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ProForm Trailrunner 4.0 Manual

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Page 11

10.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Keeptheincluded hexkeys
inase cure pla ce; one ofthe hex keys isused toadjust thewalking belt(see page s29 and 30). Toprotect
the floor orcarpet fr om dam age, place ama tunder thetreadmill. Extrahardwar emay beincluded.
9. Withthe help ofa second perso n,raise the
fro nt ofthetrea dmill andin ser tthe crossbar on
th e Base (103)intothe cutout in the cardbo ard
sta nd assho wn. Hav ethe second person
holdthetreadmi llto...

Page 12

You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h-
perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT: Ne ver apply sil\b
icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking
be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill
cause excessi vewea r.
You rtrea dmill, likeothe rel ectro nicequ ipment, canbe
damag edbysudd envoltage chang esinyour homeʼs
power. Todec reas ethe risk ofdamaging your
treadm ill,alw aysuse asurge...

Page 13

Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of
fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec-
tiv eand enjoyable.The conso lefeatures aniFit Live
tech nolog ythat ena bles thetrea dmillto communicate
wit hyou rwire less networ k.With the iFitLi ve mo de,
youcan downlo adpersona lizedwor kouts, create your
own workout s,track yourw orko utresul ts,andaccess
ma nyothe rfe ature s.Se ewww.iFit.com for complete
informa tion.
Inaddit ion,th eco nso le feature stwenty-eig...

Page 14

IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto
coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b
pe ratu rebefore youturnon the power. Ifyou do
notdo this, you may damage the console display
orothe rel ec tric alcomponent s.
\f.Turn onthe powe r.
Plu g in the power cord
(see page 12).Ne xt, lo-
cat ethe power switch on
th e trea dmill frame near
th e powe rco rd. Make
sure that theswit chis in
th e re set positio n.
IMP ORTANT: Theconsole features adisplay
demo mode,...

Page 15

Thebrowser willope nto theiFit.com homepage.
Tou chthe Reg isterNow button inthe upper-right
corn erofthe screen .
The browser willope nto theiFit.com registra tion
page. Touch anentry boxto view the keyb oard .
S lid eyo ur fing erup ordown the screen toscro llup
or down the page.
Next ,e nt er auser name andpassw ordand your e-
mailaddress. Enterth eactivatio ncode fromthe
iFit Live flierth at came with the treadmil l.Tou ch
th e Place ofPurch asedrop -down menu foralist of
option s;the n,touch...

Page 16

4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired.
To ch an ge the incline ofthe treadm ill, press the
Inclin e in crease and decrease buttons orone ofthe
num bered Quick Incline buttons. Each time you
pres sone of the but tons, theincline willgraduall y
change until itrea ches theselect ed in cl ine setting.
Not e:T he first time youadjust the incl ine, you must
firs tca lib rat ethe incline system (seestep 3on
pag e24).
5. Monitor yourprogr ess.
Theconsole offers severa ldisp laymodes. Thedis -

Page 17

6.Meas ure your heart ra te ifde sired.
Before using the
ha ndg rippulse
sen sor, remo ve
the sh ee tsof
pla stic from the
met alco ntact s
on thepulse bar.
In ad dition, make
sure that you r
hands areclea n.
Tomeasu reyour hea rtra te,st and onthe foot
railsan dhold the pul se bar with yourpal ms onthe
met alco ntact s;av oid mov ingyour hands. When
you rpu lse isde tecte d,your hear trate willbe
sho wn. For themost accur ateheart raterea d\b
ing, conti nuetohold the cont actsfor about \f5...

Page 18

\f.Ins ert the key into thecons ole.
See step 1on pag e15 .
2. Sele ctthe start \bup menu.
See step 2on pag e15 .
3. Sele ctan onboa rdwor kout.
To select an onb oard wo rkou t,to uch theWorkou ts
butto non thescree n.Then, touchtheCalorie Burn
butto n,theHig hIntensi tybutto n,the Spe ed
Train ingbutton,or the Incline Worko utsbutton .
Touchthe home button onthe screen toview the
pre vious screen.
Then,sele ctthedes ired
worko ut.Thescree n
willshow the name ,du -

Page 19

Toreset the con sole, touch thehom ebutton onthe
scree n.To pau sethewo rkou t,touch thePau se
butto n.To con tinue the wor kout, touch theResume
butto nor the Sta rt button. Toend theworko utand
sele ctanew worko ut,touch theNewWorkou tbu t-
to n. To end the workout sessio n,tou chtheEn d
Wo rkou tb ut ton .
Note: Thecal ori egoal isan estim ateofthe
number ofcal orie stha tyou willburn during the
work out. Theact ual num berofcalories that
you burn willde pend onyour weight. Inaddi \b
tion, ifyou...

Page 20

5.Startthe wor kout.
See step 4on pag es18 and 19.
Durin gso me worko uts,thevoice ofapersona l
trainer willguide youthr ough your workout.
6. Monitor yourprogr ess.
See step 5on pag e16 .The screen may alsoshow
amap ofthetrail youar ewalki ngorrunn ing.
Durin gaco mpet itionworko ut,the screen willshow
th e sp ee ds ofthe runner sand thedistances they
have run. The screenwil lal so show thenumbers of
secondsthat the other runner sare ahead ofyou or
behind you.
7. Mea sure yourhe artrate ifdesire d....
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