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Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual

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Page 291

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
ÖThe automation mode for On/Off switches is always Auto-Latch (even if another mode 
is selected globally or for the track).
The Cross-Over mode is a kind of “manual return time” option (see “Automation 
Preferences” on page 297). The Cross-Over mode can be used in situations where 
you are not satisfied with an automation curve or with the automatically applied return 
settings. Cross-Over mode allows you to perform a “manual return” to ensure...

Page 292

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
•In Play mode, the events of the original automation curve are trimmed as the 
project cursor passes over them.
Trim in Play mode, in combination with Fill to Punch
Freeze Trim
You can freeze your trim curve automatically or manually and render all trim data into a 
single automation curve. 
To freeze your trim curve automatically, open the Freeze Trim pop-up menu in the 
Automation Settings. Select “On Pass End” to perform a freeze whenever a write...

Page 293

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
The Functions pop-up menu
At the top right of the Automation panel, you will find the Functions pop-up menu, 
which contains a number of global automation commands.
The following functions are available:
The Fill options
The Fill options define what happens in a specific section of your project when you 
punch out of a running automation pass.
The Fill options write one particular value across a defined section of your automation 
track – any previously...

Page 294

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
3.Move the fader until you have found the volume setting you need in the chorus and 
release the fader to punch out.
The volume curve is set from the point of punch out back to where you punched in. 
The values written while moving the fader to find the right value are deleted, and 
the volume jumps at exactly the right moment from the value set in the verse to the 
value found for the chorus.
To Start
“To Start” is similar to the “To Punch” option, but...

Page 295

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
Fill combinations
You can also combine the various Fill options. 
•Combining “To Punch” and “To End” will fill the automation track from the punch in 
position to the end of the project.
•Combining “To Start” and “To End” will fill the automation track from the beginning 
to the end of the project.
Feel free to experiment!
One shot vs. continuous fill
The Fill options can be used in two different ways:
•One shot: When you click one of the Fill buttons, it...

Page 296

AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only)
4.Release the mouse button.
At the moment of release, a final automation event is created. The automation 
curve is written from this last event through to the end of the project.
This procedure can be used with all the Fill options. 
The Suspend options
The parameters or parameter groups selected here are excluded from the reading or 
writing of automation data – giving you full manual control of these parameters. 
ÖThe “Others” options refer to all...

Page 297

AutomationAutomation Preferences
The Show options
The Show options on the Automation panel always affect all tracks. Clicking these 
buttons opens the automation tracks for the corresponding parameters, e.
 g. Volume 
or Pan. This makes it easy to look at your EQ settings on several tracks, for example.
•When you click either Volume, Pan, EQ, Sends, or Inserts, this will open the 
corresponding automation track(s) for all tracks.
The automation tracks will be opened even if no automation data was...

Page 298

AutomationHints and further options
Hints and further options
Automation key commands
In the Key Commands dialog (opened from the File menu in Cubase), in the 
Commands section on the left, you will find an Automation category which lists all 
automation commands to which you can assign key commands.
How to assign key commands is described in detail in the chapter “Key commands” 
on page 711.
About linking and automation
•Cubase allows you to link, in the MixConsole window, various parameters between...

Page 299

AutomationM IDI controller automation
MIDI controller automation
Merging automation data
When working with Cubase, it is possible to record automation data for MIDI 
controllers in two places: as MIDI part data and as data on an automation track. 
If you have such “conflicting” automation data, you can specify separately for every 
parameter how these will be combined during playback. This is done by selecting an 
Automation Merge Mode in the track list for the automation track.
The following options...

Page 300

AutomationM IDI controller automation
MIDI Controller Automation Setup settings
In the MIDI Controller Automation Setup dialog, you can specify how existing MIDI 
automation is handled on playback and where new automation data is recorded, in a 
MIDI part or as track automation.
Proceed as follows:
1.On the MIDI menu, select “CC Automation Setup…”.
A dialog opens.
2.On the “Record Destination on conflict (global)” pop-up menu, specify the record 
destination for MIDI controller data.
This determines...
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