ProForm Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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Page 11
\f\f 11.Becare fulnot to pinch thewires inthe Right Handra il(\f0 5). Attach the con sole assem blytothe Right Han drail (105)with two#8 x3\f4" Screws (1), a 1 \f4" x1 1\f4 "Bo lt(6), and a1\f4" Star Washe r (10).Repe atthis ste pon the left side ofthe cons oleassem bly.Star tall four Screws and both Boltsbe fore tight ening anyofthem . See steps 4and 6–9. Tight enallofthe bolts usedin thes eass embly steps . 1 10 6 ConsoleAsse mbly 105 11 10. Hav easecond person holdtheconsole asse m-...
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\f2 14.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Ifthere aresheetsofclear pla stic on the tre admi llde cals, remove thepla stic .To protect the floor orcarpet, pla ce ama tun der thetread - mill.Not e: Ext rahardwar emay be incl uded .Keep theincluded hexkeys inasecure place;on eof the hex keys isuse dto adjust thewal king belt (se epag es23 and 24). 51 Lar ge Barrel 60 8 53 3 50 13 11 49 13. Raise theFrame (53) tothe position shown . Haveaseco ndperson holdthe Frame...
Page 13
\f3 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE \bLUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil\b icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive wea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill, likeanyother type ofsop histica ted electronic equ ipmen t,can be seri ousl ydama ged by su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ...
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\f4 FEATURES OF THE CONSOLE Thetre admill console offers asel ect ion offe atures designe dto make your wo rkou tsmore effe ctive. When the manu almo de ofthe console is se lect ed,th espeed and incline ofthe treadmill canbe chan ged with the touch ofa but ton .As youexer cise, theconso lewill dis play continuo usexe rcise feedback. Youca neven me asure yourheart rateusing the built -inpulse sensor. Th econsole features sixtee nprese twork outs—four wei ght loss workouts, four aerob icwork outs,four en-...
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\f5 HOWTO TU RN ON THE POWE R IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts. Plug inthe power cord (see page13 ).Next, locate the reset\foff circu itbrea ker on the trea dmillfra me nea rth e power cord.Switch thecircui t breake rto the rese tpo sitio n. IMPORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode, designe dto be used ifthe...
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\f6 4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired. To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill, press th e Incline increaseandde crea sebuttons orone of th e numb ered Quick Inclinebuttons. Eachtimeyou press theIncline increa se ordecrea sebutt on, the inclin ewill changeby 0.5% .If you press oneof the numbere dQuick Incli ne buttons, thetrea dmill will adjust totheselecte dincl ine settin g.Note: After you pressthe button s,it m ay take amome ntfor th e trea dmill toreach theselected incline setting. 5....
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\f7 HOWTO USE APRESE TWORK OUT \f.Ins ert the key into theconsole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Selectone ofthe prese twork outs. Toselect one ofth esixtee n pre set work - outs, pre ss th e W orko ut Select button below the desired workout repeated lyuntil thede - sired worko utapp earsin the upp erdispla y. As each pre - set worko ut isse lecte d, th e ma ximum spe edsetting and the max - imum incline setting ofthe wor kout willflas hin the lowe rdisp layfora few seconds. Inaddi tion ,th...
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\f8 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORKOU T iFitcards areav ailable sep arat ely. Topurch aseiFit cards atany time,go to www. mor cal lthe tele- pho nenumb eron the front cover ofthisman ual.iFit cards are also availab leat select store s. \f.Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Ins ert an iFit car dand selec ta work out. To use aniFit worko ut,inser ta n iFit card into the iFit slot; makesure that the iFit car dis orien tedso th e me talcon tacts are face- downand...
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\f9 THEINFORM ATION MODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track oftrea dmill usageinfor mation. Theinform ation mode also allows youto sel ect miles orkilometers as the unit ofme asu rem entan dto tur non andturn off the demo mode. Toselec tthe information mode,h old down the Stop button, insert thekey intothe con sole ,an dthen release theStop button.When theinformatio nmo deisse - le cted, the following informationwill appe arinthe dis- pla y: Th eupper left corner ofthe lo wer...
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20 HOWTOFOLD AND MOVE THETREAD MIL L HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL FORSTORAGE Be fore foldingthe trea dmill, adjust the inc line tothe lowe stposition .If you donotd o th is,you may dama gethe trea dmil lwhen youfold it.Remo vethe key and unplu gth e po we rcord .CA UTION :You must be able tosaf elylift 45 lbs. (20 kg) torai se,lower ,or move thetreadmill. 1. Hold themeta lfra me firmly in the loca tionshown by thearrow atthe right. CAUTION: Todec reas ethe pos \b sibil ity ofinjury ,do not lift the fr a m...