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Projector Christie Roadie S12 User Manual

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Page 81

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
Enter a three-digit number (such as 001) to assign or change a number to the
projector currently in use – if the current projector already has a number assigned,
that number will appear here (see right).
Numerical identity for projectors is
required whenever you want to
communicate with a single projector
within a multiple-projector application
 key description in 3.3, Using the
Keypad). If you make a mistake in
assigning or changing the...

Page 82

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-47
Whenever you install a new lamp in the
projector you must access the Lamp submenu
(available from Main) and record the lamp
serial number in the projector’s memory. You
can also choose the lamp operation mode you
prefer, such as maintaining a specific intensity
(light output) or power level, and define the
expected lamp life. Read-only information
includes the lamp serial number and age.
NOTE: See 4.4, Replacing the Lamp and
Filter for complete instructions on...

Page 83

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
Lamp modes are described below:
Max Brightness: The lamp will always burn as brightly as possible, driven by
maximum power available in the projector (see Section 5, Specifications).
Keep in mind that the “maximum brightness” for any lamp gradually
diminishes with age—images will become dimmer over time.
Intensity: Not available in this projector model.
Power: The power supplied to the lamp will remain at a specified watt level.
Once you select this...

Page 84

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-49
This read-only menu lists a variety of details about the standard and optional
components currently in use on the projector. Refer to the Status menu for versions of
hardware (left side) and software (right side) installed, the number of lamp hours
logged in total and for a specific period (such as a rental period), and for your
projector model name and serial number. In addition, the Status menu identifies the
current channel, switcher, slot and frequencies....

Page 85

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
“Broadcast Keys” option unchecked and their keypads disabled (do this in Menu
Preferences menu). The Broadcast Keys projector will then relay keypad
commands to the other projectors. If using a wired remote, make sure to select the
“Broadcast Keys” option for the projector to which the wired remote is connected.
To work with a single projector, press 
 to display an editable window from each
projector. Enter the three-digit number you have assigned to the...

Page 86

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-51
Figure 3.28. Tiling Setup (Example of 4x4 Array)
Resizing the Videowall Image
RESIZE PRESETS – When your multiple-projector tiled array has been defined as
described above, select a desired tiled resizing method. Sections of incoming data
will then automatically map to the appropriate “row,column” address in your
videowall, filling the wall with a complete image that is scaled as you have specified.
NOTES: 1) Tiled resizing options are enabled only if you have...

Page 87

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
• For each projector, select “Tiled Full Height” to
fill the videowall from top-to-bottom while
maintaining the incoming aspect ratio. This
typically creates a black border on the left and
right edges of the wall. See right.
arrays having 3 or 4 columns/rows, the center
screen(s) will automatically fill. 2) Screens
having very little or no image will be blanked
• For each projector, select “Tiled Anamorphic”
to fill...

Page 88

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-53
Invalid User Entry
A keypad entry not recognized by the projector will trigger an on-screen error
message describing the problem. For example, if you specify a channel number that
is not available, the message “Invalid Channel will appear. Or if you try to enter the
wrong password, you’ll see “Invalid Password”. Press 
Enter or Exi t to clear the
message and try again.
NOTE: The on-screen display of “Invalid User Entry” messages cannot be disabled,
even if...

Page 89

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
message and disappears when the input signal status changes. While the projector
will remain operational, the message indicates the presence of a serious problem that
should be reported to the manufacturer. You can press 
 Exi t to remove the
message, but for best results you should reset the projector—power the projector
down and up again with the 
System Errors
A system error message indicates that a serious malfunction has been detected and
must be...

Page 90

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-55
Table 3.3. System Error Codes
12 Software bug. Contact dealer/factory.
13 CRC error in flash ROM. Download new software.
14 Replace IPM
15 Attempting to download code without being in boot mode
16 Invalid interrupt. Power off/on. If persists, contact dealer/factory.
21 Unable to turn the lamp on
22 Lamp is overheated
23 n/a
24 n/a
25 Lamp may be on before being turned on
26 Cannot read valid lamp ballast ID
27 Unexpected...
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