ProForm Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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2\f HOWTO LOW ERTHE TREA DM ILL FORUSE 1.Hold the upperend ofthe treadmil lwi th your right hand. Pu llthe latch knob tothe leftand holdit.Itmay beneces - saryto push thefra me forward as yo upull theknob to thelef t.Pivo tth efra me down wardand release thelatch knob. 2.Hol dthe meta lfra me firm lywit hboth hands and lower itto the floor. CAUT ION:D o not grip only theplas tic foot railsor drop the fram eto the floor. Bend your legs and keepyour back straight. Lat ch Knob Fr am e Fra me

22 TROUBLESHO OTING Mosttre admi llproblems canbesolvedby following the steps below. Findthesymptom thatapplies, and follow the stepslisted. Iffurt her assistanc eis neede d,plea sesee thefront cover ofthis manual. PROBLE M:The power doesnotturn on SOLUTI ON:a.Ma kesur ethat thepowe rcord is plug ged intoasurge suppressor, and that thesurge suppressor is plugg edinto aprop erlygro und edoutlet (see page 13). Use only asin gle -o utlet surge suppres - sor that meet sallof the specif ications des crib ed on page 13 . IMPORTANT :The treadmill isnot com patiblewi th GFC I\bequippe doutlets. b. Afterthe pow ercord hasbeen plugged in, ma ke su re tha tth eke yis inserted intotheco nsole. c. Ch eck thereset\foff circu itbr eaker lo cated onthe trea dmi ll fra me near the powe rco rd. Ifthe swit ch protrud esassho wn, thecircui tbr eaker has tri ppe d.To rese tthe circui tb re aker ,wait forfive minu tesand then press theswitch back in. PROBLE M:T hepower turns offduring use SOLUTI ON:a. Ch eck thereset\foff circu itbre aker (seethedrawing above). Ifthe circu itbreake rha stripped, wait for five minut esandthen press the switch ba ck in. b.Ma kesur ethat thepow ercor dis plugge din. Ifthe powe rcord isplugge din,un plug it,wait for five minut es, and then plug itba ck in. c. Re move the key fromthe console.Reinse rtthekey in to the console. d. If th etrea dmi llsti llw ill not run, please seethefront cover ofthis manua l. PROBLE M:The console displays remai nlit when youremove thekey from theconsole SOLUTI ON: a. Th econ sole featur esadisp lay demo mode, desig ned tobe used ifthe treadmill isdisplayed ina store .If the disp lays rema inlit w he nyou remove thekey,the demo mod eis tur ne don. To turn off the demo mode, holddow ntheSt op butto nfor afew seconds. Ifthe displa ysare still lit , see THE IN FOR MATION MOD Eon page 19 to turn off the demo mode. PROBLE M:T hedisplay sof the consol edo not func tion prope rly SOLUTI ON:a. Remove thekey from the conso leand UNPLUG THE POWE RCO RD .With thehelp ofase cond pers on,car efull ytip the Upri ghts (77,79) down. There maybethree #8x2" Scr ews(24) inthe bot- tom ofthe Bell yPan (70). Ifthere are,re mo ve them. Note:APhil lips screwdriver with ashaft at least5 in. (13 cm) long is requir ed.The n,raise the Uprights . TrippedRese t c 24 70 24 77 79 a

23 Removethe thr ee #8x3\f4" Screws(1) and care - fully pivot theMot orHo od (63) off. L ocat ethe Reed Switch (68) andtheMagn et(48) on theleft si de ofthePu lley(47 ).Tu rnthe Pulley u nt ilth eMa gnet isaligne dwi th the Ree dSwitch. Ma ke sur etha tthe gap betwe enthe Magnet and theRee dSw itc his about \f/8in.(3 mm ).Ifnec - essary, loosenthe3\f4" Screw (1 6), move th e Reed Sw itch sligh tly, and then retight enthe Screw. Reattach the Hoo d(no tsho wn)wi th the#8 x3\f4" Screw s(not shown ).Rea ttach the #8 x2" Screws (n ot show n)if ne cessar y.Run thetrea dmill fora few minut es tocheck fora cor rect spe edrea ding. PROB LEM: Theinclin eof the treadmil ldoes notchange correctly SOLU TION: a.With thekey inthe console, press one ofthe Incline button s.While theincline ischang ing,re \b move thekey. After afew second s,re-insert thekey. Thetreadmill willautomatically risetothe max imum incline level andthen retur nto the mini mum lev el.Thi swill recal ibrate theincline system. PROB LEM: The walking beltslows whenwalkedon SOLU TION: a. Use only asingle- outlet surge suppressor that mee tsall ofthe sp eci fications descri bed onpage 13. b.If the walkin gbelt isove rtightene d,tread millperfor - mance maydecrea seand thewal kin gbelt may be- come dama ged. Removethekeyand UNPL UG TH EPOW ER CO RD.Usi ngthe hexke y,turn both idler roller bolt scoun tercl ockwi se,1\f4 ofa turn. Wh enthe wal king beltis proper ly tig hten ed,you shou ldbe abl eto lift each edgeof the walkin gbelt 2 to 3in. (5 to 7cm )off thewal king platform. Be caref ulto keep the walking bel tcen te re d. Then , plug in the pow ercord, insert thekey, and run the treadm ill for afew mi nutes. Repeatuntil the walking bel tis prope rly tightened . c.If the walkin gbelt stillslow swh en walked on,se ethefron tcove rof thisma nua l. Top Vie w 48 16 68 1\f8in. 47 I dl er Rol ler Bol ts 2–3 in. b 63 1

24 PROB LEM: The walking beltisoff\b center or slips whe nwalked on SOLU TION: a. If the walking beltisoff\bcenter ,fir st remove the key and UNPLU GTH EPOW ERCORD. Ifthe wal king belthas shift edto the left, use th e he x key toturn the leftidl er roller bol tcl ockw ise1\f2 ofa tur n;if the wal king belt hasshif ted tothe right, turnthebolt count erclockw ise 1\f2ofa turn. Be caref ulnot to over tighten thewal king belt. Then, pl ug in the power cord,insert the key,an drun the treadm ill for afew minutes. Repeatun tilthe walk - ing be lt is cent ered. b. If the walking belt slips when walked on,firstre - mo vetheke yand UN PLU GTHE POWER CORD . Using the hex key, turnbothidler roll er bolts clock - wise ,1 \f4 ofa tu rn .When the walking beltiscor - rectl ytigh ten ed,you should beable tolift each ed ge ofth e walki ng belt 2to 3in. (5to7cm )off the wal kin gplatfo rm. Becareful to keep thewalk - ing be lt ce nter ed.Then, pluginthe pow ercord, in- se rt th eke y,and carefully wal kon the treadmi llfor a few minute s. Repeat untilthe walking beltis prop erly tigh te ned . a b

These guid eline swill hel p you toplan your exercise program. Fordet ailed exerci seinfor mation, obtaina reputable book orcon sult your physi cian. Remembe r, propernutrition andade quate rest are essentia lfo r su ccessful results. EXERCIS EINTENSITY Wh ether yourgo alisto bu rn fat ortostrengthe nyou r cardiovascu larsystem ,exer cisingatthepro per inten - sityis thekey to achie vingresul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofind the proper intensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended heart rates for fat burn ing andaer obic exercise. Tofind the pro perin te nsi tylevel ,fin dyour age atthe bot tom ofthe chart (ag esarerounde doff tothe near - estten years ).Th ethree num berslisted above your age define you r“train ing zone.” Thelowest numberis the hea rtrate for fatbu rning, themiddl enumbe ris the hea rtrat efor maximu mfat bur ning,and the highest numbe ris the heart rate foraerob icexercise.Burni ngFat —To burnfat effect ively,you must exer- cise atalow in te nsi ty level fora sustaine dperi odof time .D ur ing th e fir st few minu tesofexe rcise, your bod yuses carb\fh ydratecal \friesfor energy. Onlyafter the first few minu tesofexe rci se does your body begin to use stor ed \bat cal \fries for ener gy.Ifyou rgo alis to bur nfat ,adj ust thein te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e lowe stnu mb erinyou rtrai ning zone .For maxi mum fat bur ning ,exe rcise withyour hea rt rat enear the middl enum berin your training zone . Aerobi cExerc ise—I fyo ur goal is to strengthen your cardiovascu larsyst em,you must perfo rm aerobi cexer - cise, which is act ivi ty that requi res large amounts of oxyge nforpr olon ged per iods oftime .For aerobicex - erci se, adjust th e in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e highest numberinyour traini ng zone . WORKOU TGUID ELI NES W arm ingUp —Start with 5to 10 minutes ofstre tching and light exer cise. Awar m-up incr eases yourbody tem per atur e, hear trat e, and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise. Trai ning Zone Exerci se—E xercise for20 to30 min- utes with your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone. (Dur ing t he first few weeks ofyour exer cise pro gram, donot keep your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone forlonger t han 20minut es.)B re at he regul arly and deeplyasyou exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish with 5to 10 minutes ofstretch - ing. Stret chi ng incr eases theflexi bility ofyou rm uscl es and hel ps to pre vent post-exer cise problems. EXER CIS E FR EQ UEN CY To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion, com plete three w ork outsea ch week, wit h at le ast one day ofrest be- tw een wor kout s.After afew mon th s ofregu larexer - cise, you may com plet eup to five workou ts each week, if de sired .R em ember ,the key tosuccess isto make exer cise are gula rand enjoy able part ofyo ur eve ryday life. 25 EX ER CISE GUIDELI NES WA RNING:Bef ore begi nningthis orany exe rcise prog ram,consult your physi \b cia n. This is espe cially impor tant forpersons over age 35 or perso nswithpre\b exis ting health problems . Thepulsesens orisnot am edical device. V arious factors mayaf fect the acc uracy of he art rate readi ngs. Thepulse sensor is in \b te nde donl yas an exer cise aidindete rmining heart rate tre nds inge nera l.

26 PART LIST—M odelNo.PFTL96008.2R1109A To locat ethe part slisted below ,see theEXPLODED DRAWINGnear the end ofthis manu al. KeyNo. Qty. Descr iption Key No. Qty. Description 1 20 #8x3\f4" Screw 24 #8x1" Tek Screw 33 3\f8" x2" Bolt 46 5\f16 "x 3\f4" Bolt 54 3\f8" x4" Bolt 62 1\f4" x1 1\f4" Bolt 74 1\f4" x5\f8" Bolt 81 3\f8" x1 3\f4" Bolt 96 5\f16 "Star Washer 10 2 1\f4" Sta rWa sher 11 3 3\f8" Locknu t 12 4 3\f8" Sta rWa sher 13 5 #8x3\f4" TekScrew 14 4 #8x1 1\f2" Screw 15 2 #8x1\f2" Control lerScre w 16 11 3\f4" Screw 17 2 5\f16 "x 3 5\f8" Bolt 18 2 3\f8" x1" Bo lt 19 2 Idler Rol lerBolt 20 1 3\f8" x1 1\f2" Inclin eMo torBolt 21 1 3\f8" x1 3\f4" Inclin eMo torBolt 22 2 3\f8" x3\f4" Bolt 23 8 #8x1\f2" Screw 24 3 #8x2" Screw 25 8 #12x1 1\f4" Scre w 26 2 MotorBolt 27 4 BeltGuide Screws 28 2 1\f4" Flat Washer 29 2 1\f4" Spli tW asher 30 2 CageNu t 31 4 3\f8" Locknu t 32 4 5\f16 "Fla nge Nut 33 3 HoodCl ip 34 2 #10Star Washer 35 1 HexKey 36 1 5\f32 "He xKey 37 1 LeftFoot Rail 38 2 FootR ail D ecal 39 1 Latch Warni ng Decal 40 2 PlatformCu shion 41 1 Walking Platfo rm 42 1 Walking Belt 43 2 BeltGuide 44 2 FrameCap 45 2 FrameSpacer 46 1 1\f4" x1" Bo lt 47 1 DriveRoll er\fPul ley 48 1 Magnet 49 1 Latch Cap 50 1 Storag eLatch51 1Lat ch Knob 52 1Rig ht Fo otRai l 53 1Fram e 54 2Rolle rB racket 55 1Idl er R ol ler Gro und Wire 56 1Rig ht Rea rFoo tInsert 57 1Rig ht Rea rFoo t 58 1Lef tR ear Fo otInse rt 59 1Lef tR ear Fo ot 60 1Base 61 1Idl er R ol ler 62 1Hood Accent 63 1Moto r H oo d 64 1Lif t Fr am e 65 1Lif t Fr am e Gro und Wire 66 1Drive Mot or Bel t 67 1Drive Mot or 68 1Reed Sw itch 69 1Reed Sw itch Clam p 70 1Bel ly Pan 71 1Reset \fO ff C ircui tB re aker 72 1Pow er C or dGrom met 73 1Pow er C or d 74 1Cont rol ler 75 1Cont rol lerG roun dW ire 76 3Wire Tie 77 1Lef tU prigh t 78 1Cro ssbar 79 1Rig ht Upr ight 80 1Lif t M otor Spacer 81 1Lif t M otor 82 1Lef tU prigh tS pace r 83 1Rig ht Upr ight Spacer 84 4Bol tS pace r 85 2Base Cap 86 1Uprig ht Wire 87 2Caut ion Decal 88 4Base Foot 89 2Base FootSpacer 90 2Wheel 91 4Releasabl eTie 92 215 1\f2" Cabl eTie 93 10 8" C abl e Tie 94 1Lef tAcce ssoryTr ay 95 1Aud io Wi re 96 1Consol eBase 97 1Consol e 98 25\f1 6" x1 1\f2" Bol t 99 1Rig ht Accesso ryTray 100 1Consol eCrossbar

27 KeyNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description 101 1 LeftHand rail 102 1 AccessDoor 103 1 Key\fCli p 104 4 Handrail Cap 105 1 RightHan drail 106 1 LiftMoto r Wi re 107 1 Console Wire Tie 108 0 NotUsed109 1 Conso le Fan \b– 8" B lue Wire, M\fF \b– 4" G reen Wire ,M \fR \b– 10" Blue Wire, 2F \b– 12" Re dWi re ,M \fF \b– 10" Black Wire, M\fF \b– User ʼs M anu al Note: Specifica tions are subj ecttochange witho utnotice .Se ethe back cover ofthis man ualforinformation about orderingre pla cemen tpa rts. \bThese parts are not illustrated.

3 8 51 50 16 16 98 17 17 19 1929 28 29 2857 59 23 23 27 2743 43 25 25 25 44 25 25 25 25 25 38 37 32 32 32 48 44 45 32 40 41 39 42 47 52 38 61 40 53 54 54 45 56 5836 35 34 34 14 49 14 55 16 16 11 46 98 28 EXPLOD ED DRA WING A—Model No.PFTL960 08.2R1109A

13 13 13 13 691668 33 33 33 1 1 1 15 18 18 23 23 73 72 71 26 67 66 63 64 76 7074 65 24 23 62 23 75 24 24 EXPLOD ED DRA WING B—Model No.PFTL960 08.2R1109A 29

88 88 883 90 11 1190 3 5 12 5 12 4 9 4 22 22 31 31 85 85 77 79 60 87 82 83 93 91 84 84 89 88 2 89 21 20 31 81 80 86 92 86 9 4 9 4 94 7 7 7 78 7 2 31 2 2 87 106 30 EXPLOD ED DRA WING C—Model No.PFTL960 08.2R1109A