    To enter/modify company general information
    1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and Customer from the 
    drop-down menu.
    1. Highlight the customer.
    2. Click Add and enter the 
    information The Customer record screen displays.
    ...or Delete A pop-up screen asks you to confirm the deletion.
    ...or Modify. The Customer record screen displays.
    3. Enter the changed 
    information and click OK.The modified information is retained and you are 
    returned to the previous screen.
    4. Click Close. The changes are saved.
    1. Click Setup from the Main 
    Menu and Company General 
    Information from the 
    drop-down menu.
    2. Enter or change the company 
    name, address, telephone, and 
    fax number.
    3. Click OK.
    							Setup Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    							Customizing DKQuote47
    Customizing DKQuote4
    This chapter describes the DKQuote features available to Level 1 password users only (usually 
    assigned only to the System Administrator). Features available to Level 2 and 3 users are 
    described in Chapters 1~3 of this guide. The features described in this chapter are:
    ©Pricing Menu
    ©Price Category Setup
    ©Parts/price Setup
    ©Required Add-on Parts Setup
    ©Optional Add-on Parts Setup
    ©Obsolete Parts Setup
    ©National Accounts Installation Setup
    ©Dealer Installation Setup
    ©Question File Setup
    ©Update Menu
    ©Backup to Installation Disk
    ©Setup Menu
    ©User Password Level
    ©Customized Splash Screen
    Pricing Menu
    As the System Administrator, you control and customize almost all of the quote options and 
    pricing. You can add new parts, hide existing parts (so they do not display in your quotes), 
    create multiple pricing schedules, and change part names.
    Category Pricing
    The following categories are Toshiba default price schedules:
    ©Regular Account Dealer Column – Authorized Toshiba Dealer Price (Dealer Cost X 
    Dealer Markup) 
    ©National Account, MFG – Manufacturer’s suggested retail price 
    ©National Account, Schedule A/B or C – Toshiba National Accounts Price 
    ©General Service Administration (GSA) – Authorized Communications Schedule Price List  
    							Pricing Menu–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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    NoteThe number of price schedules available (from 1 to 10) depends on how you 
    customize the schedule structure. There are four standard schedules (shown above) 
    and up to four categories that you can use to customize your Dealership.
    Price Definitions
    The following definitions apply to all price schedules:
    ©List Price – authorized Toshiba Dealer Price List.
    ©Dealer Cost – Initially the Dealer Cost is List Price. After Dealer Discount is added, it 
    becomes List Price X (1-Dealer Discount).
    ©Dealer Price – Dealer Cost X (1+ Dealer Markup).
    ©Dealer Markup – Defaults to 0. Markups should only be set after establishing (setting) the 
    Dealer Discount.
    ©National Account, Schedules A~C – Toshiba National Accounts Price (non-variable 
    ©MFG Price – Manufacturer’s suggested retail price (non-variable pricing).
    ©General Service Administration – Authorized Communications Schedule Price List (GSA)
    ©Cat07~Cat10 – Dealer customized prices  – Base X (1+ Cat07~Cat10 Markup). Initially 
    these categories contain Dealer Cost (Profit Margin, Cat. Price – Dealer Cost/Cat. Price).
    The base of a category price can be changed from Dealer Cost to Toshiba MFG, Schedule 
    A~C, GSA or any lower category. Any markup can be set for each category. 
    Parts/Price Setup Screens
    Many of the price screens (shown below) have special function buttons/columns. You can hide 
    information by using the Hide Column, sort columns, and use the special function buttons at 
    the bottom of the screen. There is also a Special Pricing Section in which you can customize 
    your pricing structure.
    Column (%)
    Hide Column
    Show Profit
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