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ProForm Trailrunner 4.0 Manual

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    Note: To use th e bro wse r,you must have access to a
    wire less netwo rkinclu ding an802.11 b\fnrouterw ith
    SSI D broa dcast enab led(hi dden netw orks are no tsup -
    To ope nthe browser ,to uch theglobe button near the
    low erleftcorne rofthe screen .The n,select awe bsite .
    Navigate throu ghthe brow ser using the back butto n,
    themenu butt on ,and thehom ebutton onthe console.
    Press theback button tore-
    turn totheprevio usweb
    pag e.To exit the browse r,
    press the home button on
    the conso le.
    Press theMenu butto nto
    vie wthe browser menu.
    Themen uoff ers thefollow -
    ingoptio ns:
    Newwindow —Anewwindo wwillopen.
    Bookma rks—All ofyour bookm arks willbe displaye d.
    Touch the desired boo kmar kto sel ect itor touch the
    Add button to add anew bookma rk(see Addbook-
    ma rkbelo w).Touch theMost Viewedtab tosee which
    pagesare viewed themost often. Touch theHistory
    tabto see allthepag esthat have beenview edre -
    ce ntly.
    Wi ndows —Alistofall ofyou rope nwi ndows willbe
    disp layed.Tou chthedesi redwin dow tosel ect itor
    tou chtheX but tonto clo se awi ndow.
    Re fresh —The curren tp age willrel oad.
    Forward —Ifyou have pre ssed theback button ,th e
    browser willreturn tothe previ ous page.
    Touch the More butto nto vie wthe following optio ns:
    Add book mark —The current page willappea rin the
    text box. Touch theOK button toset the curren tpa ge
    as aboo kmark. Touchthe Cancel butto nto return to
    thebrowse r.
    Toselect adif feren tpa ge,touch thename textbox,
    ent erthename ofth ebookm ark, and touch theNextbut ton. Then ,e nte r the address ofthe page andtouch
    the Done button .
    Find onpage —A searchbox will app ear onthe bot-
    tom ofthe screen.To uch the te xt box, enter thetext
    youwish to sea rch fo r, an dtouch the Done button.
    Touch the arrow buttons to view each instance ofthe
    text .To uch the Xbut tonto close the search box.
    Sel ect text —A fte r you tou ch theSe lect Text button,
    drag yourfinger along th e scr eento select text. The
    select ed text will b e copi edto the clipboa rdinthe con-
    soleʼsm em ory. To paste the text ,touch andhold atext
    box andthen to uch the Past ebut ton.
    P age inf o—I nfor mat ion abo utthe current pagewill be
    d ispl ayed .Tou chtheOK button to return tothe
    brow ser.
    Share page—Thi sfea tu re is not enabled.
    D ow nloa ds—A list of allthe files you have down-
    loade dwi ll be displ ayed.
    S et tings —The brow ser settings will be displayed.
    Drag your fin ger upordow nthe screen toscroll
    thr ough the settings. If th ere is a checkb ox,touch the
    checkb oxtotu rn th e feat ureon or off. If there is a tri-
    ang le ,touch the tr iangl eto view alist of options and
    touch the desi red opt ion. To rest orethe defa ult
    brow ser settin gs, select RESET TO DEFAULT atthe
    bot tom ofthelist and touch the OK button.
    To view thekeyb oard,touch atext box onthe screen.
    See step 2on page 22for instr uct ions about how to
    use the keyb oar d.
    To enteradiffer ent web addr essin the URLbar, first,
    sl ide your fin ger dow nthe screen to view theURLbar,
    if n ecessar y.The n,tou ch the URL bar, use thekey -
    boa rd to en te r the address, and tou ch the Gobutton.
    Not e: Whi le you areusi ng the brow ser, th e speed, in-
    cline, and volum ebut tons will st ill function, butthe
    wor kout butto ns will not funct ion.
    I f it is di fficul tto touch the butt ons, seestep 7on
    page 25to cal ibrat ethe scr een.
    Not e: If you have questions after follow ingthese
    inst ruct ions, goto www.iFi t.c om/ support forassis \b
    Hom e
    Thecon sole feature sa setti ngs mode thatallows you
    toconne ctthe trea dmill toyour ownwirele ssnetwo rk
    andtolog into you riFit Live acco unt.Thesett ings
    mode also allows youto sel ect the unit ofmea sure -
    mentand toturn onand turnoff the displa ydemo
    mo de. Youma yalso beable tosel ect alangu age.
    \f. Sele ctthe settings mode.
    In sert theke yinto the
    con sole (see step 1on
    page 15).Ne xt,sele ct
    th e start -up men u(see
    step 2on pag e15) .
    The n,touch theib utton
    near the lowe rright cor-
    ner of the scree nto select thesetting smod e.
    2.Selec tthe wire less net work mode.
    If de sired ,tou ch theW ireless Network buttonon
    th e scre en.No te:It ma ytake afew mom ents for
    th e list ofwire less netwo rkstoappe ar.
    Note:Yo umu sthave your ow nwireless network
    and an 802 .11b \fnrouter with SSID broadca sten -
    abled (hid den net wo rks arenot suppo rted).
    Makesurethe WiFi checkb oxnear theuppe rrig ht
    corn erofthe screen isma rked with agree ncheck -
    mark. Ifitis not ,touc hthecheckbox once and wait
    fo r a few sec ond s.Th econsol ewi llsea rch for
    ava ilable wireless networks.
    Wh enalist ofnet wor ksappe ars,touch thedesir ed
    network. Note:Yo uwi llneed toknow yournetwork
    name (SSID). Ifyour networkhas apasswo rd ,you
    will also nee dto know the passwor d.Aninf or mat ion box will ask if yo uwa nttoconnect
    tothe wir el ess networ k. Tou chtheCo nnect button
    tocon nect to th e net wo rk. Touch the Cancel button
    toret ur nto the list of net wor ks. If the netw orkhas a
    passw ord, tou ch thepassw ordent ry box. Akey -
    boardwill appe aron th e scre en.Toviewthe pass -
    wordas you type it , to uch the Show Passwor d
    To use num bersor other charact erson the key-
    boar don the screen ,touch the .? 12 3button. To
    view mor echar acters, touch the Alt button. Touch
    theAlt but ton agai nto ret ur nto thenumber key-
    boar d.To return to the let ter keyboard, touchthe
    ABCbut ton. Toviewcap ital char acters, touch the
    buttonwit h an upwa rd-fa ci ng arr ow .To retur nto
    the low ercase keyboa rd, tou ch the arrow button
    again.To clearthe last char acter,touch thebutton
    with abackw ard-faci ng arrow and anX.
    Whe nthe conso lehas con nect edto you rw ir el ess
    net work, the WiFibox atth e topof the screen will
    di sp la y the wor dCO NNE CTE D.The n,touch the
    homebut ton onthe conso le to ret ur nto the set-
    tings mode .
    Todisco nnect fro m awir el ess netw ork, select the
    wirel ess networ kand tou ch th e For getbutton.
    If you arehavi ng pro blem sco nnect ing toan en-
    crypt ed net wo rk, make sureyou rpasswor dis cor -
    rect.N ot e: Passw ords arecase -sensitive.
    Not e:The iFi tL ive mod esuppor ts unsecur edand
    secur ed (WE P,WP A,a nd WPA2) encrypti on.A
    broadban dconnect ion is recom men ded ;per for-
    man cedepen dson conne ction speed.
    Not e: If you have quest ions afterfollowing
    the se ins truc tions ,go to ww w.iFit .com/suppor t
    forassist ance. 
    3.Login to your iFitLive account.
    To log into adif fere nt iFit Live account, touch the
    iFitLive Login but ton. Then ,en teryour userna me
    and passwo rdusing thekeyboar don the scree n.
    See step 2on pag e22 for instr uction sabout using
    th e ke ybo ard.When youarefinish ed,touch the
    Submit button.To retur nto the settings mode,
    to uch theCa nce lb utton. Note: Toswitch users
    with inan iFit Live acco unt,seeste p4on pag e19 .
    To set up aniFitLive account ,or for more in\b
    formati onabout theaccount ,go to
    w ww.i Fit. com.
    4. Selecta language.
    To select alan guage ,tou chtheLangu agebutton
    and se lect thede sired languag e.Then, touchthe
    home but ton on thescre entoretur nto the setting s
    mode.Not e:This featur emay notbe avail able in
    th e Un itedSta tes.
    5. Selectthe unit ofmeas urem ent.
    Tou chthe US\fMe tric butto nto view the selected
    unit ofmeasu rement.Ch ange theunitof mea sure -
    ment,ifdesir ed.The n,tou chthehome buttonon
    th e scre en.6. Turn onorturn offthe displ aydemo mode.
    Theconsolefe at ur es adispl ay dem omode, de-
    signed to be used if the tr eadm ill is displayed in a
    stor e. Whi le the dem omode is tur ned on,the con-
    sole will funct ion nor mally when you plug in the
    pow ercor d,press the pow ersw it ch into thereset
    posi tion, and inser tthe key int otheconsol e.
    How ever ,w hen you rem ove the key, thescreen
    will show adem opr ese ntatio n.
    To tur non ortur noff the displ ay demo mode, first
    touch the Dem o Mode button .N ext ,to uch theOn
    checkb oxorthe Off checkbox. Then,touch the
    homebu tton on th e scre en.
    7. Exit the set tings mode .
    Toexitth eset ting sm ode, tou ch th e home button
    onthe screen . 
    Th econ sole feature sa mai ntenan cemod ethat allows
    you to calibrat etheincli ne and speedofth e trea dmill,
    restore facto ryde faults, update theconso lefirmware,
    calibrate the scree n,vie wtechni calinfo rmatio n,and
    perf orm ane twork test.
    \f.Sele ctthe settings mode.
    See step 1on pag e22.
    2. Sele ctthe maintena nce mode .
    Touchthe Main tena nce
    butto nin the low erright
    corn erofthe screen to
    enter thema intena nce
    mod e.
    The main tenan cemo de mainscr een willshow in-
    fo rmatio nabo utthe mod eland version ofthe
    tre admill. If the conso leiscon nected tothe con-
    tro ller ofthe trea dmill ,the control lerdot willbe
    gre en; ifitis not ,the dot will flash. Ifthe trea dmill is
    connect edtoyour wireless netw ork, the network
    dotwill begre en;if itis not, thedot will be black.
    3. Calibrate theincline syste mof the trea dmill.
    Touchthe Calibr ateIncline button .The n,tou chthe
    Begin buttonto calibr atetheinclin esyste m.The
    tre admill willaut omatica llyrise tothe maximum in-
    cline level,lowe rto the minim um incli nelevel, and
    th en return tothe startin gpositi on.This willcali-
    bra te theinclin esystem. Pressthe Cance lbu tton
    to ret urn tothe mainten ance mode. Whenthein-
    cline syste miscalibr ated, touch theFinish button .
    IMP ORTANT: Keeppet s,fee t,and othe robje cts
    away from thetreadmill whiletheincline system
    iscal ibrat ing. Inan emerge ncy,pu llthe key
    from thecons oleto stop the incline calibration.4.Cal ibrat ethe spee dof the tr eadmill.
    Cal ibr atethe spee dof the tr ead mill only ifin -
    str uct ed to do so byan aut hor ized service repre-
    se ntative .
    Not e:The Ca libr ateSpee dbut ton may notbeen-
    abl ed onyour tr ead mill.
    5. Res tor efa ct or ydef aults.
    If necessa ry, tou ch th e Rest oreDef aults button to
    rese tthe fir m war eto the origi nal factory firmw are.
    Th is will er ase all firm war eupd ates that you have
    downloaded .Tou chth e Begi n but ton torestore the
    defaultfir m wa reor the Can celbu tton toretur nto
    the maint en ance mod e.To avoi ddamaging the
    tre admi ll, do not turn offthe pow eror rem ove
    the keywhi le the fact ory defaults are being re \b
    st or ed.
    Whe nthe rest oration is co mple te ,the treadm ill w ill
    tur noffan dth en tur nba ck on. If it do es not, press
    thepow ersw it ch int otheoffpo sition. Wait forsev -
    eralseco nds, andthen press the powe rsw itch into
    the rese tpo sition. It m ay take afew min utes forthe
    consol eto be ready for use.
    6. Updat ethe cons olefirmw are.
    Forthe bes tre sul ts ,re gula rly check for
    firmw areupdat es.
    Touch the Firm war eUpdat ebu tton .Next, touch
    theWiFi but ton to check for fir m war eupdates
    usi ng your wirel ess networ k. Th en, touch theBegi n
    buttonto check fo r up dat esortheCa ncel button to
    retur nto the maint enan cemode.
    To avoid dam aging the trea dmi ll,do not tur n
    offthe powe ror remove the keywhile the
    fi rmw areis be ing updat ed. 
    Note:Ifyou canno tu pdate theconso lefirmware
    ove ryou rwire less network, yo ucan upda tethe
    firmwa reusing aUSB drive. Touch theUSB button
    toinst allfirmwar eup dates usingaUSB drive. Go
    to www.iFit .comand dow nload the firmware update
    onto you rUSB drive.Safel yrem ove theUSB drive
    fro m you rco mpu terand plug itinto theUSB port
    on theside ofthecon sole. Touch theBeg inbutto n
    on thescreen or to uch theCance lbutton toreturn
    to themaint enance mode.
    The scree nwill show theprogr ess ofthe upda te.
    Wh entheupd ateis com plete,the treadmill willturn
    off a nd then turn back on.If itdoes not,pressthe
    power switchintotheoff posi tion. Wai tfor several
    seco nds, and then pre ss the power switch into the
    rese tp osit ion. Itmay take afew minutes forthe
    con sole tobe read yfo ruse.
    7. Cali brate thescre en.
    If th escreen isno tpr oper lycal ibrated, itwill bedif-
    ficu ltfor you to touch thecorrect buttons onthe
    scree n.To calibra tethe screen, touch theCalibrate
    Scre en buttonan dthen touch theBegi nbu tton .
    Tou chthe Can celbutton toretur nto the mainte -
    nance mod e.Asm alltar get willapp ear on the
    scree n.
    Using ape ncil eraser orothe rsm allobject, touch
    th e ce nter ofth etarg et. The n,tou chthere st of the
    ta rget s.Aft erseve ralsecond s,the console willexit
    th e ca libra tionmod e.
    Note:Ifitis difficu ltto touch thebuttons whileusing
    th e Int erne tbro wser, thebro wser scree nshou ld be
    calib rated.Pre ssand holdthe menu button on the
    con sole untila\b ap pears onthe screen .Usin ga
    pencil erase ror othe rsm allobject, touch andhold
    th e ce nter ofth e\b for ase cond. Then, touchand
    hold the rest ofthe targets. Afterafew seco nds,
    th e co nso lewill exit the calibr ati on mod e.8. View techni calinform ation.
    Touch the Techni calInfo but tonto view thetotal
    numberof hou rsthat the tr eadm ill ha sbeen used,
    the tot al num ber ofmiles that the walkin gbelt has
    moved, andoth er inf or mat ion .A fter you view the
    inf or mat io n, tou ch th e Fin ish but ton.
    9. Perfor m ane tw ork te st.
    Touch the Net wor kTest but ton to check thecon-
    nect ion stat us ofthe tre adm ill . The wireless inter -
    face stat us show swhe ther the wirel ess featur eon
    the tr eadm ill is tu rned onortur ned off.The networ k
    access stat us sho ws whet her the tr eadmi llcan
    conn ectto yo ur w ir el ess networ k. The DNSservi ce
    stat us show swhe th er the tre adm ill can communi -
    catewith the DNS ser ver.The iFi t.com status
    show swhet her the tr eadm ill ca nco mmun icate with
    iFi t.com .If al lthe conne ction sare successful, the
    console will d isp laythe word SU CCESS. Afteryou
    view theinfo rm at ion, touch the Finish button.
    \f0. Acce ssthe Andr oid™ desktop.
    Acces sthe Androi ddesk toponlyif inst ruct ed
    to do so by an author izedservi cetechnician.
    From thedeskt op,youcan change settings and
    maint ain your consol e.Tou chthe And ro id Desktop
    but ton to acce ssthe deskt op. Press thehom ebut -
    ton onthe conso le to exit the deskt op.
    \f\f. Exit the maint ena nce mode.
    Toexitth ema in te nance mode ,touch thehom e
    button onth e scr eenre peat edly. 
    To play music oraudio books through theconsoleʼs
    speakers, youmust conn ect your MP3 playe r,CD
    player, orother person alaudi oplaye rto the conso le.
    Locate the audio wire. Plugone endinto theaudio jack
    on the side ofthe conso le.Then, plug the other end
    intoajack on yo ur MP3 player, CD player, orother
    person alaud ioplayer .M ake suretha tthe audio wire
    isfully plugge din.
    Ne xt, press thePlay button on your MP3 player, CD
    player, orother person alaudi oplaye r. Then, adjust th e
    vo lum elevel onyour per sona laudi opla yer orpress
    the Vol incre aseanddecr ease button son theco nso le.
    If you are using aperso nalCD player andtheCD
    skip s,set the CD playe ron the floor oranother flatsur-
    face insteadofon thecon sole.
    Note: The USB port onthe side ofthe consol eis for
    so ftware upda tesonly.HO WTO ADJUST TH ECUSHI ONING SYS TEM
    Rem ovethe key from the consol eand unplug the
    pow ercord. Thetrea dm ill fea tu res acushioni ngsys -
    tem that redu ces th e im pact asyou walk orrun onthe
    tread mill. To incr ease thefirm ne ss ofthe walki ngplat -
    for m,ste poffthe tr ea dm ill an dslide thepla tfo rm cu sh -
    io ns tow ard the fro nt ofthe tr ead mill. To decre ase the
    fir m ness, slide the pla tfor m cushi onstoward theback
    ofthe tr ead mill. N ot e: Mak esure that bothcushions
    ar eset atthe same firmness lev el.Th efa ste r yo u
    run onthe trea dm ill ,or them ore yo uweigh, the
    firme rthe wal king platform shoul dbe.
    Pla tfor m
    Cush io n
    Wal king Pla tform Incr ease
    Decr ease
    Platfor m
    Cushi on 
    Toavoi ddam agingthe tread mill,adjus tthe incline
    tothe lowest pos ition befo reyoufold the tre ad mil l.
    Then, remove the key and unpl ug the power cor d.
    CAUTION :Yo umust beable tosafely lift 45 lbs. (20
    kg)to rai se, lower, ormove thetread mill.
    1. Hold the met alfra me firm lyin the loca tionshown
    by th earrow below. CAUTIO N:Do not hold the
    frame bythe plast icfoot rails .M ake sure to
    bend yourlegsand keep yourback straight.
    2.Raise the frame until thelatch kno blocks inthe
    storag eposit ion. CAUT ION:Make sure tha tthe
    la tch knob lock s.
    Toprotec tthe floor orcarpet ,place amat under the
    treadmi ll. Keep the treadmil lout ofdirect sunlight.
    Do not leav ethe treadmi llin the storage positionin
    tem peratur esabove 85°F(30° C).HO W TO MOVE TH ETR EA DM ILL
    B ef or emovi ng th e tr e adm ill , fol d itas described atthe
    left. CAUT ION:Make sure that the latch knob is
    locked in the storage position. Moving thetread \b
    mill m ay requi retw o peopl e.
    1. Ho ldthe fr a m e and one ofthehandrails, andplace
    onefoot agai nst awheel .
    2. Pul lbac kon the handr ailunt il the treadm ill wi llrol l
    on the wheels ,and caref ully mov eitto the desired
    locat ion.CAU TION:D o not mo vethe treadmi ll
    withou ttipp ingit b ack ,do not pullon the fram e,
    and do not move thetreadmi llover anuneven
    3. Place one foo tagai nstawheel ,and careful lylower
    th etrea dm ill.
    1. Se edraw ing 2.H old the upper endofthe treadmi ll
    with your right hand. Pul lthe lat ch kno bto the left;
    if nece ssary,pu sh th e fram efor war dsli ghtly. Pivot
    thefram edo wn wardafew inches, andrelease the
    latch knob.
    2. Se edr awi ng \fat the left. Ho ldthe metal frame
    firmlywithboth ha nds, and lowe rit to the floor.
    CAUTIO N:Do noth old thefram eby the pla stic
    foo tra ils ,a n d do notd rop thefra me. Makesu re
    to bend yo ur legs an d keep yo ur back straight.
    Han drail
    Fra me
    Whe el
    Fram e
    Fram e 
    Mosttreadmi llproblem scan besolved byfollow ingtheste ps below .Find theproble mtha tapplies, and
    follow thesteps listed. Iffur ther assista nceisne eded, pleasesee thefront cover ofthis manual.
    PROB LEM: The power doesnotturn on
    SOLU TION: a.Make surethat thepowe rcord isplug ged intoasu rg e suppressor, andthatthesurge suppressor
    isplugg edinto aprop erlygro und edoutlet (seepage 12). Use only asingle-outlet surgesuppres -
    sorthat mee tsallof the speci ficat ions describ edonpag e12. IMPORTANT :The tr eadmill isnot
    compa tible wit h GFC I\b equippe doutl ets and may notbecompatible with AFC I\bequipped
    outle ts.
    b.Afterth epo wer cord has been plugge din,make surethatth e key isinserted intotheconsole.
    c.Check the power switch locate don the treadmill frame
    nearthe pow ercor d.Ifthe switch protru desas shown,
    the switch has trip ped. Toreset the swi tch, wait fo r five
    min utes and then press theswitch back in.
    PROB LEM: Thepower turns offduring use
    SOLU TION :a. Check thepower switch (see thedrawin gab ove). Ifthe switch hastripped ,wait forfive minutes
    and the npr ess the switch back in.
    b. Make surethat th e pow er cor dis plug ged in.Ifth epower cordisplug ged in,unplug it,wait forfive
    minut es, andthen plugitback in.
    c. Remo vethe key from the console.Reinsert thekey into theconso le.
    d. If th etre adm ill still willnot run, ple ase seethefron tcove rof this manual.
    P ROB LEM: The cons olescreen remains litwhen youremove thekey from theconsole
    SOLU TION: a.Th econsol efeatur esadispl aydemo mode,designe dto be used ifthe tread mill is displayed ina
    stor e. If th e scr een shows ade mo pre sen tation when youremove thekey,th e de mo mode is
    turned on. To turn off the dem omo de,ho lddown theStop button forafew second s.Ifthe demo
    mode is still on, see step 6on page 23totur noff the demo mode.
    PROB LEM: Thecons oledoes notdisplay speedand distance correctly
    SOLU TION: a.Remo vethe key from the console andUNPL UGTHE
    POWE RCO RD.Then, placethetrea dmill inthe stor-
    age posi tion (see HOW TOFOLD THE TREADMILL
    onpage 27).
    Ne xt, remove the two indi cated #8x3\f4" Screws (1).
    TrippedR eset
    Lowerthe tr eadm ill (se eHOW TOLOWER THE
    TREA DMI LLFORUSE onpag e27 ).Remov ethefour
    indica ted#8 x3\f 4" Scr ews(1) ,a nd re mo vethe Motor
    Hood (75 ).
    Ne xt, locat ethe Reed Switch (5 3) an dtheMagn et
    (58) on thelef tside ofthe Pulle y (59 ).Tu rnthePu lley
    unt ilth eMa gnet isaligne dwi th the Ree dSwitch.
    Ma ke sur etha tthe gap betwe enthe Magnet and
    theRee dSw itc his about \f/8in.(3 mm ).Ifneces -
    sary, loosen the indi cated #8x3\f4 "Te kScrew (24),
    movetheRee dSw itch slightly, andthenre tig hten the
    Screw .Then, reat tach theMotorH ood (notsh own)
    with thesix #8x3\f4" Screw s (n ot shown), andrun the
    trea dmi llfo ra few minu testo check fora correct
    sp eed rea ding .
    PROB LEM: Theincline ofthe tr e adm illdoes notchange corre ctly
    SOLU TION: a. R ecalibrate theincli nesystem (seestep3on page 24).
    PROB LEM: The iFit Live mode does notfuncti oncor rectly
    SOLU TION: a. If the iFitLive mode isnot functioning correctly,makesurethat thetread millhasthe mos tcurren t
    firmw areavai lable (see step 6on pages 24and 25 ).
    PROB LEM: The walking beltslows when walkedon
    SOLU TION: a.Use only asingl e-outlet surge supp ressor thatmee tsallof the specific atio ns descr ibedonpage 12.
    b.If the walki ngbeltis over tighten ed,treadmill perfor-
    mance may decr ease andthewal king beltmay be-
    come dam aged .R emo vethekey and UNPLUG THE
    POW ER CO RD. Using thehexke y,tu rn both idler
    rolle rbo lts count erclockw ise,1\f4of aturn .When the
    walkin gbel tis prop erlytightene d,yousho uldbeable
    to lif t e ach edge ofthe walkin gbel t3 to 4in.(8 to10
    cm) off th ewal king platform .Be carefulto keep the
    walkin gbel tcen tered .The n,plu g in the power cord,
    inse rtthe key, andrun the treadmillfo ra few min -
    ute s. Rep eat until the wal king bel tis prop erlytight -
    ened .
    c.If the walki ngbeltsti llsl ows when walked on,please seethefront cover ofthis manu al.
    Idl er Rol ler Bol ts
    3–4 in. 
    PROB LEM: The walking belt isoff\bcenter or slips when walked on
    SOLU TION: a.If the walki ngbeltis off-center, removethekey and
    UNPLUG THEPOWER COR D.If the walking belt
    hasshif tedto the left, use thehex key to turn the
    leftidl er rol ler boltcl ockwi se1\f2of aturn; ifthe
    wal king belthas shiftedto the right, turntheleft
    idl er rol ler boltcou ntercl ockwise1\f2 ofa turn .Be
    ca ref ulno tto over tightenthewal king be lt.Plug in the
    powe rcord ,inser tthe key, andrun the tread millfora
    few minut es. Repe atuntil the walkin gbe ltis cen -
    tere d.
    b.If the walki ngbeltsl ips when wal ked on,first remove
    the keyand UNP LUG THEPOWE RCORD. Using
    the hex key, tur nboth idler rol lerbolts clockwise, 1\f4
    ofa turn .W hen the walki ngbeltis co rrectl ytight -
    ened ,yo ushoul dbe ableto lif t ea ch edge ofthe
    wa lkin gbel t3 to 4in.(8 to 10 cm) offthewa lking
    pla tfor m. Be car eful to kee pthewalking belt cen -
    tere d.Then, plugin the pow ercor d,insert thekey,
    and carefully wa lkon the treadm ill for afew mi nutes.
    Re peatunt il the walkin gbelt isprop erlytig hten ed.
    PROB LEM: Thetrea dmill willnot connect tothe wireless network
    SOLU TION: a. P er form ane tworkte st (see step9on pag e25).
    b. Make sure the wirele sssettings onyour conso leare co rrect (see step2on page 22).
    c. Make sure the settin gsforyour wirele ss network are co rrect.
    d. If yo ustil lhave question s,see the frontcover ofthis manua l.
    PROB LEM: Thebuttons onthe scree ndo not work correc tly
    S OLU TION: a. If the screen isno tprope rly ca librated ,it will bedifficult totouch thecorrect buttons onthe screen.
    Tocalib ra te the screen ,see step 7on pa ge 25.
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