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Steinberg Cubase 6 Manual

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Page 321

The MediaBay
•“Auto Play New Results Selection” works as for audio 
files, see above.
The Filters section
With the MediaBay, you can perform very refined file 
searches. You have two possibilities: Logical or Attribute 
Applying a logical filter
Logical filtering is similar to working with the Logical Edi-
tor (Cubase only), see the chapter “The Logical Editor, 
Transformer, and Input Transformer” on page 440.
If you click the Logical button in the Filters section, you 
can set up complex...

Page 322

The MediaBay
Advanced text search
You can also perform very advanced text searches using 
boolean operators. Proceed as follows:
1.Select the desired location.
2.Activate Logical filtering by clicking on the Logical but-
ton at the top of the Filters section.
A condition line appears.
3.Select the desired attribute on the Attributes pop-up 
menu, or leave the setting on “Any Attribute”.
4.Make sure that the condition is set to “matches”.
5.Specify the desired text in the field to the right using...

Page 323

The MediaBay
•Selected attribute values in the same column form an 
OR condition.
This means that files must be tagged according to either one or the other 
attribute value to be displayed in the Results list.
ÖNote that this is not true for the Character attribute, 
which always forms an AND condition, see below.
•Attribute values in different columns form an AND con-
This means that files must be tagged according to all these attribute val-
ues to be shown in the Results list.

Page 324

The MediaBay
•Click the Defined button to show a configured set of at-
tributes for the selected media type.
In this mode, you can choose which attributes are displayed (regardless 
of whether corresponding values are available for the selected files). For 
more information on how to set up the list of displayed attributes, see 
“Managing the attribute lists” on page 326.
Editing attributes (tagging)
The search functions, especially the attribute filter, become 
a truly powerful media management tool...

Page 325

The MediaBay
About the color scheme used in the Attribute Inspector
The colors used for the displayed values in the Attribute 
Inspector have the following meaning:
Information on the meaning of the colors used in the Attri-
bute Inspector are also displayed in a tooltip when you 
move the mouse pointer over one of the color icons below 
the Attribute Inspector.
Editing attributes in the Results list
You can also edit attributes directly in the Results list. This 
allows you for example to assign...

Page 326

The MediaBay
•You can change the write-protection status of your me-
dia files, provided that the file type allows write operations 
and you have the necessary operation system permis
sions: To set or remove the write protection attribute for a 
file, simply select the file in the Results list and select 
“Set/Remove Write Protection” from the context menu.
ÖIf you use other programs than Cubase to change the 
write-protection status of a file, this will not be reflected in 
the MediaBay until you...

Page 327

The MediaBay
5.Click OK.
The new attribute is added to the list of available attributes and will be 
displayed in the Attribute Inspector and the Results list.
•To remove a user attribute, select it in the attribute list 
and click the “Remove User Attribute” button (the “-” sign).
The attribute is removed from any attribute list.
•Cubase recognizes all user attributes that are included 
in media files. For example, if you load content from an
other user, who has assigned his own user tags to the...

Page 328

The MediaBay
Key commands
You can display the available MediaBay key commands 
from within the MediaBay window. This is useful if you 
want to get a quick overview over the assigned and the 
available MediaBay key commands.
To open the Key Commands pane, proceed as follows:
•Click the Key Commands button in the lower left corner 
of the window.
A transparent pane appears, covering the window. In the center of it is a 
gray area where the available key commands are displayed.
•If you only want to get...

Page 329

The MediaBay
The Presets browser opens:
Applying instrument presets
When working with VST instruments, you can choose 
from a variety of presets via the Presets pop-up menu. 
The Presets browser opens:
VST presets for instruments can be divided into two 
groups: “presets” containing the settings of the whole plug-
in (for multi-timbral instruments, this means the settings for 
all sound slots as well as the global settings) and “pro
grams” containing only the settings for one program (for...

Page 330

The MediaBay
Creating a volume database
To create a separate volume database file for a drive, pro-
ceed as follows:
1.In the Define Locations section of the MediaBay, se-
lect the external storage medium, drive or partition of your 
computer system that you want to create a database for.
2.Right-click on it and select “Create Volume Database” 
on the context menu.
The file information for this drive is now written into a new database file.
When the new database file is available, this is reflected...
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