ProForm Trailrunner 4.0 Manual
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\f\f 10.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Keeptheincluded hexkeys inase cure pla ce; one ofthe hex keys isused toadjust thewalking belt(see page s29 and 30). Toprotect the floor orcarpet fr om dam age, place ama tunder thetreadmill. Extrahardwar emay beincluded. 9. Withthe help ofa second perso n,raise the fro nt ofthetrea dmill andin ser tthe crossbar on th e Base (103)intothe cutout in the cardbo ard sta nd assho wn. Hav ethe second person holdthetreadmi llto prevent itfr om mov ing forwa rdorback ward. Firmly tight enthe four 3\f8" x3 3\f4 "Bol ts(5). Wit hthe help ofth esecond perso n,lower the tre admill offthe cardboar dstand. Car dboar d Stan d 5103 5 9

\f2 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE \bLUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT: Ne ver apply sil\b icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill cause excessi vewea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill, likeothe rel ectro nicequ ipment, canbe damag edbysudd envoltage chang esinyour homeʼs power. Todec reas ethe risk ofdamaging your treadm ill,alw aysuse asurge suppress orwith your treadm ill(see dra wing \fat the right). Topurchase asu rgesuppressor, seeprecaut ion \f2on page 3. U se onl yasingle\boutlet surgesuppressor that is UL \f449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup\b pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules. The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor \f20vol ts AC and \f5amps. Theremust beamoni \b tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor coulddam\b agethe control system ofthe treadmill (see prec au\b tion \f3 on page 3). Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc- tion orbrea kdo wn, ground ingprovi des apath oflea st resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c- tric shock. Thisprod uctʼs powercord has an equ ip- me nt-gro unding condu ctor andagro undi ngplug.Plug the power cord intoasur gesuppressor, and plug the surge suppre ssor intoan appropr iateoutlet thatis properl yins talle dand grounded inacc or\bdance with allloc alcodes andordinances. IMP ORTA NT:The trea dmillis not com patib lewit h GFC I\b equi pped outletsand maynot becom patible with AFC I\b equi pped outlets . Th isprod uct is fo r use on anom inal 120 -voltcircui t (see dra wi ng 1). A te mp oraryada pter may beused to connect the surge supp ressor to a2-po lerece ptacle if a pro per ly gro unded out letis not available (seedraw- ing 2). Th etemp oraryadapt ersho uld be used only untila pro perly gro unded out let(see draw ing 1)can bein - stal led byaqu alified elect rici an. Th egr een- colored rigi d ear ,lu g, or the like extendi ng from the adap te r m ust beconn ected toaperm anent ground such asapr op erly gr ou nded outlet box cover . Theadapt ermust beheldin place byametal screw. Some 2\bpol ere cept acleout let box covers arenot gr ounded. Cont act aqual if ie d ele ctrician todet er\b mine if the outl etbox cove ris grounded before using anada pter. DAN GER :Im proper connect ion ofthe equipme nt\bgrounding conductor in\b cre ases the riskof elect ricshock .Check with aqual ified ele ctr ician orserv icema nifyou are unsure whe ther the product isproperly grounde d.Do not modif ythe plug—if itwill not fitthe outl et,have apr oper outlet in\b sta lled byaqua lified electrician.1 2G round edOutle tB ox G rounde dOutlet Box Gr ou ndi ng Plug S ur ge Sup pressor Su rgeSu ppr essor Gr oun ding Pin Ad apt er Lug Met al Scre w Groun ded Out let G ro undi ngPin Gr ou ndi ng Plug

\f3 FEATURE SOF TH ECON SOLE Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec- tiv eand enjoyable.The conso lefeatures aniFit Live tech nolog ythat ena bles thetrea dmillto communicate wit hyou rwire less networ k.With the iFitLi ve mo de, youcan downlo adpersona lizedwor kouts, create your own workout s,track yourw orko utresul ts,andaccess ma nyothe rfe ature s.Se for complete informa tion. Inaddit ion,th eco nso le feature stwenty-eig htonbo ard workouts—se vencalorie wor kouts, seven inten sity workouts, seven speedwor kouts, andseven incline workouts. Each worko utautom aticallycontrols the sp eed andincline ofthe treadm ill as itgui des you through aneffective exercise sessi on. Whenyou use the manu almode, youcanchang ethe sp eed andincline ofthe treadm ill w ith the touch ofa but ton. As you exercise, theconsole willdisp layinstant exerci sefee dba ck.You canalso measure yourheart rate using the handg rippulsesensor .You can eve nbrow se theIntern et or listen toyour fa- vor it e wo rko ut musi cor audi obooks with the consol eʼs ster eo soun dsyst em whi le you exer cise. Toturn onthe pow er,see page 14. Toset upthe consol e,see page 14. Touse the manual mode,see pag e15. Tousean onboard work out, seepage 18. Touse aniFi tLi ve workout ,see page 19. Touse the Inte rnet brow ser,seepage 21. Touse the set \b tin gs mode, seepa ge 22. Touse the maint enance mode, seepage 24. To use the stereo sound sys\b tem, seepage 26. Not e: The consolecan disp laysp eed anddis tance in either miles orkilom eter s. To find which unitofmea - surement is sel ect ed, see step 5on pag e23. For sim - plici ty, allin struct ions in thi sma nual refer tomiles. IM PO RTA NT: If the reare sheetsof plastic onthe c onsol e,rem ove the plastic.To prev entdam ageto the wal king platform, wear clea nathletic shoes whi le us ing the treadm ill. The firs ttime youusethe treadm ill, observe the alignment ofthe walking belt, a nd cent erthe walking beltif nec essar y(see page 30). CO NSO LE DIA GRAM

\f4 HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ER IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b pe ratu rebefore youturnon the power. Ifyou do notdo this, you may damage the console display orothe rel ec tric alcomponent s. \f.Turn onthe powe r. Plu g in the power cord (see page 12).Ne xt, lo- cat ethe power switch on th e trea dmill frame near th e powe rco rd. Make sure that theswit chis in th e re set positio n. IMP ORTANT: Theconsole features adisplay demo mode, designedtobe used ifthe trea d\b mil lis displ ayed inastor e.Ifthe demo mode is turned on,thedisp laywill show ade mo pre\b sentation afteryou plug inthe power cordand pres sthe pow erswit chinto the res etpos ition, before youinsert thekey. Toturnoff the demo mode, seeste p6on page 23. 2.Ins ert the key . Next ,st an don the fo otra ilsofthe tre admill. Locat e th e clip atta ched to th e ke y,and slide th e clip securely onto thewa istb and ofyou rclo the s. The n,inse rtthe key into the con sole. IMPORTA NT:Inan em er\b genc y,the key can bepulle dfr om theconsole, causing thewalking belt to slow to astop. Test the clipby caref ully taking afew steps back\b w ard; ifthe keyis not pulled from thecons ole, ad just thepos ition ofthe clip. Note: Itma ytak eaminut efor the console tobe rea dyfor use .3.Check for firmw areupda tes. Bef oreusi ng the tr ead mill fo rthe fir st time, please check forfir m war eup dat es. First,select themain- ten ance mode (see step s1 an d2on page 24). Then, check fo r fir m wa reupda te s. (see step 6on pages 24and25) . 4. Cal ibrat ethe scre en. Beforeusi ng the tr ead mill fo rthe fir st time, please seeste p7on page 25 and calibr atethe screen. 5. Cal ibrat ethe incl ine syst em. Bef oreusi ng the tr ead mill fo rthe fir st time, please seeste p3on page 24 and calibr atethe incli ne syst emofthe tre ad mill . HO WTO SETUP TH ECON SO LE Th efirst tim e you tur non the tr eadmill, setupyour wirel ess conne ction and your iFit Live accou nt. \f.Connect to awi reless net work. See step s1 and 2on page 22to conn ectto a wi rel ess networ k. Th en, tou chthehom ebut ton on theconsol eto ret ur n to the setting sm ode. An inf or mat ion box may app ear to exp lain how to retur nto the settin gs mode. Tohide this message inthe fut ure, tou ch the Donʼ tSh ow Aga incheck - box.Then, to uch th e Cont inue butto n. 2. Log in to iFi t.c om. To uch the globe button near th e lowe r-left corner ofthe screen .The n,tou ch theiFi tLi ve button. Abox may app ear with direct ions for navigati ngin the Int er ne tbr ow ser .To hide thi sme ssage in the fut ure, tou ch th e Donʼ tS how Again checkbox. Th en, touch th e Cont inue button. Note: Forinfor - mation about navi gatin g in the brow ser, seepage 21. Reset Key Clip

\f5 Thebrowser willope nto homepage. Tou chthe Reg isterNow button inthe upper-right corn erofthe screen . The browser willope nto registra tion page. Touch anentry boxto view the keyb oard . S lid eyo ur fing erup ordown the screen toscro llup or down the page. Next ,e nt er auser name andpassw ordand your e- mailaddress. Enterth eactivatio ncode fromthe iFit Live flierth at came with the treadmil l.Tou ch th e Place ofPurch asedrop -down menu foralist of option s;the n,touch thelocatio nwhe reyoupur - cha sed yourprod uct. Touch thewor ds MEDICAL DIS CLAI MER, readthe medi cal disclai mer, touch th e IA ccept but ton, and check themedi caldis - claime rche ckbox. Then,tou chtheCon firm A ct ivatio nCod ebutton . Enter there qu est ed per sona linfor mation. When you have ent ered allofthe info rm ation ,touch the Finish button .When thereg istra tion process is complete,press the home butto non the conso leto exit thebrow ser. 3.Begin workingout. Touchthe iFit Live Loginbutton. Thescreen will ask for you riFit. com user name andpassword. Enter them and tou ch the Subm itbutton. Touchth e Can celbut tonto exit the login screen . The console willdispl ayth e iFit Live wel come scree n.Be fore some workouts willdown load,you must addthe workou tsto you rsched uleon iFit. com. Formoreinform ationabout iFitL ive work - outs, see pages19 an d20 orgo to W TO USE TH EMANUAL MO DE \f. Insert the key int othe consol e. See HO W TO TURN ON TH EPO W ER on page 14. Not e: It may take am inut efor the console to be ready for use. 2. Sel ect the start \bup menu. Each time the keyis in - ser ted, the star t-up m enu will ap pear .If you have sele ct ed awo rko ut orthe iFit Live mode, touch the hom e but ton in the low erlef tco rner of the screen .N ext ,touch th e End W orkout button andthe nto uch the Done button to return tothe star t-u pme nu. 3. Start the wal king beltand adjust thespeed. Tostar tthe wal king be lt, touch the Start button on the screen orth e Star tbu tton on th e consol e.The wal king beltwi ll begi nto move at1mph .As you exer cise, chang ethespeed ofthe walking beltas desired bypressi ngthe Spe ed incr ease andde- crease button s.Each tim e you press one ofthe but tons, the spe ed set ting will ch ange by0.1 mph; if yo uhol ddow nthe button, the spee dsetting will chan gein incre mentsof0. 5mph. If yo upr ess one ofthe num beredQuick Speed but- tons, the wal king bel tw ill g ra dual ly change speed until it reache sthe selecte dspeed setting. Tose- lect aspeed settin g that incl udes adecimal —such as3.5mph—pr esstw o num bered butt ons insuc - cessi on.For exam ple, to sel ect asp eed settingof 3.5mph, press the 3but ton and the nimmedi ately press the 5but to n. To stop the wal king bel t, p re ss the Stop button. To rest artthe walki ng belt, pr ess the Sta rt button.

\f6 4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired. To ch an ge the incline ofthe treadm ill, press the Inclin e in crease and decrease buttons orone ofthe num bered Quick Incline buttons. Each time you pres sone of the but tons, theincline willgraduall y change until itrea ches theselect ed in cl ine setting. Not e:T he first time youadjust the incl ine, you must firs tca lib rat ethe incline system (seestep 3on pag e24). 5. Monitor yourprogr ess. Theconsole offers severa ldisp laymodes. Thedis - pla ymod ethat yousel ect willde termine which workoutinforma tionis sh own. Toselect the de - sired displaymod e,repeated lytouch theDisplay incre ase ordecrea sebutton on thescree n. As you walk orrun on the trea dmill, the screen can sho wthefollo wing workout information: • The inclin elevel ofthetread mill •The elapse dtime • The appro xim atenu mbe rof calo ries you have burned •The distance that you have wal ked orrun • The speedofthe walki ngbelt •Atrack represen ting1\f4mile (40 0me ters) • Yo urpace inminutes permile •Yo urcurren tlap num ber•The tim erem aini ng • Th eappr oximat enum ber ofcal ories burned per hour •Thenum berofver tical feet you have climbed • You rheart rat e(see step 6on page 17) . Thedispl ays atthe top ofthe screen canshow two type sofinf orm at ion. Touch eachdisp la y unti lthe di sp la y sh ow sthe desi re d in fo rm ation. Note: The manualmode does notha ve atim e remaining co unt dow n. Ifdesi red, adj ust the volume leve lby pressi ngthe volu m e (V ol )in cre ase and decre ase buttons onthe consol e. Torese tthe con sole,tou ch thehom ebutton inthe low erlef tco rner ofthe screen .To pause thework- out ,touch th e Pau se but ton. Tocontinue thework - out ,touch th e Resu me but tonor the Start button. Toend the wor kout andselect anew workout, touchtheNew Wo rkoutbut ton. To end the workout sessi on, tou ch th e En dWor kout button. Not e:The smallwi rel ess sym bolin the low errigh t corn er ofthe screen will sh ow your wir el ess con- nect io n statu s. If th e sym bolis gr een, the tr ead mill is con nect edto yo ur wir el ess networ kan dyou have logged in to iFi .If th esymb olis or ang e,the treadm ill is co nnect edto your wire le ss netwo rk. Ifthe sym bol isblack, the tr e adm ill is not connect edtoyour wire - less netw or k.

\f7 6.Meas ure your heart ra te ifde sired. Before using the ha ndg rippulse sen sor, remo ve the sh ee tsof pla stic from the met alco ntact s on thepulse bar. In ad dition, make sure that you r hands areclea n. Tomeasu reyour hea rtra te,st and onthe foot railsan dhold the pul se bar with yourpal ms onthe met alco ntact s;av oid mov ingyour hands. When you rpu lse isde tecte d,your hear trate willbe sho wn. For themost accur ateheart raterea d\b ing, conti nuetohold the cont actsfor about \f5 seconds.7. When youarefini shed exerci sing, remove the key from the cons ole. Step ontothe foot rai ls, press th e Stop button, and adjust the incline ofthe treadmi ll to the lowest incline setting. The incl ine must beatthe low\b est incl ine setting oryou maydamage the treadm illw hen youfoldit to the storage posi\b tion. Next ,rem ove the keyfr o m the consol eand put it in asecu re pla ce. Whe nyou arefin ish ed using the tr eadmill, press the pow ersw it ch int othe offposi tion and unplug the pow ercor d.IM PO RTA NT: If you donot do thi s, the trea dmi llʼs elect rica lcom ponent sm ay wear premat urel y. Cont acts

\f8 HOWTO USE ANONBOAR DWORKOU T \f.Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See step 1on pag e15 . 2. Sele ctthe start \bup menu. See step 2on pag e15 . 3. Sele ctan onboa rdwor kout. To select an onb oard wo rkou t,to uch theWorkou ts butto non thescree n.Then, touchtheCalorie Burn butto n,theHig hIntensi tybutto n,the Spe ed Train ingbutton,or the Incline Worko utsbutton . Touchthe home button onthe screen toview the pre vious screen. Then,sele ctthedes ired worko ut.Thescree n willshow the name ,du - rat ion, and dist ance of th e wo rkou t.The scree nwill also show th e app roxima tenum - ber of calorie syo uwil lbur ndur ing the workout and aprof ileoftheincline settings oftheworkout. 4. Startthe work out. Touchthe StartWorkout buttontostart thework - out. A momen taf ter you touch thebutton ,the walk - ing be ltwill begin tomove. Holdthe han drailsand begin walkin g.Eachwor kou tis divided int osegm ents. Onespeed setting andone incl ine settin g ar eprogrammed for eachsegment.N ot e: Th esam espeed setting and\forincli ne setting may be pr og rammed forcon - secut ive segm ent s. Dur ing the wor kout ,the profile will sh ow your progr ess. Touch the Disp la y incr ease and de- crea se but tons repea te dly to view th e profil e.The colo re d line will ind ica tethe curren tseg ment ofthe wor kou t.The colored pro file repr esen tsthe incli ne setting ofthe current segm ent.The black line rep - rese ntsthe speed setting ofthecur rent segm ent. Atthe end ofthe first seg men tof the workout, the tread mill wi ll aut omatica lly ad just to the speed and\f orincli ne setting sfor the next segment. Ifa dif- fer entspe edand\f orincl in e set tin g is progr ammed for the secon dsegm ent,th espeed setting and\for incline setting will flash onthe screen foramom ent toaler tyou. Th eworko ut will co ntinue in th is way until thelast segm ent ends. Thewal king bel twi ll th en slow toa stop and awor kout summary will ap pear onthe screen.After you view the wor kou tsumm ary, touch the Don ebut ton. If the spee dor incl ine setting is too hig h or too low at an ytim e dur ing the wor kout ,you canover ride the setting bypressi ngthe Spe ed or In cl ine but- ton s;how ever ,w hen the next segme ntbegins, the tre admi llwill aut omat ical ly adjust tothe speed andincl ine set tings for the next segment .

\f9 Toreset the con sole, touch thehom ebutton onthe scree n.To pau sethewo rkou t,touch thePau se butto n.To con tinue the wor kout, touch theResume butto nor the Sta rt button. Toend theworko utand sele ctanew worko ut,touch theNewWorkou tbu t- to n. To end the workout sessio n,tou chtheEn d Wo rkou tb ut ton . Note: Thecal ori egoal isan estim ateofthe number ofcal orie stha tyou willburn during the work out. Theact ual num berofcalories that you burn willde pend onyour weight. Inaddi \b tion, ifyou manua llychange the speed orin\b cline ofthe treadmill during the work out,the number ofcal orie syou burn willbeaffected. 5. Monitor yourprogr ess. See step 5on pag e16 .The screen canalso show aprof ileofthespe edand incl ine setti ngs ofthe worko ut. 6.Meas ure your heart ra te ifde sired. See step 6on pag e17 . 7. Whe nyou are finished exercising, remov ethe k ey from thecons ole. Seestep 7on page 17. HOWTO USE ANIFIT LIVE WOR KOUT Note: To use an iFit Live workou t,you must have ac- cess toawireless networ kincl udin gan 802.11 b\fn routerwith SSID broadcast enabled (hidden netwo rks arenotsupport ed).An membe rshipis also re- quired. \f. Ins ert the key into theconsole. See step 1on pag e15 .2. Log in to iFi t.c om. If yo uhave notal re ady done so, log in to your accou nt(see step 3on page 23). 3. Select the start \bup menu. See step 2on page 15. 4. Select aniFi tLi ve workout . Touch the Workout sbut ton onthe screen. To se - lect aniFit Live workout ,to uch the iFi tLive button andsele ct th e typ eof wor kout . Toswitch user swit h in t he accou nt,tou ch the user button near the low errigh tcor nerof the scr een. Bef or esom eworkout swi ll dow nload, youmust add the wor kou tsto your sched ule on . Next ,tou ch thero un d Star tD ow nload but to n to dow nload the next w or kout in your sched - ule. Touch th e My Tr ainer button, th e My Maps button, the World Tour button, or the Event Train ing button todow n- load the nextwor kout ofthat typ ein yo ur schedul e. Touchthe Com petebut tonto comp ete in arace that you have pre vio uslysch edul ed.Then ,touch the Star tD ow nload but ton. For more information about the iFitLi ve workout s,ple ase see www. iFi t.c om. Whe nyou select aniFit Live wor kout, thescreen will show the nam e,dur ation, and distan ceofthe wor kout .The screen will al so sho wthe appr oxi- mat enum berofcal ories you will b urn duringthe wor kout .If you select acompet itionwork out,the display willcount downtothe beginni ngofthe rac e.

20 5.Startthe wor kout. See step 4on pag es18 and 19. Durin gso me worko uts,thevoice ofapersona l trainer willguide youthr ough your workout. 6. Monitor yourprogr ess. See step 5on pag e16 .The screen may alsoshow amap ofthetrail youar ewalki ngorrunn ing. Durin gaco mpet itionworko ut,the screen willshow th e sp ee ds ofthe runner sand thedistances they have run. The screenwil lal so show thenumbers of secondsthat the other runner sare ahead ofyou or behind you. 7. Mea sure yourhe artrate ifdesire d. See step 6on pag e17 . 8. Whe nyou are finished exercising, remov ethe k ey from thecons ole. See step 7on pag e17. Fo rm ore informa tionabout theiFitL ive mode, goto www.iFit .com. IFITLIVE FCC INFORM ATION IMPORTANT: Tocomply withFCC and ICRF expo \b sure complia ncerequirem ents,the antenna used for thistra nsmi ttermustbe inst alled toprovide a separationdista nce ofat least 20cm from all pe r\b sons and must notbeco\b locat edoroperating in conjunctionwith any othe rant enna ortransm itter. Thisequ ipme ntha sbee nteste dand found tocomp ly withthe limits for aCla ssBdigital device ,pu rsua nttoPa rt 15 ofthe FCCRu le s. The selimits are designed to provi de reason ablepr otect ion aga inst harmful inter fer- ence in aresi dent ial inst allation .Thi sequ ipm ent gener - ates, uses, andcanradi ateradi ofr eque ncyenergy and, if n ot in st alled andused in accordan cewith the in- stru ction s,may cause har mf ulint er ference toradio com muni cations. However ,the re is no gua rantee that inter fere nce will not occur in apar ticu larinstal lation. If this equi pm ent does causehar mfu linterference to radio or te le visi onrece ptio n, whi ch can be determ ined by tur ning th e equi pmentof fand on,the useris en - cour agedto tr y to co rre ct the int er ference byone ofthe follo wing mea sur es: •Reor ien tor rel oca tethe rece iving antenna. • Incr ease the sepa ration bet ween the equipm entand the recei ver. •Connect th e equ ipme ntint oan outle ton acircui tdi f- fer ent from tha tto wh ich the rece iveris connected. •Consul tth edeal eroran exper ience dra dio\fTV tech- nician for hel p. FC CCAUTIO N:To assure continued comp liance, useonlyshi elded inte rface cabl eswhen connect \b ingto comput eror periphe ral de vices .Any changes ormodif icat ions notexpres slyapproved bythe part yrespons ibl efor compliance could void theuser' saut hori ty to ope ratethi sequi pm ent. Thisdevi cecom plies with Par t1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is su bject to the fol low ing twoco ndi tions: (1) Thi sdevi cemay not cause harmful in te rferen ce, and (2)thi sdevi cemust accept anyint erference received, includi ng int er fer ence th at may cause undesired opera- tio n. If you have quest ions after readi ngthis informati on, please callC ust om erCare to ll- fr ee at1-86 6-608-1798, Mon. –Fr i. 6 am –6 pm MT, Sat. 8 am–4 pmMT (closed on holidays) ;vi sit www. iFi m\fsup port; orsend e-mai l toser vice @icon fit ness. com.