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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 231

MIDI Recording Specifics
Keep Last
Each completed lap replaces the previously recorded lap. If you deactivate 
recording or press Stop before the cursor reaches the right locator, the 
previous take will be kept. If you do not play or input any MIDI during a lap, 
nothing happens, and the previous take will be kept.
Each recorded cycle lap is turned into a separate MIDI part, and the track is 
divided into lanes, one for each cycle lap. The parts are stacked above each 
other, each...

Page 232

Remaining Record Time
Enabling Retrospective Record
The Retrospective Record setting allows you to capture any MIDI notes that you 
play in Stop mode or during playback and turn them into a MIDI part after the fact. 
This is possible because Cubase can capture MIDI input in buffer memory, even 
when not recording.
1. Select File > Preferences > Record–MIDI.
2. Enable Retrospective Record and specify a Retrospective Record Buffer 
This activates the buffering of MIDI input....

Page 233

Lock Record
Lock Record
The Lock Record function prevents you from accidentally deactivating the record 
•Select File > Key Commands and in the Transport category, assign key 
commands to the Lock Record and Unlock Record commands.
If Lock Record is activated and you want to enter Stop mode, a dialog opens in 
which you need to confirm that you want to stop recording. You can also use the 
Unlock Record key command first and then enter Stop mode as usual.
An automatic punch-out...

Page 234

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantizing means moving recorded audio or MIDI and positioning it on the nearest 
grid position that is musically relevant. Quantizing is designed to correct errors, but 
you can also use it in a creative way.
You can quantize audio and MIDI to a grid or to a groove. You can also quantize 
multiple audio tracks simultaneously.
Audio and MIDI can be quantized at the same time. However, what exactly happens 
during quantizing differs for audio and MIDI:
• Audio quantizing...

Page 235

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
AudioWarp Quantize (Cubase Pro only)
AudioWarp Quantize (Cubase Pro only)
If you want to quantize the content of your audio event by applying time stretch, use 
the “AudioWarp Quantize” function. This function quantizes the audio event by 
aligning the warp markers to the defined quantize grid.
The following happens:
• Warp markers are created at hitpoint positions. If no hitpoints are available, 
they are automatically created. Furthermore, warp markers are created at...

Page 236

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantizing MIDI Event Starts
Quantizing MIDI Event Starts
If you select MIDI notes in a part and use the Quantize function on the Edit menu, 
the MIDI note starts are quantized, that is, the starts of MIDI notes that do not match 
exact note positions are moved to the closest grid positions. The grid is set up on 
the Quantize pop-up menu. The note lengths are maintained.
If you quantize MIDI parts, all events are quantized, even if none is selected.
Quantizing MIDI...

Page 237

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
AudioWarp Quantizing Multiple Audio Tracks (Cubase Pro only)
1. Create an edit group for the audio tracks that you want to quantize.
2. In the Sample Editor, create hitpoints for at least one of the audio tracks that 
you want to quantize, and fine-tune the hitpoint detection result with the 
Threshold slider.
3. Open the Quantize Panel.
4. Set up the parameters in the “Slice Rules” section and click the Slice button.
5. Set up the parameters in the Quantize...

Page 238

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantize Panel
Quantize Panel
The Quantize Panel provides further parameters for defining how to quantize audio 
or MIDI. These parameters allow you to set up a more sophisticated quantization.
Using the Quantize Panel, you can quantize aud i o  o r  M I D I  to  th e  g r i d  o r  t o  a  g r o o v e .  
Depending on what method you choose, different parameters are shown on the 
Quantize Panel. There is also a set of common settings.
You can open the Quantize Panel by...

Page 239

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantize Panel
Grid Display
In the middle of the Quantize Panel the grid display is shown. The green lines 
indicate the quantize grid, that is, the positions that audio or MIDI is moved to.
This setting allows you to set a distance in ticks, so that your audio or MIDI is 
quantized to random positions within the specified distance from the quantize 
grid. This allows for slight variations and, at the same time, prevents your audio 
or MIDI from ending up too far...

Page 240

Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantize Panel
Options For Quantizing to a Musical Grid
On this pop-up menu you can determine the basic value for the quantize grid.
This parameter lets you offset every second position in the grid, creating a 
swing or shuffle feel.
This setting is only available when a straight value is selected for the grid and 
Tuplet is off (see below).
Catch Range
This parameter allows you to specify that quantizing affects only audio or MIDI 
within a certain distance from...
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