T-Mobile T Mobile Color Sidekick Phone Instructions Manual
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Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 221 text, 26 descending order sorting contacts in , 119 Desktop Interface , 166 device applications on the Web , 166 device ID viewing through the Web interface , 216 where to view number, 46 device phone number listed in Phone Settings , 70 listed in System Info, 46 diagram of parts of device , 14 dialing from contact information , 65 recent numbers, 64 using letters, 64 with keyboard , 63 with keypad, 63 dialog boxes Add to Address Book , 96 directional pad about , 18 using , 18 Discard Category, Address Book menu option , 124 Discard Label, Address Book menu option , 126 Discard Note keyboard shortcut , 154 discarding a Calendar event , 132 a note , 156 a note on the Web, 213 Address Book category, 124 Address Book contact , 121 Address Book contact on Web, 191 Address Book label, 126 Address Book label on the Web , 187 AIM buddy, 81 AIM group, 79 all Address Book contacts on the Web , 188 bookmark folder, 55 email folder, 103 email message , 97 photo, 146 text message, 113114 To Do task , 151 Web Browser bookmark, 55 display icons , 15 display, opening and closing , 15displaying , 42 dots in title bar, meaning , 16 D-pad about , 18 using , 18 draft, saving email as , 95 Drafts folder about , 102 icon, 89 due date, setting for a To Do task , 149 E Edit Category dialog box, 123 Edit Folder dialog box , 103 editing Address Book category , 123 Address Book contact , 121 Address Book contact on Web, 190 Address Book label, 125 Address Book label on the Web , 187 Address Book label on Web, 187 AIM buddy, 80 bookmark , 55 bookmark folder, 55 Calendar event, 132 current page’s URL , 53 email folder, 103 existing Speed Dial number, 61 Identity information , 120 note, 156 note on the Web, 213 POP3 accounts , 100 To Do task details, 150 ellipsis meaning in a folded note , 154 Email application , 95 adding email recipients to contacts , 96 adding email sender to contacts, 95 discarding a draft message, 94 discarding an in-progress message , 97 Drafts folder icon, 89 emptying Trash, 97 forwarding email message , 95 Inbox folder icon, 89 number of custom folders you can create , 102 opening hypertext links, 92 reading an email message, 91

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 222 Saved folder icon, 89 saving an email as draft , 95 saving outgoing messages, 106 sending a message, 94 Sent folder , 106 Sent folder icon, 89 setting alerts, 105 setting ringtones , 105 setting up POP3 accounts, 98 Settings screen, 104 sorting messages , 92 space limitations, 107 specifying primary email account, 98 splash screen , 87 status indicators, 89 Trash folder icon, 89 user-defined folder icon , 89 email folders about , 102 creating , 103 discarding, 103 editing, 103 setting preferences , 102 system folders, 88 email messages attaching a photo on the Web , 207 composing, 94 discarding, 97 discarding on the Web , 181 forwarding, 95 moving to another folder, 93 replying , 95 sending message, 94 sorting, 92 Email Settings screen menu shortcuts , 90 email signature, creating or editing , 100 email status, changing to unread , 92 Email Web application about your Inbox , 170 accessing, 169 automatically saving copies of sent mail , 175 collecting mail from POP3 accounts, 180 discarding an email, 181 editing folders , 176 editing POP3 accounts, 178 managing your mailbox size , 175 moving messages to folders, 180 opening an attachment, 171reading an email , 171 sending an email, 172 settings, 174 specifying primary email account , 178 emailing photos , 145 emptying Address Book Trash , 122 Calendar Trash, 139 Email Trash , 97 Notes Trash, 157 Phone Messages Trash, 114 To Do Trash , 152 enabling mute , 33 ending AIM conversation , 82 phone call, 67 error sending email status indicator , 89 event copying to create new , 131 creating, 128 creating on the Web, 199 definition , 127 discarding, 132 discarding on the Web, 202 editing , 132 editing on the Web, 202 moving from one time to another, 131 retrieving a discarded event on the Web , 203 selecting an icon on device, 129 setting an event reminder on the Web, 201 viewing on the Web , 199 F favorite Web page, saving, 54 files attaching to Web Email messages , 174 filtering contacts in the Address Book , 118 finding an Address Book contact , 122 Flip menu option, Camera application , 143 flipping a captured image , 143 folder , 93 moving messages on the Web , 180 folders, bookmarks adding , 55 discard, 55

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 223 editing, 55 folding notes , 154 Forward..., Email menu item , 95 forwarded email status indicator , 89 forwarding email message , 95 phone message, 113 forwarding calls, setup , 71 From Address field, Edit Accounts screen , 101 From field, Compose screen , 94 From Name field, Edit Accounts screen , 101 full photo Gallery, what to do! , 145 full screen view toggling in browser , 52 Full Screen view, photo Gallery , 144 G Gallery photo views, 143 selecting all photos, 145 sorting photos , 146 what to do when photo Gallery is full, 145 games Bubbles , 161 Code Monkey, 162 Lab Ratz, 164 Rock & Rocket , 158 Shuffle, 163 graphic files .bmp attachments , 91 .gif attachments, 91 .jpg attachments, 91 .png attachments , 91 groups adding to IM , 79 discarding , 79 renaming, 79 H handling a SIM, 29 handset using as phone , 62 headset jack , 25 using with phone, 62highlighting a note , 154 home page opening in browser , 53 set for Browser, 57 hypertext links open in email , 92 I icons buddy availability in AIM , 78 Drafts folder, 89 Inbox folder, 89 incoming call , 69 meaning of icons in title bar, 15 missed call, 69 outgoing call , 69 Saved folder, 89 selecting for an event on device, 129 Sent folder , 89 Trash folder, 89 user-defined folder, 89 Identification Tag filling in , 42 removing, 42 Identity screen editing , 120 illegal characters, in text messages , 112 IM buddies adding , 80 blocking , 81 discarding, 81 editing, 80 unblocking , 81 IM groups adding , 79 discarding , 79 renaming, 79 image contrast slider bar , 33 images maximum device can store , 143 importing contacts from SIM card , 126 IMSI number , 27 Inbox on the Web , 170 Inbox folder about , 102 icon , 89

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 224 included accessories, in box with device, 9 incoming call icon , 69 indicators AIM conversations , 83 battery charge, 16 battery charger connection , 16 current date & time, 16 network connection lost, 16 out-of-network , 74 Phone application status, 60 radio signal strength, 16 screen identifier in title bar , 16 standard display, 15 infrared port, about , 25 inserting a SIM , 28 inserting the camera in your device , 141 Instant Messaging application adding a friend to Buddy List , 80 adding a group to Buddy List, 79 adding screen names, 75 away messages , 83 blocking a buddy, 81 buddy availability icons, 78 Buddy List screen , 78 custom buddy alerts, 81 discarding a buddy, 81 discarding a group , 79 editing a buddy, 80 enabling sound, 85 ending an AIM conversation , 82 Offline group, 81 preview screen, 74 removing screen names , 77 renaming a group, 79 settings, 84 signing off , 77 signing on, 76 starting an AIM conversation, 82 switching AIM conversations , 83 switching screen names, 77 unblocking a buddy, 81 Instant Messaging Service keyboard shortcuts , 75 J jacks camera, 25 headset , 25Jump button location , 49 use, 21 Jump page (Web), about , 167 Jump screen about , 48 about splash screens, 49 opening, 49 selecting an application , 49 Jump screen menu , 50 Jump shortcuts, setting , 38 K Key Assignment dialog box, 39 key guard activating automatically , 39 activating manually, 39 unlocking device, 40 key guard display message how to set up , 40 message length limit, 40 keyboard @ key , 19 dialing, 63 repeat delay , 43 repeat rate, 43 setting preferences, 43 symbols defined , 18 keyboard shortcuts Add Bookmark , 52 AIM , 75 back in browser, 52 Calendar application, 128 Go To dialog box , 52 History, 52 Home Page, 52 in Phone application , 60 in Web Browser application, 52 Instant Messaging application, 75 Notes menu items , 154 Refresh, 52 scrolling in Web pages, 52 Stop Loading , 52 To Do application, 148 View Bookmarks , 52 Web Browser, 52 keypad dialing , 63

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 225 L Lab Ratz, how to play, 164 labels creating in Address Book , 125 discarding Address Book labels, 126 discarding Address Book labels on Web , 187 editing Address Book, 125 editing Address Book label on Web, 187 labels (Address Book) about , 124 creating on the Web, 187 default , 125 edit on the Web, 187 light flasher notification, setting , 45 limits Email mailbox , 107 length of a note , 156 length of photo name, 145 number of Address Book contacts, 117 number of calls held in Phone Log , 68 number of custom email folders, 102 number of image attachments to email, 145 number of notes you can store , 156 number of To Do tasks you can store, 147 open conversations in AIM, 82 To Do task notes , 150 To Do task title, 149 limits on attachments in outgoing email messages , 173 links in email , 92 list of tasks in To Do application , 148 locking Alt key , 18 device, 41 shift key , 18 SIM card, 42 Log, number of calls held in Phone Log , 68 Look Up screen, in Phone application , 65 lost SIM what to do , 29 M managing Calendar events on the Web, 197 managing your Speed Dial list , 60 map a contact’s address , 122 mark message as readall in a folder , 92 individual message, 92 mark message as read/unread individual message , 92 Mark Unread, Email Read menu item , 92 Match dialog box , 122 menu Jump screen , 50 Menu button about , 19 using to scroll in a menu , 20 using to scroll screen-by-screen, 20 menu shortcuts Browse Contacts screen , 118 Browse Email screen, 90 Browse Messages screen, 110 Camera application , 141 Compose Message screen, 110 Compose screen, 90 Contact Info screen , 118 Email Settings screen, 90 POP3 accounts screen, 90 message move to another folder , 93 message body Compose Message screen , 112 Compose screen, 94 message on sleep screen how to set up , 40 messages, sorting , 92 minimum info required to create a contact , 120 missed call icon , 69 modes capturing images , 142 Month Calendar view details , 137 summary, 133 moving email messages , 93 MSISDN number , 27 mute button , 33 enabling , 45 schedule for regular times, 46 muting a phone call , 66

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 226 N network connection lost indicator, 16 network status, checking , 50 networks, selecting manually , 44 new AIM message alert , 78 New Category dialog box , 124 New Category, Address Book menu option , 124 New Note keyboard shortcut , 154 Notes application adding a new note , 156 Browse All Notes screen, 154 discarding a note , 156 editing an existing note, 156 emptying the Trash, 157 folding notes , 154 folding/unfolding notes, 155 highlighting a note, 154 keyboard shortcuts to menu items , 154 length limit, 156 managing the Trash, 157 number limit , 156 retrieving a note from Trash, 157 sorting, 155 views , 154 Notes Web application accessing , 212 adding a new note , 213 discarding a note, 213 editing a note, 213 emptying the trash , 214 retrieving a note, 214 notifications setting for email , 105 number of Address Book contacts you can store , 117 numbers IMSI , 27 MSISDN , 27 O off, turning device off, 13 Offline group, AIM , 81 on/off button , 19 one dot in title bar, meaning , 16 openinga Web page , 53 an email attachment on the Web, 171 Email message, 91 Jump screen menu , 50 phone message, 111 sound & display Controls, 33 the Jump screen , 49 opening/closing display , 15 outgoing call icon , 69 out-of-network indicator , 74 P password changing for Web access , 216 selecting, 10 Password field, Accounts screen , 99 PDF file of user documentation , 167 PDF files, reading as attachments , 91 Phone application adjusting volume in active call , 62 alpha key mapping, 64 answering calls, 67 Call Log , 68 call waiting behavior, 67 Caller ID, 67 clearing Call Log , 70 conference calling, 66 dialing from Phone Look Up screen, 65 editing an existing Speed Dial number , 61 ending a call, 67 keyboard shortcuts, 60 muting a call , 66 number of calls held in Log, 68 placing a call, 63 recent numbers , 64 removing a Speed Dial number, 62 resetting your call timer, 71 setting up ringtones , 72 settings, 70 Speed Dial setup, 73 splash screen , 59 title bar indicators, 60 turning off call forwarding, 72 using device as handset , 62 using headset, 62 voice mail , 70 phone call

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 227 adjusting volume, 62 ending , 67 phone message forwarding , 113 phone message (Phone Messages) folders, system , 109 Phone Message Inbox folder, about , 111 Phone Message Sent folder, about , 111 Phone Message Trash folder, about , 111 Phone Messages application add text message sender to contacts , 113 calling a sender back on the phone, 114 discarding messages , 114 emptying Trash, 114 forwarding a message, 113 illegal characters in messages , 112 message folders, 111 reading a phone message, 111 replying to a message , 113 retrieving a message from the Trash, 115 sending a message, 112 Settings screen , 115 status indicators, 110 phone number of your device , 70 phone number, where to look up , 46 phoning, placing a call , 63 photo name length limit , 145 photos attaching to Web Email messages , 173 capturing , 142 counter, 144 discarding, 146 discarding on the Web , 206 maximum device can store, 143 remaining, 144 renaming , 145 renaming on the Web, 206 selecting, 144 selecting all , 145 sorting, 146 sorting on the Web, 206 PIN for SIM card , 42 placing phone calls placing a second call , 66 placing telephone calls placing a call , 63POP server field, Accounts screen , 99 POP3 accounts adding to Email Web application , 178 collecting mail from, 180 deleting, 101 editing , 100 setting up, 98 POP3 accounts screen menu shortcuts , 90 Port field, Accounts screen , 99 port, USB Mini-B , 26 pound (#) tone, entering while on a call , 65 power jack illustration , 25 using , 11 powering the device on/off , 19 power-saving mode enabling , 36 waking, 12 Preview capture mode , 142 preview screens AIM , 74 primary email account specifying on the device , 98 specifying on the Web , 178 privacy , 41 turn on/off for device , 41 privacy code, device , 41 privacy lock, setting , 41 R radio signal strength indicator, 16 reading a phone message , 111 an email message, 91 an email message on the Web, 171 recipient (of email) add to Address Book , 96 Recovery ROM version number, where to view on device , 46 redialing a number Phone application , 64 Reference Guide, PDF file for printing , 9 refreshing a Web page , 52

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 228 Registration screen, 10 Reminder dialog box , 130 reminder for an event, setting , 130 removing AIM screen names , 77 Speed Dial number, 62 removing a SIM , 28 renaming AIM group , 79 renaming a photo , 145 repeat rate, keyboard , 43 repeating events, setting , 130 Repetition dialog box , 130 replied to email status indicator , 89 Reply All..., Email menu item , 95 Reply..., Email menu item , 95 replying to a message , 95 replying to a text message , 113 replying to an email , 95 Reply-To Address field, Edit Accounts screen , 101 Reply-To Name field, Edit Accounts screen , 101 reporting a Web page that doesn’t display , 53 resetting your telephone call timer , 71 retrieve a text message from the Trash , 115 Retrieve Contact, Address Book menu option , 121 retrieving a Calendar event from Trash , 138 a trashed note, 157 a trashed note on the Web, 214 a trashed task , 151 an Address Book contact, 121 ringtones setting for email , 105 setting up for Phone, 72 roaming charges, about , 47 Rock & Rocket, how to play , 158 S safety, while using device, 13Save Folder field, Accounts screen , 99 Saved folder about , 102 icon, 89 saving an email as draft , 95 saving outgoing email messages , 106 scan for networks , 44 scheduling mute times , 46 screen backlighting , 18 protecting from damage , 12 screen identifier in title bar , 16 screen image control , 33 screen names adding , 75 removing, 77 switching, 77 scrolling quickly in a menu , 20 screen-by-screen, 20 Web page , 52 search engine set for Browser , 57 searching the Web , 53 second phone call, placing , 66 securing your device with a code , 41 selecting all photos in Gallery , 145 an application from the Jump screen, 49 photos , 144 series of contiguous photos, 144 username and password during registration, 10 sender (of email) add to Address Book , 95 sender (of text message) add to Address Book , 113 sending email message , 94 email messages on the Web, 172 text message, 112 sending email status indicator , 89 Sent folder , 106 about , 102 icon , 89

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 229 setting up call forwarding , 71 date & time on your device, 37 Jump shortcuts to applications, 38 keyboard repeat delay , 43 ringtones for Phone, 72 speed dialing, 73 time zones , 37 voice mail, 71 settings , 30 Address Book application , 123 device-wide, 30 Email application , 104 for Web applications, 215 Instant Messaging application, 84 Phone application , 70 Phone Messages application, 115 Web Browser application, 57 Settings on the Web accessing , 215 shift key lock , 18 unlock, 18 shortcuts for changing views in Calendar , 132 in Phone application, 60 key mapping to open the applications, 39 to applications , 38 Show Pictures check box , 58 Shuffle, how to play , 163 shutter button , 143 signal strength indicator , 16 signature, email , 100 signing off from AIM , 77 signing on to AIM , 76 SIM about swapping , 29 general information, 27 handling , 29 information saved on, 27 inserting, 28 lost! what to do , 29 removing, 28 what you can do on device without a SIM , 28 SIM card about , 27importing contacts from , 126 lock/unlock, 42 SIM ID, where to view number , 46 SIM Lock Code where stored , 27 SIM PIN, default number , 28 size of Web Browser cache , 58 sleep mode about , 12 Sort By..., Address Book menu option , 119 Sort Messages dialog box , 92 sorting contacts in the Address Book , 119 email messages , 92 notes, 155 sound enabling for AIM alerts , 85 setting up ringtones in Phone application, 72 turning off for device, 33 volume adjustment slider bar , 33 space limitations Address Book contacts , 117 email messages , 107 length of a note, 156 length of photo name, 145 number of To Do tasks , 147 specific day, opening in Calendar , 139 specify application-specific settings , 30 Speed Dial list about , 60 assigning numbers, 73 managing, 60 Speed Dial number editing , 61 speed dialing, using to call , 64 splash screens about , 49 Calendar application , 127 Email application, 87 Notes application, 153 Phone application , 59 To Do, 147 standby battery time , 12 star (*) tone, entering while on call , 65 Start Guide, PDF file for printing , 9

Index April 15, 2003 T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual 230 starting an AIM conversation, 82 status changing email to unread , 92 changing To Do task to completed/incom- plete , 150 status indicators attachment to email , 89 email, 89 error sending email, 89 forwarded email , 89 on Web pages, 51 Phone Messages, 110 replied to email , 89 sending email, 89 waiting to send email, 89 status, checking network , 50 Subject field, Compose screen , 94 swapping SIMs , 29 switching conversations in AIM , 83 screen names in AIM, 77 system email folders , 88 system information, where located on your device , 46 system phone (Phone Messages) folders , 109 system sounds adjusting volume , 46 definition , 46 T task creating a new task on the Web , 210 creating new, 149 discarding, 151 discarding completed tasks on the Web , 210 discarding on the Web, 210 editing on the Web, 210 emptying Trash on the Web , 211 incomplete, viewing on the Web, 209 marking as complete/incomplete on the Web, 210 marking as completed/incomplete, 150 notes (To Do) size limit , 150 retrieving a discarded task on the Web, 211 title (To Do) size limit, 149 viewing all on the Web , 209 viewing details, 149views in To Do application , 151 Task Details screen, To Do application about , 149 adding a note , 150 editing, 150 text cursors, meaning of shape , 26 text message composing , 112 discarding , 113114 replying, 113 sending message, 112 text messages, where stored , 27 text, tips when typing , 26 three dots in title bar, meaning , 16 Thumbnail view, photo Gallery , 143 Time Zone setting on the Web , 216 title bar meaning of icons , 15 To Do application adding a note to task details , 150 Browse Tasks screen, 148 creating a new task , 149 discarding a task, 151 editing a task, 150 emptying the Trash , 152 keyboard shortcuts, 148 limit on number of tasks, 147 limit to task notes , 150 limit to task title, 149 managing the Trash, 151 marking a task as completed/incomplete , 150 retrieving a task from Trash, 151 setting a due date, 149 splash screen , 147 Task Details screen, 149 task views, 151 using the date picker , 149 To Do Web application accessing , 208209 adding a new task , 210 all tasks, viewing, 209 Browse Tasks page, 209 description of To Do items , 209 discarding a task, 210 discarding completed tasks , 210 editing a task, 210 emptying Trash, 211