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Steinberg Cubase Le 4 Manual

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Page 131

The Pool
Toolbar overview
The info line
Click the “Show Info” button on the toolbar to show or 
hide the info line at the bottom of the Pool window. It 
shows the following information:
How clips are displayed in the Pool
 Audio clips are represented by a waveform icon followed by 
the clip name.
 Video clips are represented by a camera icon followed by the 
clip name.
The Pool window columns
Various information about the clips can be viewed in the 
Pool window columns. The columns contain the...

Page 132

The Pool
Customizing the view
You can specify which of the columns should be shown 
or hidden by selecting the View/Attributes pop-up on the 
toolbar and selecting/deselecting items.
You can rearrange the order of the columns by clicking 
on a column heading and dragging the column to the left 
or right.
The mouse pointer changes to a hand when you place it on the column 
The width of a column can also be adjusted by placing 
the pointer between two column headers and dragging 
left or...

Page 133

The Pool
3.The clip is inserted on the selected track or on a new 
audio track.
If several tracks are selected, the clip will be inserted on the first selected 
By using drag and drop
You can use drag and drop to insert clips into the Project 
window. You can also use drag and drop from the Sample 
Editor for a clip by making a selection range and pressing 
[Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging. Note:
Snap is taken into account if activated.
While you drag the clip in the Project window, its posi-...

Page 134

The Pool
ÖTo retrieve a clip from the Trash Folder, drag and drop 
it back into an Audio or Video folder.
Removing unused clips from the Pool
This function finds all clips in the Pool that are not used in 
the project. You can then decide whether to move them to 
the Pool Trash folder (where they can be permanently de-
leted) or to remove them from the Pool:
1.Select “Remove Unused Media” on the Media or con-
text menu.
A prompt appears with the text “Move to Trash or Remove From Pool?”
2.Make your...

Page 135

The Pool
The Find Media window
Alternatively to the search pane in the Pool, you can open 
a stand-along Find Media window by selecting the 
“Search Media…” option from the Media or context menu 
(also available from the Project window). This offers the 
same functionality as the search pane. 
To insert a found clip directly into the project from the 
Find Media window, select it in the list in the dialog and 
select one of the “Insert into Project” options from the Me-
dia or context menu.

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The Pool
A file is considered missing under one of the following 
The file has been moved or renamed outside the pro-
gram since the last time you worked with the project, and 
you ignored the Resolve Missing Files dialog when you 
opened the project for the current session.
You have moved or renamed the file outside the pro-
gram during the current session.
You have moved or renamed the folder in which the 
missing files are located.
Locate missing files
1.Select “Find Missing Files”...

Page 137

The Pool
By clicking somewhere in the waveform image for a clip.
The clip will play from the position in the waveform you click until the end 
of the clip, unless you stop playback by clicking the Play button, or by 
clicking anywhere else in the pool window.
Click in the waveform image to audition a clip.
You can adjust the auditioning level with the miniature 
level fader on the toolbar. This does not affect the regular 
playback level.
If you have activated the Loop button before you audition,...

Page 138

The Pool
ÖIt is also possible to use the commands on the Import 
submenu on the File menu to import audio or video files 
into the Pool.
When you select a file in the Import Medium dialog and 
click Open, the Import Options dialog opens:
It contains the following options:
Copy File to Working Directory.
Activate this if you want a copy of the file to be made in the Audio folder 
of the project, and have the clip refer to this copy. If the option is off, the 
clip will refer to the original file in...

Page 139

The Pool
Applying processing to clips in the Pool
You can apply audio processing to clips from within the 
Pool in the same way as to events in the Project window. 
Simply select the clip(s) and choose a processing method 
from the Audio menu. To find out more about audio pro-
cessing, see “Audio processing and functions” on page 
Undo processing
If you have applied processing to a clip, either in the 
Project window or in the Pool, this is indicated by the red 
and grey waveform symbol in the...

Page 140

The Pool
Convert Files
Selecting the option “Convert Files” on the Media or con-
text menu opens the Convert Options dialog which oper-
ates on selected files. Use the pop-up menus to specify 
which audio file attributes you want to keep and which you 
want to convert. The available settings are:
Sample Rate
Keep as is, or convert to a sample rate between 8.000 and 96.000 kHz.
Sample Width
Keep the sample width (resolution) as is, or convert to 16 bit, 24 bit or 
32 Bit float.
Keep as is, or...
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