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Steinberg Halion 3 Manual

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Page 91

Managing Your Sounds
Slot Rack 
91Slot Context Menu
The context menu provides a number of functions for managing programs.
Load Program
Opens the program loader. Double-click a program or layer to load it into this
Save Program
Saves the program. If you try to overwrite write-protected factory content, a
dialog opens that allows you to save the edited program under a new name.
Save Program As
Allows you to save the program under a new name.
Save All Programs
Allows you to save all programs as a VST...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
92Managing and Loading Files
You can use the MediaBay to manage, navigate to, and load different file types.
Managing Multis
Multis can load multiple sounds or programs and combine them.
You can use multis to layer several programs or to create split sounds by setting several
programs to the same MIDI input channel, for example. However, the most common usage is
to create sound sets with different instruments set to individual MIDI channels.

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
93If the entered name already exists, the Make Unique Name option adds a number
suffix to the name of the new multi.
Saving a Multi as Default
•To specify a default multi to be loaded with HALion Sonic, use the Save as Default
command on the context menu for the multi loader.
Creating Subfolders for User-Defined Multis
You can create subfolders inside the user preset folder to organize presets.
•To create a new folder, click the Create New Folder icon at...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
94•To select different filter criteria, click the column header and select a different
attribute from the submenu.
Content Set Filter
Use the Select Content Set pop-up menu to search a specific content set. By default, the
search is performed in all installed content sets.
Results List
The results list shows all files that have been found according to the category filter.
Text Search
In the text search field on the results list toolbar, you can enter text...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
95Content Filters
The content filter buttons allow you to define whether to show all presets, only
the factory presets, or only your user presets.
The columns show all the attribute values for the presets that match the filters
that you set up in the top section.
Set Up Result Columns
Allows you to select which attribute columns to display on the toolbar.
Results Counter
The number of presets that match the filter criteria is displayed at the right...

Page 96

Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
Now, you can use MIDI program change messages to load the assigned sounds into the slot
of the corresponding MIDI channel.
Slot 10 ignores any program change messages and keeps the loaded drum set.
Loading Programs into Slots
To load a program into one of the slots of the Slot Rack, you have the following possibilities:
•Select the slot into which you want to load the program, and double-click the program
in the results list.
•Drag a program...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
97Deleting User Presets
•To delete a user preset, right-click it and select Delete from the context menu.
Factory presets cannot be deleted.
Multi Chains
On the Multi page, you can combine up to 128 multis as a multi chain.
You can step through the multis manually or via MIDI control change messages. This feature
is particularly useful when performing live on stage. It allows you to set up a list of sounds
that follows the order of their appearance...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
98Multi Page
The list of multis in your chain is displayed on the right. If you select a multi in this list, its
name is displayed in the field above the list, and the corresponding programs are displayed
on the left.
•To load the next or the previous multi, use the Load Previous Multi/Load Next Multi
buttons above the list.
•To load a specific multi, select it in the list.
Activates/Deactivates the corresponding program.
Sets the level of the...

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Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files 
99Multi List
The multi list contains 128 slots.
To load a multi in a slot, click the arrow button and select a multi.
Assigning MIDI Controllers to the Previous/Next Buttons
For switching through the multi chain, you can also use MIDI controllers, such as a
potentiometer, a fader, or the modulation wheel.
You can use the same MIDI controller for Load Previous Multi and Load Next Multi, or select
a different controller for each function.
•If the same...

Page 100

100You can automate most of the HALion Sonic parameters from within your host application,
whether these are parameters of a program or global parameters such as AUX effects.
•To automate parameters of multiple layers relatively, use quick controls and automate
these instead.
•Not all parameters can be automated.
Automation Page
All assigned automation parameters are shown on the Automation page.
To access this page, open the Options page and activate the Automation tab at the top.
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