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Sanyo Projector Plc Xu115 User Manual

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    When	this 	function 	is 	set 	to 	“On,” 	the 	picture 	will 	be 	top/
    bottom 	and 	left/right 	reversed. 	This 	function 	is 	used 	to	
    project	the	image	from	a	ceiling-mounted	projector.
    When	 this	function	 is	set	 to	“On,”	 the	picture	 will	be	left/right	
    reversed. 	This 	function 	is 	used 	to 	project 	the 	image 	from	
    rear	of	the	screen.
    Input search
    This 	function 	detects 	the 	input 	signal 	automatically. 	When	
    a 	signal 	is 	found, 	the 	search 	will 	stop. 	Use 	the 	Point 	
    buttons	to	select	one	of	the	following	options.
    	 Off 	.......... 	Input	search	will	not	work.
    	 On1	........ 	Input	search	works	under	the	following	situation.
    	 –	When	pressing	the	INPUT 	button	on	the	top	
    	 –	When	pressing	the	COMPUTER	button	or	 VIDEO	button	on	the	remote	control.
    	 On2	........ 	Input	search	works	under	the	following	situation.
    	 –	When	turning	on	the	projector	by	pressing	the	 POWER	ON/STAND-BY 	button	on	the	top	
    control	or	the	remote	control.
    	 –	When	pressing	the	COMPUTER	button	or	 VIDEO	button	on	the	remote	control.
    	 –	When	pressing	the	INPUT 	button	on	the	top	
    	 –	 	When	the	current	input	signal	is	cut	off.*
    *If 	the 	No 	show 	or 	Freeze 	function 	is 	active, 	cancel 	it 	to	
    activate 	the 	Input 	search. 	It 	is 	also 	unavailable 	when 	On-
    Screen	menu	is	displayed.
    	 •	While	Input	search	is	set	to	“On1”	or	“On2,”	the	status	of	Input	and	Lamp	are	displayed	every	time	the	signal	 is	switched.
    	 •	Only	the	last	selected	input	source	can	be	detected.
    	 •	If	the	INPUT 	button	on	the	top	control	or	
    COMPUTER, VIDEO or NETWORK  buttons	on	the	remote	control	is	
    pressed	during	Input	search	is	in	progress,	Input	search	will	stop	and	go	back	to	the	previous	input	signal. 
    Power management
    Time	left	before	Lamp	is	off.
    Power management
    For	reducing 	power 	consumption 	as 	well 	as 	maintaining	
    the 	lamp 	life, 	the 	Power 	management 	function 	turns 	off 	the	
    projection	 lamp	when	 the	projector	 is	not	 operated	 for	a	certain	
    If	the 	input 	signal 	is 	interrupted 	and 	no 	button 	is 	pressed 	for	
    more 	than 	30 	seconds, 	the 	timer 	display 	with 	“No 	signal”	
    appears. 	It 	starts 	the 	countdown 	until 	the 	lamp 	is 	turned 	off.	
    Use	the	Point	
    ◄►	buttons	to	set	the	countdown	timer.
    Select	one	of	the	following	options:
    Ready 	.................. 	When	the	lamp	 has	been	 fully	cooled	 down,	
    the 	POWER 	indicator 	changes 	to 	green	
    blinking. 	In 	this 	condition, 	the 	projection	
    lamp 	will 	be 	turned 	on 	if 	the 	input 	signal	
    is 	reconnected 	or 	any 	button 	on 	the 	top	
    control	or	remote	control	is	pressed.	
    Shut	down
    ............ 	When	the	lamp	 has	been	 fully	cooled	 down,	
    the	power	will	be	turned	off.	
    Off 	........................ 	Power	management	function	is	off.	
    Standby mode
    This	function 	is 	available 	when 	operating 	the 	projector 	via	
    	 Normal 	....... 	Supply 	the 	power 	to 	the 	network 	function 	even	
    after 	turning 	off 	the 	projector. 	You 	can 	turn 	on/
    off 	the 	projector 	via 	network, 	modify 	network	
    e n v i r o n m e n t , 	a n d 	r e c e i v e 	a n 	e - m a i l 	a b o u t	
    projector 	status 	while 	the 	projector 	is 	powered	
    	 Eco 	............ 	Select	 “Eco”	when	 you	do	not	 use	 the	projector	
    via	 network.	 The	projector’s	 network	function	 will	
    stop	when	turning	off	the	projector.
    Refer	to	the	owner’s	manual	“Network	Set-up	and	Operation”.
    	 •	When	selecting	Normal,	the	cooling	fans	may	be	running	 depending	on	the	temperature	inside	the	projector	even	if	
    the	projector	is	turned	off.
    Press	 the	SELECT 	button	 at	
    Power	 management	 and	this	
    dialog	 box	appears.	 Use	the	
    ◄►	 buttons	 to	choose	
    o n e 	o f 	t h e 	t h r e e 	o p t i o n s .	
    Press 	the 	Point 	
    ▼	button 	to	
    select 	the 	timer, 	and 	then	
    use	 the	Point	
    ◄►	buttons	 to	
    set	timer.
    	 •	Factory	default	is	"Ready:	5	min.". 
    On start
    Remote control
    Remote control
    When	this 	function 	is 	set 	to 	“On,” 	the 	projector 	will 	be	
    automatically 	turned 	on 	just 	by 	connecting 	the 	AC 	power	
    cord	to	a	wall	outlet.
    	 •	Be	 sure	to	turn	 off	the	 projector	 properly	(see	“Turning	
    Off	 the	 Projector”	 on	page	 23).	If	the	 projector	 is	turned	
    off	 in	the	 incorrect	 sequence,	 the	On	start	 function	 does	
    not	work	properly.
    You 	can 	emphasize 	a 	part 	of 	the 	projected 	image 	with	
    this 	function. 	Use 	the 	Point 	
    ▲▼buttons 	to 	choose 	either	
    Spotlight 	or 	Pointer 	and 	press 	the 	SELECT 	button. 	Then	
    use	 the	Point	
    ◄►	buttons	 to	select	 a	size	 of	the	 Spotlight	
    (Large,	 Middle,	 or	Small)	 or	a	pattern	 of	the	 Pointer	 (Arrow,	
    Finger,	or	Dot).	See	“Pointer	Function”	on	page	14.
    Use	 the	Point	▲▼	buttons	
    to 	choose 	either 	Spotlight	
    or 	Pointer, 	and 	then 	use	
    t h e 	P o i n t 	
    ◄ ►	b u t t o n s	
    t o 	s w i t c h 	b e t w e e n 	t h e	
    The	 eight	 different	 remote	control	codes	(Code	 1–Code	 8)	
    are 	assigned 	to 	the 	projector; 	the 	factory-set, 	initial 	code	
    (Code	1)	and	the	other	seven	codes	(Code	2	to	Code	8).	
    The 	same 	code 	should 	set 	on 	both 	the 	projector 	and 	the	
    remote 	control. 	For 	example, 	operating 	the 	projector 	in	
    “Code	 7”,	the	 remote	 control	code	also	must	 be	switched	 to	
    “Code	7”.
    	To change the code for the projector
    	 Select	a	remote	control	code	in	this	Setting	Menu.
    	To change the code for the remote control:
    	 While 	holding 	down 	the 	MENU 	button, 	press 	the 	IMAGE	
    button 	the 	number 	of 	times 	corresponding 	to 	the 	remote	
    control	 code	for	the	 projector.	 See	“Remote	 Control	Code”	
    on	page	15.
    This	function	allows	you	to	change	brightness	of	the	screen.
    Auto 	........... 	The	brightness	according	to	the	input	signal	
    (between	High	and	Eco	mode).
    High 	........... 	Brighter	than	the	Normal	mode.
    Normal 	....... 	Normal	brightness	
    Eco	............ 	Lower	brightness	reduces	the	lamp	power	
    consumption	and	extends	the	lamp	life.
    Lamp control  
    Key lock
    Key lockSecurity (Key lock and PIN code lock )
    PIN code lockPIN code lock
    This	function 	locks 	the 	top 	control 	and 	remote 	control	
    buttons	to	prevent	operation	by	unauthorized	persons.
    	 ..... 	Lock	 the	operation	 of	the	 top	control.	 To	
    unlock,	use	the	remote	control.
    	 ..... 	lock 	the 	operation 	of 	the 	remote 	control.				
    To	unlock,	use	the	top	control.
    If	 the	 top	control	 accidentally	 becomes	locked	and	you	do	
    not	 have	 the	remote	 control	nearby	 or	there	 is	something	
    wrong	 with	your	 remote	 control,	 contact	the	dealer	 where	
    you	purchased	the	projector	or	the	service	center.
    This	function	allows	you	to	use	the	Key	lock	and	PIN	code	
    lock	function	to	set	the	security	for	the	projector	operation.
    Select	 Key	lock.	 Use	
    the	Point	
    ▲▼	 buttons	
    to	 choose	 one	of	the	
    o p t i o n s 	a n d 	s e l e c t	
    [Yes]	to	activate	it.
    This	 function	 prevents	 the	projector	 from	being	 operated	
    by 	unauthorized 	persons 	and 	provides 	the 	following	
    setting	options	for	security.
    	 Off 	............	Unlocked.
    	 On1 	.......... 	Enter	the	PIN	code	every	time	turning	on	
    the	projector.
    	 On2 	.......... 	Enter	 the	PIN	 code	 to	operate	 the	projector	
    once 	the 	power 	cord 	is 	disconnected; 	as	
    long 	as 	the 	AC 	power 	cord 	is 	connected,	
    the 	projector 	can 	be 	operated 	without 	a	
    PIN	code.
    Whenever	 you	change	 the	PIN	 code	 lock	setting	 or	the	
    PIN 	code 	(the 	four-digit 	number), 	you 	are 	required 	to	
    enter	 the	PIN	 code.	 The	“1234”	 is	set	 as	the	 initial	 PIN	
    code	at	the	factory.	
    If	 you	 want	 to	change	 the	PIN	 code	 lock	setting,	 Press	
    t h e 	S E L E C T 	b u t t o n 	a n d 	t h e 	P I N 	c o d e 	d i a l o g 	b o x	
    When 	the 	projector 	is 	locked	
    with	 a	PIN	 code,	 the	PIN	 code	
    lock 	symbol 	appears 	on 	the	
    menu	bar.	
    			On	1
    			On	1 
    Change the PIN code lock setting
    Use	the	Point	◄►	buttons	to	
    switch	between	the	options.Use	 the	Point	◄►	buttons	 to	select	 Off,	On1,	 or	On2	 and	
    then	 move	 the	pointer	 to	“Quit”	 with	the	Point	
    ▼	button.	
    Press	the	SELECT 	button	to	close	the	dialog	box.
    Change the PIN code lock setting
    Enter a PIN code
    Use	the	Point	▲▼	buttons	 to	enter	 a	number.	 Press	the	
    ►	 button	 to	fix	 the	 number	 and	move	 the	red	 frame	
    pointer	 to	the	 next	 box.	The	number	 changes	 to	“
    .”	 If	you	
    fixed	 an	incorrect	 number,	use	the	Point	
    ◄	button	 to	move	
    the 	pointer 	to 	the 	number 	you 	want 	to 	correct, 	and 	then	
    enter	the	correct	number.
    Repeat	this	step	to	complete	entering	a	four-digit	number.
    After 	entering 	the 	four-digit 	number, 	move 	the 	pointer 	to	
    “Set.”	 Press	 the	SELECT 	button	 so	that	 you	can	start	 to	
    operate	the	projector.
    If	 you	 entered	 an	incorrect	 PIN	code,	 “PIN	code”	 and	the	
    number 	(
     )	 will 	turn 	red 	for 	a 	moment. 	Enter 	the	
    correct	PIN	code	all	over	again.
    Enter a PIN code
    After	a	correct	PIN	code	is	
    entered,	the	following	dialog	
    box	appears.
    The 	PIN 	code 	can 	be 	changed 	to 	your 	desired 	four-
    digit 	number. 	Press 	the 	Point 	
    ▼	button 	to 	select 	“PIN	
    code 	change” 	and 	press 	the 	SELECT 	button. 	The 	New	
    PIN	code	input	dialog	box	appears.	Set	a	new	PIN	code.
    Change the PIN code Change the PIN code
    This	function 	provides 	the 	following 	options 	in 	the 	cooling	
    fans’ 	operation	when	the	projector	is	turned	off	(p.23).
    	 L1	...... 	Normal	operation
    	 L2	...... 	Slower	 and	lower-sound	 than	the	normal	 operation	
    (L1), 	but 	it 	takes 	more 	time 	to 	cool 	the 	projector	
    Fan control
    w arning log
    This 	function 	records 	anomalous 	operations 	while 	the	
    projector	 is	in	 operation	 and	use	it	when	 diagnosing	 faults.	
    Up	 to	10	 warning	 logs	are	displayed	 with	the	latest	 warning	
    message	 at	the	 top	of	the	 list,	 followed	 by	previous	 warning	
    messages	in	chronological	order.	
    	 •	When	the	Factory	default	function	is	executed,	all	the	 warning	log	records	will	be	deleted.
    This	function	is	used	to	reset	the	lamp	counter.	
    When 	the 	lamp 	life 	is 	left 	less 	than 	100 	hours, 	the 	Lamp	
    replacement	 icon	(Fig.1)	 will	appear	 on	the	 screen,	 indicating	
    that	the	end	of	lamp	life	is	approaching.
    When	 the	lamp	 life	is	left	 0	hour,	 the	Lamp	 replacement	 icon	
    (Fig.2)	 will	appear	 on	the	 screen,	 indicating	 that	the	end	 of	
    lamp	life	is	reached.
    When	replacing	the	projection	lamp,	reset	the	lamp	counter.	
    See	"Resetting	the	Lamp	Counter"	on	page	62.
    Lamp counter 
    This	icon	appears	on	the	screen	when	the	end	of	
    lamp	life	is	approaching.
    This	icon	appears	on	the	screen	when	the	end	of	
    lamp	life	is	reached.
    Fig .1
    			Lamp	replacement	icon
    Fig . 			Lamp	replacement	icon
    	 •	This	icon	also	appears	at	turning	on	and	 selecting	input	source.
    	 •	At	turning	on,	the	icon	(Fig.2)	will	appear.	
    	 	 At	selecting	input	source,	the	icon	(Fig.1)	 will	appear.
    	 •	The 	Lamp 	replacement 	icons 	(Fig.1 	and 	Fig.2) 	will 	not	
    appear	 when	the	Display	 function	 is	set	 to	“Off”	 (p.48),	
    during	“Freeze”	(p.28),	or	“No	show”	(p.29).
    Fan Control Setting
    			On	1
    Choose	the	running	speed	of	cooling	fans	from	the	following	
    options	according	to	the	ground	elevation	under	which	you	
    use	the	projector.
    		Off.......Normal	speed.	Set	this	function	to	“Off”	when	using
    														the	projector	in	non-high	altitude	environment.
    		On	1...	Faster	than	Off	mode.	Select	this	mode	when	using
    														the	projector	in	high	altitudes	(about	1,200	meters		
    														or	more	above	the	sea	level)	where	the	fans	have		
    														less	cooling	effect.
    		On	2....Faster	than	On	1	mode.	Select	this	mode	when		
    														using	the	projector	in	higher	altitudes	than	above		
    														where	the	fans	have	lesser	cooling	effect.
    		 On	 3.... Be	sure	to	 set	the	 Lamp	control	in	High	and	the	 Fan	
    														control	in	On	3	when	using	the	projector	inclined			
    														at	between	+40	degrees	to	+140	degrees	to	the	
    														horizontal	plane	at	altitudes	between	0	and				
    													approximately	1,600	meters	above	sea	level.
    •	 The	fan	noise	becomes	louder	in	On	1	,On2	and	On3.
    •	Setting	“Fan	control”	to	On1	,On2	or	On3	affects	L2	
    		operation	in	“Fan.”	 
    Factory default
    This	function 	returns 	all 	setting 	values 	except 	for 	the 	user	
    logo,	 PIN	code	 lock,	Logo	 PIN	code	 lock,	lamp	 counter,	 and	
    filter	counter	to	the	factory	default	settings.
    Exit	the	Setting	Menu.
    QuitSelect	Factory	default	and	this	
    box	appears.	Select	[Yes],	and	
    the	next	box	appears.	
    Select	[Yes]	to	
    activate	it.
    Factory default
    This	function	is	used	to	set	a	frequency	for	the	filter	
    When	the 	projector 	reached 	a 	specified 	time 	between	
    cleanings, 	a 	Filter 	warning 	icon 	appears 	on 	the 	screen,	
    notifying	 the	cleaning	 is	necessary.	 After	cleaning	 the	filter,	
    be 	sure 	to 	select 	RESET 	and 	set 	the 	timer. 	The 	Filter	
    warning	icon	will	not	turn	off	until	the	filter	counter	is	reset.
    For	 details	 about	resetting	 the	timer,	 refer	to	“Resetting	 the	
    Filter	Counter”	on	page	59.
    Filter counter Filter counter
    Use	 the	Point	◄►	buttons	
    t o 	s e t 	t h e 	t i m e r. 	S e l e c t	
    f r o m 	( O f f / 1 0 0 H / 	2 0 0 H /	
    300H) 	depending 	on 	the	
    use	environment.
    Filter	warning	icon	appears	on	the	screen	at	a	set	
    time. Fig . 			Filter	warning	icon
    Fig .			Filter	warning	icon
    	 •	This	icon	also	appears	at	turning	on.
    	 •	At	selecting	input	source,	the	icon	(Fig.4)	 will	appear.
    	 •	T h e 	F i l t e r 	w a r n i n g 	i c o n s 	( F i g . 3 	a n d	
    Fig.4) 	will 	not 	appear 	when 	the 	Display	
    function 	is 	set 	to 	“Off” 	(p.48), 	during	
    “Freeze”(p.28),	or	"No	show"	(p.29).
    			On	1
    			On	1 
    The	WARNING	 indicator	shows	the	state	 of	the	 function	 which	protects	 the	projector.	 Check	the	state	 of	the	
    WARNING	indicator	and	the	POWER	indicator	to	take	proper	maintenance.	
    w arning Indicator
    The projector is shut down and the w ARNING 
    indicator is blinking red .
    When 	the 	temperature 	inside 	the 	projector 	reaches 	a	
    certain	 level,	the	projector	 will	be	automatically	 shut	down	 to	
    protect	 the	inside	 of	the	 projector.	 The	POWER	 indicator	 is	
    blinking	 while	the	projector	 is	being	 cooled	 down.	When	the	
    projector	 has	cooled	 down	enough	 (to	its	normal	 operating	
    temperature), 	it 	can 	be 	turned 	on 	again 	by 	pressing 	the	
    POWER	ON/STAND-BY 	button.
    The projector is shut down and the w ARNING 
    indicator lights red .
    When 	the 	projector 	detects 	an 	abnormal 	condition, 	it 	is	
    automatically	 shut	down	 to	protect	 the	inside	 of	the	 projector	
    and	 the	WARNING	 indicator	lights	red.	In	this	 case,	 unplug	
    the 	AC 	power 	cord 	and 	reconnect 	it, 	and 	then 	turn 	the	
    projector	 on	once	 again	 to	verify	 operation.	 If	the	 projector	
    cannot	 be	turned	 on	and	 the	WARNING	 indicator	still	lights	
    red, 	unplug 	the 	AC 	power 	cord 	and 	contact 	the 	service	
    Maintenance and Cleaning
    Top Control
    Top Control
    	 •	The 	WARNING 	indicator 	continues 	to 	blink 	even 	after	
    the 	temperature 	inside 	the 	projector 	returns 	to 	normal.	
    When 	the 	projector 	is 	turned 	on 	again, 	the 	WARNING	
    indicator	stops	blinking.	
    Then check the matters below:
    –		Did	 you	provide	 appropriate	 space	for	the	 projector	 to	be	
    ventilated?	 Check	the	installing	 condition	 to	see	 if	the	 air	
    vents	of	the	projector	are	not	blocked.
    –		Has	 the	projector	 been	installed	 near	an	Air-Conditioning/	
    H e a t i n g 	D u c t 	o r 	Ve n t ? 	M o v e 	t h e 	i n s t a l l a t i o n 	o f 	t h e	
    projector	away	from	the	duct	or	vent.
    –		Is	the	filter	clean?	Clean	the	filter	periodically.
    emit	a	red	light
    blinking	red 
    Maintenance and Cleaning
    Turn	off	 the	projector,	 and	unplug 	the 	AC 	power 	cord	
    from	the	 AC	outlet.
    Turn	the	projector	 over	and	remove	 the	filters	 by	pulling	
    the	latches	upward.
    Filters	 prevents	 dust	from	 accumulating	 on	the	 optical	 elements	 inside	the	projector.	 Should	the	filters	 become	
    clogged 	with 	dust 	particles, 	it 	will 	reduce 	cooling 	fans’ 	effectiveness 	and 	may 	result 	in 	internal 	heat 	buildup	
    and	 adversely	 affect	the	life	of	the	 projector.	 If	a	 “Filter	 warning”	 icon	appears	 on	the	 screen,	 clean	the	filters		
    immediately.	Clean	the	filter	by	following	the	steps	below.
    Gently 	clean 	the 	filters 	by 	using 	a 	brush 	or 	rinse 	it	
    When 	rinsing 	the 	filters, 	dry 	they 	well. 	Replace 	the	
    filters 	properly. 	Make 	sure 	that 	the 	filters 	are 	fully	
    inserted	to	the	projector.
    D o 	n o t 	o p e r a t e 	t h e 	p r o j e c t o r 	w i t h 	t h e 	f i l t e r s	
    removed. 	Dust 	may 	accumulate 	on 	the 	optical	
    elements	degrading	picture	quality.
    Do 	not 	put 	anything 	into 	the 	air 	vents. 	Doing 	so	
    may	result	in	malfunction	of	the	projector.
      w e  recommend  avoiding  dusty/smoky  environments 
    w h e n   y o u   o p e r a t e   t h e   p r o j e c t o r  .  U s a g e   i n   t h e s e 
    environments may cause poor image quality  .
    	 When	 using	the	projector	 under	dusty	or	smoky	 conditions,	
    dust 	may 	accumulate 	on 	a 	lens, 	LCD 	panels, 	or 	optical	
    elements 	inside 	the 	projector 	degrading 	the 	quality 	of 	a	
    projected	 image.	When	the	symptoms	 above	are	noticed,	
    contact	 your	authorized	 dealer	or	service	 station	for	proper	
    	 •	When	 reinserting	 this	filters,	 be	sure	 that	
    the	slit	part	is	facing	the	outer	side.
    Be	sure	to	reset	the	Filter	counter	after	cleaning	or	replacing	the	filters.	
    Press 	the 	MENU 	button 	to 	display 	the 	On-Screen	
    Menu. 	Use 	the 	Point 	
    ◄►	buttons 	to 	move 	the 	red	
    frame	pointer	to	the	Setting	Menu	icon.
    Use 	the 	Point 	▲▼	buttons 	to 	move 	the 	red 	frame	
    pointer 	to 	Filter 	counter 	and 	then 	press 	the 	SELECT 	
    b u t t o n . 	A 	d i a l o g 	b o x 	a p p e a r s 	s h o w i n g 	t h e 	t o t a l	
    accumulated 	time 	of 	the 	filter 	use, 	a 	timer 	setting	
    option, 	and 	the 	reset 	option. 	Select 	Reset 	and 	the	
    “ F i l t e r 	c o u n t e r 	R e s e t ? ” 	a p p e a r s . 	S e l e c t 	[ Ye s ] 	t o	
    Resetting the Filter Counter
    Filter counter
    Select	Reset	and	the	“Filter	
    counter	Reset?”	appears.
    Select	[Yes],	
    then	another	
    box	appears.
    Select	[Yes]	again	to	reset	
    the	Filter	counter.
    Another 	confirmation 	dialog 	box 	appears, 	select 	[Yes]	
    to	reset	the	Filter	counter.	
    Pull	up	and	remove.
    Cleaning the Filters
    			On	1 
    Maintenance and Cleaning
    Cleaning the Projector Cabinet
    Cleaning the Projection Lens
    Unplug	the	AC	power	cord	before	cleaning.
    Gently 	wipe 	the 	projection 	lens 	with 	a 	cleaning 	cloth 	that	
    contains	 a	small	 amount	 of	non-abrasive	 camera	lens	cleaner,	
    or	 use	 a	lens	 cleaning	 paper	or	commercially	 available	air	
    blower	to	clean	the	lens.	
    A v o i d 	u s i n g 	a n 	e x c e s s i v e 	a m o u n t 	o f 	c l e a n e r. 	A b r a s i v e	
    cleaners,	 solvents,	or	other	 harsh	 chemicals	 might	scratch	 the	
    surface	of	the	lens.
    Unplug	the	 AC	power	cord	before	cleaning.
    Gently	 wipe	the	projector	 body	with	a	soft	 dry	cleaning	 cloth.	
    When	 the	cabinet	 is	heavily	 soiled,	use	a	small	 amount	 of	mild	
    detergent	 and	finish	 with	a	soft	 dry	cleaning	 cloth.	Avoid	 using	
    an	 excessive	 amount	of	cleaner.	 Abrasive	 cleaners,	 solvents,	or	
    other	harsh	chemicals	might	scratch	the	surface	of	the	cabinet.
    W h e n 	t h e 	p r o j e c t o r 	i s 	n o t 	i n 	u s e , 	p u t 	t h e 	p r o j e c t o r 	i n 	a n	
    appropriate	carrying	case	to	protect	it	from	dust	and	scratches.
    W h e n 	m o v i n g 	t h i s 	p r o j e c t o r 	o r 	w h i l e 	n o t 	u s i n g 	i t 	o v e r 	a n	
    extended	period	of	time,	replace	the	lens	cap.
    Attach	the	lens	cap	according	to	the	following	procedures.
    Pass	the	string	through	a	hole	of	the	lens	cap.
    Tu r n 	o v e r 	t h e 	p r o j e c t o r 	a n d 	r e m o v e 	t h e 	s c r e w 	w i t h 	a	
    Attaching the Lens Cap
    Attach	 the	string	 with	lens	 cap	to	a	hole	 at	the	 bottom	 of	the	
    projector	and	secure	it	with	a	screw.
    Lens	Cap	
    String	for	the	lens	cap
    S e c u r e 	i t 	t o 	t h e 	h o l e	
    with	a	screw.
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