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Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual

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Page 301

AutomationM IDI controller automation
•In the table in the lower section of the dialog, you can specify the record 
destination and the Automation Merge Mode separately for all the available MIDI 
controllers. This gives you full control over the MIDI automation (destination as well 
as merge mode) in your project. 
4.Click in the Record Destination column for a MIDI controller to open the pop-up 
menu where you can choose where you want recorded data of this particular MIDI 
Controller to end up....

Page 302

Audio processing and functions
Audio processing in Cubase can be called “non-destructive”, in the sense that you 
can always undo changes or revert to the original versions. This is possible because 
processing affects audio clips rather than the actual audio files, and because audio 
clips can refer to more than one audio file. This is how it works:
1.If you process an event or a selection range, a new audio file is created in the Edits 
folder, within your project folder. 
This new file...

Page 303

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
ÖIf you activate “Please, don’t ask again”, any further processing you do will conform to 
the selected method (“Continue” or “New Version”). You can change this setting at 
any time by using the “On Processing Shared Clips” pop-up menu in the Preferences 
dialog (Editing–Audio page). Also, “Create New Version” will now be displayed as an 
option in the dialog for the processing function.
Common settings and features
If there are any settings for the...

Page 304

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
The Envelope function allows you to apply a volume envelope to the selected audio. 
The dialog contains the following settings:
Curve Kind buttons
These determine whether the envelope curve consists of spline curve segments (left 
button), damped spline segments (middle button) or linear segments (right button).
Envelope display
Shows the shape of the envelope curve. The resulting waveform shape is shown in 
dark gray, with the current waveform...

Page 305

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
Clipping detection text
If you use the Preview function before applying the processing, the text below the 
slider indicates whether the current settings result in clipping (audio levels above 
 dB). If that is the case, lower the Gain value and use the Preview function again.
•If you want to increase the level of the audio as much as possible without causing 
clipping, use the Normalize function instead (see 
“Normalize” on page 306).

Page 306

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
Min. Opening Time
This is the shortest time the gate will remain open. If you find that the gate opens and 
closes too often when processing material that varies rapidly in level, try raising this 
Release Time
The time it takes for the gate to close fully after the audio level has dropped below the 
threshold level.
Linked Channels
This is available for stereo audio only. When it is activated, the Noise Gate is opened 
for both channels as soon...

Page 307

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
Pitch Shift
This function allows you to change the pitch of the audio with or without affecting its 
length. You can also create “harmonies” by specifying several pitches or apply pitch 
shift based on a user specified envelope curve.
When the Transpose tab is selected, the dialog contains the following parameters:
Keyboard display
This is a graphic overview of the transposition setting. Here, you can specify the 
transpose interval in semitones.

Page 308

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
•If the intervals you add make up a standard chord, this chord is displayed to the 
Note, however, that to include the base pitch (the original, untransposed sound) in 
the processed result, you need to click the base key in the keyboard display as 
well, so that it is displayed in blue.
Listen Key/Chord button
Clicking this button plays a test tone pitched according to the activated interval key on 
the keyboard display. If “Multi Shift” is...

Page 309

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
Envelope display
Shows the shape of the envelope curve over the waveform image of the audio 
selected for processing. Envelope curve points above the center line indicate positive 
pitch shift, while curve points below the center line indicate negative pitch shift. 
Initially, the envelope curve will be a horizontal, centered line, indicating zero pitch 
•You can click on the curve to add points, and click and drag existing points to 
change the...

Page 310

Audio processing and functionsAudio processing
Pitch Shift Mode
These are the same parameters as on the Transpose tab, see “Algorithm Settings” on 
page 308.
Let’s say that you wish to create a pitchbend effect, so that the pitch is raised linearly 
by exactly 2 semitones in a specific part of the selected audio.
1.Remove all curve points by clicking the Reset button.
2.Select a linear curve by clicking the Curve Kind button to the right.
3.Make sure that the Range parameter is set to 2...
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