Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual
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281 AutomationWriting automation data Automatic writing of automation data Every action you perform is automatically recorded on automation tracks which you can later open for viewing and editing. To enable the recording of automation events, proceed as follows: 1.Open an automation track by clicking on the “Show/Hide Automation” button of a track in the track list. 2.Enable the Write button for the track and adjust the desired parameters in the MixConsole, in the Channel Settings window, or in the...
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282 AutomationWriting automation data 5.If you click and hold, you can draw a curve by adding many automation events. Note that the track color in the track list changes to red to indicate that automation data is being written. 6.When you release the mouse button, the number of automation events is reduced, but the basic shape of the curve remains the same. This “thinning out” of events is governed by the Reduction Level setting in the Automation Settings section of the Automation Preferences, see...
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283 AutomationEditing automation events •Line tool – Sine, Triangle, or Square mode To activate the Line tool in these modes, click on the Line tool and click again to open a pop-up menu where you can select the desired option. If you click and drag on the automation track with the Line tool in Sine, Triangle, or Square mode and snap to grid is activated, the period of the curve (the length of one curve “cycle”) is determined by the grid setting. If you press [Shift] and drag, you can set the period...
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284 AutomationEditing automation events In the automation track editor, smart controls appear on the borders of the editor. These controls allow you to activate a specific editing mode: ÖIf you hold down [Shift] while clicking on any of the smart controls, you get the vertical scaling mode. •To scale the automation curves on several tracks at the same time, drag a selection rectangle across the corresponding automation tracks, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and use the scaling smart controls. •To move...
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285 AutomationAutomation track operations Removing automation events There are several ways to remove events: •By selecting events and pressing [Backspace] or [Delete] or selecting Delete from the Edit menu, or by clicking on an event with the Erase tool. This will remove the events. The curve is redrawn to connect the remaining events. •By selecting a range (with the Range Selection tool), and pressing [Backspace] or [Delete] or selecting Delete from the Edit menu. •By clicking on the automation...
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286 AutomationAutomation track operations Assigning a parameter to an automation track Default parameters are already assigned to automation tracks when you open them, according to their order in the Add Parameter list. To select which parameter an open automation track displays, proceed as follows: 1.Open an automation track and click on the automation parameter name. A parameter list is shown. The contents depend on the track type. •If the parameter you wish to automate is available on the pop-up...
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287 AutomationAutomation track operations Note that the “replacing” of the parameter displayed in the automation track is completely non-destructive. If the automation track contains any automation data for the parameter you just replaced, this data is there, although it is not visible. By clicking on the automation parameter name in the track list, you can switch back to the replaced parameter. On the pop-up menu, all automated parameters are indicated by an asterisk (*) after the parameter name....
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288 AutomationAutomation track operations Showing only used automation tracks If a lot of automation tracks are used, it may be impractical to have them all open in the track list. If you want to view only the automation tracks that are used (i. e. those that actually contain automation events), do one of the following: •To close all automation tracks not containing automation events, right-click any track in the track list and select the “Show All Used Automation” option from the pop-up menu. This...
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289 AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only) The Automation panel (Cubase only) The Automation panel is a floating window, similar to the MixConsole and Transport panel, and can be left open while you work. The Project window will always have the focus. To show the Automation panel, open the Project menu and select the Automation Panel option or click the “Open Automation Panel” button on the Project window toolbar. The Read/Write buttons In the upper part of the Automation panel, you will find...
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290 AutomationThe Automation panel (Cubase only) Note that you can change the automation mode at any time, i. e. in play or stop mode or during an automation pass. You can also assign key commands to the automation modes, see “Automation key commands” on page 298. The current automation pass will always punch out as soon as one of the following conditions is met, independent of which automation mode is selected: - If you disable Write. - If you stop playback. - If you activate Fast Forward/Rewind. -...