Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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C-52 Progra mming Tables T a b l e C - 1 3: AC D G r o u p Pa ra me te rs ( F L A SH 6 0) Prog ra m Cod eFlex Bt nFu ncti on Da ta FLA SH 6 0 ACD* Group 552 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 O ver flow Station 4Supervisor 5CIQThreshold(00-99) 6 Wrap-Up Timer (000-999) 7 Primary Agent 8SecondaryAgent 9GuaranteedRAN 10 Primary RAN 11 Secondary RAN 12 Tra nsferred RAN 13 Over flow Timer (000-600) 14 Call Factor (0-999) ACD* Group 553 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 O ver flow Station...
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Programming Tables C-53 T a b l e C - 1 3: AC D G r o u p Pa ra me te rs ( F L A SH 6 0) Pro gra m Cod eFl e x Bt nF uncti on Da ta FL AS H 6 0 ACD* Group 554 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rfl ow Sta tion 4Supervisor 5CIQThreshold(00-99) 6 Wrap-Up Ti mer (000-999) 7 Primary Agent 8SecondaryAgent 9GuaranteedRAN 10 Primary RAN 11 Second ary RAN 12 Tra nsferred RAN 13 Overfl ow Ti mer (000-600) 14 Call Fac tor (0-999) ACD* Group 555 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rfl ow Sta...
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C-54 Progra mming Tables T a b l e C - 1 3: AC D G r o u p Pa ra me te rs ( F L A SH 6 0) Pro gra m Cod eFl e x Bt nF uncti on Da ta FL AS H 6 0 ACD* Group 556 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rfl ow Sta tion 4Supervisor 5CIQThreshold(00-99) 6 Wrap-Up Ti mer (000-999) 7 Primary Agent 8SecondaryAgent 9GuaranteedRAN 10 Primary RAN 11 Second ary RAN 12 Tra nsferred RAN 13 Overfl ow Ti mer (000-600) 14 Call Fac tor (0-999) ACD* Group 557 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rfl ow Sta...
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Programming Tables C-55 Table C-13: ACD Group Parameters Program Cod eFl e x Bt nFun ctio nALT (9)OV R (10)RAN (11)SUPV (12)Stations (Up to 16) FLASH 61 1 ACD Ring Ti mer 000-300 06 0 2ACDMessageInterval Tim er000-600 06 0 3 ACD Overflow Timer 000-300 06 0 4 5ACDNo-AnswerRecall Tim er000-30000 0 6ACDNo-AnswerRetry Tim er000-999 30 0 7GuaranteedMessage Tim er000-300 05 FLASH 62 ACD R AN Announ cement Tables 1 Announcem ent Table #1 YXXXMM M None 2 Announcem ent Table #2 YXXXMM M None 3 Announcem ent Table...
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C-56 Progra mming Tables Table C-14: UCD Group Pa ra me ters Prog ra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction ALT OVR RANSt at io n s (Up to 16) FLASH 60 UCD Gro up Programming 1UCDGroup0(550) 2UCDGroup1(551) 3UCDGroup2(552) 4UCDGroup3(553) 5UCDGroup4(554) 6UCDGroup5(555) 7UCDGroup6(556) 8UCDGroup7(557) Prog ra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction Format DefaultCu stom er Da ta FLASH 61 UC D Timers 1UCDRingTimer 000-300 060 2 UCD Message Inter val Timer 000-600 060 3UCDOverflowTimer 000-600 060 4 UCD Wrap-up Timer 000-999 004 5 U CD...
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Programming Tables C-57 Table C-15: Voice Mail Group Parameters Pr ogra m Co deFlex BtnF un ctio n ALT LV RTV E x te nsion s FLA SH 6 5 1 V o i c e M ai l G r o u p 0 ( 44 0) 0 1 2 Voice M ail Group 1 (441) None None 3 Voice M ail Group 2 (442) None None 4 Voice M ail Group 3 (443) None None 5 Voice M ail Group 4 (444) None None 6 Voice M ail Group 5 (445) None None 7 Voice M ail Group 6 (446) None None 8 Voice M ail Group 7 (447) None None FLA SH 6 6 V oi ce M a il I n-Ba nd Si gna l ing...
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C-58 Progra mming Tables Program CodeFlex BtnFu n c ti o n D e f a u lt FL AS H 6 7 Voice Mail In -Band Featu res 1 Voice Mail I n-Ba nd Digits Enabl ed 2 Voice Mail Tra nsfer/For wa rd Enabl ed 3VMBroker Enabled 4 VM ID Digits 3
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Programming Tables C-59 Table C-16: Ma ilbox Ta ble (FLASH 68) Ind e xGroup ID Digits IndexGr oup ID D igi ts 00 440 18440 01 440 19440 02 440 20440 03 440 21440 04 440 22440 05 440 23440 06 440 24440 07 440 25440 08 440 26440 09 440 27440 10 440 28440 11 440 29440 12 440 30440 13 440 31440 14 440 32440 15 440 33440 16 440 34440 17 440 35440
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C-60 Progra mming Tables 36440 51440 37 440 52440 38 440 53440 39 440 54440 40 440 55440 41 440 56440 42 440 57440 43 440 58440 44 440 59440 45 440 60440 46 440 61440 47 440 62440 48 440 63440 49 440 64440 50 440 65440 Table C-16: Ma ilbox Ta ble (FLASH 68) Ind e xGroup ID Digits IndexGr oup ID D igi ts
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Programming Tables C-61 66440 85440 67 440 86440 68 440 87440 69 440 88440 70 440 89440 71 440 90440 72 440 91440 73 440 92440 74 440 93440 75 440 94440 76 440 95440 77 440 96440 78 440 97440 79 440 98440 80 440 99440 81 440 100440 82 440 101440 83 440 102440 84 440 103440 Table C-16: Ma ilbox Ta ble (FLASH 68) Ind e xGroup ID Digits IndexGr oup ID D igi ts