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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 221

Audio Recording Specifics
Selecting an Input Bus for the Track
Before you can record on your track, you must add and set up the required input 
busses and specify from which input bus the track will record.
1. In the Inspector for the audio track, open the Input Routing pop-up menu.
2. Select an input bus.
Setting Up the Input and Output Ports on page 18
Setting Up Busses on page 17
Audio Track Inspector on page 83
Recording Audio
You can record audio using any of...

Page 222

Audio Recording Specifics
Audio Record Modes
By selecting an Audio Record Mode you decide what happens to your recording 
and to any existing events on the track where you are recording. This is necessary 
because you will not always record on an empty track. There may be situations 
where you record over existing events, especially in cycle mode.
• To select an Audio Record Mode, click the audio symbol in Record Mode 
section of the Transport panel and select a record mode.
• To close the...

Page 223

Audio Recording Specifics
Recording a Mix of Separate Tracks
You can create a downmix of separate tracks, bass drum, hi-hats, or snare, for 
example. This is done by selecting an output bus, a group bus, or an FX channel bus 
as an input for your recording.
1. Set up your separate tracks and add a group track.
2. For each of the drum tracks, open the Output Routing pop-up menu and 
select the group track as output.
3. Create a new audio track, open the Input Routing pop-up menu...

Page 224

Audio Recording Specifics
Specifying an Audio Pre-Record Time
You can capture up to 1 minute of any incoming audio that you play in Stop mode 
or during playback. This is possible because Cubase can capture audio input in 
buffer memory, even when not recording.
1. Select File > Preferences > Record > Audio.
2. Specify a time (up to 60 seconds) in the Audio Pre-Record Seconds field.
This activates the buffering of audio input, making pre-record possible.
3. Make sure that an audio...

Page 225

MIDI Recording Specifics
• Do not try to actively bring about this kind of situation to test this feature. 
Although the internal program processes have been improved to cope with 
such situations, Steinberg cannot guarantee that other parts of the computer 
are not damaged as a consequence.
MIDI Recording Specifics
The preparations described in the following sections mainly focus on external MIDI 
MIDI Instruments and Channels
Most MIDI synthesizers can play several...

Page 226

MIDI Recording Specifics
Setting the MIDI Input
In the Inspector, you set the MIDI input for the track.
1. In the track list, select the track to which you want to assign a MIDI input.
2. In the topmost Inspector section, open the Input Routing pop-up menu and 
select an input.
The available inputs on the menu depend on the type of MIDI interface that you are 
using. If you hold down [Shift]-[Alt]/[Option], the selected MIDI input is used for all 
selected MIDI tracks.
If you...

Page 227

MIDI Recording Specifics
Selecting a Sound
You can select sounds from within Cubase by instructing the program to send 
Program Change and Bank Select messages to your MIDI device.
1. In the track list, select the track to which you want to assign a sound.
2. In the track list or the Inspector, open the Program Selector pop-up menu 
and select a program.
Program Change messages give access to 128 different program locations.
3. If your MIDI instruments have more than 128 programs,...

Page 228

MIDI Recording Specifics
Recording Different Types of MIDI Messages
You can record different types of MIDI messages.
• To specify which event types are recorded, select File > Preferences > MIDI 
> MIDI Filter and deactivate the options for the type of MIDI message that 
you want to record.
MIDI - MIDI Filter on page 1073
Recording MIDI Notes
If you press and release a key on your synthesizer or on another MIDI keyboard, the 
following messages are recorded:
• Note On (key...

Page 229

MIDI Recording Specifics
You can record Program Change Messages on their own tracks, separately from 
the notes to which they belong. As long as you set the two tracks to the same output 
and MIDI channel, it will appear to the MIDI instrument as if you made the two 
recordings at the same time.
Recording System Exclusive Messages
System Exclusive (SysEx) messages are special types of MIDI messages that are 
used to send data that only makes sense to a unit of a certain make and type.

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MIDI Recording Specifics
• To select a MIDI Record Mode, click the MIDI symbol in the left section of the 
Transport panel.
• To close the MIDI Record Mode panel again, click anywhere outside the 
MIDI Record Mode
New Parts
Existing parts that are overlapped by a new recording are kept. The new 
recording is saved as a new part.
Existing events in parts that are overlapped by a new recording are kept. The 
newly recorded events are added to the existing part.
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