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Tascam Viewnet MX Graphic Interface Network MX-2424 Owners Manual

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 71
Multiple Clip Selection
To select multiple clips, hold the shift key while clicking on each clip. Multiple clips will be selected and
the edit region will encompass the area from the beginning of the first selected clip to the end of the last
selected clip. If the selected clips are edited using commands from the Edit menu, the entire range of
material on tracks selected for editing between the In and Out marks is affected. If multiple selected...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 72
Audio event Appearance In Record
When material is being recorded, the new event(s) will appear as a new red colored clip streaming onto
the EDL view at the playhead position on the track(s) being recorded. Once recording is stopped, the
system will finish writing the recorded data into the file on disk and the event will change to the normal
gray color with the event name inside. The red event shown during the recording is actually an estimate
of the...

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ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 73
Project View Adjustment
The relative sizes of the Project EDL Panel and the Overview Panel can be adjusted by using the Project
View Adjustment bar which is located directly beneath the horizontal scroll bar. The cursor shape
automatically changes when it is placed over the adjustment bar to show that the bar can now be dragged
to resize the division of the screen between the overview and the EDL view.
Panel Resize Triangles
There are two...

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ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 74
Cursor Function Selection
A set of icons between the Project EDL View display and the System Status Panel are used to set the
function of the cursor for operations in the project EDL view. Click directly on the desired icon to set the
function of the mouse cursor.
Marker Placement Cursor
Use the Marker Placement cursor to place the mark currently selected in the Entry Register (Current, In,
Out, or Memory) directly on the Time Ruler.
Select In / Out...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 75
View Menu Settings
Items in the View menu affect what will be shown in the Project EDL view and how some elements
within the view will behave. Items with a box act as view settings. When the box is selected (checked)
the listed View menu setting will apply. The last item, View whole project, is a direct command and will
show the entire project EDL.
Follows Playhead
If View Follows playhead is selected in the View menu, the playhead will remain...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 76
Show Splice Points
Choose this setting to show splice points in the Project EDL display.
Show Volume Automation
Choose this setting to show volume automation in the project EDL display when playing imported Open
TL  files which have volume automation.
The volume automation data appears as a red line with break points layered on top of the track. The
volume automation data is for display only and cannot be edited within the ViewNet application.

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 77
Chapter 6  Machine Settings
Opening the Machine Settings Window
The Machine Settings window allows for viewing and changing any of the Setup menu items for An MX-
2424. To open the Machine Settings window from the Project View screen, choose “Settings…” from the
Machine menu.
Opening Machine Settings from the Network View
To open the Machine Settings window from the Network View screen, first select a machine by clicking
anywhere in the row of...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 78
Sections of The Machine Settings Window
The Machine Settings window has several different sections, as shown below.
Legend for Numbered Tabs
The Machine Settings window organizes the Setup menus of the MX 2424 under tabs that are labeled in
banks according to function. These are numbered according to the way they appear on the front panel
Setup menu system of the MX 2424.  The menu banks and their functions are as follows:
000 Rates and...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 79
Working With Settings
Most settings have a limited number of choices organized in a drop-down list. To select a setting, click
the box to open the list of choices, then click on the desired choice to select it and automatically close the
Use the TAB key to automatically select the next settings item (moving top to bottom on the page) in a
bank. Use Shift + TAB to select the previous item (moving from bottom to top on the page).
Settings which...

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ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual 80
To save the current settings (all settings for all menu banks), click the Save button to open the window
called Save machine settings as:
Type the name of the settings file to be saved, then click Save.
To open a Machine settings file, click the Open button in the Machine Settings window, choose the
desired file, then click Open. The new settings will be loaded into ViewNet. Note that the settings will
not be transmitted to any  MX 2424’s...
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