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Sony Acid 7 Manual

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    Setting ACID preferences
    From the Options menu, choose Preferences to display the Preferences dialog. 
    Using the General tab
    Item Description
    Automatically open last project on 
    startupSelect this check box if you want ACID to reopen the project that was open the last 
    time ACID was closed. When you clear this check box, ACID starts with a blank 
    Show logo splash screen on startup Select this box if you want the ACID logo splash screen to display when ACID starts.
    Use Net Notify to stay informed 
    about Sonic Foundry productsWhen you select this check box, ACID periodically displays information from Sonic 
    Foundry at startup. Clear the check box to bypass the Net Notify dialog.
    Draw contents of events Select this check box if you want ACID to draw waveforms in events. Clearing the 
    check box can improve performance on some systems.
    Create undos for FX parameter 
    changesSelect this check box if you want ACID to create Undos when you change a plug-in 
    Confirm media file deletion when 
    still in useWhen you select this check box, a message box appears asking if you want to delete a 
    media file that is currently in use by the project.
    Close media files when ACID is not 
    the active applicationWhen you select this check box, you can edit files in external editors while the files 
    are contained in events in ACID.
    Close audio and MIDI ports when 
    ACID is not the active applicationSelect this check box if you want ACID to close audio and MIDI ports when you 
    switch to another application.
    Clear the check box if you want to leave ports open. For example, if you have a MIDI 
    keyboard routed to a soft synth in ACID, clearing the check box allows you to 
    continue to hear the soft synth while you work with a sequencer.
    Enable multimedia keyboard 
    supportWhen you select this check box, you can use a multimedia keyboard to control 
    playback of a project.
    Automatically render large Wave 
    files as Wave64The WAV format is limited by a maximum file size of ~2GB. When you select this 
    check box, you can render larger files as Sonic Foundry Wave64 files.
    Prompt for region and marker 
    names if not playingWhen you select this check box, a box appears so you can name markers and regions 
    as you place them.
    Create project file backups on save 
    (.acd-bak)When you select this check box, ACID makes a backup of project files when you open 
    them. Backup files are stored in the same folder as your project and use the same file 
    name with the extension .acd.bak. You can use backup project files to revert to a 
    project’s previous state.
    Preserve pitch for new Beatmapped 
    tracks when tempo changesSelect the check box if you want ACID to maintain the pitch of Beatmapped tracks 
    when the project tempo changes.
    Automatically start the Beatmapper 
    Wizard for long filesSelect the check box if you want ACID to start the Beatmapper Wizard when you add 
    a file that is longer than 30 seconds to your project.
    Use slower updates to prevent 
    playback clicks during editingSelect this check box if you want ACID to update the audio engine more slowly. 
    Selecting this option can prevent unwanted artifacts during timeline editing.
    Enable autosave Select this check box to create a temporary project file that can aid in crash recovery. 
    ACID autosaves your project information every five minutes without overwriting 
    your project file.
    Allow floating windows to dock Select this check box if you want to allow floating windows (such as the Explorer and 
    Chopper) to dock in the window docking area. You can press the Ctrl key while 
    dragging a window to prevent a window from docking. 
    Clear the check box if you want to prevent windows from docking. You can press the 
    Ctrl key while dragging a window to allow a window to dock.
    Use ASPI for CD burning and 
    rippingSelect this check box if you want ACID to use ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming 
    Interface) when burning and ripping CDs. ASPI enables host adapters and device 
    drivers to share a single SCSI hardware interface.
    Use SPTI for CD burning Select this check box if you want ACID to use SPTI (SCSI Pass-Through Interface) to 
    communicate with your CD burning drive.  
    Autoname extracted CD tracks Select this check box if you want ACID to automatically assign file names to tracks 
    that you extract from CDs.
    File names include the CDs ID number and track number.
    Autoname new MIDI tracks Select this check box if you want ACID to automatically name and save new MIDI files 
    as you create them. ACID names the file New MIDI track X and saves it to the 
    recorded files folder designated in the Record dialog. 
    When this check box is cleared, ACID prompts you to specify a name and location for 
    each new MIDI file as you add it to your project.
    Use bright colors for loop stretch 
    markersSelect this check box if you want to use bright colors for your stretch markers in the 
    Stretch tab of the Track Properties dialog.
    When this check box is cleared, ACID uses muted pastel colors for the stretch 
    Recently used project list Select the check box and enter a number in the box if you want ACID to list your 
    most recently used projects at the bottom of the File menu.
    Temporary files folder Displays the folder where ACID stores temporary files. Click Browse to specify a 
    new folder.
    When you add a media file to a project from a removable device, ACID stores a copy 
    of the media file in a temporary files folder. This keeps the media file available for 
    use even if the source of the media is no longer accessible.
    Be aware that this folder is cleared when you close ACID. However, the temporary 
    files are not cleared if ACID closes inappropriately. 
    Free storage space in selected folder This value displays the amount of space available in the folder specified in the 
    Temporary files folder box.
    Default All Restores all general preferences to the default settings.
    Item Description 
    Using the Audio tab
    Setting audio preferences
    Item Description
    Audio device type Choose a driver type from the drop-down list. The Microsoft Sound Mapper is the 
    default setting. If you want to activate specific sound cards, choose Windows 
    Classic Wave Driver or an ASIO driver and choose a device from the Default 
    Stereo and Front playback device drop-down list.
    Default Stereo and Front playback 
    deviceChoose the device that you want to use for playing sound data. In a 5.1 surround 
    project, this device plays the right and left channels.
    Selecting a device such as the Microsoft Sound Mapper allows Windows to select an 
    appropriate device to use for the current sound data.
    If you have selected Microsoft Sound Mapper, you cannot assign busses to different 
    Default Rear playback device Choose the device that you want to use for playing the rear surround channels (right 
    surround and left surround) in a 5.1 surround project.
    Default Center and LFE playback 
    deviceChoose the device that you want to use for playing the center and LFE channels in a 
    5.1 surround project.
    Playback buffering (seconds) The Playback buffering (seconds) slider specifies the total amount of buffering 
    that ACID uses during playback. The larger the number, the more buffering that 
    ACID does during playback. This value should be as low as possible without gapping. 
    To set it, start at .25 and play a typical song. Move some of the track faders. If the 
    playback gaps at all, try increasing this slider in small increments until the gapping 
    If you simply cannot get playback to be free of gapping, you need to either decrease 
    the number of tracks you are trying to play simultaneously, install more RAM in your 
    computer so you can increase buffering, buy a faster access hard drive, or minimize 
    the number of DirectX plug-ins you are trying to use simultaneously.
    Automatically detect and offset for 
    hardware recording latencySelect this check box to automatically compensate for offset between the time you 
    initiate recording and when your sound card starts recording. 
    User recording latency offset Drag this slider to specify an offset value. 
    Open files as loops if between 
    (seconds)Enter a lower and upper limit to specify which files ACID opens as loops if stretching 
    properties are not saved in the file.
    Files that are shorter than the lower limit are opened as one-shot tracks; files longer 
    than the upper limit start the Beatmapper Wizard.
    Quick fade edit edges of audio 
    eventsWhen you select this check box, ACID places a rapid fade on the edges of audio 
    events (10 ms by default) to soften potentially harsh transitions. When you clear this 
    check box, edges of new events are not faded (fades that were applied before the 
    check box is cleared are not removed).
    Right-click an event and select or clear the Quick Fade Edges command to 
    override the default event fade behavior for individual events.
    Quick fade time Enter a time (in milliseconds) to specify the duration of fades applied to the edges of 
    Default All Restores all audio preferences to the default settings. 
    Setting advanced audio preferences
    Using the MIDI tab
    Using the VST Instruments tab
    Item Description
    Audio devices This list displays all of the audio devices that are installed in your computer. Selecting 
    a device allows you to set the options for that device.
    Interpolate position When you select this check box, ACID attempts to compensate for inaccurate devices 
    by interpolating the playback or recording position. If you notice that your playback 
    cursor is offset from what you are hearing, select this option for the playback device.
    Position bias If the position of playback or record does not match what you hear after you enable 
    Interpolate position, you can attempt to compensate using the Position bias 
    slider. Moving this slider offsets the position forward or backward to compensate for 
    the inaccuracies of the device.
    Do not pre-roll buffers before 
    starting playbackWhen you select this check box, ACID does not create buffers prior to starting 
    playback. Some devices do not behave properly if you clear this check box. If your 
    audio stutters when you start playback, try selecting this option.
    Audio buffers Drag the slider to set the number of audio buffers that will be used. Adjusting this 
    setting can decrease gapping or help you synchronize the input and output for record 
    input monitoring.
    Buffer size (samples) Choose a setting from the drop-down list to indicate the buffer size you want to use.
    Priority Choose a setting from the drop-down list to set the priority that is assigned to your 
    audio buffers. Increasing the buffers’ priority can help you attain smoother playback, 
    but it can also adversely affect other processes.
    Enable input monitoring Select this check box to enable the monitoring of your recording input through ACID 
    while you are recording.
    Item Description
    Make these devices available for 
    MIDI track playback and Generate 
    MIDI ClockIn the Port column, select the MIDI devices that you want to be available for track 
    playback (pg. 149) and generating MIDI clock (pg. 152).
    In the MIDI Thru column, right-click an entry and choose a MIDI device from which 
    the device selected in the Port column will accept incoming MIDI.
    Make these devices available for 
    MIDI inputIn the Port column, select the MIDI devices from which you will accept incoming 
    MIDI data for MIDI recording (pg. 131), step recording in the list editor (pg. 145), 
    or controlling a soft synth (pg. 150).
    In the MIDI Thru column, right-click an entry and choose a MIDI device to which the 
    device selected in the Port column will send MIDI output. You can choose more than 
    one device to accept MIDI output.
    Auto MIDI input routing Select the check box if you want ACID to automatically route MIDI input devices to 
    the soft synth that was viewed last in the Soft Synth Properties window.
    The Solo Listen to MIDI Input button  in the Soft Synth Properties window is 
    unavailable when this check box is selected.
    Default All Restores all MIDI preferences to the default settings.
    Item Description
    Default VSTi search folder Displays the location where ACID looks for VST instrument files.
    Alternate VSTi search folder X Click Browse to choose an alternate location where ACID can find VST instrument 
    Select VST instruments to be 
    available as soft synthsSelect the VST plug-ins that you want available for use as soft synths in ACID. Only 
    the VST instruments located in the default or alternate search folders appear in this 
    After you add a VSTi soft synth to a project, the VST instrument stays locked until 
    you close ACID. When a VST instrument is locked, the lock icon for that VSTi displays 
    as locked, and you cannot clear the VSTi’s check box to make it unavailable in ACID. 
    Using the ReWire Devices tab
    Using the Video tab
    Using the Editing tab
    Item Description
    Select ReWire device to be available 
    as soft synthsSelect the ReWire client(s) that you want available for use as soft synths in ACID.
    Item Description
    Show source frame numbers on 
    video thumbnails asChoose a setting from the drop-down list to change the format used to display frame 
    numbers in the video track, or choose None to turn off frame numbering.
    External monitor device Choose a DV output device from the drop-down list. This is the interface to which 
    your video device is connected.
    Details Displays information about the device selected in the External monitor device 
    drop-down list.
    If project format is invalid for DV 
    output, conform to the followingIf your source media does not conform to DV standards, choose a setting from the 
    drop-down list. ACID adjusts the video to display properly on your external monitor.
    Sync offset (frames) If your audio is not synchronized with your external monitor, you can configure an 
    offset for your hardware. Drag the slider to synchronize audio and video.
    This setting affects synchronization for previewing on an external monitor. Audio 
    and video synchronization in your ACID project is unaffected.
    Default All Restores all video preferences to the default settings.
    Item Description
    Project tempo range Use the up and down arrows or enter a value in the boxes to specify the minimum 
    and maximum tempo available in the ACID project. Changing this option affects the 
    resolution of the Project Tempo slider.
    Editing Application X  Enter the name of each editor you want to display in the track list shortcut menu.
    Right-click a track in the track list and choose Edit in [editor name] to edit the 
    media file associated with a track.
    You can specify any editing tool you want to use; however, this feature was designed 
    for use with destructive audio/MIDI editors.
    Browse Click Browse and select the .exe file for each editor you want to have available in 
    the track list shortcut menu.
    Name Enter the name that you want to use to identify each editor. The name is displayed in 
    the track list shortcut menu and the To o l s menu.
    Clear Removes the specified editor from the Editing tab.
    Check for Sonic Foundry editors When you select this check box, ACID automatically searches for available Sonic 
    Foundry editors on your computer. If ACID locates one, it appears as an available 
    editor in the Editing Application X box.
    Default All Restores all editing preferences to the default settings. 
    Using the Sync tab
    Setting sync preferences
    Generate MIDI Timecode settings
    Output device Choose a MIDI device from the drop-down list. ACID sends MIDI timecode to this 
    device. The MTC slave should also be set to this device. This device will not be 
    available for MIDI playback.
    Frame rate Choose a frame rate from the drop-down list. ACID uses this frame rate to generate 
    the MIDI timecode. The MTC slave must be set to the same frame rate.
    Generate MIDI Clock settings
    Output device Choose a MIDI device from the drop-down list. ACID sends MIDI clock to this device. 
    The MIDI clock slave should also be set to this device.
    Trigger from MIDI Timecode settings
    Input device Choose a MIDI device from the drop-down list. ACID receives MIDI timecode from 
    this device. The MTC master should also be set to this device.
    Frame rate Choose a frame rate from the drop-down list. This value specifies the frame rate at 
    which the MTC master sends timecode to ACID.
    Advanced Click to open the Advanced Sync Preferences dialog.
    Default All Restores all sync preferences to the default settings. 
    Setting advanced sync preferences
    Using the Other tab 
    MTC Input
    Free-wheel for timecode loss Select this check box if you want ACID to continue to play if timecode is lost.
    Enabling this option can compensate for infrequent losses in timecode. If you 
    frequently lose timecode, you should perform troubleshooting to determine the 
    cause of the problem.
    Free-wheel slack time Use the up and down arrows or enter a value in the box to specify the amount of 
    time that timecode can be lost before the free-wheel playback time starts. A longer 
    time is more tolerant of breaks in the incoming timecode.
    Free-wheel playback time Use the up and down arrows or enter a value in the box to specify the amount of 
    time that ACID plays back after the free-wheel slack time has been exceeded.
    Synchronization delay time Use the up and down arrows or enter a value in the box to specify the amount of 
    time it takes for ACID to synchronize itself to incoming timecode.
    On slower computers, this time should be set to approximately two seconds. On 
    faster computers, it may be set lower.
    Setting this value too low can sometimes result in audible pitch shifting at the start of 
    Offset adjust If ACID is consistently behind or ahead of your MTC generator, enter a value in the 
    box to adjust a synchronization offset with quarter-frame accuracy.
    If ACID is behind, set this value to a negative number. A setting of - 4 is a common 
    If ACID is ahead, set this value to a positive number. A setting of +4 is a common 
    offset, although it is rare that ACID will sync ahead.
    MTC Output
    Full-frame message generation Select a radio button to determine when ACID sends full-frame timecode messages 
    while Generate MIDI Timecode is active. Full-frame messages are used by some 
    external synchronizable audio devices to seek to a proper location prior to actually 
    starting synchronization. Tape-based recorders especially benefit from seeking to 
    full-frame messages because of the time it takes to move the transport to the proper 
    location. However, full-frame messages are ignored by some devices, and may 
    actually cause unexpected behavior in other devices.
    Refer to your hardware documentation to find out if your hardware supports full-
    frame messages.
    MIDI Clock Output 
    Send Start instead of Continue 
    when beginning playbackSelect this check box if you want ACID to send a Start command rather than a 
    Continue command when Generate MIDI Clock is activated.
    When the check box is cleared, ACID sends a Continue command, as this type of 
    command allows the chasing device to start from a specific time. However, some 
    older sequencers that support MIDI Clock chase do not support the Continue 
    command and must start playback from the beginning every time.
    Song Position Pointer generation Select a radio button to determine when ACID sends Song Position Pointer messages 
    while Generate MIDI Clock is active.
    Song Position Pointer messages are used by MIDI applications and devices to seek to 
    a proper location prior to starting synchronization.
    Item Description
    Envelope color preference for Select an envelope from the drop-down list in order to customize the envelope’s 
    color. Choose Default to accept the standard envelope color, or choose Custom 
    and use the Red, Green, and Blue sliders to create a custom color. 
    Enable multiple-selection preview in 
    Explorer windowSelect this check box if you want to preview multiple selected files in the Explorer. 
    Enter values in the Number of times to repeat each Loop, Seconds of each 
    One-Shot to play, and Number of Beatmapped measures to play boxes to 
    specify how ACID previews different file types. 
    ACID Tips and Tricks
    The following sections contain some time-saving tips and creative suggestions for building projects in ACID.
    Adding long media files quickly
    You can paint an entire CD track or MIDI file on an ACID track with a single click.
    1.Add a long file such as a CD track or MIDI file to your ACID project. For more information, see Adding 
    media to the project on page 36.
    2.Click the Paint Tool button ( ). The Paint tool is selected.
    3.Press   and click in the track. ACID paints the entire file onto the track at the position you clicked.
    Note: In a Beatmapped track, ACID paints the file starting 
    from the location you identified as the downbeat. If the file 
    contains pick-up notes, drag the left edge of the event to reveal 
    audio before the downbeat.
    Playing with duplicate tracks
    You can duplicate a track in your ACID project and then use the new track to create some interesting 
    Detuning paired tracks
    Detuning a paired track is a quick and easy way to thicken an audio track without adding the additional 
    processing of effects. This trick works extremely well with synths, pads, strings and ambient sounds, but you 
    can also experiment with it to add body to drums, basses, and horns.
    1.Right-click a track and choose Duplicate Track from the shortcut menu. ACID adds a copy of the track to 
    the track list. The new track is the currently selected track.
    2.Use the   and   keys on your numeric keypad to change the pitch of the duplicated track.
    Octave intervals (e.g., +12, -12, -24) typically sound best when working with pitched audio; however, 
    experimenting with other, less ordinary intervals may produce surprising results. When working with non-
    pitched audio, intervals do not matter, thereby allowing you to freely experiment with radical pitch 
    This technique typically works best when tuning the duplicate track to a lower octave than the original 
    track, but you can also experiment with raising the pitch of the duplicate track.
    Panning in conjunction with detuning 
    Few things are as uninteresting as a series of tracks panned down the middle of a stereo image. Particularly 
    after detuning a paired track, you should experiment with spatially positioning the tracks using the panning 
    control (on the multipurpose slider) or a pan envelope. Panning each track to a specific channel produces a 
    nice, wide aural effect. If you are looking for something a little more dynamic, position the original track 
    anywhere in the stereo image and use a pan envelope to sweep the duplicate track from the left channel to 
    the right channel of the mix. For more information, see Using track envelopes on page 97.
    Duplicating with offset
    Another way to add interesting dynamics to a project is to duplicate tracks and add an offset to one of the 
    pair. This trick works well with most instrument loops and allows you to create different levels of effect. For 
    Configuring a slight offset between duplicate tracks creates a natural chorus effect.
    Configuring small offsets creates various reverb effects.
    Configuring larger offsets creates interesting echoes.
    1.Right-click a track and choose Duplicate Track from the shortcut menu. ACID adds a copy of the track to 
    the track list. 
    2.Hold   while dragging the waveform of the duplicate track. Notice that the waveform moves within the 
    event, which retains its size and position on the timeline.
    3.Experiment with different offsets between the duplicate tracks.
    Tip: As with most tricks, this method can be combined with 
    pan and volume envelopes to produce an unlimited range of 
    Creating ping-pong pan effects
    You can use a pair of tracks to ping-pong audio from one speaker to another.
    1.Right-click a track and choose Duplicate track from the shortcut menu. ACID adds a copy of the track to 
    the track list.
    2.Use the multipurpose slider to pan the original track 100% right and the duplicate track 100% left.
    3.Use the Erase tool ( ) to erase every other beat, alternating between the original and duplicate track.
    Tip: You can also use a pan envelope on a single track to 
    create the same effect. For more information, see Using track 
    envelopes on page 97.
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