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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 561

Working with symbols
Adding a slur/tie between two notes
1.Select two notes.
2.Click the correct slur/tie symbol in the Inspector, so 
that the Pencil tool is selected.
3.Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and [Shift] and click on 
one of the two notes.
The slur/tie is added between the two selected notes.
Inserting a slur over a selection of notes
1.Select a span of notes.
2.Pull down the Scores menu and select “Insert Slur”.
A slur is created, starting at the first selected note and ending at the last.

Page 562

Working with symbols
Adding a keyboard symbol
The “Other” tab contains a piano keyboard symbol, useful 
for example in educational scores. The symbol has the fol-
lowing properties:
To insert the keyboard symbol, select it from the Inspec-
tor, click with the Pencil tool at the desired position and 
drag a box to specify the approximate size of the keyboard.
After you have inserted the keyboard symbol, you can 
drag its edges to resize it vertically or horizontally.
If you right-click on an inserted...

Page 563

Working with symbols
To add a capodaster number, click to the left of the 
Consecutive clicks allow you to step through the possibilities.
You can also add a capodaster symbol (a line over the 
strings), by setting the “Capo String” parameter to a value 
higher than 0.
By adjusting the Capo End and Start values, you can create capodaster 
symbols that span fewer strings.
Use the “Size” value field to adjust the size of the chord 
If you want the symbol to be horizontal, activate the...

Page 564

Working with symbols
There are also two additional checkboxes in the Guitar 
Library dialog:
Inserting symbols from the library
Apart from the “Use for Make Chords” option above, there 
are two ways to insert symbols from the guitar library into 
the score:
Use the Functions pop-up menu on the Guitar Library 
subpage of the Score settings–Project page when creat-
ing or editing guitar symbols.
Right-click on a guitar symbol in the score and select a 
chord symbol from the Presets submenu on the...

Page 565

Working with symbols
Using layout symbols
Symbols inserted from the Layout tab belong to the layout 
layer. When you are editing a layout containing several 
tracks, you can have inserted layout symbols automatically 
copied to any combination of tracks in the layout. You de-
cide which staves should display layout symbols by ticking 
their “L” column in the Score Settings–Layout page 
(opened by selecting “Settings…” on the Scores menu).
Here, layout symbols will be displayed for the first two...

Page 566

Working with symbols
2.Assign each event type to a layer (1, 2 or 3).
It is a good idea to specify different layers for event types that might con-
flict “graphically”. For example, you might want to assign bar numbers 
and note symbols to different layers, if you find that you accidentally 
move bar numbers when editing note symbols and vice versa.
3.Click OK to close the dialog.
Alternatively, you can right-click on one of the Layer but-
tons (1-2-3) on the extended toolbar to bring up a pop-up...

Page 567

Working with symbols
The rulers 
Unlike other editors, the Score Editor does not have a 
meter/time position-based ruler. Instead, its rulers are 
“graphical”, i.e. they indicate the actual x-y position of ob-
jects (with “zero” at the upper left corner).
The current pointer position is indicated by thin lines in 
the rulers.
To hide the rulers, pull down the pop-up menu above 
the scroll bar to the right and select “Off”.
This pop-up menu can also be shown by right-clicking in the ruler.
To display...

Page 568

Working with symbols
Moving and duplicating with the bar handles
This function allows you to move or copy the contents of a 
whole bar to one or several other bars. You can select 
which elements in the bar should be included in the oper-
ation. Proceed as follows:
1.Bring up the display filter bar by clicking the “Show Fil-
ter View” button on the toolbar.
2.On the filter bar, make sure the “Bar Handles” option 
is activated.
Now, each bar in the score is shown with a handle in the upper left...

Page 569

Working with symbols
To reset the vertical positions of note symbols and slurs 
in a score, right-click on the corresponding object and se-
lect “Default position” from the context menu.
Changing length, size and shape
You can change the shape of any symbol that has a 
length. Proceed as follows:
Changing the length of a symbol
1.Select the symbol.
The handles appear.
Symbols with a length have two handles when selected.
2.Drag one of the handles.
You may be restricted to vertically or horizontally...

Page 570

Working with symbols
Deleting symbols
This is done as with all other objects in Cubase, either 
with the Erase tool or by selecting it and pressing [Delete] 
or [Backspace].
Copy and paste
All symbols except those in the Layout and Project tabs 
can be copied and pasted just as any other object in Cu-
base. The following applies:
Symbols that were tied to notes (e.g. accents) will be-
come “free-floating” objects when pasted. 
That is, they are not tied to any note any more. If this is not what you...
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