ProForm Elliptical Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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11 \f0.Untieand disca rdthe wire tie attached tothe Wire Harness (60). While asecond person holds the Console (33) near theUpri ght (5), connect the wires on the Cons ole to the Wire Harness (60)andtothe Puls eW ires (34). Inser tthe excesswi re into the Consol e(33) or theUpri ght (5). Tip :Avo idpin ching the wires. Attach the Cons ole (33) tothe Upright (5) wit hfour M4x \f6mm Screws (93).\f0 \f\f\f\f.Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(24) tothe Uprig ht(5) with two M4 x\f6 mm Scre ws(93 ) and an M4 x\f9...
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12 \f2.Attach the Fron tUpri ghtCover (25) aro und the Uprig ht(5) bypress ingthe tabs on the Fron t Uprig htCove rin to the Rea rU pr ight Cover (24). \f3 \f4. Mak esure thatallparts of the ellipti calare properly tightene d.Note: Some hardware maybeleft over afte rasse mbly iscom pleted. Toprote ctthe floor or carpe tfrom damage, placeamat under theelliptical. \f2 \f3. Ident ifythe Righ tRea rand Front LegCo vers (29 ,30), which are mar ked with “Ri ght” sticke rs. Attach the Righ tRe arLeg Cover (29)...
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1\f HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL HOWTO FO LD ANDUN FOLD THEELLIP TICAL When the ellipt ical isno tin use, the fra me ca nbe fold edout ofthe wa y.Fir st, lift the la tch under each ped alarm, andliftthe peda lar msoff the adjustment sle eves on the crankarms. Ne xt, raise the pedalarms until th ey to uch the mag \b netson the uppe rbod ylegs; the mag netswil lhold the pedalarms inplace .The n,hol dthe handle and lift the frame unt ilit locks inave rtica lpo sitio n. To use the elliptica l,first holdthe...
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14 HOWTO EXE RCISE ONTHE ELLIPTICAL Tomoun tthe elliptica l,ho ld the uppe rbody arms or thehan dlebars andstep onto the ped altha tis in the low estposit ion. Next, steponto the other pedal. Push theped alsuntilthe ybe gin tomove with acontin uous motion. Note: Thecrankarmscan turn ineither dire ction. It is re commende dtha tyou turn the crankarms inthe direct ionshown bythe arrow ; how ever, forvariet y,you cantur nthe crank arms in the opposite direction. Todismou ntthe elli ptical ,wai tuntil...
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15 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thisconso leoffe rsan array offeatures designedto ma keyou rwo rkouts mor eeffe ctive andenj oyab le. Wh enyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch of abu tton. While you exer cise,th e conso lewill dis \b play contin uous exercise feedback. You can also measure yourhe artrate using the hand grippu lse sen\b so r. Th econ sole offers eigh tpr eset worko uts.Each work \b outautoma tically changes the resi sta nce ofthe ped...
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16 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. Amome ntafter you beginpe dali ngor pre ss abu t\b t o n, the display willturn on. 2.Sele ctthe manual mode. Each time you turn on the conso le,the man ualmod ewill be sele cted.If you have select eda worko ut,reselect th e ma nualmo de by pressin gthe Wo rkou tsbut ton rep eatedlyun til zero sap pear inthe disp lay. \f.Change theresista nce ofthe pedals as desired. As you pedal, cha nge the resis \b ta...
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17 5.Meas ure your heart rat eif de sir ed. If there are she ets ofplas tic on the meta lcon - tactson the handgri ppul se sensor ,remov e theplas tic.To mea sure your heart rate,holdthe h andg rippuls e sensor withyour palms resting against the met alcontacts. Avoid moving your hands orgrippi ng the contac tstightly. Wh enyou rpulse is detect ed,a fla sh \b ing he art symbo l willappe arinthe d isp lay,and then you rhe art ratewill appea r.For the most accura tehear trate reading, hold the con tacts...
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18 HOWTO USE APRESET WORKOUT 1.Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Sele ctapre set workout . Toselect apr eset worko ut,press the Wo rkou tsbut ton rep eatedlyun til th e name of the desired worko ut appea rsinthe dis \b pla y. The workou t duratio nand apro \b file ofthe resist ance levels fo r th e worko utwill also appear in the display. \f. Begi npeda ling to star tthe workout. Each workou tis divid edinto 20or30 one\bm inute seg ment...
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19 HOW TO USE ACA LORIE GOALWORKOUT 1. Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Selecta ca lorie goalworkout . Toselect acalo rie goal wo rkou t, pre ss the Wo rkou ts butto nrepe ated ly until the name of th e desire dwo rk\b out app ears inthe d isp lay.Th enum \b ber of calorie sto b e bu rne dand a pro file ofthe resis \b ta nce levelsforthe workou twil la lso appea rin the disp lay. \f. Begin pedaling tostar tthe workout. Each weigh tlo ss...
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20 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORK OUT iFitcards areavailable separ atel y.To purchase iFit cards, go to www. orsee thefront coverof this ma nual. iFitcard sare also availabl eat select stores. 1.Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Ins ert an iFit card and select aworkout. To use aniFit worko ut,inse rtan iFitcard intothe iFitslot; makesure thatth e iFi tcar dis orien ted so th e me talcon tacts areface down andare facin g th e slo t.W he nthe...