ProForm Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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30 101 103 1 100 14 99 94 97 96 1 1 1 95 23 104 105 104 1 6 10 14 106 1 1 1 102 104 104 30 1 107 109 1 1 3\f EXPLOD ED DRA WING D—Model No.PFTL960 08.2R1109A

ORD ERING REPLACEMENT PARTS Toorde rre place mentpa rts, please seethefrontcover ofthi smanua l.To help usassist you,beprepa redto pro - videthe follo wing info rma tion when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefron tcove rof this manual) • the name ofthepr odu ct(see thefront cover ofth is manu al) •the keynumbe rand descr iptionof the replacementpart (s) (see thePART LISTan dth e EXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis ma nual ) Part No.283 836R110 9A PrintedinUSA ©2009 ICON IP,Inc. ICON Health&Fitn ess, Inc.(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,und er normal useand service cond itions. Theframe iswarra ntedfora lifetime. Thedrive motor iswarra nted for twe nty-fi ve(25) years fr o m the date ofpurch ase. Parts and labor arewarranted forone (1)ye ar from the dateofpurch ase. This warra nty ext ends only tothe orig ina lpu rch aser. ICONʼs obligation under thiswarran tyislimited to repa iring or re placin g,at IC ON ʼsopt ion, the produ ctthrou ghone ofits authorized servicecenters. Allre- pairs for which warran tyclaim sar ema de must beprea uthorized byICON. Ifthe produ ctisshipp edtoa service cente r,freight charges toand from the service centerwillbe the customerʼs responsibility. For repla ceme ntpart ssh ippe dwh ile th e produ ctisunder warranty, the customer willberesp onsible fora minimal handlingchar ge.Forin- hom ese rvice, thecustomer willbe responsible foraminima ltri p charge. This warra ntydo es not extend toany damage toaprodu ctcau sed byorattributab leto freight damage, abuse,misu se,improperorabnor mal usa ge, orrepa irsnot provided byan ICON authorize dservice cen- ter; to pro ducts used forcomm ercial or rental purposes oras store disp lay models; or to prod ucts trans - portedor purch asedou tside the US. Noother warranty beyond thatspe cifically setforth aboveis autho - rized byICO N. ICON isnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon - nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omicloss, lossof property,loss of re venue sor profi ts,loss ofenjoyment oruse ,or co sts of remova lo r installation; orother conse quent ialdama gesof wha tsoever nature. Some states donot allow theexclusion orlimitation ofin- ciden talor con sequ entialdam ages. Accordingly, theabo velimitati on ma ynot apply toyou. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthherein .S ome states donotallow limitatio nson howlong animplied warranty lasts.Accordingly, the abovelimitat ionmaynot appl yto you. This warranty gives you spe cific legal rights .You may alsohaveother rights thatvary from state to state. IC ON Heal th&Fit ness ,Inc. ,\f5 00 S.\f000 W.,Logan, UT8432\f\b98 \f3 LIM ITED WARRANTY IMPO RTANT: Youmust regis ter thispro ductwith in30 days ofthepurch ase date toavoi dadde d fees forse rvi ce needed under warr anty. Goto ww formse