Toshiba LCD Television Ragza Owners Manual
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Torevert toyour original settings: Highlight Cancelandpress @before saving. Toremove allchannels fromthechannel memory: Highlight Resetandpress@,and then highlight Doneand press@. Toremove encrypted channelsfromthechannel memory: Ifan encrypted channelisaccidentally addedtothe channel list by programming channels,youcanremove theunwanted encrypted (non-viewable) channelwhileyouarechannel surfing. Whenyoutune intoanencrypted channel,the following messagewillappear. DigitalChannelIsEncrypted·Press1onremotetoremovechannel Press(jJwhile themessage ison the screen toremove the unnecessary channelfromthechannel list. Labelingchannels Alistofcommon channellabels(logos) forvarious channels (ABC, CBS,etc.)willbeprogrammed intotheTV. You will be able toview andassign theselogos fromtheChannel Labeling window. Ifthedesired channel labelisnotprovided in the list, you will beable tomanually enter/edit labelsusing the software keyboard. Toassign channel labels: 1FromthePreferences menu,highlight Channel Labeling andpress @. The Channel Labeling windowopens. 2Press(£)or~toselect thechannel youwant tolabel. 3Press...T

Tosetthe HDMI audiomode: SettingtheHDMI™audiomode 1FromtheAudiomenu, highlightAudioSetupandpress 8· No Stere,,.o,'.~,.,....,. ,~~~I~h~.~__Dolby Digital_ .•._.__~_•.~v·,_••_.'.~ Whenviewing theHOMI 1input, analog audiofromthePC Audio input will beoutput. When viewing theHOMI 1input, digital audiofromtheHOMI inputwill be output. When viewing theHOMI 1input, if digital audiofromtheHOMI input is available, itwill beoutput.Ifnot, the TV will automatically detectandoutput analog audiofromthePC Audio input. Language Op~c_al~ul~t~or~atDolbyDigital Dynamic RangeControl AudioSetup Analog Digital Auto Press AorTto select HDMI 1Audioandthen press ..or~toselect theHOMI 1audio mode(Auto, Digital, orAnalog).(Autoisthe recommended mode.)See Connecting anHOMI orOVI device tothe HOMI input (~page16). 20]eAla£~~~2e~~i.E:T.3JoGrH I 9 h~0J[KLJk I 54)M~N0m;-01618:PJaRSpq-;-~7'4)TluvIu v80wxY Zwxyl,9eBa~space000Space To delete thecustom label: 1OpentheChannelLabelingwindow. 2Highlight thelabel tobe deleted andpressGQQ). 3HighlightYesfrom thedeletion confirmation window and press 8. 4Repeatedly pressthecorresponding keyonthe remote control tohighlight thedesired character onthe on-screen software keyboard, SThehighlighted characterisentered afteryoueither press a different key,press ~key,orafter atwo-second pause. 6Repeatsteps4and 5until youhave entered alldesired text. 7When finished, press@. 8Newlabels willbeadded tothe listinalphabetical order and marked withanicon Itoindicate thatthey are custom. Highlight thenew custom labelandpress @to assign. Assigned channellabelswillbedisplayed inthe banner, Channel Add/Delete,ChannelsBlock,and ChannelBrowser. Tocreate andassign acustom label: 1OpentheChannelLabelingwindow. 2Pressrt.:1or~toselect achannel youwant tolabel. 3PressAT~tohighlightCustomand press@. The software keyboard willappear. ,. ADelete theselected customlabel? J~-~~~.~._~~-...--.. 4HighlightDoneandpress@tosave changes, andgo back tothe ChannelLabelingwindow. 3To save your settings, highlightDoneandpress8. Note: Because thePCandHOMI1inputssharethesame set ofanalog audioinputs, thePCAudiomenu setting influences the HDMJ1Audiomenu setting.IfPCAudioissettoNo,the HDMJ1Audiosetting changestoAuto.IfPCAudioissetto Yes,theHDMJ1AudiosettingissettoDigitalandis grayed outinthemenu. (Alsoseeitem4onpage11and Setting thePCAudioonpage50.) I32

Viewingthedigitalsignalmeter Youcanview thedigital signalmeterintheANT/CABLE digital TVinput source only. Toview thedigital signalmeter: 1FromtheSetup menu,highlight Installation andpress @.Anew setofInstallation menuiconswillappear. 2Open theTerrestrial menu,highlight SignalMeter, and press@. 3Press....T....~to select theantenna inputanddigital channel whosesignalyouwant tocheck. Note: •Thephysical digitalchannel numberlistedintheSignal Meter screen maynotcorrespond toavirtualTV channel number. Contactyourlocal broadcastersto obtain theRFchannel numbers foryour local digital stations. • Thesignal strength doesnotchangebetween virtual channels onthe same physical channel. Toclose thescreen andreturn tothe Terrestrial menu: Highlight Doneandpress@. Toreturn tonormal viewing: PressE~!r Settingthetimezone TheTime Zonesetup willallow youtospecify thecorrect time zone foryour region. Thisfeature willallow theTV status information toshow thecorrect timezone information (1&page54). Tosetthe time zone: 1From theSetup menu,highlight Installation andpress @.Anew setofInstallation menuiconswillappear. 2Open theTime Zone menu, highlight TimeZone Setup, and press@. 3Press....or~toselecttheregion, highlight Done,and then press @. After thetime zone hasbeen set,you will beasked toset the current Daylight SavingTimestatus. Tosetthe Daylight SavingTimestatus: 1Press....or~toselect YesorNo,highlight Done,and then press @. 33I

Viewingthesystemstatus Toviewthesystem status: 1FromtheSetupmenu, highlightInstallationandpress @.Anew setofInstallation menuiconswillappear. 2Open theSystemStatusmenu, highlightSystem Information,andpress@. 3Press....~toscroll through themenu bartoselect the SoftwareVersionandview therelated information. Toclose thescreenandreturntothe Installation menu: HighlightDoneand press@. Toreturntonormalviewing: PressEcr ResetFactoryDefaults Toreset allsettingsandchannels totheirfactory default values: 1FromtheSetupmenu, highlightInstallationandpress @.Anew setofInstallation menu iconswillappear. 2Open theSystemStatusmenu, highlightSystem Information,andpress@. 3Press....~toscroll through themenu bartoselect FactoryDefaults. 4Enter yourPINcode (or0000 ifno PIN code hasbeen set). [email protected] TVwill turnoff automatically afterafew seconds. AftertheTV turns off, unplug theTV power cordandthen plug itin again to complete thereset process. Tocancel thereset: HighlightNoand press@. I34 SelectingthePower-OnMode.- You canselect eitherPower-SavingorFastmode. •Power-Savingmode keeps power consumptioninstandby mode tobelow 3W.Asaresult, ittakes abit longer forthe TVtoturn on. •Fastmode increases powerconsumption instandby mode. As aresult, the TVwillturn onmore quickly. WhileinFast mode,theyellow LEDonthe frontofthe TV will belit. To set the Power-On Modefeature: 1FromtheSetupmenu, highlightPower-On Modeand press ~. 2Press...orTto select eitherPower-SavingorFast,and press@. Toreturntonormalviewing: PressEaT.

Cl>•(1)ICIlli!DtoSelect..Navigate Press~repeatedly tohighlight thedesired inputsource, and then press E8. 1PressMOUandopen thePreferencesmenu. 2HighlightInputLabelingandpress8. Tolabelthevideoinputsources: 3Press...orTtohighlight thevideo source youwant to label. You canlabel eachvideo inputsource according tothe type of device youconnected toeach source, fromthefollowing preset list oflabels: • - - (default label) •Audio Receiver • Cable • Compact Disc • DTV • DVD • Game Console • HDDVD • HDMI Switch (HDMI inputsonly) • Laser Disk • SatellitelDSS • VCR • Video Recorder • Hide (tohide anunused inputintheInputSelectionscreen and inthe Channel Browser Inputslist) Note:IfyouselectPCintheInput Selection screen,youcan choose only -_,GameConsole,orHideasthelabel. Note: •Whenselecting REGZA-LiNK inputsources fromthepopup window using€§,someREGZA-LiNK devicesmay automatically turnon. •When selecting inputsources using...T,youwillhaveto press@toactually selectaparticular devicefromthe popupwindow. Labelingthevideoinputsources AudioReceiver Player RecorderIHDMI1 - 1HDMI1 - 2 HDMI1 - 3 Note: • Youcan label thevideo inputsources accordingtothe specific devicesyouhave connected totheTV (~Labeling thevideo inputsourcesatright). • Sources canalso behidden(~Labeling thevideo input sources atright). • No Video Signal will appearrandomly onthe screenifno signal isreceivedinvideo inputmode. • If aCEC deviceisconnectedtoanHOMI input,theREGZA LINK iconwillappear. IfaREGZA-LINKdevicewithHDMIswitching capability(e.g.AudioReceiver) isconnectedtothe HDMIinput: Press~onthe remote orTV control panelrepeatedly to highlight HOMI1,HOMI2,HOMI3, orHOMI4. Ifthe connected CECdevice hasany connected devices,a separate deviceselection popupwindow willappear. 1Cl>ANT/CABLEoVideo 16Video2@)ColorStreamHDloColorSlream HD2oHDMI 1IiIm1!llI3(1)HDMI2oHDMI3(l)HDMI 4(1)PC Toselectthevideoinputsourcetoview: 1Press~onthe remote control orTV control panel. 2Andtheneither: a) Press 0-9;or b)RepeatedlypressTon the remote control andthen press @to change theinput; or c) Repeatedly press ~onthe remote control orTV control paneltochange the input. The current signalsource displays inthe top right comer oftheInputSelectionscreen. Selectingthevideoinputsource toview (continued) 35I

TheFavorites Browserallowsyoutoquickly setupafavorite channels/inputs listthat isintegrated intotheChannel BrowserT. FavoritesBrowser TheChannelBrowser™provides aneasy navigation interface for allyour channels andinputs. Thisfeature allowsyouto: • Navigate thecontents ofallofyour inputs. • Keep alist ofyour favorite channels (seeFavorites Browser, below). • Keep ahistory ofthe last 32channels orinputs viewed. • Quickly surfandtune your recently viewedchannels/inputs from theChannel Browser™History List(illustrated onthe next page). • Surf viaBrowse mode(toimmediately tunechannels asyou highlight theminthe Channel Browser™) orSelect mode(to surf over channels inthe Channel Browser beforeyou select onetotune). • Quickly changeinputsfromtheInputs List. • Quickly selectREGZA-LINK devicesfromtheREGZA LINK List. Tuningchannels Tuningchannelsusingthe ChannelBrowser™ 10ANTICABLEOVCRoCableeVideo RecorderoOTVoSatellite/DSSoovooHOOVO0pC 10ANT/CABLEoVideo16Video2eColorSlreamHD1eColorStreamHD2HOMI1oHOMI2oHOMI3oHOMI.oPC 4Press.....or~toselect thedesired labelforthat input source. Ifa particular inputisnot used, youcanselect Hideasthe label, which willcause thatinput tobe grayed outinthe Input Selection screenandskipped over when youpress ~onthe remote control. 5Tosavethenew input labels, highlightDoneand press@. Toreverttothe factory defaultlabels,highlightReset andpress@. Inputlabeling example: Thescreen belowleftshows thedefaultInput Selection screen (withnoneoftheinputs labeled asaspecific device). The screen belowrightisan example ofhow youcould label the inputs ifyou connected aVCR toVIDEO 1,Cable TVto VIDEO 2,a video recorder toColorStreamHOI,aOTV set top box toHOMI I,asatelliteIDSS set-topboxtoHOMI 2,a OVO player toHOMI 3,and anHO OVO player toHOMI 4. Also notethattheColorStream H02input islabeled Hidden, which means thatinput willbeskipped overwhen ~is pressed. To clear theinput labels: 1FromthePreferencesmenu, highlightInputLabeling andpress@. 2HighlightResetandpress@. o.(!)IcmmtoSelectNavigate InputSelectionscreenwithnoinputslabeled. o.0I(IIIm)10SelectNavigate InputSelectionscreenwithallinputslabeledexceptinput4,whichhasbeenhidden. To add afavorite channel/input: 1Tunetothe channel orinput. 2Press andholdFAVBR3SERonthe remote control for3 seconds. Note:Additions areaddedtothebeginningofthe Favorites list on the leftside ofthe ChannelBrowser™ Todelete afavorite channel/input: 1PressFAVBR~WSERtoopen theFavorites browserlist. 2Highlight thechannel orinputtodelete bypressing i.....or;~. 3Press andhold@Q)for3seconds. Thechannel/input will be removed fromtheFavorites list. I36

TosetuptheChannelBrowser™: Note: • TheChannelBrowser™opensinHistoryListbydefault. Once another listhas been selected, theChannel Browser™ will openinthelast selected list. • Ifall lists areturned off,pressing:;~,;;~,orFAVBRQSERwill not display theChannel Browser™IfFavoritesLististurned off,FAVBROWSERwillhave noeffect. • Pressing FAVBROWSERwill bring upthe ChannelBrowser™ Favorites listregardlessofthe last selected listinthe Channel Browser™ Totuneto achannelorinputin Browse mode: Totoggleamongtheavailable lists: Afteropening theChannel BrowserT,pressortotoggle among History, ANT/CABLE, Inputs,Favorites,and REGZA·L1NK. I 5 6 1Currentlist(History, ANT/CABLE, Inputs, Favorites, orREGZA-L1NK) 2 Input type 3 Channel orinput currently beingviewed 4 Channel orinput that iscurrently highlighted inthe browser 5 Channels stored intheHistory List 6 Channel labels ElementsoftheChannelBrowser™ 3 ChannelBrowserSetup ·c~•••iiiiiiii.iiiE:>HistoryList OnANT/CABLEListOnInpul~List OnFavoritesList OnREGZA·L1NKListOff PresstohighlightHistoryList,and then press....or~ toselect thesetting youprefer: eitherOnorOff. Note:HistoryListwillbecleared everytimetheTVis poweredoff. PresstohighlightANT/CABLE List,andthen press.... or~toselectOnorOff. PresstohighlightInputsList,and then press....or~ toselectOnorOff. PresstohighlightFavorites List,thenpress....or~to select OnorOff. PresstohighlightREGZA-L1NK List,andthen press ....or~toselectOnorOff. Note:REGZA-LiNK Listwillbeautomatically grayedout andsettoOffwhenEnableREGZA-LiNKisswitchedto Off.(See Tosetthe REGZA-LiNK Setuponpage53for more information.) Tosave your entries, highlightDoneandpress@. Toreturn tofactory defaults, highlightResetand press@. Reset Done FromthePreferencesmenu, highlightChannel BrowserSetupandpress@. Press...tohighlightNavigation,andthen press....or~ toselect eitherBrowseModeorSelect Mode. 8 4 5 6 7 3 21 Toopen theChannelBrowser™: •Press:;or;I~onthe remote control. • Press:;tosurf backward throughthepreviously tuned32 channels inthe History list,thechannels inthe ANT/ CABLE channellist,theinputs inthe Inputs list,the REGZA-LINK devices intheREGZA-LINK list,orthe favorite channels/inputs intheFavorites list. • Press;l~to surf forward throughthechannel History, the ANT/CABLE channellist,theInputs list,theREGZA LINK list,orthe favorite channels/inputs inthe Favorites list. 1While watching TV,press:;....or;l~toopen the Channel Browser andsurf back toaprevious itemor surf forward tothe next item inthe list. In Browsemode, whenyoustop onanitem inthe Channel BrowserT,itwillbehighlighted andtheTV will automatically tunetothe channel orinput. 2PressEgtoclose theChannel Browser. Totunetoachannelorinputin Select mode: 1While watching TV,press:;....or;1~toopen the Channel Browser andsurf back toaprevious itemor forward tothe next iteminthelist. In Selectmode, whenyoustop onanitem inthe Channel Browser, itwill behighlighted butyou must press @ to tunetheTV tothe highlighted item. 2Press@totunetheTV tothe highlighted item. 3PressE~Ttoclose theChannel BrowserT. (continued) 37I

SettingtheChannelTuningMode Addingandclearingchannelsandinputsinthe HistoryList Thisfeature allowsyoutochoose howtuning willbehandled for analog anddigital channels whentheTV isin Antenna mode. Note:Touse thisfeature, theInputConfigurationmustbeset toAntenna(I@page29). The channel tuningmodehasthree options. Totune tothe next programmed channel: Press(cii;)or~onthe remote control orTV control panel. Note:This featurewillnot work unless youprogram channels into the TVschannel memory(I@page30). Tuningdigitalchannels: PresstheChannel Number(0-9)onthe remote control, followed bythe dash (@2)button andthen thesub-channel number. Forexample, toselect digital channel 125-1,press 1, 2,5,-,1,then8. Note:Ifadigital channelisnotprogrammed-eitherthrough the automatic channelscan (I@page30)orthe channeladd/ delete function(I@page30)-youwillhavetotune theRF channel usingtheChannel Number anddash(@2))onthe remote control. Tuningtothenextprogrammedchannel Tuning analogchannels: PresstheChannel Number(0-9)onthe remote control. For example, toselect channel 125,press 1,2,5,then8. Tuningtoaspecificchannel(programmed orunprogrammed) Toset the Channel TuningMode: 1FromtheSetup menu,highlight Installation andpress 8.Anew setofInstallation menuiconswillappear. 2Open theTerrestrial menu,highlight Channel Tuning Mode, press ~andTtoselect yourdesired mode,and then press 8. Note: •TheChannel Add/Delete&Channels Blockwindowsaswell astheChannel BrowserANT/CABLE listwill beupdated automatically whenyouchange themode. Also,theHistory List willbecleared, buttheFavorites Listwillbesaved. • Even ifthe Channel TuningModeissettoDigital.analog channel 3will stillbethe default channeltoprevent theinitial casewhere nodigital channels havebeen foundinprior channel scans.(Channel Add/Delete willnothave anything listed until ascanisdone.) Bothanalog anddigital channels canbe tuned normally Standard Clearing channels fromtheHistory List: •Reconfiguring theANT/CABLE inputwillclear the History List. Note:Seepage29fordetails onconfiguring theantenna input. • Once 32channels orinputs arestored inthe History List,the oldest itemwillberemoved fromthelistwhen anew channel orinput istuned. • Turning offthe TV will clear theHistory List. Adding channels andinputs tothe History List: Asachannel orinputistuned, theChannelBrowser™adds it to the History Listanddisplays iton the right side ofthe Channel Browser. Previously tunedchannels/inputs are shifted tothe left, eventually movingoffthe left side. Press ;;....tosurf backward throughthepreviously tunedchannels/ inputs. Anychannel orinput thatistuned repeatedly willnot be repeated inthe History List,butinstead ismoved tothe end ofthe listonthe right sideoftheChannel Browser™. The Channel Browser™will store thefollowing channels: • All channels thataretuned usingthenumeric buttonsonthe remote control. • All channels thataretuned using (cii;)or~onthe remote control. Note:Whenever anitemisselected thatcannot betuned (for various reasons), the TVwillautomatically tunetothe previously viewedchannel orinput. Auto (default) Digital channels willhave priority when manually enteringachannel numberusing the Channel Number(0-9)onthe remote control, analogchannels canstill betuned by (cii;)/~ifavailable Digital Only digital channels canbetuned Note:Digital modewillbemost useful afteranalog channels are shut down bythegovernmentin2009. I38

Switchingbetweentwochannelsusing ChannelReturn TheChannel Returnfeature allowsyoutoswitchbetween two channels withoutentering anactual channel numbereachtime. 1Select thefirst channel youwant toview. 2Select asecond channel usingtheChannel Number buttons (andthedash (GQQ))buttonifselecting adigital channel). 3PressCHONon the remote control. Theprevious channel will display. Eachtimeyoupress CHaTN,theTV will switch back andforth between thelast two channels thatwere tuned. Note:Ifyou pressCHONfromanon-antenna input,theTV willreturn tothe last-viewed input. Switchingbetweentwochannelsusing SurfLock™ TheSurfLock™featuretemporarily memorizes onechannel to the COTNbutton, soyou canreturn tothat channel quickly from anyother channel bypressing CHON.To memorize a channel tothe CHaTNbutton: 1Tune theTV tothe channel youwanttoprogram intothe CHaTNbutton. 2Press andholdCHaTNforabout 2seconds untilthemessage Memorized appearson-screen. Thechannel hasbeen programmed tothe CHaTNbutton. 3You canthen change channels repeatedly, andwhen you press CHaTN,the memorized channelwillbetuned. The TVwill return tothememorized channelonetime only. Once youpress CHaTNandthen change channels again,theCH RTN memory willbecleared andthebutton willfunction as Channel Return,byswitching backandforth between thelast two channels thataretuned.This featurealsoworks for external inputs. ISelectingthepicturesizeI................ Youcanview many program formatsinavarietyofpicture sizes-Natural,TheaterWide 1,TheaterWide 2, TheaterWide 3,Full, 4:3HD, Native andDotbyDot. Note:Thepicture sizeillustrations areexamples only.The formatoftheimage (inanyofthe picture sizes)willvary depending onthe format ofthesignal youarecurrently watching. Selectthepicture sizethatdisplays thecurrent program theway thatlooks besttoyou. You cansave separate picturesizepreferences foreach input on your TV. Toselect thepicture sizeusing theremote control: 1PressPICOIZEonthe remote control. 2WhilethePicture Sizescreenisopen,youcandooneof the following toselect thedesired picturesize: • Repeatedly press PICOIZE. •Press thecorresponding Numberbutton(0-6)while the Picture Sizescreenisopen. • Press ..orTwhile thePicture Sizescreenisopen. To select thepicture sizeusing themenus: 1SelectPicture SizeintheTheater Settingsmenu. 2Press~or~toselect thedesired picturesizesetting. 3HighlightDoneandpress@. Note: Someofthepicture sizesmaynotbeavailable depending onthe receiving signalformat (thosewill be grayed outinthePicture Size screen). Using thesefunctions tochange thepicture size(i.e., changing theheight! widthratio)forany purpose otherthan your private viewing maybeprohibited undertheCopyright Laws ofthe United Statesandother countries, andmay subject youtocivil andcriminal liability. Note: Ifyou select oneoftheTheaterWide® picturesizes,the top andbottom edgesofthepicture (including subtitlesor captions) maybehidden.Toview thehidden edges, either scroll thepicture (TheaterWide 2and3only)ortryviewing the program inFull orNatural picturesize. (continued) 39I

Natural 10°°1c;10°°1000000 Someprogram formatswilldisplay withsidebars and/orbars at the top and bottom. TheaterWide1 (for4:3formatprograms) 1000HOOOI 000000 The centerofthepicture remains closetoits original proportion, buttheleft and right edges arestretched widerto fill the screen. TheaterWide2 (forletterboxprograms) loooHO°°1000000 The topand bottom edgesofthepicture maybehidden*. TheaterWide3 (forletterboxprogramswithsubtitles) (00 0]c;[~,O0]Q