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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 521

Entering and editing notes
2.Locate the “Length” setting.
By default, this is set to “Auto”, which means that the note is displayed 
according to its actual length (and the Display Quantize settings).
3.Double-click in the value field and enter a new length 
value (displayed in bars, beats, sixteenth notes and ticks).
To set the display length to “Auto” again, scroll the value down to zero.
4.Click Apply and close the dialog.
The note is now displayed according to its display length setting. How-...

Page 522

Entering and editing notes
Strategies: Multiple staves
As described above, when you have parts on several tracks 
selected in the Project window, these will be put on one 
staff each, when you open the Score Editor. This allows 
you to work on several staves in parallel.
Working with several staves is not much different from 
working with one. Below follow some guidelines that apply 
specifically to working with multiple staves.
Score settings–Staff page
 The settings on the Score Settings–Staff page...

Page 523

Entering and editing notes
Inserting a symbol on all staves
If you hold down [Alt]/[Option] when you insert a symbol 
with the Pencil tool, it will be inserted at this position on all 
staves currently being edited in the Score Editor.
Time signature changes are always inserted on all 
tracks in the score.
Or rather, they are inserted on the signature track, which affects all 
For key changes, Display Transpose is taken into 
This allows you to set all staves to a new key and the...

Page 524

Staff settings 

Page 525

Staff settings
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
 How to make staff settings.
 How to work with staff presets.
Staff settings
Below follows a run-through of all staff settings, more de-
tailed information about the ones already described and 
references to other places in the manual for some options.
The Staff page has four tabs – here, the Main tab is selected.
Making settings
1.Open the Score Settings–Staff page.
2.With the dialog open, make the desired staff active.
Click anywhere...

Page 526

Staff settings
Applying a preset directly in the score
If you right-click on the blue rectangle to the left of a staff, 
a context menu will appear, listing all available presets. 
Select one to apply it to the staff.
How staff presets are stored
The staff presets are stored as individual files in the Pre-
sets–Staff Presets folder within the Cubase program 
folder. The presets are available for selection in any project 
you create or edit.
Staff names
These fields allow you to specify a “long” and a...

Page 527

Staff settings
Display Quantize values
Notes and Rests
Generally, the Notes value should be set to a value 
equal to, or smaller than, the “smallest note position” you 
want to be shown in the score.
The Rests value should be set to a value equal to, or 
smaller than, the smallest note value (length) you want to 
be displayed for a single note, positioned on a beat.
If the score contains only triplets, or mostly triplets, se-
lect one of the Triplet options.
Auto Quantize
If the project contains no...

Page 528

Staff settings
For a “modern” notation of syncopated notes, activate 
Without and with Syncopation
Again, without and with Syncopation
Note that you can insert “exceptions” to the Syncopation 
setting on the Score Settings–Staff page, by using the 
Display Quantize tool. You can also create tied notes in 
various combinations by using the Cut Notes tool.
Consolidate Rests
Activate this when you want small consecutive rests 
joined into one (an eight note rest and a sixteenth note 

Page 529

Staff settings
Display Transpose
This is used when preparing parts for instruments that are 
not scored at the actual concert key. For example, if you 
want the note C3 to be played by an alto sax, you have to 
score it as an A3 – nine semitones up. Luckily, the Display 
Transpose setting takes care of this for you:
Use the pop-up menu to select the instrument for which 
you’re scoring.
If the pop-up menu does not list your instrument, you can 
set the desired transposition with the Semitones value...

Page 530

Staff settings
System Sizes
This section allows you to set the number of system lines 
and to control spacing between the lines:
Score Drum Map
These settings are described in the chapter “Scoring for 
drums” on page 609.
Fixed Stems
Activate this if you want all note stems to end at the same 
vertical position. This feature is perhaps most often used 
when scoring for drums (see “Setting up a staff for drum 
scoring” on page 612).
A drum pattern with Fixed Stem length activated
The Up and Down...
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