Siemens SD-192/SD-192MX AND SD-232 Programming Manual
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m (continued) If fewer than 32 lines are programmed, press HANG UP button after last line has been programmed and stored. To display and programmed lines, perform the following procedure: Press DISPLAY and COM (5th ivory button in bottom row) in sequence WHICH LINE 3 (01 to 32)Enterand STORE Intercom wired Yes or NoLine requested iI I COM=YESLINE 8 Xl400 iII Extension number of requested line (XNONE if none is assigned) Press STORE and HANGUP buttons in sequence SELECT HANDSET = 1Enterand STORE OR HEADSET = 2I Ii -41-

SECRETARY (continued) ANSWER PHRASE (Programmed at Secretary Stations only) Press the STORE and STATUS buttons in sequence: EXECUTIVES LINEIf theextension does not NUFER (1st displayring here,enter BACK, and shows highest)next extension will be Idisplayed. f 2IJdK, UP, DN? I ILast two digits of EXECUTIVES LINE NUMBER I If the extension rings here, press the VOLUMEbutton. Note:Pressing the VOLUME button removes the extension from this secretary station. ANSWER PHRASE?Press tone pad key which corresponds to the first letter or number of the answer phrase(Key 1 is pressed twice for space). Note:Each numbered. key except 0 and1 has three letters (0 key has two letters and a dash).In order to select one of the three, another entry is necessary.If the number 1 was selected to be used as a number or a space,the display will be different. / USE: l=A, 2=B, 3=CPress key pad number which corresponds to the desired letter shown on left, but do not press STORE button unless phrase is finished. Display shows the result ofIf a number was selected in pressing the 2 (ABC) key inthe previous step, press the previous step.key 4. ’ f?- PHRASE? I Enter next letter on tone pad Display shows the result of pressing the 3 key in the previous step to select the third letter of the three choices. SECREIARY 1 (continued) I1 USE: l=Q, 2=2, 3- -I ISelect desired character -420

Display shows the result of pressing the 8 (QZ-) key in the previous step Continue the procedure until the phrase is finished (12 characters including spaces maximum),then press the STORE button. 1 RING HERE? YES-1I1 NO=Z, DELAYED=3I Enter and STORE II Note:Delayed is used if the call goes to a conventional instrument (2500) first and rings the secretary if not answered within a given time. 1 1 BACK, UP, DN?I x00 Next lower executive extension is displayed. Repeat the procedure above for this extension. . . -430

SECRETARY (continued) Press STORE and DIRECT FORWARD buttons .in sequqnce If all lines. are to be forwarded to the same station, ENTERand STORE If lines are.forwarded to different destinations, Enter STORE Display when just STORE was entered in last step I V I1. ENTERand STORE Ii t FORWARD LINE 2I ToENTERand STORE Repeat with every line to be forwarded. Enter STORE to skip lines. To display DIRECT FORWARD, perform the following procedure Press DISPLAY and DIRECT FORWARD button in sequence I___ 1 WHICH LINE ? 01 to 32ENTERand STORE Line being displayed IV II 1 SFWD to 1400I I IStation to which chosen line is forwarded -.. / -440

2 (secv of two with several EXECUTIVES1 Note:Secretary 2 has T&R connected to pair 10 of the multiplexer. In order to program Secretary 2,Secretary 1 li,ne extension assignments have to be programmed first. Also, the intercom and power connections to the multiplex’er at both secretary stations have to be complete. Press STORE, FEATURE +, 0, # buttons in sequence.(Disregard INVALID displaybetween buttons. ) 1 SELECT MASK (0- 9)IEnterand STORE 1 SELECT MODEL t SECT - l.EXEC = 2 1 SECRETARY 1, 2 or 1 PRIVATE = 3Enter 1 and STOREEnter 2 and STOREUnplug Secretary 1,instrument‘ and plug it back in. This transfers programmed extension numbers from Secretary 1 data base to Secretary 2 data bases.To assure proper transfer,display at least one exten-- sion at Secretary 2. -45-

Press DISPLAY and COM (5th ivory button in bottom row) in sequence 1 WHICH LINE 3 ! (01to32) Enterand STORE .,., Intercom wired Yes or NoLined requested IIVV I COM - YESLINE 8 1I Xl400 I I Extension number of requested line (XNONE ii none is assigned) Press STORE and HANGUP buttons in sequence I SELECT HANDSET = 1 1 OR HEADSET - 2 I ENTERand STORE . -46-

ANSWER PHRASE (Programmed at Secretary Stations only) Press the STORE and STATUS buttons in sequence EXECUTIVES LINE NUYW(1st display shows highest) I I 2 BACK, UP, DN?I x01 _ I I Last two digits of EXECUTIVES LINE NUMBERIf the extension does not ring here, enter BACK, and next extension will be displayed. If the extension rings here, pressthe VOLUME button. Note:Pressing the VOLUME button removes the extension from this secretary station. / ANSWER PHRASE?./ Press tone pad key which corresponds to the first letter or number of the answer phrase (key 1 is pressed twice for space). Note: Each numbered key except El and1 has three letters (0 key has two letters and a dash).In order to select one of the three, another entry is necessary. If the number 1 was selected to be used as a number or a spacerthe display will be different. i USE: I-A, 2=B, 3=CI Press key pad number which corres- ponds to the desired letter shown Ion left, but do not press STORE button unless phrase is finished. If a number was selected in the Display shows the result ofprevious step, press Key 4. pressing the 2 (ABC) key in the previous step -47-

,” P I ANSWER PHRASE?I cEnter next letter on tone pad . . Display shows the result of pressing the 3 key in the previous step to select the third letter of the three choices. II i USE: 1% 2=2, 31 -iIISelect desired character Display shows the result of pressing the 8 (QZ-) key in the previous step Continue the procedure until the phrase is finished (12 characters including spaces maximum),then press the STORE button. I RING HERE? YES-1 t N0=2, DELAYED-3 Enterand STORE II Note:Delayed is used if the call goes to a conventional instrument (2500) first and rings the secretary. if not answered within a given time. W. 1 ;o;ACK. U&, DN?I Next lower executive extension is displayed. Repeat the procedure above for this extension. . . -480

press STORE and DIRECT FORWARD buttons in sequence 1 FORWARD ALL i L1NES To If- all lines are to be forwarded to the same station,Enter.- and STORE If lines are forwarded to different destinations, Enter STORE Display when just STORE was entered in last step 1 FARD LINE 1 I ENTERand STORE 1 FORWARD LINE 2 To I ENTERand STORE Repeat with every line to be forwarded Enter STORE to skip lines. To display DIRECT FORWARD, perform the following procedure Press DISPLAY and DIRECT FORWARD buttons in sequence t WHICH LINE ?I fa1 to 32 ENTERand STORE Line being displayed f / 5FWD to 1400 I I I Station to which chosen line is forwarded To program Executive Stations 1 and 2 go back to the procedures on page 27. -490

m-o-. -0--. --a-. -- I Im--I+ I Ic-4--r-4 I Ir(--4 2 OI a0 ‘0-0--fi I.--a--\0 I.--a---v) I‘.m.----ql I,-B-------m I,---0-N I-----a4 I-- lI I-- .---- I I I 7zaa---‘;--I””----a --a- --a -- --. . . mm ,I--- I N-a-l I;v l --- (yIIII ma- l--- -m I-a -- I-a I- -0- ,I I--- IE--- m Ii--- I--- -500