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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 551

Additional note and rest formatting
3.Click on the note and drag it to the desired position.
Note that movement is restricted to horizontally only.
ÖYou can also automatically select all notes making up 
a chord, by holding down [Alt]/[Option] and clicking on 
one of the notes with the Layout tool.
By using the computer keyboard
You can assign key commands for moving objects graph-
ically. In the Key Commands dialog on the File menu, the 
commands are found under the Nudge category and 

Page 552

Additional note and rest formatting
Grace notes
You can turn any note into a grace note. Grace notes are 
considered to be notes without lengths. This means that 
once a note is turned into a grace note it does not affect 
the rest of the score display in any way.
Before and after converting to grace notes. Note that after the conver-
sion, the grace notes no longer “interfere” with the interpretation of the 
other notes.
Creating grace notes manually
1.Locate the note for which you want a grace...

Page 553

Additional note and rest formatting
 As display quantize. This is the method you use when the tu-
plet is recorded and plays back as you want it, but is not dis-
played correctly.
Actually, in the first case, you make permanent alterations 
and set display quantize settings, all in one go. In the se-
cond case you only make display quantize settings.
With permanent change to MIDI data
1.Insert as many notes as the tuplet consists of.
This would typically be 5, 7 or 9. If the tuplet contains rests,...

Page 554

Additional note and rest formatting
Tuplet display options
On the Score Settings–Project page, Notation Style sub-
page (“Tuplets” category), you find the following settings 
for tuplets:
Option Description
BracketsThere are three possible settings for this option:
– None: Tuplets never have brackets.
– Always: Tuplets always have brackets.
– …by the head: Brackets are shown only when the tu-
plets are displayed on the “head side”.
Display Tuplet 
values by the 
BeamsWhen this is activated,...

Page 555

Working with symbols 

Page 556

Working with symbols
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
 What the different types of symbols are.
 How to insert and edit symbols.
 Details about special symbols.
Background: The different layers
A score page is always made up of three layers – the note 
layer, the layout layer and the project layer. When you add 
symbols, these will be inserted into one of these layers, de-
pending on the type of symbol. The symbols that have a re-
lation to notes – accents, dynamic markings, slurs,...

Page 557

Working with symbols
Which symbols are part of which layer is described in the 
section “The available symbols” on page 558 and onwards.
The Symbols Inspector
To display the Symbols Inspector, click the Show Sym-
bols button on the toolbar.
Customizing the Symbols Inspector
You can customize the appearance of the Symbols In-
spector by showing/hiding tabs and by specifying their or-
der in the Inspector.
Showing/Hiding Symbols Inspector tabs
If you right-click on any tab in the Inspector, a context...

Page 558

Working with symbols
2.Select “Open as Palette” from the context menu.
The selected tab will be shown as palette.
Moving and handling palettes
Palettes are handled as any window, which means that 
you can:
Move a palette to another position by dragging its title 
Close a palette by clicking its close button.
In addition, you can select whether the palette should be 
shown horizontally or vertically, by right-clicking and se-
lecting “Toggle” from the context menu.
The available symbols

Page 559

Working with symbols
and a saxophone part), it will not be there when you view 
each track by itself in the Score Editor. If you want the 
same symbols to appear in other layouts as well, you can 
copy the form of one layout to another. If you want a sym-
bol to appear in all layouts, use the Project tab.
Adding symbols to the score
Making space and handling margins
If you find there is not enough space between staves to 
add symbols (like for example text), see “Dragging staves” 
on page 604 for...

Page 560

Working with symbols
Adding a symbol without tying it to a note
Note-dependent symbols can be entered freely, too. This 
allows you to add a fermata to a rest symbol for example.
1.Make sure the correct staff is active.
2.Click the symbol so that the Pencil tool is selected, as 
described above.
3.Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and click where you 
want to add the symbol.
Adding other symbols
1.Open the desired symbol tab in the Inspector.
2.Click on the symbol you want to add.
3.Click once or click and...
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