ProForm Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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\f\f 11.Becare fulnot to pinch thewires inthe Right Handra il(\f0 5). Attach the con sole assem blytothe Right Han drail (105)with two#8 x3\f4" Screws (1), a 1 \f4" x1 1\f4 "Bo lt(6), and a1\f4" Star Washe r (10).Repe atthis ste pon the left side ofthe cons oleassem bly.Star tall four Screws and both Boltsbe fore tight ening anyofthem . See steps 4and 6–9. Tight enallofthe bolts usedin thes eass embly steps . 1 10 6 ConsoleAsse mbly 105 11 10. Hav easecond person holdtheconsole asse m- bly nea rthe Rig htHand rail(105) .C onn ectthe Uprig htWire (86) tothe consol ewi re. See the insetdra wing. The connect orsshould slide togethe rea sily and snap intoplace. Ifthe ydo not, tu rn one conne ctor andtry agai n.IF THE CONNE CTORS ARENOT CONN ECTED PRO PERLY ,THE CONSOLE MAYBE DAM \b AGEDWHEN YOUTUR NON THEPOWER. Th en, remo vethe wire tie from the Upri ghtWire. In sert theco nn ect ors and theexce sswire into th e Rig htHan drail. Setthe con sole assem blyon theRi ght Han drail (105)and theLe ftHandr ail(no tsho wn). Be careful nottopinch the wires. Conso le A ssem bly10 86 Conso le Wi re C onso le Wi re Wi re Tie 86105
\f2 14.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Ifthere aresheetsofclear pla stic on the tre admi llde cals, remove thepla stic .To protect the floor orcarpet, pla ce ama tun der thetread - mill.Not e: Ext rahardwar emay be incl uded .Keep theincluded hexkeys inasecure place;on eof the hex keys isuse dto adjust thewal king belt (se epag es23 and 24). 51 Lar ge Barrel 60 8 53 3 50 13 11 49 13. Raise theFrame (53) tothe position shown . Haveaseco ndperson holdthe Frame until thisstepis complet ed. Orie nt theSto rag eLatch (50) sotha tthe large b arrel and theLa tch Knob (51) arein the posi - tions shown. Remo vethe tie fro mthe upper end ofthe Storag eLat ch(50). Attach theupper end ofthe Storag eLat chto thebr acket onthe Frame (53) with a3\f8" x2" Bo lt(3 )and a3\f8 "Locknut (11). Remo vethe tie fro mthe lower endofthe Storag eLat ch(50). Keep the holesinthe Latch Cap (49)align edwith theholesinthe Stora ge Latch. Mak esure tokeep the Lat chCap in\b side the Storage Latch. Attach theStorage Latch tothebra cket onthe Base (60) with a3\f8" x1 3\f4" Bolt (8).No te: Itma ybe necessar yto move theFrame (53 )back andforth toalign the Storag eLat chwiththe bracket. Lower theFrame (53)(see HOW TOLOW ER THETR EA DMILL FOR USE on page 21). 12. If ne cessa ry,pre sstheLeft Accesso ryTray (94) and the Righ tA ccessor yTray (99) into thecon- sole asse mbly. 94 99 12 Consol e Assembly
\f3 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE \bLUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil\b icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive wea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill, likeanyother type ofsop histica ted electronic equ ipmen t,can be seri ousl ydama ged by su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe r. Volt age surge s,sp ikes, andnoi se inter ference can res ult from weather condi tions or fro m other appliances beingturne don or off. Todecr ease thepossibility of yourtreadmill being dam aged, alwaysuse asur ge suppre ssor with your treadm ill(see drawing \fat the right). Topurchase asur gesupp ressor, see your lo cal PRO FORM dealeror call thete le phone number onthe front cover ofthis manual andorder partnu mber \f46\f48, orsee your local electronic s stor e. Use onl yasingle\boutlet surgesuppressor that is UL \f449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup\b pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules. The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor \f20vol ts AC and \f5amps. Theremust beamoni \b tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor couldresult indama getothe contr olsyst emofthe treadmill. If the cont rolsyste misdamaged, the walking belt mayslow ,accelerate, or st op unexpect edly,which mayre sult in afall and serious inj ury. Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc- tion orbrea kdo wn, ground ingprovi des apath oflea st resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c-tric sho ck.Thispr odu ctis equi pped with acor dhavi ng an eq uipm ent -gr oundi ngcondu ctor and agroundi ng plug. Plug the pow ercor dint oasurge suppressor, and plug the surge suppres sorinto anappr opriate outlet that is properl yinst alled and grounded in acc ordanc ewit h all local codes and ordinances. IM PO RTA NT: The treadm illis not com patible with GFC I\bequi pped outlet s. Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 120-volt circuit, and has agroundi ng plu g that loo ks like theplug illus - tra ted in dr aw in g 1bel ow.A tem por ary adap terthat looks like theadapt erillu str ated in drawing 2may be used to con nect th e sur ge suppr essorto a2-pol e recept acleas sho wnin dr aw ing 2if a properly groun dedoutlet is not avai la bl e. The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a prope rly gr oun ded outlet (dr aw ing 1) canbe instal led b y a qua lif ied elect ricia n. The gree n-col ored rig id ear ,lug, orthe like extending fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover . Whenever the adap teris use dit m ust be held inplace by a met al scre w.S ome 2\bpol erece ptacle outletbox cove rsare not grounded. Conta ctaqua lified elec\b tri ci an to de termi neif the out let box cover is grounded before using anada pter. DAN GER :Im proper connect ion ofthe equi pment\bgr oundingconductorcan resul tin an increa sedrisk ofele ctri cshock . Checkwith aqua lified electrician orserv ice\b ma nif you arein doubt asto whethe rthe pro duct is properly grounded.Do not modify the plug prov idedwit hthe product—i fit will not fitthe outle t,ha ve apr oper outlet installed byaqua lified electrician. 1 2Gr ou nded Out let Box Gr ou nded Out let Box Gr ou ndi ng Plug S ur ge Sup pressor Su rgeSu ppr essor Groundi ngPin A dapt er Lug MetalS cr ew Gro unded Out let G ro undi ngPin G ro undi ngPlug
\f4 FEATURES OF THE CONSOLE Thetre admill console offers asel ect ion offe atures designe dto make your wo rkou tsmore effe ctive. When the manu almo de ofthe console is se lect ed,th espeed and incline ofthe treadmill canbe chan ged with the touch ofa but ton .As youexer cise, theconso lewill dis play continuo usexe rcise feedback. Youca neven me asure yourheart rateusing the built -inpulse sensor. Th econsole features sixtee nprese twork outs—four wei ght loss workouts, four aerob icwork outs,four en- dur ance workouts,and fou rpe rformanc eworkouts . Each work outautomatic allycontrols the spe edand in- clin e of the treadmill asitgu ides youthroug han effec - tiveexerci sesess ion. Theconsole alsofeatures thenew iFit interac tiv e work - outsyst em. The iFitsys tem enablesthe conso leto ac- cept iFit interact ivework outca rds cont ainin gwork outsde sig ned to help yo uach ieve sp ecif icfitne ss go als. For exa mple ,lose unwa nted poun dswith the 8-week Weig ht Loss worko ut,or tr ai n fora long -d istance run wi th theMa ra th on wor kout .iF itwo rkouts auto matically co ntro lth etre admill whileth e vo ice ofapers onal train er co ach es yo u thro ugh eve ry step ofyour worko ut. iFit ca rds are ava ilable se para tely.T o purch ase iFit cards at an y tim e,go towww mor ca llthe tel ephone numberon the front cover ofthis man \b ual.iFit car dsare also ava ilabl eat selec tst or es. Wh ether you select thema nua lm ode orawor kout, you can lis ten to your fav orit e wor kout musi cor audi o book swi th the cons oleʼspr em ium ster eo sound system. To turnon the pow er, se epage 15.Touse the man \b ualmode, seepage 15. Touse apre set wor kout, see page 17. Touse aniFi tw ork out,see page 18.To use the inf ormat ion mode, seepage 19.Touse the ster eosound system, seepage 19. CONSOLE DIAGRAM IN KeyClip
\f5 HOWTO TU RN ON THE POWE R IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts. Plug inthe power cord (see page13 ).Next, locate the reset\foff circu itbrea ker on the trea dmillfra me nea rth e power cord.Switch thecircui t breake rto the rese tpo sitio n. IMPORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode, designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis \b played inastore. Ifthe displays lightassoon as you plug inthe power cord and switc hthe reset/off circ uitbrea kerto the reset pos ition, thedem o mode isturned on.Toturn offthe demo mode, holddown theStop button for afew seconds .If the displays remainlit, see THE INFORMATION MODE onpage \f9 to turn offthe demo mode. Next, stand onthe foot rails ofthe trea dmill. Find the clip attac hedto the key (se ethedrawin gon page 14) andslide the clip onto thewaistb and ofyou rclothes. Th en,insert the key into theconsole.Afte ra mo ment, the displays willlight.IM POR TANT:Inan eme rgency situati on,thekey can bepulled from thecons ole, causing thewalking belt to slow to ast op. Testthe cli pby care fully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe key isnot pulled from the console, adjusttheposi \b tion ofthe clip. IMP ORTANT: Ifthere are sheet sof clear plastic on theconsol e,rem ove theplast ic.To preven tdam \b agetothe wal king plat form, wear clean athletic shoes whileusi ng the treadm ill.The first time you us ethe trea dmil l,obse rvethe alignme ntofthe wal king belt,an dcenter thewalking beltifne ces \b sary (see page 24). N ote: The console candispl ayspeed and distan cein eith ermiles orkilo meters. Tofind outwhich unit of me asureme ntisselected ortochange theunitofmea - surem ent,see THE INFORM ATIONMODEonpage 19.Note: Forsimplic ity,all instruc tionsin this section refer tomiles.HO WTO USE THEMANUAL MODE \f. Insert thekey into theco nsol e. SeeHO WTO TURN ON TH EPOW ER at the left. 2. Select them anu alm ode . Whe nthe key isinser ted, th ema nual mode will be sel ect ed. If you have se- lecte dawork - out ,p re ss any ofth e wor kou tbu tton srep eatedl y until a tr ack appe arsin the displ ay. 3. Startthe wal king belt. To startthe wal king bel t, p re ss the Start button, the Speed incr ease button ,or one ofth e nu mber ed Quick Spee dbut to ns. If you press the Star tb ut tonor th e Spe edincr ease but ton, thewalki ng belt will begi nto m ov eat 1m ph. As you exer cise ,cha nge the spee dof the wal king bel ta s desi redby pressi ngthe Speed increase and decrease butto ns .E ach tim e you press oneof thebut ton s,thespeed setting will chan geby0.1 mp h;if you hol d do wn the but ton, the speed setting will change in incr ement sof 0.5mph. Ifyou pres sone ofthe num beredQuick Speed but- tons ,the wal king belt will gr adual ly change speed untilit reac hesthesel ec ted speed setting. Tostopthewalki ng bel t, pr ess the Stop button. Thetim ewill be gin to flas hin the display. Torest art the walk ing belt ,pres sthe Start but ton, the Speed incr ease button, orone ofthe numbered Quick Speed buttons. Tr ackReset
\f6 4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired. To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill, press th e Incline increaseandde crea sebuttons orone of th e numb ered Quick Inclinebuttons. Eachtimeyou press theIncline increa se ordecrea sebutt on, the inclin ewill changeby 0.5% .If you press oneof the numbere dQuick Incli ne buttons, thetrea dmill will adjust totheselecte dincl ine settin g.Note: After you pressthe button s,it m ay take amome ntfor th e trea dmill toreach theselected incline setting. 5. Follow yo ur pro gress withthedi spla ys. When the manual modeisse - lect ed, the upper display willshow a track that repres ents1\f4mile (400 mete rs).Asyou walk or run,indic atorswill appea rin succ essio naround the track unt ilthe entire track app ears .Th etrack will thendisappear andthe indicato rswill aga inbegin to appear insucces sion. The leftside ofthe lower displ aywill show the elapsed time, thedis- tanc ethat you hav e walked orrun, andthe in- cline level ofthe tread mill. Press the Dis play button to view thetime or the dis- tanc e.Not e:Wh enaprese tw orko utis sele cted, th e displa ywill showthe timere mai ningin the worko utinst ead ofthe elapse dtime . The right sideofthe lower display willshow the approx imatenumbe r ofcalor iesyou have burned, the speed ofthe walking belt,and your pace inminutes permile. Press theDisp laybutt on toview the speed orthe pac e.The right sideofthe displ aywill alsoshow your heart ratewhenyou use thehandgrip pulsesens or. Toreset the displa y,press theStop butto n,remove th e ke y,and the nre inser tth ekey.6. Meas ure your heart ra te if des ired. Beforeusi ng the handgr ip pul se sensor ,rem ove the sheet sof cl ea rpl ast ic fro m the met al con - tacts.In addi tion , make sure tha t your hands are clea n. To mea sur eyour heartra te ,st and onthe foot railsand place your handson the metal contacts— avoi dmovi ng your hands. Whenyourpulseis de - tec ted, the hear tsymbol inthe display will begi nto fl as heac htim eyour hear tbeat s, one ortw o dashes wi llappear, andthen your heartrat ewill beshown. Forthe most accu ra te he art ra te reading, con\b tinue to hold the cont acts for at least \f5sec \b onds . 7.Turn onthe fan if desi red. Th efanfeatures high, low, and auto speed set- tings. Press theFan but ton repea tedly tosel ect a fan speed orto tu rn off the fan. When theauto mod eis sel ect ed,the spe edofthefanwill auto - matical ly incre ase and decre ase asthe speed of thewal king beltincr eases anddecr eases .Note: If thefan is on when the wal king beltis stopped, the fanwill tur noffa ut om atical ly after afew minutes. Th eaut omode canonly be se lecte dwh ilethe wal king beltis mo ving. 8. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the keyfrom the cons ole. Step ontothe foot rail s, pres sthe Stop button, and ad just thein clin eof thetread millto the lowest setting.T he in clin emu stbe at th e low est setting oryoumay dam ageth etread mill w hen youfold itto th esto rag epo sitio n.Nex t, remove thekey from thecons oleand putitin asecur eplace. Wh en yo uare finishe dusing the tre admill ,sw itch the rese t\fof fcircu itbre ake rto the“of f”positio nan d unplu g thepo we rco rd .IMPORT ANT:Ifyou do notdo this,th etread m illʼs ele ctr ical compo \b nents may we ar pr em atur ely . Tra ck Met al Con ta ct s
\f7 HOWTO USE APRESE TWORK OUT \f.Ins ert the key into theconsole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Selectone ofthe prese twork outs. Toselect one ofth esixtee n pre set work - outs, pre ss th e W orko ut Select button below the desired workout repeated lyuntil thede - sired worko utapp earsin the upp erdispla y. As each pre - set worko ut isse lecte d, th e ma ximum spe edsetting and the max - imum incline setting ofthe wor kout willflas hin the lowe rdisp layfora few seconds. Inaddi tion ,th e duratio nof theworkout willappear in the display and aprofile ofthe speed setting softhe workou t willscro llacro ssthe upper display. 3.Start thewal king belt. Press the Start button ortheSpee dincrease button tostart the workout. Amo men tafter youpress the butto n,thetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the first spe edandincline setti ngs forthe workou t. Holdthehandrails andbegin walkin g. Each workou tis divided into one- minute segment s. One sp ee dset ting and one incli nesetting are pro - gra mmed foreach segmen t. Note :Th esa me speed setting and \forincline setting may be prog rammed for conse cutive segments. During the work - out,theprof ilewill show your progres s.The fla shing segment ofthe prof ilerep -rese nts th e curre ntse gmen tof theworkout. The heigh to fth efla sh ing seg me ntin dicates thesp eed set tin gfo r th ecu rre ntse gme nt. At th e end ofe ac h seg me nt, a se rie softo nes will so un d.If a differe nt spe ed and\f or inc linese ttin g is pro gramme dfor the next se gme ntofth ewo rkout, th enew spee dan d\for in clin ese ttin gwill flash in thedis pla yto alert yo u. T he tre admill willth en auto ma tically adju stto the spe ed and\f or inc linese ttin g for thenex tse gme nt. The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway until thelast s eg me ntof the profile fla sh es in the disp lay and the last segm ent ends. Thewal king belt willthen sl ow toastop . If the speed orincl in e set ting for the current seg - me ntis to o high ortoolo w ,yo ucan man uallyover - ride the settin g by pressi ngthe speed or incl ine buttons; however, wh en thecur rent segm ent of th ewor ko uten ds,the tread mil lwil la u to ma ti\b call yadj ust to thespe ed and inclinesettin gsfor thenex tsegm ent. To cha ngetheinte nsity leve lo fth een tire pro gra m, pres sthe Intens ity inc re as eand decre asebu ttons. To stop the wor ko ut atany tim e, press theStop button. Torestar tthe wor kout ,pr es sthe Startbut - ton orthe Spee dincr ease but ton. The walkin g belt will begin to mo veat1 mp h.Wh enthene xt seg - me ntofth e work outb egin s,thetre admill willauto - ma ticallyadj us tto the speed and incline settings for that segm ent. 4. Foll ow your pr ogr ess with thedisp lays. Seeste p5on pa ge 16. 5 . Measur eyour heartrat eif desired. S ee step 6on page 16. 6. Turn onthe fanif desi red. See step 7on page 16. 7. Whe nyou are fin ished exe rc is in g, remove the key fro mtheco nso le. Se este p8on pa ge 16. C ur ren tS egm ent
\f8 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORKOU T iFitcards areav ailable sep arat ely. Topurch aseiFit cards atany time,go to www. mor cal lthe tele- pho nenumb eron the front cover ofthisman ual.iFit cards are also availab leat select store s. \f.Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Ins ert an iFit car dand selec ta work out. To use aniFit worko ut,inser ta n iFit card into the iFit slot; makesure that the iFit car dis orien tedso th e me talcon tacts are face- downand areinserte d into the iFit slot.When theiFit card is pro perly in- sert ed, the iFit logowill light. Next ,se lect an iFit wor kout bypressin gtheiFit in- crea seand decre asebutto nsnext tothe iFit slot. Wh enaniFit workou tis selected ,the maximu m speedsetting and the maxim umincli nesettin gof th e wo rkou tw ill flash inthe lower displayforafew seco nds. In add ition, theduration ofthe workou t willappe arinthedispla yand apr ofile ofthe spee d set ting softhe workout willscr ollacr oss theup per disp lay. Each iFit workout isdivid edinto seve ralone- minu teseg men ts.On espeed settingand onein- clin eset tingare progr ammed foreach segment. Not e:The same speed and\for incli nesettin gma y be pro grammed for consecutive segme nts.3.Start the wal king belt. Pre ss th e Sta rtbutto nor th eSp eed increase butto n tosta rt the workout .A mom ent afteryou press the button, th e tr e ad mill wi ll aut omatical lyad just tothe fir st sp eed andincl ine settings ofthe workout. Hold thehandrails and begin wa lking . Duri ngtheworko ut,aperson altr ain er will gui de you through the wor kou t. Yo uca nse lect an audi osett ing for you rperso naltrai ner (seeTH EINFO RMATION MOD Eon pag e19) . Ifthe spee dor incl ine setting for the current seg- men tis too high ortoo low ,you canma nual lyover - ride the setting bypressi ngthe spe edorincl ine but tons; how ever, whe nthe next se gment be\b gins, the treadmi ll wi ll aut oma tic ally adjust to the speedand inc line settings for the next seg\b ment . Tostop the wor kou tat any tim e, pre ss the Stop button. To res tar tthe work out ,pres sthe Star tbut - ton or the Spee dincre ase button. The walk ingbelt will begin to mo ve. When thene xtse gme nto fth e wor ko utb egin s, thetrea dmill willautoma tic ally ad - jus tto the speed and incline set tings for the next segm ent. 4. Follo wyou rpro gre ss with thedis p lays. Se este p5on pa ge 16. 5. Turnon the fan if des ired. See step 7on page 16. 6. When yo u are fin ished exerc isin g,remov eth e ke yfrom theco nso le. Se este p8on pa ge 16. CAUT ION:Always re m ove iFi tcard s from the iFi tslo tw hen you are no tu si ng them. iFit Card iFitS lo t
\f9 THEINFORM ATION MODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track oftrea dmill usageinfor mation. Theinform ation mode also allows youto sel ect miles orkilometers as the unit ofme asu rem entan dto tur non andturn off the demo mode. Toselec tthe information mode,h old down the Stop button, insert thekey intothe con sole ,an dthen release theStop button.When theinformatio nmo deisse - le cted, the following informationwill appe arinthe dis- pla y: Th eupper left corner ofthe lo wer display will show the number ofhours that the tre adm illhas been operated. The lower right corner ofth edisplay will show the total number ofmile sor kilo mete rsthat the wa lking belt has mov ed. Inad ditio n,an “E ”for English miles oran “M” formetric kilometers will appear inthe upper rightcorner ofthe display .To cha ngethe unit of measur ement,presstheSpeed incr ease button .The lo wer leftcorner ofthe display willshow thevolume le vel. To change thevol ume level,pre ssthe Incli ne in- cre ase but ton . Thecon sole fea- ture sa displa y demo mode,de - sig ned tobe used ifthe tread- mill isdispla yed inastore .While thedemo mode is turne don, the con- so lewill fun ction norm ally when youplug inthepower co rd, swit chthe reset\fo ffcir cuit breaker tothe rese t position, andinsert thekey into theconsol e.Howeve r,when yourem ove the key,the displ ays willrem ainlit, a lthoug hth e but tons will not funct ion. Ifthe demo mo de is tu rn ed on,a “d ”will appea rin the upp erdisp lay while theinfo rmat ionmode is se le cted. Toturn onor turn offthe demom od e,press theSpee ddecrea sebut - ton. Y ou can select an au dio set ting if desired. Whenyou use an iFi tcar d,a personal tra iner will guide you thr ough your wor kou ts.If a “P ”appea rsinthe upper displ ay, the per sona ltr ai ne rw ill gi ve you detai ledin - st ruct ions. If no “P ”ap pear s,your personal trainerwill si m plygui de you thr oug hyo ur iFi two rko uts. To cha nge theaud iose ttin g,p re ss theInc linedec rease butto n. To exitth e info rma tionmo de,re mov ethe ke y fro mthe con so le. H O W TO USE TH ESTER EO SO UND SYSTEM Toplay musi cor audi oboo ksthr oug hth e consol eʼs st er eo spea kers,you must conn ectyour MP3 player, CD pla yer ,or other person alaudi o player tothe con- solethr ough the audi ojack. To use the audio jack, locat ethe audio wire and plug it int othe audio jack nearthe iFi tsl ot .Then, plugthe aud io wir e int oajack on your MP3 playe r,CD player , or ot her persona lau dio player .M ake surethat the a udi owire is ful ly inse rted. N ext ,p re ss the Play but ton onyour MP3 player ,CD p layer ,or other per sona la ud iopla yer. Adjust thevol- ume onyou rpe rso nal audio player . If yo uar eusi ng aper sona lC D player andtheCD ski ps, setthe CD playe ron the floor oranother flat sur - face inst ead ofon the con sole.
20 HOWTOFOLD AND MOVE THETREAD MIL L HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL FORSTORAGE Be fore foldingthe trea dmill, adjust the inc line tothe lowe stposition .If you donotd o th is,you may dama gethe trea dmil lwhen youfold it.Remo vethe key and unplu gth e po we rcord .CA UTION :You must be able tosaf elylift 45 lbs. (20 kg) torai se,lower ,or move thetreadmill. 1. Hold themeta lfra me firmly in the loca tionshown by thearrow atthe right. CAUTION: Todec reas ethe pos \b sibil ity ofinjury ,do not lift the fr a m eby the plastic foot rails. Mak esure tobend yourlegs and keep your back strai ghtas you raise the fram e.Ra ise theframe a bou th alf way to the vertica lposi tion. 2. Raise theframe untilthe latch knob locks into th e stora ge posit ion. Mak esur ethat the latch knob islock edinthe storage position. To protec tthe floor orcar pet from damage, placea ma tunde rthe treadm ill.Kee pthe trea dmill outofdi\b re ct sunli ght.Donot leav ethe tre admill inthe stor age pos ition intempe ratures above 85°F(30 °C). HO WTO MOV ETHE TREAD MILL Before movin gthe treadmill,conve rtthetrea dmill tothe stor- age posit ionasdescribe dabove. Mak esure thatthelatc h kn ob isloc ked inthe stora geposition. 1.Hold aha ndrail and place one footaga inst one ofthe wh eels. 2. Tip the treadmill backuntilitrolls freely onthewheel s. Car efully move thetreadmi llto the desired location. Never mov ethe trea dmill without tippi ngitba ck.To reduce the riskof injury, useextreme cautionwhilemoving the tre adm ill.Do not attem pt tomov ethe treadmil l over an uneven surface. 3.Place onefoot aga inst awheel ,a nd care fully lower th e tre ad mill untilitis resting in thesto rag epo sition . Handrail Whe el Latch Knob Fram e Fram e