ProForm Trailrunner 4.0 Manual
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3\f These guid eline swill hel p you toplan your exercise program. Fordet ailed exerci seinfor mation, obtaina reputable book orcon sult your physi cian. Remembe r, propernutrition andade quate rest are essentia lfo r su ccessful results. EXERCIS EINTENSITY Wh ether yourgo alisto bu rn fat ortostrengthe nyou r cardiovascu larsystem ,exer cisingatthepro per inten - sityis thekey to achie vingresul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofind the proper intensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended heart rates for fat burn ing andaer obic exercise. Tofind the pro perin te nsi tylevel ,fin dyour age atthe bot tom ofthe chart (ag esarerounde doff tothe near - estten years). Thethree num bersliste dabove your age define you r“train ing zone.” Thelowest numberis the hea rtrate for fatbu rning, themiddl enumbe ris the hea rtrat efor maximu mfat bur ning,and the highest numbe ris the heart rate foraerob icexercise.Burni ngFat —To burnfat effect ively,you must exer- cise atalow in te nsi ty level fora sustaine dperi odof time .D ur ing th e fir st few minu tesofexe rcise, your bod yuses ca\fbo\b yd\fatecal o\fiesfor energy. Onlyafter the first few minu tesofexe rci se does your body begin to use stor ed fat cal o\fies for ener gy.Ifyou rgo alis to bur nfat ,adj ust thein te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e lowe stnu mb erinyou rtrai ning zone .For maxi mum fat bur ning ,exe rcise withyour hea rt rat enear the middl enum berin your training zone . Aerobi cExerc ise—I fyo ur goal is to strengthen your cardiovascu larsyst em,you must perfo rm aerobi cexer - cise, which is act ivi ty that requi res large amounts of oxyge nforpr olon ged per iods oftime .For aerobicex - erci se, adjust th e in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e highest numberinyour traini ng zone . WORKOU TGUID ELI NES War ming Up—S tar tw it h 5to 10 minu tesofstr etchi ng and light exer cise. Awar m-up incr eases yourbody tem per atur e, hear trat e, and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise. Trai ning Zone Exerci se—E xercise for20 to30 min- utes with your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone. (Dur ing t he first few weeks ofyour exer cise pro gram, donot keep your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone forlonger t han 20minut es.)B re at he regul arly and deeplyasyou exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish with 5to 10 minutes ofstretch - ing. Stret chi ng incr eases theflexi bility ofyou rm uscl es and hel ps to pre vent post-exer cise problems. EXER CIS E FR EQ UEN CY To maint ain or improve your condi tio n, comp lete three wor kout seach week, with atleast oneday ofrest be- tw een wor kout s.After afew mon th s ofregu larexer - cise, you may com plet eup to five workouts each week, if de sired .R em ember ,the key tosuccess isto make exer cise aregul arand enj oyable partofyour ever yda ylif e. EX ER CISE GUIDELI NES WA RNING:Bef ore begi nningany exerc ise progra m,consult yourphysic ian. Thi sis espe cially impor tant for persons over age 35 or pers onswithpre \bexisting health proble ms. Thepulsesens orisnot am edical device. V arious factors mayaf fect the acc uracy of he art rate readi ngs. Thepulse sensor is in \b te nde donl yas an exer cise aidindete rmining heart rate tre nds inge nera l.

32 SUGGES TEDSTRETCH ES Thecorre ctform for sever alba sic stretche sis shown attheright. Move slowly asyou stretch—neve rbo unce. \f.Toe Touch Stretc h Sta nd withyo ur kne esbentsligh tly and slowly ben dforward from yo ur hip s.Allow yourback and shoulde rsto relaxas yo ure ach down towardyou rtoe sas fa ras possi ble.H old for15 cou nts,then rel ax. Repeat3time s.Str etches: Hamstrings, back ofkne esand back. 2.Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bring thesole ofthe opposite foot toward youand restitaga inst theinner thigh ofyour extend edleg.Reach toward yourtoes asfar aspossi ble.Hold for15cou nts, then relax. Repeat 3time sfor each leg.Stre tches: Hamstrings, lowe rback and groin. 3.Calf/Ac hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof theother ,reach forwar dan dplace your han dsagain stawall. Keep yourback leg straigh tan dyou rback foot flatonthefloo r.Ben dyou rfro ntleg, leanforw ard and move your hipstoward the wall. Hold for15coun ts,then relax. Repeat3times for each leg.To cause further stretching ofthe achilles te ndo ns, bendyou rback leg as well.Stretche s:Calves ,ach illes ten dons and ankles. 4.Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand again stawa llfor bala nce, reach back andgrasp one foo twith your oth er hand. Bring your heelas clo se toyour buttocks as possib le.Hold for15 counts, thenrelax. Repeat3time sfor each leg. Stretches: Quadricep sand hip muscl es. 5.Inn erThi ghStre tch Sit with the sole sof you rfeet together andyourkne esoutward. Pull your feet toward your groin area asfar aspossible. Holdfo r 15 co unts, then relax. Repe at3time s.Stre tches: Qua drice psandhip mu scle s. 1 2 3 4 5

33 PART LIS TModel No. PFTL1 6010. 0R1210A To locat ethe part slisted below ,see theEXPLODED DRAWINGneartheend ofthis manual. Key No. Qty. Descripti on KeyNo. Qty. Description 150 #8 x3\f4" Screw 26 3\f8 "x 1 1\f4 "Bol t 31 3\f8 "x 1 3\f4 "Bol t 41 3\f8 "x 2" Bol t 54 3\f8 "x 3 3\f4 "Bol t 6 10 3\f8 "Star Wash er 78 3\f8 "Jam Nut 82 Handr ailCap 92 #8 x1\f2" Groun dScr ew 10 2Drive Motor Bolt 11 13\f8" x1 3\f4 "H ex Head Bolt 12 16 #8 x3\f4" FlatHead Screw 13 13\f8" x2" Hex Head Bolt 14 4#8 Bel tGuide Screw 15 21\f4" x2 1\f2 "Bol t 16 6#8 x1\f2" Screw 17 21\f4" x1 1\f4 "Bol t 18 25\f16" x1 1\f4" Bolt 19 12 #12 x1" Screw 20 23\f8" x3\f4 "Bol t 21 23\f8" x1 3\f4 "Fl at Head Bolt 22 23\f8" x2 3\f8 "Bol t 23 5#8 x1\f2" Washe rH ead Screw 24 15 #8 x3\f4" TekScrew 25 4#8 x1" Scr ew 26 8#8 x3\f4" PanHea dTek Screw 27 1Console 28 4#8 Star Washer 29 4#8 x1" Tek Screw 30 41\f4" Star Wash er 31 1Right Pulse Grip 32 1Handr ail 33 4Base Foot Spacer 34 41\f4" Locknut 35 1#8 Lo cknu t 36 1Access Door 37 4Hood Clip 3 8 25\f16" FlangeNut 39 1Left Pul seGrip 40 4Handr ailGr ipFastene r 41 1Left Foot Insert 42 2Rear Wheel Axle 43 4Rear Wheel 44 4Caution Decal 45 1Right Foot Insert 46 1Rear Foot 47 2Platform Cushion 48 2Cushion Track 49 1Warning Deca l 50 1Walking Platform51 2Bel tG uide 52 2Isol ator 53 1Reed Sw it ch 54 2Hood Mount 55 2Lift A rm Spa cer 56 2Lift A rm 57 2Incl ine Rod Spacer 58 1Magnet 59 1Drive Rol ler \fP ulley 60 1Ele ctr on ics Bracke t 61 1Cont rol le r 62 1Front Cap 63 1Pow erSw it ch 64 2Upr ight Wir e Grom met 65 1Pow erCord Gro m met 66 1Pow erCord 67 1Fram e 68 1Walking Belt 69 1Idl er Rol ler 70 1Hex Key 71 15\f32" Hex Key 72 1Rear Foot Inser t 73 1Reed Sw it ch Cla m p 74 1Incl ine Se nso rW ire 75 1Mot or Hoo d 76 1Incl ine Rod 77 1Incl ine Moto r 78 1Incl ine Moto r Wi re 79 1Sto pBr acke t 80 1Sto pBr acke tS pace r 81 1Drive Mot or Bel t 82 1Drive Mot or 83 1LeftRa ilC ove r 84 1LeftFoot Rail 85 1Rig ht Rail C over 86 1Audi oWi re 87 1Sto ra ge Latch 88 1Consol eWi re 89 1LeftUp rig htS leeve 90 1Rig ht Upright Sleeve 91 1LeftUp rig ht 92 1Rig ht Upright 93 1Upr ight Wir e 94 1Key\f Clip 95 1Rig ht Fo otRail 96 2Handr ailG rip 97 6Rel easabl eTie 98 2Tie Cl am p 99 9Pla sti cTi e 100 1LeftBa se Cover

34 Key No. Qty. Descriptio n KeyNo. Qty. Description 101 2 Wheel 102 1 Rig ht Ba se Cover 103 1 Base 104 2 Conso leClam p 105 4 Base Foot106 1Conso leBase 107 2Conso leGroun dWi re 108 1Conso lePlat e *– User ʼs M anual No te: Specifica tions are subj ecttochange witho utnotice .For info rmation about ordering replacement parts,see theback coverof this manu al.*Th ese parts are not illustrated .

24 73 52 17 49 18 69 1 50 68 18 17 51 14 51 5857 56 55 54 1 1 21 10 24 59 60 54 1 1 1 1 24 1 20 21 55 56 57 20 52 14 38 67 34 30 62 16 35 66 65 70 3034 53 63 15 15 3864 71 23 43 43 1 1 72 1 1 42 42 46 41 45 44 24 24 47 47 48 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 48 12 12 12 24 24 3034 61 23 12 12 35 EXPLOD ED DRA WING AModelNo. PFTL160 10.0R1210A

777 11 76 13 7 79 80 1 75 37 37 84 81 82 19 19 19 87 3 7 4 7 83 78 95 85 191919 1 1 1 74 36 EXPLOD ED DRA WING BModel No.P FTL16 010.0R1210A

91 92 103 7 101 22 44 44 101 22 72 44 7 7 29 105 29 105 89 90 93 931 1 29 1051 1 1 1 1 100 102 24 6 5 5 64 33 33 33 2 2 26 6 6 6 6 6 23 23 29 10533 24 2424 24 98 97 99 37 EXPLOD ED DRA WING CModelNo. PFTL160 10.0R1210A

32 40 40 26 26 28 11 1 1 108 25 104 104 25 281079 16 1 1626 26 1 8 96107 9 1 1 968 38 EXPLOD ED DRA WING DModel No.P FTL16 010.0R1210A

86 36 1 106 26 1 1 1 39 31 27 88 941 261 1 39 EXPLOD ED DRA WING EModelNo. PFTL160 10.0R1210A

Part No.305 030R121 0A PrintedinUSA ©201 0ICON IP,Inc. ORDE RING REPLACEMENT PART S To order replaceme ntpar ts, please seethefront cover ofthis manual. Tohelp usassist you, be prepared to provide the following infor mation when contacting us: •themod elnumber andserialnum berofthe pro du ct(se ethe front cover ofthis manual) •thena me ofth epr odu ct(see thefrontcover ofth is manu al) •thekey numb eranddescr iption oftherep lace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTan dth e EXPLODED DRAW INGnear theend ofthis manua l) ICON Health&Fitn ess, Inc.(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,und er norm aluse andser vice conditions. Theframe anddrive motor arewarranted foralife - time. Parts are wa rranted forfive (5)years fromthedate ofpurchase. Laboriswarranted fortwo (2) ye ars fromtheda teofpurch ase. This warra nty ext ends only tothe orig ina lpu rch aser. ICONʼs obligation under thiswarran tyislimited to repa iring or re placin g,at IC ON ʼsopt ion, the produ ctthrou ghone ofits authorized servicecenters. Allre- pairs for which warran tyclaim sar ema de must beprea uthorized byICON. Ifthe produ ctisshipp edtoa service cente r,freight charges toand from the service centerwillbe the customerʼs responsibility. For repla ceme ntpart ssh ippe dwh ile th e produ ctisunder warranty, the customer willberesp onsible fora minimal handlingchar ge.Forin- hom ese rvice, thecustomer willbe responsible foraminima ltri p charge. This warra ntydo es not extend toany damage toaprodu ctcau sed byorattributab leto freight damage, abuse,misu se,improperorabnor mal usa ge, orrepa irsnot provided byan ICON authorize dservice cen- ter; to pro ducts used forcomm ercial or rental purposes oras store disp lay models; or to prod ucts trans - portedor purch asedou tside the US. Noother warranty beyond thatspe cifically setforth aboveis autho - rized byICO N. ICON isnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon - nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omicloss, lossof property,loss of re venue sor profi ts,loss ofenjoyment oruse ,or co sts of remova lo r installation; orother conse quent ialdama gesof wha tsoever nature. Some states donot allow theexclusion orlimitation ofin- ciden talor con sequ entialdam ages. Accordingly, theabo velimitati on ma ynot apply toyou. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthherein .S ome states donotallow limitatio nson howlong animplied warranty lasts.Accordingly, the abovelimitat ionmaynot appl yto you. This warranty gives you spe cific legal rights .You may alsohaveother rights thatvary from state to state. IC ON Heal th&Fit ness ,Inc. ,\f5 00 S.\f000 W.,Logan, UT8432\f\b98 \f3 LIM ITED WARRANTY IMPO RTANT: Youmust regis ter thispro ductwith in30 days ofthepurch ase date toavoi dadde d fees forse rvi ce needed under warr anty. Goto ww formse