ProForm Elliptical Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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USERʼSMA NUAL CAUTI ON Read allpre caut ions and instr uc- tions inthi smanual beforeus ing thi sequipme nt.Keep this manual for future referenc e. SerialN um ber Deca l(unde rfr am e) Model No.PFEL5 5909.2 Seria lNo. Wr ite the se rial num berin the sp ace abo veforre fere nce. QU ESTIO NS ? Ifyou havequ esti ons, orifpart sar e dam aged ormis sing, DO NOT CON TACT THE STOR E;please con tact Customer Care. IMP ORTA NT: Please register thi s prod uct(see thelimit edwarranty on theback cover ofthis manual) before contactin gCust omer Care. CALL TOLL-FREE: 1- 888 -5\f \f-1\f \f\f Mon.– Fri.,6 a.m. –6p.m. MT Sat. 8a.m. –4p.m .MT O N THE WEB: www.proforms www m

2 TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARN INGDECA LPLAC EMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................4 A SSEMB LY...............................................................................5 HO WTO USE THEELLIPTICAL .............................................................\f3 MA INT ENANCE ANDTROU BLESHOOTI NG ...................................................2\f E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................23 PA RT LIS T ..............................................................................24 E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................26 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWA RRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover PROFOR Misaregi ster ed trad em ark ofICON IP,In c. WAR NING DECAL PLACEMENT Thisdrawin gshows thelocati on(s)of th e warn ingdecal(s). Ifadecal ismissing or ill egi ble,see the front cover ofthis manua l and reques ta fre ereplacem entdeca l. Apply thedecalin the locat ionshown. Note: The decal(s) maynotbeshow nat actua lsize.

\f WARNING:To reduce the ris kof serious inj ury, read allimpor ta nt pre cautions and ins tructi onsin this manua land allwarnings onyour elliptica lbefore using your elliptical. ICON assume sno res ponsibility for per sona linjur yor prop erty damage sustaine dby orthrough theuse of thisproduc t. IMPORT ANT PRECAUTIO NS 1. Before beginning anyexer cise program, cons ultyour physician. Thisisespe cially importa ntfor persons overage \f5or pers onswith pre- exist inghealth problems. 2. Use theelliptica lonly asdescr ibedin this manua l. \f. It is the responsibilit yof the owner toensur e thatal luser sof the elliptica lar eadequa te ly informed ofall pr ecaut ions. 4. The elliptica lis int ended forhome useonly. Donot use the elliptica lin acom mercial, rental, orinst itutional setting. 5. Kee pthe elliptica lindoor s,aw ay from mois tureanddust .D o not putthe elliptical in agara geor cover edpat io,ornear water. 6. Plac ethe elliptic alon alevel surfa ce,with at le as t\f ft. (0.9m) ofclear ance inthe front and rearof the elliptica land 2ft. (0 .6 m) on each side .To pro tectthe floor orcarpe tfr om dama ge,place am at under the elliptica l. 7. Inspec tand proper lytight enallparts re gularl y.Repl aceany worn parts immedia tely. 8. Ke ep chil dren under age 12and petsaway from theelliptic alat all tim es.9. The ellipti calshoul dnot beused bypersons wei ghi ngmore than 275lbs. (125 kg). 10.W ear appropr iate clot hes whi le exer cising; donot wea rloos eclothe stha tcould becom e caught onthe ellipt ical .A lwa ys wear athletic shoes for foot prot ection whi le exer cising. 11.H ol dthe handl ebarsor the upper bodyarms when mount ing, dism ount ing, orusing the ellipti cal. 12.The pulsesens or isnot amedica ldev ice. Vari ous fact ors may affect the accurac yof hear tra te readi ngs. Thepulsesensor is int ended onlyas an exer cise aid in det erm ining hear tra te tre nds ingene ral. 1\f.The ellipt ical does nothave afree whe el; the pedal swill cont inue to m ove untilthe fly whe elstops .R educe your pedaling speed in acontr olled way . 14 .K ee pyour back str ai ght whi le using the ellipti cal;do not arch your back. 15.O ver exerc isi ng may resul tin serious injury ordeat h.If you feel fai nt or if you exper ience painwhil eex erci sing, stop imm ediately and cooldown.

4 BEFORE YO U BEG IN Thank youfor selecting therevol utionary PROFOR M® \f0.0 ZE ellip tical. The\f0.0 ZEelliptical provide san imp ressive select ion offeature sdesi gned toma ke your worko utsat home more effective andenjoyab le. For your bene fit,read this manua lcarefully before youusetheelliptic al.Ifyou have question saft er reading this manu al,please seethefron tcover ofthismanual .To helpus assi styou, not e the pro duct model num ber and serial nu mb erbef oreco ntacti ng us. The model numb erand the lo cat ion of th e serial number decal are show non the fr o nt cover ofthis manual. Befor ereadi ngfur th er, pl ease fam iliarize yourselfwith the pa rts tha tar ela bel ed in the dra wing below. HandlebarUpp erBo dy Arm St orag eMagnet Consol e Wheel Pedal Pedal Arm Latch Storag eLatch Wat erBot tle Hol der* Han dgripPul se Sen sor Ad just men tK no b Ha ndle Cra nkArm Ad just men tB racke t *Water bot tle is not incl uded

5 ASSEMBLY To hire anauthorized service technician toass emble the elliptical, call1-80 0-445-248 0. Assembly require stwo persons. Placeallpa rts of th e elliptical inaclea re d area andremove thepacking ma terials. Donotdisp ose ofthe packing mate rials unti la ssembly iscompleted. In addi tion tothe included tool( s),asse mbly requir esaPhill ipsscrewdrive r andarubber ma llet . See the drawing sbelow toide ntify thesmal lp art snee dedforassembly. Thenumber inpa rentheses bel ow each drawing isthe key number ofthe part, fromthePART LISTnear theend of th is manual. Thenumbe rfollowing the key numb eristhe quanti tyneede dfor asse mbly.Note: Ifapart isnot inthe hardware kit,check tosee if ithas beenpre ass emb led. To avoid dama gingparts,do not usepower toolsforassem bly. M8 x23mm x2mm Washer (126)–2M8 x16mm x2mm Washer (120)–2 M10 x80mm Patch Screw(100)–4Medium Wave Washer (119)–2M8 x 23.5mm x 1mm Washer (110)–2 M8Split Washer (103)–14 M10 Split Washer (123)–4 Small Wave Washer (118)–2 M6Split Washer (112)–8M4x16mm Screw (93)–12 M8x16mm Patch Screw(102)–16 M8x23mm Shoulder PatchScrew (121)–2M6x12mm Patch Screw(111)–8M M4 x19mm Flat Head Screw (117)–1

6 \f. Ident ifyand orient the Fr ont Stabil izer(3)as sho wn. Whileano ther per son lifts the Frame (\f), attach th e Fro ntStab ilize r(3) tothe Fram ewi th two M\f0 x80mm Patch Scre ws(\f00) andtwo M\f0 Split Wash ers (\f23 ). 2. Ident ifyand orient the Re arStab ilizer (4 ) as sho wn. Whileano ther per son lifts the Fold ing Frame (2), attach the RearStabi lizer(4) tothe Fold ing Frame withtwo M\f0 x80m mPatch Screws (\f00)and two M\f0Spl itW asher s(\f23). \f 2 To make assembly easier,readthe in form ationon page 5bef ore you begi n. 3 \f 2 4 \f00\f23 \f23\f00

7 3.Ident ifyand orient the Up right (5) and theTop Cove r(23 )as sho wn.Sl ide the Top Cove r upward onto the Uprig ht. Have aseco ndperso nhol dthe Upright (5)an d the To pCover (23) near the Fr ame (\f). Locate the wiretie in the Upr igh t(5). Tie the lowe ren dof the wire tietothe Wire Harn ess (60).Ne xt, pullth e up per end ofthe wire tie upward outof the top of the Upright. Ti p: To pre vent the WireHarne ss(60) from fal ling into theUpright (5), secur ethe Wire Harne sswith the wire tie. Tip: Av oid pinc hing the Wir eHar ness (60). In sert the Up righ t(5 )into theFram e(\f). Attach the Upr ight (5)wi th four M8x\f6m m Patch Scre ws(\f02)and four M8 SplitWash ers (\f03). Do nottighten the Pat chScrews yet. S lid ethe Top Cover (23) dow nwar d.Do not pres sthe Top Cove rint othe Frame (1)yet.3 \f 60 \f02 \f02 \f02 \f02 \f0 3 \f03 \f03 23 5 Wi re Tie Wi re Tie Avoi dpinchi ngthe Wir eHarnes s(60)

8 5.See theupper drawing. Applysome ofthe include dgrea setothe axle on the RightUp per Body Leg(6 )and toaMediu mWave Was her (\f\f 9). Slide aLeg Space r(55 )and the Med iumWave Washe r(\f\f 9)ont othe Right Upper Body Leg (6). Ma ke sure that theflatside ofthe Leg Sp ace ris fa cing out ward. Iden tify th e Rig htPedal Arm(\f2) ,wh ich is ma rked witha“Right” sticker, andorient it as sh own. Slide the Rig htPedal Armonto the Rig htUpp erBo dy Leg (6) . At ta ch the RightPed alArm (\f2 )w ith an M8 x 23mm Sho ulde rPatch Screw (\f2\f) ,an M8 x \f6 mm x2mm Washer (\f20) ,an Axl eCover (5 6), andan M8 x23.5m mx\fm mWash er (\f\f0). Seethe lowe rdr awing. Press theRightPeda l Arm (\f2 )onto the rig ht Adjustm entSleeve (46). Ma ke sure thatthe Right Pedal Armlatche s into pla ce. Tigh ten an Adjust ment Knob(45) onto theright Ad just men tP in (44) . Repeat thisstep on the othe rside ofthe elliptic al. 4 5 4.Apply agenerous amountofthe incl uded grease to the UprightAx le(48) and to two SmallWave Washer s(\f\f8). Inser tthe Upright Axle (48)into the Upright (5) andcenter it.Slide aSm allWave Washer (\f\f8) onto eachend ofthe Upright Axle. Identify theRight and LeftUpper Body Legs (6, 7),whi ch ar emarked with“Ri ght” and“Lef t”stick \b ers,and orient them asshown. Slid ethe Righ tan dLeft Upper Body Legs (6, 7) onto each sideof the Upright Axle (48). Tighten twoM8 x\f6mm Pat ch Screws (\f02)with M8 x23mm x2mm Washers (\f26)intothe ends ofthe UprightAx le(48) atthe sam etim e.Firml y tightenthe Patch Screws. \f02 \f02 \f26 \f26 \f\f8 \f\f8 48 6 6 55 \f2 56 \f20 \f\f 0 \f2\f 5 7 \f\f9 \f2 Gre ase Gr ease Grease 4644 45

9 66.Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (\f4), which ismar ked with a“Righ t”sticker, andorient it as shown. Attach the Righ tPe dal(\f4) tothe RightPeda l Arm (\f2) with four M6x\f2m mPatch Screws (\f\f\f)andfou rM6 SplitWa sher s(\f \f2). Attac hthe Left Peda l(15 )to the Left Pedal Arm (1\f) in the same way. \f2 \f4 \f3 \f5 \f\f\f \f\f\f\f\f2 \f\f 2 7 86 7 9 \f02 \f03 \f03 7. Iden tifythe Right UpperBo dy Arm (8),which is mar ke dwith a“Right” sticker,and orie ntitas sh ow n. Att ach the Right UpperBo dy Arm (8)to the Right Upper BodyLeg(6)with three M8 x \f6mm Patch Screws (\f02) and three M8Split Wa shers (\f03). Attach the Left UpperBody Arm(9)to the Left UpperB od yLeg (7)inthe sam eway .

10 8 9 8.Ident ifythe Righ tHan dleb ar (\f0 ), which is markedwit ha“Rig ht”sticker, andorient it as sho wn. Have aseco ndperso nhol dthe Right Han dleb ar(\f0) near the righ tside ofthe Uprig ht (5). Locate the indicat edwire tie in the Uprigh t(5 ). Tie the lowe rend ofthe wi re tie tothe Pulse Wire (34) inside the Right Handl ebar (\f0). Next , pull th e upp erendof the wire tie upward out of th e top ofthe Uprigh t.Then, untie an ddiscard th e wire tie. Ti p: Av oid pinc hing the Pulse Wire (\f4) . Attach the Righ tHa ndl ebar (\f0) tothe Upright (5)with twoM8x\f6m mPatch Screws(\f02 ) and two M8 Split Washer s(\f 03) . Attach the Left Han dleb ar (1 1) in the same wa y. 9. The Console (33)ca nuse four Dbat teries (no t includ ed);alkaline batteriesare recomme nded. IMPO RTANT: If the Cons olehas been expos edtocold tempera tures, allow it to warm toroom temper aturebe for eins erting ba tteri es.O ther wise, youmay dama gethe consol edispl aysor other elect ronic co mpo - nents. Remo vethe screw, remove the battery co ver ,and insert the batter iesinto thebattery compa rtme nt.Ma ke sure toorient thebatter - iesas shown bythe diagram inside the battery compartm ent.Th en, reattach the ba t\b tery cove r. Topurchas ean optional power adapter,call th ete lephone number onthe cover ofthis manual .To avoi ddama ging theconsol e,use on lyamanufa cturer-supplied powerada pter. Re move the batter yco ver, remove thebatteries, and plug oneend of the powe radapte rin to the recep tacle inside the ba tter ycom partment on the console ;plug theoth er end into anoutlet insta lled inacco rdance with all local code san d ordin ances. Routethe wire on the powe r adapter thro ugh the slot inthe battery coverand re attach the batter yco ver. \f02\f03 34 \f0 33 \f\f 5 Wi re Tie S lot Ba tter yCover Scre w Batter ies Jack B at teries Avoi dpinchi ngthe P ul se Wire (\f4)