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Projector Christie Roadie S12 User Manual

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Page 71

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
ENABLE DECODER AGC – The “automatic gain control” affects decoded video images
only. Enter a checkmark (default) for most decoded video sources—this activates the
AGC circuit to ensure properly bright images. Delete the checkmark if a decoded
video image exhibits strange color artifacts such as stripes in highly saturated colors,
indicating an incompatibility between this source and the AGC.
DECODER LUMA DELAY – This control affects any incoming composite or...

Page 72

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-37
BLACKLEVELS AND DRIVES - To check your image and adjust these controls:
1. Make sure overall Contrast and Brightness are both set to near 50.
NOTE: Not required for “Auto” adjustment.
Cont = 50 (approx.)
 = 50 (approx.)
2. Check the color temperature setup using an internal grayscale test
pattern, adjusting as desired to obtain a neutral grayscale. NOTE: Not
required for “Auto” adjustment.
3. Make sure you are using an analog source not connected to 

Page 73

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
See Figure 3.19.
1) Display a 16 level grayscale test pattern from the desired external source, and
enter a checkmark in the Peak Detector checkbox. NOTE: The “Peak Detector”
will initially render the grayscale as a uniform gray field before adjustment.
2) Display one primary color (use Color Enable to select).
3) For the current color, adjust its corresponding “Blacklevel” slidebar just until a
single band of black appears at one edge of the screen. This band...

Page 74

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-39
5) ADVANCED 10-BIT (ADP): Uses 10-bit processing instead of the standard 8-bit
processing provided in the projector, resulting in smoother and clearer details in
video images. This feature requires installation of optional internal hardware—
the Advanced Digital Processing Module—and is disabled unless this module is
present. It activates full source-to-screen 10-bit processing for a digital video
source, typically connected via the optional Serial Digital Input...

Page 75

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
Noise Reduction – requires optional ADP Module
Select the amount of image noise reduction desired, with “0” applying no noise
reduction (default) and “10” applying maximum noise reduction. The higher the
value, the softer the image.
Horizontal Filter – requires optional ADP Module
Select the amount of horizontal filtering desired for the current source. Note that the
default setting of “0” allows the projector to optimize the amount of horizontal

Page 76

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-41
Menu Preferences
Use the options in this submenu to
adjust the appearance, content and/or
location of on-screen menus
displayed in presentation level.
MENU LOCATION — Use the pull
down list to choose a pre-defined or
customized default location for the
display of on-screen menus.
To create a custom menu location,
choose a preset that is closest to the desired area. Then adjust the slidebars of
Horizontal Shift and Vertical Shift to move the menu to the desired...

Page 77

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
From the Configuration submenu, select the
Geometry submenu to adjust your display shape,
work with the lens or test patterns, or define a
multi-screen mapping of incoming source
material. The “Reserved” option has no function.
KEYSTONE — Optimized for X10 only. Refer to
Image Size and Position in 3.6, Adjusting the
Image. Keystone adjustment is duplicated here for convenience during setup.
LENS CONTROL — For a full description of the Lens Control...

Page 78

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-43
FREEZE IMAGE — Enter a check mark to freeze (stop) an image at a single frame.
This diagnostic tool is useful if you need to examine in detail a still version of the
incoming image that cannot be “frozen” at the source. For example, in moving
images it is sometimes difficult to observe artifacts such as external
deinterlacing/resizing and signal noise. Remove the checkmark to return back to
sources with Color Space set to RGB...

Page 79

Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual
Use the checkboxes and pull-down
lists in the Communications
submenu to alter the methods or
types of communication to and
from one or more projectors.
NOTE: Changes made to the
Communications submenu will be in
effect upon exit of the menu.
Baud Rate
The baud rate setting determines the speed of communication to and
from the projector. By default, the projector baud rate is set to 19200.
Setting the correct speed is important when you are controlling the...

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Roadie S12/X10 User’s Manual3-45
changing the keypad protocol. 2) A key press from a conflicting protocol will cause a
single yellow flash on the Status LED located in the lower right corner of the rear
projector panel.
Wired Keypad
Like the IR remote keypad, the optional wired keypad is either a Protocol 
A keypad
(default) or a Protocol 
B keypad. Likewise, the projector can be set to accept wired
keypad data accordingly, responding to 
A or B. If desired, you can prohibit the
projector from...
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