Tascam Digital Portastudio 2488 User Guide
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8 – MIDI TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 79 Time signature In order to accurately display bars and beats, the 2488 needs to know the time signature of the music being played. Most pop and rock is in 4/4 time, but there are some famous exceptions, and many music outside these fields is in other time signatures. Music may also change time signature part of the way through. 1With the transport stopped, from the SYNC/MIDI screen, select TIME SIGNATURE, and press ENTER. 2This is very similar to the tempo map. Use the INSERT and DELETE keys to insert and delete entries and the cursor keys to scroll through the list. Use the cursor keys and wheel to select and change the BAR in which the time signature changes (obviously, a time signature cannot change halfway through a bar!) and the time signature ( TIME SIG.) itself. 3Press ENTER when done. Metronome The metronome is an important tool to keep you in time while you play. The 2488’s metronome can be a MIDI note output to an external tone generator, or it can be an audio click. 1With the transport stopped, from the SYNC/MIDI screen, select METRONOME, and press ENTER. 2You can select the MODE of the metronome (when it will play) as either REC (the metro- nome plays through the monitoring system only when recording) or REC&PLAY (the metro- nome sounds both when playing back and recording). 3The other parameter allows you to set up whether the metronome is an internal audio click ( INTERNAL) or a MIDI note sent from the MIDI OUT terminal (MIDI) or off (OFF). In the case of the INTERNAL setting, the level can be set between 0 and 127. 4If MIDI is chosen, the following parameters can be set: Select the MIDI channel ( MIDI Ch 10 is usually reserved for drums and percussion), and the Note and Velocity used for the Accent (the first note of each bar) and Normal beats. Use the CLICK key above the transport keys can be used to turn the metronome click on and off easily (whether INTERNAL or MIDI is selected). The indicator lights orange while waiting, and while the click is output, flashes red to mark the start of a bar, and green for other beats.

8 – MIDI 80 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide Patterns In addition to being able to play SMF pieces, the 2488 can also play backing patterns (drums and per- cussion only). Select PATTERN as the player mode to enable this fea- ture (“Internal module mode” on page 76). When the pattern mode is selected, pressing the MIDI PLAYER key brings up the PATTERN ARRANGE screen: To select a “global” playback style from this screen, press ENTER. The PRESET STYLE LIBRARY screen is shown: Use the wheel to select from the range of styles, clas- sified as rock, pop, etc.), and the ENTER key to con- firm (the EXIT key cancels a selection) a style for the whole song, which is loaded along with its drum kit and its default tempo (the selected style replaces any previously-selected style throughout the whole song and the sections and lengths will change). You can then use the cursor keys and wheel to select and edit ( BAR at which the pattern starts TEMPO (in bpm) STYLE (set the individual section’s style from here) SECTION (this is the section of a song in the selected style, such as verse, fill, intro, etc.) The time signa-ture of the selected section is shown at the bottom of the display. LENGTH (if you choose a length different to the default length of the selected section, the number of bars (measures) shows an asterisk * following it). NOTE Do not use ENTER to confirm your settings, as this will bring up the style library screen). The tempos set here override any settings made using the tempo map (“Tempo map” on page 78). All the settings made here become a part of the cur- rent song and are saved with it. Deleting a section To delete a section from the arrangement, move the cursor to the section to be deleted, and use the DELETE key (locate section) to delete it. Inserting a section To insert a section into the arrangement, move the cursor to the section above which the new part will be inserted, and use the INSERT key (locate section) to insert a new section which can then be edited. Copying sections You may want to copy a num- ber of sections that occur frequently in your song, such as verse+chorus+fill (which you can represent by different verse and fill variations). Here’s how you do it. 1Move the cursor to the start of the block that you want to copy. 2Press the COPY TO key (shifted TRIM key). The selected line is highlighted. 3Use the wheel or cursor keys to move to the final section of the block that you want to copy.

8 – MIDI TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 81 4Press ENTER.5Move the “line” cursor to the point to where the block will be copied and press ENTER once again. The block is copied. NOTE If you select the bars and beats display (“Markers” on page 42), this reflects the settings made here. Selecting the drum kit The 2488’s tone generator includes a number of dif- ferent drum kits, which you can use to give a differ- ent sound to your songs. When a preset style is loaded, a suitable drum kit is also loaded along with the pattern type. The same drum kit is retained for the whole song. With the PATTERN ARRANGE screen displayed, press SHIFT and ENTER.Twenty different kits are available for use, including Latin sets, famous drum machine sounds, and so on. Use the cursor keys or wheel to select a different drum kit for your song. Press ENTER when done (or EXIT to leave the kit as it is). The PATTERN ARRANGE screen is then shown. MTC, MIDI clock, etc. The 2488 can synchronize to external MIDI Time Code (MTC) or can generate MTC in order to syn- chronize other MIDI devices. Other devices may be sequencers or DAWs which are enabled for MTC.In addition it is capable of generating MIDI Clock commands which are typically used by drum and rhythm machines, as well as by some sequencers.

8 – MIDI 82 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide MIDI Time Code With the transport stopped, from the SYNC/MIDI menu, select the SYNC option and press ENTER: SOURCE can be INTERNAL (the 2488 acts as the master unit) or EXTERNAL (the 2488 takes its synchroniza- tion from another unit). FRAME TYPE refers to the format of the MTC sent and received by the 2488. This can be either 24 (film), 25 (EBU TV), 29D (29 fps drop-frame, used with NTSC color), 29ND (29fps non-drop, also used with NTSC color), or 30 (NTSTC monochrome and often used for audio-only work) OFFSET allows you to select the offset of the 2488 relative to the incoming timecode (outgoing time- code is always the same as the absolute position). For example, your song always starts at the “all zeroes” position, but if you are dubbing it onto video at 30 minutes into the video, you should have an offset of 30 minutes set here.

8 – MIDI TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 83 GENERATOR can be OFF, MTC or CLOCK. OFF and MTC explain themselves. See below for an explanation of the CLOCK setting. NOTE Timecode (including MTC) does not include any infor- mation about bars and beats or tempo. MIDI Clock does not contain any information about the absolute time at which events take place. MIDI clock MIDI Clock and associated MIDI commands (Start/ Stop, Song Position Pointer etc.) can be transmitted from the 2488 when it is in INTERNAL mode and the GENERATOR parameter is set to CLOCK. In this setting, the 2488 can be used to control an external sequenc- ers, drum machines, etc. whose audio outputs are fed to the 2488. NOTE Remember that there is no absolute time information contained in this MIDI Clock data. Any external devices synchronized to the 2488 which need timing informa- tion should either be synchronized using MTC, or have their own tempo maps. Remote From the SYNC/MIDI menu, this REMOTE option allows the setting of a number of parameters connected with remote control of the 2488. MIDI IN MODE allows you to specify what will happen when MIDI messages are received. The choices are: OFF (incoming MIDI messages are ignored), TG (incoming MIDI messages control the tone genera- tor) and REMOTE (incoming MIDI messages control scene changes (“Scene memories” on page 29) and mixer parameters. MMC (MIDI Machine Control) The 2488 can act in MASTER or a SLAVE MODE, either control- ling or being controlled by other devices in the sys- tem. Each device in such a setup must have an ID assigned to it. The settings here are from 1 to 127, or ALL (the last setting means that the 2488 will respond to all MMC commands received, not just those specifically addressed to it). NOTE It is possible for a device to act as an MMC master, and a timecode slave, or the other way around. MMC and timecode are independent of each other. REMOTE CONTROL settings. You can enable or disable Program Change messages for the following: SCENE and EFF (effect change). In addition you can turn CONTROL CHANGE messages on or off (for individual mixer parameters).

84 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 9 – General preferences There are four sets of general preferences that you can make in order to customize the 2488 to your working style.Access all of these through the PREFERENCES menu. Global preferences These all affect the overall operation of the 2488 Key sense time Some of the keys on the unit have two different functions, spending on whether they are pressed and released in a short space of time, or whether they are pressed and held down for a longer period. The pitch control is a good example of this. If the PITCH/SSA key is pressed and released briefly, the pitch control is turned on. If it is pressed and held for the time set here, a screen appears allowing you to make the settings for the pitch and the slow speed audition functions. The setting for the key sense time is from 0.3 to 2.0 seconds, in 0.1 second steps. Meter peak hold time The meters shown on the home display and other pages can be configured to hold the peak value.This parameter can take the following values: OFF, where the meters do not hold the peak value at all, ON; the peak meters hold the value for a second or so and then drop back, or KEEP, where the peak value is always shown on screen until this value is changed. You can also use SHIFT + HOME to clear these held peak values. Use the cursor keys to highlight the parameter, and the wheel to change it TIP \The KEEP setting is useful if you want a permanent record of the highest value, but you cannot keep your eyes on the meters during the whole take or rehearsal. Meter release time The meter “drop-back” time can be configured to be from 3 0ms to 100ms in 10ms steps using the cursor keys to highlight the parameter, and the dial to change it. Note that the meters are always peak meters, and the rise time is fixed. Shift key behavior The SHIFT key can be used in one of three ways, as set by this parameter: AUTO SAFE , in which the SHIFT key can be pressed and released, and remain active for about a second; and UNLOCK, in which the key is non-latching; that is, you must press and hold the SHIFT key while pressing the other key to be shifted. The HOLD setting latches the SHIFT key on until another key is pressed. Mixer preferences As the name says, these affect mixer items:Fader matching The option affects the way in which the physical and the virtual faders interact (see “Faders” on page 24). There are three options here: REAL: if the internal fader level is changed using a scene change or a MIDI Control Change, this is ignored. The actual physical fader is the only way in which the fader level is set. JUMP: the internal fader level jumps to the level set by the physical fader as soon as the physical fader is moved. Since this can result in sudden changes in volume, resulting in possible damage to hearing and monitoring equipment, this option should be used with caution.

9 – General preferences TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 85 CATCH: the fader level remains the same initially. However, if you then move the physical fader so that the physical level becomes the internal level (the faders “catch” the internal level), the physical level changes at that point. This ensures that there are no sudden leaps in volume due to a difference between the physical fader and the internal setting. NOTENOTE Note that the setting made for this option will apply to the current song, and any songs loaded afterwards, until the setting is changed. Digital input The digital input can be assigned to any pair of inputs ( A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H). These inputs may then be assigned to channels in the usual way. Press the ENTER key to confirm the assignment. This assignment is not made until the ENTER key is pressed, with the digital source connected, and is not stored as part of the song information. The 2488 can accept digital audio from 44.1 kHz sources. Recorder These preferences affect the recorder operation: There are only two parameters here, used to change the pre roll and post roll times of the auto punch operation (see “Auto punch operations” on page 46). User word When titling, you can use preset words or phrases in your location points.The 2488 comes with many standard useful phrases, but if you are playing a style of music not catered for by these words, you can use this preference screen to add your own words (up to 12 characters long), for example BANJO SOLO. Select the word to be edited and then press TITLE (shifted MENU) to edit it, as described in “Titling” on page 12. Press ENTER when you have finished edit- ing the word.

86 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 10 – Specifications, etc. Block diagram !# $ % & & ( $) $$ ) **% !+# ) & ) $, -+ %. )+ ) + ) . $ +$$ )/& )/0 , )/ + ! + 1 $ +2 $ % &113 1 ! + $ % +$$ ,,4 # # $% & & ,

10 – Specifications, etc. TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide 87 Level diagram 56 5&6 6 &6 6 6 06 76 86 96 56 5&6 6 &6 6 6 06 76 86 9656 5&6 6 &6 6 6 &6 6 6 06 76 , ) 4 6, &8, 6 &6 6 6 , 6, &8,4 : : 4 5 &0 50 &6 0 79 ) +42) 09 )++ +2; )$$ &8 61&7,59 ) & 5& 58: ) ,)+2 : ,4 : +2+2++:

10 – Specifications, etc. 88 TASCAM 2488 User’s Guide Dimensional drawing Specifications Audio connections MIC/LINE inputs (A to D) Combined XLR-1/4 TRS connector XLR Input impedance: 2 k Ω Input level: –57 dBu (MIC) to –10 dBu (LINE) Nominal input level: –10 dBu Maximum input level: +6 dBu 1/4” TRS Input impedance: 8 k Ω Input level: –43 dBu (MIC) to +4 dBu (LINE) Nominal input level: +4 dBu Maximum input level: +20 dBu MIC/LINE inputs (E to H) 1/4 TRS connectors (input H also has a GUITAR front panel unbalanced 1/4” jack—see below) Input impedance: 4 k Ω Input level: –43 dBu (MIC) to +4 dBu (LINE) Nominal input level: +4 dBu Maximum input level: +20 dBu Input H (GUITAR) Input impedance: 1 M Ω Input level: –55 dBu to –8 dBu STEREO L/R outputs 2 x unbalanced RCA jacks Output impedance: 100 Ω Nominal output level: –10 dBV Maximum output level: +6 dBV EFFECT SENDS 1 and 2 1 x unbalanced 1/4 jack per send Output impedance: 100 Ω Nominal output level: –10 dBV Maximum output level: +6 dBV 355 mm (14) 545 mm (21.5) 94 (3.7) 145 (5.7) 113 (4.5)