Tascam Digital Portastudio 2488 User Guide
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1 – Setting up and introduction TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 19 Lead line Now we can use track 2 to record the lead guitar line. We’ll add an effect to the lead guitar to make it sound a little more interesting. If you don’t want to play through the whole song, you can use the procedures described in “Auto punch operations” on page 46.NOTE You can also perform audio edits, cutting, copying and pasting between tracks, etc. to correct small mistakes. These operations are explained in “About track edit- ing” on page 49. 1Assign the guitar input (H) to track 2. You can always see all the current mappings by pressing SHIFT fol- lowed by the MAP key (use the cur- sor keys to view the mappings for tracks 13 through 24). 2Play the song to a little before the place where you want the guitar solo to start. Use fader 1 to adjust the level of the previous track. Use the transport keys to move back about five seconds before this. Press and hold the SHIFT key and press the IN key to set a convenient location point. \ 3Press and hold the MULTI key, and press the channel 2 SELECT key to assign the multi-effect to channel 2. 4Press the MULTI key again to bring up the multi-effect screen. Press ENTER to show the library choices, move the cursor to PRESET to select the preset multi-effect library. 5Use the wheel to select the preset multi effect. See “Using the multi- effect library” on page 33 for details of the effects available.

1 – Setting up and introduction 20 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide Congratulations! By now you should be familiar with the basic con- cepts of the 2488: how the inputs and channels work together; how the mixer controls are accessed and operated, how recording and playback take place, and a little about the location and effect facilities pro- vided by the 2488. 6Press the RHSL key to enter rehearsal mode. When this mode is active, you do not actually record when the RECORD key and PLAY keys are pressed (the RECORD indi- cator flashes). Continue rehearsing, and use the IN key (without SHIFT) to locate back to the point you set earlier. 7When you’re happy with the solo, press the RHSL key once more to turn the indicator off. 8Use the RECORD and PLAY keys to record the solo. 9Press channel 2’s REC key to safe the track.

TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 21 2 – Mixer Inputs and assignments The 2488 has eight inputs, marked from A through H, and twenty-four mixer channels. Inputs A through D are fitted with dual XLR-1/4 balanced inputs and can be supplied with +48 V phantom power for condenser microphones. WARNING Never connect or disconnect microphones to or from inputs A through D with the phantom power turned on. Never use unbalanced dynamic microphones with microphone inputs A through D with phantom power turned on. If you are in any doubt, consult your local audio expert. Inputs E through H are suitable for line input, and are fitted with 1/4 balanced jacks. An unbalanced “mir- ror” of H, with an impedance suitable for electric guitars and basses, is provided at the front of the unit. It is possible to record up to eight tracks at one time, with the inputs being freely assignable to the tracks.Assigning inputs is carried out by pressing and hold- ing the appropriate input key below the TRIM con- trols (the key flashes), and then pressing the appropriate channel SELECT key(s) which will also flash. It is also possible to reverse the order (press and hold a channel’s SELECT key and press the appropriate input key). An input can be assigned to more than one channel, but of course a channel cannot be fed by more than one input. This shows an instrument (guitar or bass) plugged into input H being assigned to channel 1 Checking assignments When either an input key (or channel SELECT key) is pressed and held down it flashes, together with the channel (or input key) to which it has been assigned. Also, if the SHIFT key is pressed, followed by the MAP key, a screen is shown with the current assign- ments.The eight inputs are represented by horizontal lines, which are joined to the channel labels at the bottom of the screen by vertical lines when they are assigned to the channels. Use the left and right cursor keys to change between viewing channels 1 through 12, and 13 through 24. Breaking assignments If an input or channel SELECT key is held down, the assigned channel (or input) key flashes. Press the other key to break the assignment.NOTE Assigning and unassigning linked channels (see “Link- ing channels” on page 25) works in much the same way as for single channels. Pressing one SELECT key of a linked channel pair is typically the same as pressing both together.

2 – Mixer 22 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide Saving and loading assignments (QUCK ROUTING) There are three “slots” that can be used to save com- monly used routing assignments. These slots accessed through the QUICK ROUTING key: 1Press the QUICK ROUTING key to bring up the screen shown here. 2Use the wheel or “up” and “down” cursor keys to select the slot to be loaded or to which the current routing assignments will be saved. 3Use the “left” and “right” cursor keys to select LOAD or SAVE. 4Press ENTER. The routing assignments are either stored (the home screen shows Save routing briefly) or loaded (the home screen shows Load routing briefly). NOTE If you save a routing assignment to the BOUNCE slot, even if you are not in bounce mode (“Making a bounce mix” on page 49), the 2488 will enter bounce mode when this assignment is next recalled. The channels Each of the 24 channels provides the following facil- ities: Digital pad/gain 3-band parametric EQ Effect sends Phase reversal switch Panpot A physical fader (which may be overridden by an internal “virtual fader”) A mute key Solo facilities Input channels Like the 24 track channels, the eight inputs are pro- vided with phase, digital pad/gain, EQ, effect sends, etc. They are not provided with physical faders, but the output from these “extra channels” can be adjusted on-screen. Although these settings can be made at any time, they are only effective when the inputs have been assigned to the sub mix. See “Sub mix” on page 29 for details.In this manual we talk about “pressing a channel’s SELECT key” to select the appropriate screen, often this includes the INPUT keys as well, even when this is not actually stated. Many times, there will be no need for these facilities to be used on the input channel (there are times when this is useful, though—see the sections on “Monitor- ing” on page 27 and “Sub mix” on page 29). Digital pad/gain Press the channel’s SELECT key, followed by the EQ key (this order can be reversed).Use the cursor keys to navigate to the PA N / G A I N area, and set the value to between –42 and +6 dB. Usually, this value will be set to 0. Use this to add volume to a quiet instrument or to remove excess volume from a loud one. When a channel’s EQ screen is shown, simply press- ing the SELECT key of another channel will show the EQ screen for that channel.

2 – Mixer TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 23 EQ Set the three-band equalization for each channel using the same screen as the digital pad/gain (see above) On the 2488 channels, you can adjust the gain (the amount that the signal is cut and boosted) by ±12 dB, and the frequency (high or low) affected by the equalization in three bands. The frequencies are (in Hz): Low ( L) 32 — 1.6k Mid (M) 32 — 18k High (H) 1.7k — 18k Note that the frequencies are set in discrete steps; it is not possible to set the center frequencies to interme- diate values. In addition, you can adjust the “Q” (the width of the effect) in the center band from 0.25 to 16. TIP “Q” is defined as the center frequency of the equaliza- tion band divided by the bandwidth. A high Q value provides narrow filtering. As you adjust the equalization, the graph at the bot- tom of the screen changes to provide an idea of how the equalization affects the signals. TIP You can press and hold the SHIFT key and press the EQ key to “zero” (return to default setting) the selected channel’s EQ settings. There is also an on/off soft switch provided at the upper left of the screen to allow A/B comparison of the equalized and unequalized signals. Press SHIFT + YES to turn it on, and SHIFT + NO turn it on off (you can also use the cursor). Effect send There is one stereo “loop” send (using the internal effects) in addition two effect sends (using the exter- nal EFFECT SENDS jacks) for each channel. NOTE Recording effects can also be inserted at the input stage. See the section on effects (“Effects” on page 31) for full details of the effect architecture and use. Such effects are not affected by these channel sends. Press the channel’s SELECT key, followed by the SEND key (this order can be reversed).For each effect send, there is a soft switch at the left side of the screen. Use the wheel to set this switch either OFF or POST (post-fader) or PRE (pre-fader). TIP “Pre-fader” means that the channel fader does not affect the level of the effect send, as opposed to “post- fader” where the effect send level is affected by the channel fader setting. Set the level of each channel send (LVL) from 0 to 127. This screen also allows the master send level ( MSTR) to be set (again from 0 to 127).

2 – Mixer 24 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide The fader/pan screen Press the channel’s SELECT key, followed by the FA D E R / PA N key (this order can be reversed) to bring up this screen:Here, you can make phase and pan settings and view the fader settings for four channels at a time (linked channels still count as two channels here). Phase Use this to correct miswired microphones, etc. Out- of-phase sources can result in unnatural EQ and a “hole in the middle” stereo effect.The phase symbol (∅)shows the current status of the channel: either normal ( N) or reversed (R). Use the cursor keys and wheel to change these settings. Pan The pan position (PAN) refers to the stereo position (left or right) of the channel in the mix. Full left (“hard left”) is represented by L63, and hard right by R63. The center position, where the signal is sent equally to the left and right is represented by C. TIP Press and hold SHIFT and press the PA N key to reset the highlighted channel’s pan position to the center. In the case of linked channels, the pan position both of the highlighted channel and the channel to which it is linked will be centered. Faders The faders cannot be set in this screen (except for the inputs). However, it is possible to obtain a numerical representation of the physical position of the fader, as well as a view of the virtual position of the fader, if this is different. The minimum fader value as shown on screen is 0 (full cut), and the full level is 127. A level of 100 cor- responds to the “unity gain” position of 0 dB. Because the 2488 supports the storage and recall of scenes (see “Scene memories” on page 29), as well as MIDI control of the faders and other mixer con- trols, it may sometimes happen that the physical fader position is not the same as the internal “virtual” fader level, as set by the software control.See “Fader matching” on page 84 for an explanation of the different ways in which the physical and vir- tual faders can be set to interact. In order to reconcile the physical position with the virtual position, a process known as nulling must be carried out.1Press and hold the SHIFT key and press the NULL key:

2 – Mixer TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 25 2In this screen, the physical faders are repre- sented with side-pointing triangles beside them representing the virtual fader positions.Above each on-screen fader whose position does not correspond to that of the internal vir- tual fader, there is an arrow pointing either up or down, depending on whether the physical fader must be moved up or down to null it. A fader which is nulled (faders 15+16 in the screen above) has no triangle above it. Mute The MUTE keys for each channel also serve as solo keys (see “Soloing and toggle” on page 29).When a channel’s MUTE key is pressed (when solo- ing is not active), the orange indicator lights, and the sound from that channel is not sent to the stereo bus. The channel’s recording source is also muted. Linking channels Stereo linking provides a way of controlling two channels (usually, but not always, a stereo pair) with one set of controls. Controls shared by linked channels are: Fader (the left fader of the pair controls the level for both channels) EQ Digital pad/gain Effect send levels and pre/post position SELECT keys Record arming, muting and soloing are carried out separately for each linked pair. Pan and phase are linked, but these can be changed independently after linking.An odd-numbered channel can be linked to the even- numbered channel to its right. In other words, chan- nels 1 can be linked to channel 2, but to no other channel (and channel 2 cannot be linked to any chan- nel other than 1). Linking channels is done by pressing and holding down the SELECT key of one of the pair of channels to be linked, and pressing the other. Unlinking channels is done by pressing the SELECT key of one of the linked pair (both keys flash) and pressing the other. NOTE It is also possible to link two inputs together in the same way so that the EQ, etc. for each input is con- trolled in common. Stereo bus The stereo bus may be thought of as a special perma- nently-linked pair of channels. The output from this bus can be monitored as the STEREO selection (see “Monitoring” on page 27) and is also as the source for mastering and rendering the final mix (see “Recorder” on page 36). At the final mastering stage, it is possible to add equalization and dynamics to the stereo bus.

2 – Mixer 26 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide EQ Like the ordinary channels, the stereo bus has three- band equalization, with sweepable center frequen- cies, and variable Q for the midrange. To access this, 1Press the STEREO key. 2Press the EQ key: 3Use the cursor keys and wheel to select and adjust the EQ parameters for the stereo bus. Dynamics The stereo bus has a stereo dynamics processor (compressor or expander) available. 1Press and hold the SHIFT key. 2Press the STEREO key. 3Use the cursor keys and wheel to select and adjust the parameters for the effect. Note that the last parameter is an on/off switch. When set to OFF, the dynamics processor is bypassed. Dynamics library From the screen above, press- ing ENTER brings up the stereo dynamics library screen. Use the left and right keys to select the PRESET or USER libraries, or to SAVE the current setting. Use the wheel to select library entries and press ENTER to load the entry. If you save a setting, you can add a title to the current stereo dynamics settings and press ENTER to save it as a user library effect.

2 – Mixer TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 27 Fader Like the channel faders, the position of the STEREO fader can differ from the internal setting if it has been changed as the result of a MIDI command or a scene recall. Press the STEREO key alone to bring up the stereo bus fader screen:In this case, the LVL value corresponds to the physical fader level, and INT gives the internal virtual fader value (as marked by the triangular symbol beside the on-screen fader). In both cases, 0 is full cut, 127 is full up, and 100 is the unity gain value. Output selection A pair of tracks can be routed for direct output through the analog STEREO OUT terminals (and the DIGITAL OUT). Usually, the DIRECT OUTPUT parameter should be set to OFF (that is, the stereo bus is the signal output from these terminals). However, you can use the wheel to select a pair of tracks for output from these terminals, though. NOTE When this function is on, the channel and stereo faders have no effect. Monitoring Monitoring is a vital part of the whole recording and production process. The 2488 provides stereo moni- toring facilities through an external amplifier/speak- ers combination, as well as headphones.The level for these two monitoring systems is set using the MONITOR LEVEL control. This monitoring level is affected by the level from the STEREO fader, but does not affect the level of the stereo bus. Monitor selection As well as the stereo bus, it is possible to monitor the sub mix (see “Sub mix” on page 29), the effect loop, and the two effect sends (one in each channel), which are all shown by indicators; as well as turning off the monitoring, when no indicator is lit.Monitoring the loop and effect sends is useful when you want to check the exact mix (as created by the effect sends) of the signals being sent to the effects. Use the MONITOR SELECT key to cycle through the selections.

2 – Mixer 28 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide Mono monitoring Typically monitoring is carried out in stereo, echoing the stereo bus. However, there may be times when you want to check what the mix sounds like in mono.1Press the shifted MONITOR SOURCE key. While the monitoring is in mono, the appro- priate monitor selection indicator flashes. Use the MONITOR SOURCE key to turn off mono monitoring. Record source monitoring Record source monitoring is a feature of the 2488. It allows monitoring of the input sources rather than the monitoring coming from the mixer channels. This has a number of advantages as can be seen when we examine a highly simplified block diagram. The signal is passed through the input section, to the track. From there, it is passed through the channel. Typically, monitoring is done from the track, and therefore any effects and EQ added to the channel, as well as any effects, EQ added to the input, will be monitored. Sometimes, however, it’s a good idea to record “dry” (that is, with no effect). An effect setting, for exam- ple, which sounds fine during recording, may clash with another effect added later on in the project. However, singers and other performers often like to hear the effects in their headphones (it helps with the recording in many cases). The answer is to add some effects to the channel, allowing the artiste to hear the effected sound. Meanwhile, the sound is actually recorded dry. This presents a minor problem, though; the effect may mask any imperfections in the source material recording process, and it’s a good idea to be able to monitor the “dry” signal sometimes. This is where the record source monitoring comes in. As you can see from the illustration below, the usual monitoring source is the channel. In the record source monitor mode, the source is the input. 1Simply press the RECORD SOURCE MONITOR key. The indicator lights when record source monitoring is in operation. Note that this only applies to monitoring the STEREO bus, not to the sub mix or the effect sends or loops. Monitor muting When recording with microphones, the microphones and speakers should not be in the same space, as this will cause feedback. If you are using the microphone in the same room as the 2488, you should then use headphones when monitoring.The monitor MUTE key allows you to cut the output to the monitor amplifier/speakers, while still moni- toring through headphones. The MUTE indicator lights when muting is active. InputChannelTrack Input dryChannel (+ FX)Track Input dryChannel (+ FX)Track MonitoringRecord Source Monitoring Mode Usual Monitoring Mode Monitoring