Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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Page 391
C-72 Progra mming Tables Tabl e C-2 0: Ins ert /Del et e Tabl es Tabl eDigits D iale d 00 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 01 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 02 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 03 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 04 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 05 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 06 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 07 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 08 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ]...
Page 392
Programming Tables C-73 10 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 11 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 12 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 13 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 14 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 15 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 16 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 17 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 18 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 19 INSERT [1] PRE [2 ] P OS T DE...
Page 393
C-74 Progra mming Tables Table C-21: 3-Digit Area /Of fice Code Route Lis t Table Non-L ead ing (0) Leading (1)Code (NNN)Ro ute ( RR)No.of Dig its6-Di gi t (Y/N)Non-Leading(0) Leading (1)Code (N NN)Rou te ( RR)No.of Digits6-D igi t (Y/N ) 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11
Page 394
Programming Tables C-75 Ta ble C-22 : 6-Di gi t A rea Co de/Ro uti ng Tabl e Area C ode Rou te
Page 395
C-76 Progra mming Tables TableC-23:6-Digit OfficeCodeTable Code #Exception Codes (XX)R oute (00-15) (RR )Cod e #Ex c e pt i o n C o de s (XX)Rout e (00-15) (R R ) 111 212 313 414 515 616 717 818 919 10 20
Page 396
Nu meri cs 3 CO Line/8 Digital Station Board 9-5 3 CO Line/8 Single Line Station Board 9-5 A Acc ount Codes 2-13, 3-5, 5-8, 6-6 Forced 2-13 Traveling COS (Verified) 2-13 Acc ou n t Co des/Travelin g CO S 5- 8 ACD 2-1 5, 3-5, 5-12, 6-6 ACD Call Facto r 5 -17 ACD Call Qualification 5-17 Answering Mac hine Emulation 2-14, 5-10 Attendant Assignment 2-14 Features 4-4 Rec al l 2-1 4 Attendant O verride 7 -20 Attendant Unavailable (Alternate Po- si t i o n) 7- 7 Automatic Call Back Timer 2-14 Li n e A cc e ss...
Page 397
iiMar ch 20 01 Groups 2-32 Identific ation 2-32 Incoming Ringing Assignment 2- 33 Loop Button 2-33 Loop Supervision 2-34 Pool Button O peration 2-34 Queuing 2-34, 3-7 Ringing Options 2 -34 CO Line A ccess 5-38 CO Line Queuing 5 -38 CO Lines Off-Net Forward - Incoming (via Speed Dial) 7 -9 CO Ring Detect 2-3 5 Conference 2-35, 3-7 Conference Combinations 5-39 Conference With Personal Park 3-8 CSIB 9-5 D Database Printout ( Dump) 2-36 Upload/Download 2-36 Day/Night/Spec ial Mode 7-10 Dial By Name 2-3 6,...
Page 398
Mar ch 20 01ii i Headset Mode 2-47, 5-52 Hold Exclusive 2-47 Prefere nc e 2-48 Rec al l 2-4 8 System 2-4 8 Hold - Exclusive 5-5 2 Hot Keypad 2-48, 5-53 Hot Line/Ring Down 2-48 Hunt Groups 2-49 I ICLID Answered Call Management Ta- ble 5-53 ICLID Answered Call Mgmt Table 7-16 ICLID Unanswered Call Management Table 5-54 ICLID Unanswered Call Mgmt Table 7- 17 ICLID/Caller ID 2 -50 Idle Speaker Mode 2-52 Inc oming CO Call Transfer 2-5 2 Intercom Button(s) 2-52 Calling 2-53, 3-9 Signaling Select 2-53 Intercom...
Page 399
ivMar ch 20 01 Signaling 2-60 Vo i ce Ov e r 2- 60 Off-Hook Preferenc e 5-67 Of f-Hoo k Voice Over ( OHVO) 5-68 OHVO 2-60 One-Time Do Not Disturb 5-46 One-Touch R ecording 2-61, 5-71 On-Hook Dialing 2-6 1 Online P rogramming 2 -61 Optional Boards 9-6 Outgoing Ac cess - Attendant Disable 7-20 Ou tside Call 5 -73 Ou tside Call - An swer 7-2 0 Outside Call - Place 7 -21 P Pag e/Relay Co ntro l 2- 61 Paging 2-62, 3 -11 , 5-7 4 Park - P erso n al 5-7 5 Park Pers o nal 2 -62 Pause Timer 2-63 PB X Dialin g Co...
Page 400
Mar ch 20 01v U UCD 2-72, 3-5, 5-90 UDA/UNA 2 -75 , 3-1 3, 5-92 Uniform Call Distribution 2-7 2, 5-90 Universal Day/Night Answer 2 -75 , 3- 13, 5-92 V VM 2-7 5, 3-13, 5-93 Voice Mail Groups 2-75, 3 -13 , 5-9 3 Volume Control B ar 2-77, 5-95 Z Za p To n e 5- 96